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Question About Living World Episodes [Merged]


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I’m aware that a new player that isn’t level 80 can obtain the raptor mount if their friend that is level 80 opens the instance. My question is, can that new player experience living world episodes that is someone else’s instance? Even if it’s locked for them.

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That new player still has to own Path of Fire to be able to join the story and get the raptor, it's only a way around the level restriction, not a way to avoid buying content.


I assume, since it's unlikely that one story instance works differently from everything else, that it's possible for lower level characters to enter other story instances with a friend too, but I've never tried. But they'd still have to own the episodes.


The one exception is season 2, which can be played by people who don't own it, but it's literally just a way to see the story, if they don't have it unlocked they won't get any of the rewards or achievements even if do everything required to qualify for them.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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