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I work in release management for software in an agile environment. Let me tell you, tech debt is totally a thing that can get out of hand quick if you don't manage it and plan cleaning up existing debt with your other development work every program increment.


Something like adding a new Tengu class introduces way too much to the table that needs to be accounted for besides just "adding a new race".

  1. As the Tengu have existed in-game/lore so far, they cannot really fit into the existing role of the player character or any previous content.
  2. As such an entirely new personal story including new leveling maps, and story outside the main EoD story would have to be developed
  3. New voice acting for all of it
  4. Rework of all armor and weapons to work with Tengu
  5. and I am sure more I am missing, but this escalates fast.


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I do not think it is a laziness thing, it is probably more likely a mismanagement issue. Clearly the only that appeared presentable was skiffs and fishing, the only new creature done was a naga but only its idle animation. This is probably because marketing thought this was a great selling point, notice that cgi trailers promenading show fishing and boating. This had to be decided months ago as the "wow" feature for this expac. What it should have been was the seigeturtle. Everyone is so hyped about a mount you do not know what it does and the only information you have is concept art and a walk cycle animation.

But hey anet having bad marketing is a dog bites man story at this point. 


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There is something off about the chose anet devs. make they do not go the lazy way but often they go the new way to the point that they never go back and fix the new way. Its very frustrating to see old content and old classes fall apart as anet moves on to the next thing.


They are always burning there bridges before they even comply chose them.


Hay look boats and fishing before level 500 Jeweler craft.

Edited by Jski.6180
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