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consider coming back to gw2 got question pls :)


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hey guys i left gw2 a while ago due to pvp being 80% bots 15% hackers and 5% legit players..  on top of boring balance. or should i say lack of balance..
i saw the update that coming next week.... and it sort of look like they finally start doing something about balance.. 
but i wanted to ask did they do anything to address even alittle bit bots/hackers in pvp/wvw?  or is it still tons of bots and hackers at pvp?  thanks ! 

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1 hour ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Nope, same old, same old.


But don’t let it stop you from coming back and enjoying the game.

well... back when i left itwas kinda not enjoyable..  i was doing game and playing with 9 bots wasnt even so rare.. 

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59 minutes ago, noiwk.2760 said:

well... back when i left itwas kinda not enjoyable..  i was doing game and playing with 9 bots wasnt even so rare.. 


That still happens at the lowest levels, not quite as bad in gold, and very rarely will bots make it to plat unless they get very very lucky.


I personally don’t pvp too much due to it not being enjoyable after completing the reward track thingy 3-4 times this season, so I just do pvp dailies and find something else to do.

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I think it also depends on the region in EU i dont see much bots even in gold and most of the games i did this season were very enjoyable for me, i have aroud 300 games this season. I started from silver 3 and currently floating between plat 1 and gold 3. Probably its worth mentioning that i play most during prime hours so this might be another reason not seeing bots

Edited by razaelll.8324
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