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Beastly Warden (Taunt) cooldown icon?


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I don't believe so.  One huge problem with QoL in this game is lack of such icons, almost nothing with an internal cooldown has an icon to let you know it is on cooldown or off. 


A few examples of where this is problematic is with skills like evasive purity for dodge timing, ancient seeds for cc timing, etc.


Believe pet taunt is the same way, just sort of have to remember when you used the F2 skill and count from there.  

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It can be helpful to look at other cooldowns when proccing the Beastly Warden, eg you see your stunbreak has 23s cd at the moment the taunt goes off, then you know it will be ready again, when there are 3s left on said utility skill. Or you used it right after pet swap, then it will be rdy again 4s after swap becomes aviable again. Also keep in mind that pet taunt and beast mode taunt have separate cooldowns, so you can use it back to back on soulbeast and all beastmode skills that proc the trait have 20s or longer cd, so it will always go off with those.

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On 8/16/2021 at 2:43 PM, Lothorien.8720 said:

Hi guys,

Is there an icon or visual sigh to show if the pet's taunt ability is out of cooldown? It would be great for pvp to know if you have a taunt available. 

There is none for most traits like Lesser Clarion Bond, Zephyr's Speed or Beastly Warden. 


Welcome to Ranger's GW2 where you don't get any information about your tools available. But do not worry, in a couple of years of exclusive dedication to play ranger you will get the timing internalized so you will not need that icon anymore. 


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