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Returning Player: Buy PoF Yet or Not?

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I have a max level highly geared character at the moment. Been playing GW2 on and off since release. I last played it around a month before Path of Fire came out, so not that long ago really. The thing is, I'm not sure whether to buy the Path of Fire expansion yet. I have HoT, and have not yet finished exploring the areas, levelling my masteries and doing the living story. I have around 6 living story episodes to complete yet. I'm also only level 100 mastery.

I wanted to play GW2 again, but wasn't sure if I should get the expansion now or just wait until I've finished all the HoT and living story stuff first? Am I going to be at a disadvantage if I don't buy PoF yet? I know that even if I bought PoF now, I'd probably not even step foot in the new zones for a while anyway until I'd completed my living story etc.


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There is no need to finish HoT before buying PoF unless you are really in to the story and want to play it through before moving on. It seems like that is what you are in to. However, one big plus with PoF is mounts that allow for all sorts of benefits when it comes to traveling around. That said, you can still buy PoF and continue on with the HoT stuff and move on to PoF when you are ready. The only "disadvantage" you may find while still doing HoT stuff is in open world HoT maps by not having a mount where other players with PoF in HoT maps will have them for faster travel. HoT and LS3 story wise you will not have that issue or be at a disadvantage as it is instanced content and was designed without anything related to PoF.

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The mounts can be useful for traversing the unfriendly Maguuma Jungle. But you don't really need them.However, on a more personal note, I found HoT to be frustrating to progress from time to time while PoF was a very nice and streamlined gameplay experience.

So, if money is not really an issue, it may be nice to switch to Path of Fire for some weeks (or months if you have a busy real life), finish the story, get all mounts including the griffon to mastery 3. This will surely gives you more a feeling of accomplishment than to first battle the jungle. Then, return to the jungle and get the (harder) mastery points there with he help of your new mount friends.

AyinMaiden has many easy-to-follow guides on the new PoF achievements, including how to get the griffon mount after completing the main storyline.https://www.youtube.com/user/AyinMaiden

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