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So how is your Quickness Heal Scrapper in pve?

Noah Salazar.5430

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  • Noah Salazar.5430 changed the title to So how is your Quickness Heal Scrapper in pve?

 PvE Support Scrapper still falls short compared to HB as a competitor to quickness/support/healing. There are a few things that need to be added/changed IMO to make it a more competitive choice:


  • Base duration of quickness- The new trait needs to be at least 4 sec. Even with full boon duration, you have to spam things off of CD including function gyro just to squeeze by for quickness. Compare that to HB which is no where near as complex. There should still be thought and skill behind when the skills are used... not just spamming to keep quickness up even at 100% boon duration. This is compounded by the odd nature of Gyroscopic Acceleration... some quickness has a delay while others (mostly tool belt skills) are instant making the quickness application inconsistent in timing. The other option is to add more sources of quickness, but that may be tricky right now.
  • Gyroscopic Acceleration- It would be nice to change this trait to grant the superspeed at the beginning instead at the end. It just makes it a bit awkward to use with the quickness application. While a CD for lets say Bulwark gyro is 20 secs, you have to add a few more seconds to the actual application of quickness since the superspeed is applied at the end of the skill's final pulse. In the case of Bulwark that is an extra 5 seconds of waiting. But then we have blast gyro on a 25 CD but with only a 3 sec wait before the quickness is applied. Just really inconsistent.
  • Bulwark Gyro Change- Make bulwark gyro pulse out barrier instead of the redirection buff. The unique buff has some odd properties that in some raid instances will instantly kill you- Example, if the redirection buff is somehow applied to a reaper during Dhuum, you will receive a ton of damage even from just one mob attacking the reaper. Better not have it up during a failed VG green or Deimos Mind Crush either or you will be instantly dead. Barrier would be more consistent and not be prone to this odd mechanics.
  • We need a reliable source of fury- Right now, we don't have one. Technically, there is the rifle turret + turrets trait that would pulse out fury but no one ever takes it, plus, at least right now would have to take up a valuable gyro slot which means less quickness and it would take up a healing trait for just one skill. Could take pack runes but that would need to be augmented by another person in the group. Finally, Toss Elixir B is unreliable. At this point it should follow elixir H's toss to have a consistent outcome. Perhaps slightly lower the boon duration of the randomized boons to allow it to apply all the boons listed. 
  • Medical dispersion field needs to be consistent- Some skills will work with it even if the engi is at full health, some don't work at full health and the engi must be below full health for that healing to go out and there are even some traits that don't work at all with it. IMO, it should work with all abilities even if the engi is at full health, at least for PvE. This trait has had a lot of issues in the past and really just needs a full scrub of the trait to make sure it works properly.
  • Allow Supply Crate to be a competitive option- We are pretty much stuck with mortar kit for the support role (technically, could use sneak for extra quickness, but it isn't that strong of a contender). I think that the CD for supply drop should be reduced in PvE.. Or just really match the current CD in WvW For whatever reason, the WvW version is 90 CD but the PvE and PvP one is 120?! Regardless, the CD reduction would make a good choice to consider using this elite to couple with the Experimental Turrets trait. In addition, the CD should start after the turrets are placed, not after they are detonated/timeout. Such a long CD for something that may only be used for a short time due to the movement of this game. Unfortunately, rifle turret doesn't spawn with the crate so there currently still isn't any fury generation via experimental turrets unless you of course take up a slot for the turret. Perhaps add rifle turret to the elite as well for at least PvE?
  • Base engi needs a one handed support weapon- A bit of a stretch to implement compared to the other notes I have here, but still important to point out. There really should be an additional one-handed weapon to be given to base engi that has a supportive function. Having only pistol to couple with this role is just useless in PvE. Granted we have our kits, but something a bit more substantial to give a little extra boon generation (maybe another source of 5-man quickness?) and/or utility and healing would be a great addition to the build.


I appreciate the devs trying to give something to support scrapper to make it a good choice to bring in as a support, but it just has a number of issues that keep it back from really competing with HB in PvE. We don't know what sort of elite spec is coming up but I feel it isn't support oriented if the devs are adding more support options to what we have already. In the end, inconsistency is really hurting support scrapper.

Edited by DragoTheWise.7256
updated formatting for better readability
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Didn't heal with it in PVE but did manage to play with the quickness trait. I primarily play DPS scrapper to help people in LFG doing ad infinitum CMs (T4s I usually play Alacrity renegade / cQB / or HB), the other class I normally do it on is scourge but scourge doesn't have strong power damage.

I memed with DPS scrapper with just the trait changed from Applied Force. 4s base duration would be incredibly strong, I think optimistically the most scrapper will get is 3s in PVE. A better change is a drop in PvE cooldown for Bypass coating since the superspeed is instant. Because quickness is applied with superspeed, cycling gyros is the best way but you need to stagger superspeed probably. Toss Elixir U is too long cooldown (40s) in PVE ; Blast gyro's bypass coating is 30s so it's a better pick especially with the gyro also supplying superspeed. Having to use function gyro to res someone feels bad. Self-fury is okay but group fury isn't there.

With 4s you could do ~50% boon duration and blast gyro + shredder gyro
* Bypass coating (blast gyro) = 24s or 30s  cooldown depending on alacrity 
* Blast gyro = 20 or 25s cooldown depending on alacrity
* shredder gyro, bulwark gyro, or purge gyro = 16s or 20s cooldown depending on alacrity

6/24+6/20+6/16= 92.5% coverage with 2 gyros  if 4s duration without needing to blow heal skill

WvW duration should be cut though for both gyro superspeed and the quickness.

Arenanet really opened a can of worms with this design choice.

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I pretty much stopped using super elixir as a panic heal, as quickness buffed medblaster works so well.


Overall, not that much changed tbh, could say that I have to play sharper and be more mobile as I used to have adaptive armor in the gm trait slot.


People are also asking me questions about build/gear/food/utilities after every frac run, in last patch they used to say "heal scrapper wtf?!"

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