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Posts posted by Kondor.2904

  1. @Gryxis.6950 said:

    Apart from false oasis, everything is trash including illusionary ambush, it was good when it was 20sec cd, for 35 sec cd there are better alternatives.

    When it was a 20s cd it wasn't just good it was overpowered. Illusionary ambush is one of the best skill there is against any class that deals area damage around them (such as reaper, holo, axe warrior). And unless you start acting in a way that shows you appart a lot from you clones, it usually lets you have quite a few seconds where your ennemy is not attacking you. Just don't use it unless you have at least two clones, otherwise the detargeting won't have much value.

    20 seconds was indeed cheezy, 35 is overkill though, for a skill that very often straight up fails and does not port you at all. And when it does work it can port you into someone's aoe or some tiny corner far from your initial target. It also does not remove stun, although you do get an evade. Cooldown increase was warranted but not up to 35 seconds for something so chaotic and unpredictable.

    And by the way, there's a keybind that allows you to 100% target the real mesmer every time he detargets or goes out of stealth.

    StG range is a joke (I know Curunen like the range) and the evade time is a mock at mesmers, similar skills on other professions put this one to shame.

    The evade time is a mock ? You do realise that Sand Through Glass isn't a singular evade, it pops up a mirage mirror. Combining the both makes it a 1.25s evade. Evade skills usually have the evade lasting 3/4s, sometimes one whole second. I do realize that the second evade from Sand Through Glass has its drawbacks as you need to go through the mirror to do that but you have 8 seconds to do so, and most utility skills that let you evade (and breakstun) have a higher cooldown.

    StG has very low priority and weird interaction with axe. You can't activate it while doing some actions, so the action gets interrupted and you get your evade right when you need it, similar to decoy. It makes the skill unreliable and clunky to use too.

    No way you can kill anything with moderate sustain with power mirage unless you land a good shatter, people will just outheal your damage, that's why ANerf can't nerf power burst unless they give sustain damage in return.

    I rarely need to shatter to kill someone on my mirage. In fact I invested not a single trait on my shatter skills (besides distorsion) so I tend to avoid using shatters unless my ennemy is at around 25% hp. One ambush that I did set up well (so if i have around 12 might and if my ennemy still has 24 stacks of vuln on him) deals almost as much damage as a 3 clones shatter on my build (maybe 1.5 to 2k less ?). I can even kill a full tank firebrand on my own as long as he is not kiting behind walls.

    So you mean if he is essentially afk ? But nonetheless, I would really want to see a clip where you kill a support firebrand around plat2-3 EU in a 1v1 on power mesmer without using shatters (i doubt they will choose to stand afk tho). :)

  2. Can people, who find this fall dmg reduction so incredibly useful in wvw, give some examples ? Because I do play wvw myself, mostly roaming, and I have yet to witness any real benefit to me or my enemy from the trait. Although, I do get annoyed when it triggers the icd if I fail to anticipate the height when jumping off something.

  3. I don't understand, why instead of looking at the traits that cause problems with mirage, you're nerfing weapons ? Nerfing weapons will only encourge people to spec into tanky boon-bot spamming ambushes, and this will also eliminate even more builds, since half the traitlines are garbage and do not offer much utility/damage. I truly don't understand. All you're going to accomplish is having a sidenode spamming condi mirage that can only remain alive and annoying, without any real issue solved. By the way, can you just revert scepter to what it used to be, instead of gutting the weapon that hasn't been used for years just because you lack competency to realize that all the main problems are caused by IH, DE and boon creep synergy.

    This exact balance treatment led to the current cancer state that condi mirage has shifted to.

  4. Not only i feel handicapped now because i'm playing numerous gamemodes, i also can't properly use my legendaries without paying up for more slots. Every time you put on a legendsry that's assigned to another template, it gets completely reset, so you have to manually choose infusions, runes, etc. Moreover, all weapons assigned to different templates do not show up in the pvp build tab, so now you actually have to use both pve and pvp build, and when you do that you screw your template each time, since it has auto saves, lmao. I can't imagine how bad it is for people playing high tier fractals and raids, as well as wvw, pvp and open world.

    Now you're literally forced to either buy a new character tab or template tab, because i can't imaging setting your legendary over and over again after every minor gear change for a skip, combo field or boon stacking, pvp game lmao. Good thing the game is not p2w, right.

  5. @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:you realize that bleeding to death in 30s is not considered burst right ?

    You realize tat 20+ of confusion and torment in less than 5 seconds is not bleeding for 30 seconds, right?

    nobody uses axe, shatter f2, it sucks. but even if they did its WAAAAY telegraphed, easy to ddoge. but when you somehow land it, you just cleanse it.

    Oh you may just be surprised. Ive derped as condi mirage in PvP very recently and couldn't tell ya how many times ive downed someone while I run Axe and f2 (I use Axe in my DPS WvW build and I like it so used it in PvP as condi)

    He won't be surprised, because axe burst potential is objectively lower than that of the scepter. You can down someone by playing anything, does not make it good.

    Axe has been nerfed so many times that it's simply not worth going into melee range with it, since the risk is way above the reward on the list. It has a good cleave vs stationary target and a detarget. Sort of works ok vs mesmers, but still easy enough to anticipate and counter. The fact that you have to respawn all three clones each time you swap to axe in order to even pretend to do decent dmg with axe3, which in its turn serves as both offense and defense (not really flexible), and on top of that forces you to gap close with exceptionally vivid tell, is quite meh. Most enemies upon realising you play with axe will be waiting for that axe3 to dodge and nuke some aoe even without the target (Hybrid fb/holo/warrior/thief says hello). Moreover, regular clone aa has range too short to reliably hit anyone who's not afk and ambush goes nuts every time enemy moves out of range last second.Axe feels great to play, but the problem is that it only feels that way, in reality you won't be dealing as much dmg with it as you would with scepter, be it simple ambush spam or confusion bursts. + you can't really kite with axe, since it's melee and you have to stick to your target to get an evade frame, basically way harder to escape an enemy +1 without any prior setup. So unless all the sidenoders are nerfed enough that you can safely camp axe to squeeze those ambushes, axe is going to remain a sort of utility weapon, while the real damage numbers are going to be dropped from staff, off-hand and bleed trait.

