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The Two Biggest Problems with Legendary Armory

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I've been tinkering with the legendary armory for a little bit and in general I like the idea, but these two quirks about it in particular are holding it back for me:


The first is that infusions have to be manually transferred between characters, meaning I have to de-slot all the infusions from each piece of legendary equipment, then transfer them over, then re-slot them all which imo is more tedious than the old system.


The second is that legendary weapon stats and upgrades are removed when the item is unequipped. Similarly, legendary sigils/runes are unequipped when an ascended/exotic weapon using them are unequipped. This makes weapon swapping slow and tedious and the only workaround is to have an entire equipment template devoted solely for the purpose of having a different weapon or getting more ascended weapons/superior runes/sigils. It also affects gameplay in that "fast swapping" when using these legendaries is no longer possible. For example, if I'm about to encounter a scenario where I have to use a ranged weapon, I cannot quickly swap in a legendary longbow. Instead, I have to equip the longbow, select its stats, input the sigils(and if they are legendary, select the proper sigil), then input infusions. With the fast paced nature of GW2's gameplay I sometimes don't have the time to do all of that before I am put in combat. This makes weapon swapping less fluid and more tedious; not being able to quickly swap legendaries on the fly is a big reduction in QoL for a lot of players. 



Given how this feature is intended to increase quality of life, I think these two issues are a large oversight and I really hope they are addressed soon, because with the current implementation I'm seriously considering retiring some of my legendary gear in favor of ascended due to how tedious it is swap stuff around. Thanks for reading.

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Yep Legendary weapons need to retain their stats untill we choose a new one ourselves, this change is more cumbersome then needed really. Its really handy if you have everything set to templates, but even then you can encounter situations where you need to manually change one weapon and have to do all that again, it doesn't make much sense to me.


For instance i might need my longbow on my druid once in a blue moon for samarog cm, i didnt put it on a template but if i switch it out for the axe/warhorn then i have to set it up again before the encounter, increasing downtime for the group, if i want to quickly go back to axe/warhorn i need to remember to hit the equipment template button for the quickest way to do it, but we been used to just easliy clicking the unlinked to templates weapon to retain the stats, sigil, infusion if present way of doing things that this change now, feels more cumbersome and slow.


Might as well put a ascended bow on my druid and switch it out, same goes for the greatsword on black kite duties, swapping items when they are legendary, the ultimate convenient item to have is more of a time waste in this manner then ascended is, which is a shame.


Please atleast change this behaviour to remember stats when we equip a weapon from the equipment panel on the character its been on before.

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Hate to say this but...


At this point you probably are better off just using ascended for your swapping needs, as it's doubtful resources will be allocated to making modifications to the legendary armory with an expansion coming out.  


Especially since having one legendary is a lot for most people, not to mention multiples that are hot swapped for convenience. 


Add to that the fact legendaries are really best used in equipment templates anyway due to the unique ability to select stats--if you have one weapon you never change stats on then you might as well buy an ascended and skin it with the legendary skin...no one will know the difference.


Essentially while quite annoying to some people, these issues seem low priority in the grand scheme of things.  

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On 7/14/2021 at 4:34 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Essentially while quite annoying to some people, these issues seem low priority in the grand scheme of things.  

These issues are a drastic reduction in QoL, thus making the system in itself a waste of time, resources, etc., and whether there's an expansion coming out soon or next year or the next, that's no excuse for anything really.

The unequipping of runes and sigils is pretty bad but going as far as resetting the stats spells it out for me: it seems to have been done in order to push equipment templates, which... now have an extra interface to remind us more constantly that we should buy them... or stop using legendaries for ascended, as explained above. The root of the problem is the very bad implementation of templates and their very bad monetization - build templates are free (or at most obtainable with in-game gold for much lower cost, comparatively) and abundant in every good mmorpg.

Instead of trying to redeem themselves from that terrible system, the studio takes this opportunity to further cash in on it. Extremely disappointing.

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