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Invocation or Devastation?


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I prefer devastation. Devastion brings a very good group buff in Assassins Presence. Invocation has similar personal damage and I might pull it out places you can not use mount if not in a group. Kind of nice with almost perma swiftness. While soloing with Devastation you can use Assassins Annihilation for some extra life steal with a little dps loss over Swift Termination. I recommend trying both, both are decent ones but if your doing a dungeon/ fractal or similar; I would definatly use Devastation for the buff.

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@Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:THX - anyone did some testing what is the difference between Invocation&Devastation DPS? (Personal & group)

As everyone said, Devastation is much more DPS if you're in a group... AP gives everyone 15% critical damage, which is a substantial boost--even for condi specs. You can't really give exact number differences since it varies depending on your group, but it's definitely and always more.

When you're solo, the DPS difference is much less since you benefit from the 20% crit bonus and additional Fury application on Legend Swap that you wouldn't need in a raid setting (due to spotter/banners). Not to mention that you really need that second (and no energy cost) stun break in Open World. Pretty much the only time you're ever in danger of dying is when you lose control of your character, and avoiding going down is the biggest dps boost of all.

I think in Fractals I could see it going either way... Devastation is definitely still an overall group dps boost, but if your group is lacking a Fury source, Invo could definitely be justified, especially because the extra stun break and cleanse are so useful in fractals. But, I think if your group is lacking Fury, it might also be worth it to just spec Herald and help everyone out with that.

Personally, I do Invo Open World and Devastation in raids/fractals, but if I was ever in a truly terrible fractal group, I could definitely see swapping to Invo to just treat it like I was solo'ing in the open world.

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