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Warrior Banner Slave "not enough adrenaline"


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Very simple error. You are not critcapped. Every axe crit generates adrenaline which you need for the 3hit eviscerate combo.

Banner trait got nerfed to only grant 50 bonus prec down from 100. Maybe you are missing that? Thank anet for not having a critchance trait on warr.

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If you're using rune of thief, don't forget to hit behind the golem to generate your rune's 6th bonus.


Press 1 faster or set auto attacks (you are not hitting several times) and F1 as soon as it's up. Also, if you play axe/axe, set 1 axe in main hand for your first weapon set and the other axe in off hand in your second weapon set. Switch weapons also generate adrenaline which can help you to use more decapitate.


Use your heal to refresh adrenaline bar only when the bar is almost empty (sometimes you used it while you were already at about 80-90% of your bar - so in this case, just do 1 auto F1 then heal then F1)

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