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Garden plot nodes (not ascended)

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Hello and I hope that you are all well.
I have recently purchased two garden plots for my home instance and it is working good, but there is something weird with that gathering node.

NOTE: I know that only I can farm ascended plants (seeds) and nobody else can. And that is still bad. Change it.

Anyways, I have planted some regular basic seeds from my gardener in the home instance. They can be gathered by everyone.
Here's what happened:
1st test: A friend and I were in a party and we went to Rata Sum. She farmed the nodes from 3 of my garden plots before I farmed them for this day (daily). She had no issues.
2nd test: Another friend later joined me in the party and we went to Rata Sum as well. I farmed only 1 garden plot while being in the instance with her. She farmed 2 remaining garden plots (I still didn't farm those) and she farmed them with no issues. She even saw the nodes I farmed as "growing crops" and she was able to farm them. Strange, right?
3rd test: I've had 4 of my friends in the party 60 minutes ago and we went to Rata Sum. I had previously farmed the remaining 2 garden plots (all 3 garden plots farmed for me by this point) and they all saw them as "growing crops" and couldn't farm any of them.

Now you tell me:
1st test's question: How was that friend able to farm them all before I farmed them?
2nd test's question: How was the other friend able to farm the "growing crops"?
3rd test's question: How were the last 4 friends not allowed to farm "growing crops"?

Are we missing something? Is this a bug? I love letting people farm my home (friends, strangers or friends of friends) because it is super useful for them and I never charge any of them. I will never do that, even spending allot of time/money (in-game and real) on the nodes.

Please, read through this issue carefully, because I am not having fun. I feel like I spent the money on garden plots and I cannot let people farm them.

Have a nice day.


NOTE: This is what I sent to support yesterday and they said (this is an excerpt from their answer): "I'm afraid we do not have any additional information on how gathering from these garden plots work."

This is not what I wanted to see.

They also said that I should post it on the forum, so I did.

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Just now, DeanBB.4268 said:

If you gather the garden plots and leave the instance, nobody else can then collect them until reset.

And that is kinda not logical, right?

Why won't they work like other nodes? Is that too hard to create?

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1 hour ago, Geos.4759 said:

Please, read through this issue carefully, because I am not having fun. I feel like I spent the money on garden plots and I cannot let people farm them.

and here we have your issue. The implementation of the garden plots was not intended to let other players easily mass farm them, which still is possible if you simply do NOT gather them yourself. The nodes become unavailable once the instance owner has gather them and leaves the instance.


The ascended nodes being only gather-able by the home instance owner was a change made to secure value to these materials as best as possible, given players were mass gathering them with multiple accounts from one home instance.

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On 5/7/2021 at 4:07 PM, Cyninja.2954 said:

and here we have your issue. The implementation of the garden plots was not intended to let other players easily mass farm them, which still is possible if you simply do NOT gather them yourself. The nodes become unavailable once the instance owner has gather them and leaves the instance.


The ascended nodes being only gather-able by the home instance owner was a change made to secure value to these materials as best as possible, given players were mass gathering them with multiple accounts from one home instance.

Yes, mass-farming is bad, I know. But I think that living in 21st century can make those developers implement a solution and make garden plots farmable only once per day, it doesn't matter how many different home farms the player visits. Don't you think so? Why not think outside of the box? Sure, we can say "it's because of mass-farming". Alright. But can the developers make them farmable only once per day? Yes they can. We went to Mars with smart developers behind that project and we can certainly do the same in the GW2, but they don't want to be bothered by that, so they skip it. Have a nice day, mate.

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1 hour ago, Geos.4759 said:

Yes, mass-farming is bad, I know. But I think that living in 21st century can make those developers implement a solution and make garden plots farmable only once per day, it doesn't matter how many different home farms the player visits. Don't you think so? Why not think outside of the box? Sure, we can say "it's because of mass-farming". Alright. But can the developers make them farmable only once per day? Yes they can. We went to Mars with smart developers behind that project and we can certainly do the same in the GW2, but they don't want to be bothered by that, so they skip it. Have a nice day, mate.


Then dont farm them untill you let all the people want to to farm them into your instance.

Quite easy to solve yourself is it not?

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3 hours ago, Geos.4759 said:

Yes, mass-farming is bad, I know. But I think that living in 21st century can make those developers implement a solution and make garden plots farmable only once per day, it doesn't matter how many different home farms the player visits. Don't you think so? Why not think outside of the box? Sure, we can say "it's because of mass-farming". Alright. But can the developers make them farmable only once per day? Yes they can. We went to Mars with smart developers behind that project and we can certainly do the same in the GW2, but they don't want to be bothered by that, so they skip it. Have a nice day, mate.

They were already limited to one harvest a day back then. But as the ascended plants only need to be replanted, if the instance owner harvests them, the owners just invited other people and all their alt accs and never harvested them themself. This made the whole ascended seed system completely useless and the ascended cooking material much cheaper. As this wasn't intended by anet, the ascended crops were changed to instance owner only.

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