  6. Make mesmer's sustained power dmg output equal to that of other power oriented classes, so we are not pigeonholed into gimmick run-burst-run playstyle and we have a deal, you can delete condi mirage (Oh boy, someone's going to regret that). While you're at it, can you also make it so guard and holo lose their ability to inflict any sort of burn when playing power-oriented builds, since we are witch-hunting condis ? Kind of worrying that they can inflict as much damage as mesmer's torch skills on condi amulet without any real investment. Thank you)))

  7. Is there a specific reason as to why you're not rewarded for holding top spots on the leaderboard ? Giving active players, be those villagers or lunatics, a few ToT bags won't hurt, right ? It's rather mind-boggling to know that you won't get any kind of reward for taking risks and actively interacting with enemies, collaborating with allies, using map mechanics and discovering treasures. You'll get the same reward as the guy who stood almost afk the whole round, lurking near some western corner of the map. Why ?

  8. @Uon.7491 said:

    @Kondor.2904 said:The only exploit is the hole, just put an invisible wall on top of it, so people can't jump down. The rest is fine, it makes it more interactive. These are simply Jumping puzzles and not exploits. It's like saying that kiting in pvp should be prohibited because it's an exploit.

    That would be amusing if true, however, it
    considering exploiting. I've recently received an infraction against my forum account for showing the exploits whilst inquiring if they are a function of the map or not.

    Can you explain to me how is this an exploit when I'm not breaking any map mechanics but instead simply using my jump, dodge and move forward keys? And how is this different from any other kind of jumping puzzle in the game ?

  9. @Zawn.9647 said:lol even after all the nerfs mirage is still a strong spec thanks to its mechanics. imagine if it not been “gutted” like you say? would ti be 5v5 mirage only in pvp? how awesome :)

    If it wasn't gutted, you'd still play vs ineptitude shatter mesmer which is way more skilful and less obnoxious than IH spam fiesta. All the nerfs the community suggested and whined about actually led to more toxic condi mesmer incarnations. But yeah, keep it up.

  10. Whenever you use the new chilly chaise chair, it recolours the Vision trinket aura so it looks completely blue. The bug is that the colour remains blue to you (but not to everyone else, apparently) even when you get off the chair until you equip/unequip the trinket, change the instance or relog. The fix would be very appreciated.

    p.s. also, i hope the colour remains blue when on the chair but goes back to normal when "dismounted", since it looks nice in combination with the chair effects.

    Before: 4SrC0pO.png After: wWHekG8.png

  11. @Doug.4930 said:

    @Kondor.2904 said:I am not talking about putting a penalty on a resource unique to thief. I am talking about balancing a mechanic that's available almost to everyone.@Kondor.2904 said:Spamming a skill until you a hit a target (who has to turn on his 3rd eye to anticipate an attack that has no tell) without a trade-off is conceptually unhealthy.

    These 2 statements contradict each other. You start by saying that you're asking to balance a mechanic used by everyone. But when you go into detail about balancing this mechanic you instead talk about something that Is unique to thief, stealth attacks. So you are putting a penalty on a resource unique to thief, stealth attacks.

    @Kondor.2904 said:Stealth is supposed to be a risk/reward type of thing, not reward/reward.

    Why? Says who? Are using mesmer clones a risk/reward thing too? How about stances? Should warriors stances end whenever they miss an attack too? Maybe holosmiths should be forced out of holoforge when they miss an attack? Or maybe stealth is a reward/reward type of thing. Like invulns, and stances, or distortion and evade skills etc.

    Now if you were to say that some classes have access to stealth that shouldn't (holo) then I would completely agree. But as it stands, thief/DD/DE etc is absolutely in no place in this meta that justifies the existence of a mechanic that completely shuts down both its ability to deal damage, and to mitigate it on certain builds. Let alone hit it with another huge nerf (reveal on missed attack). There are other ways in which some tweaking i think would be a good idea (can check my post history). But marked and reveal on missed stealth attack would be ridiculously unfair in todays meta.

    Learn to read, please. I purposefully stated "any attack from stealth" in my very first post. I am not going to discuss proffesion mechanics and resources if you can't see the difference between those and stealth.

    You're attempt to dress up "any attack from stealth" as an equal nerf to all classes is going to fool nobody. Making that change is going to primarily hit thief, whilst having very little affect on other classes who don't rely on stealth to deal their high damage skills.

    Mesmer's clone mechanic is similar to initiative, not stealth. If you want to hate on mesmer, use detarget mechanic at the very least.

    No. Mesmers clones are a tool mesmers use to both deal and mitigate damage. Like stealth on thief. It is in no way comparable to initiative. Also not hating on mesmer, just drawing a comparison.

    This change will not affect thief's general performance, just like DJ's reveal and unblockable removal, and dodge stealth trait nerf do not affect deadeye.

    Are you kidding me? Making DJ blockable and the nerf to silent scope didn't affect dead eye? Say that again without laughing this time. They were nerfs that were needed. And they affected DE, like a lot.This is just as funny as suggesting that adding reveal on missing a stealth attack won't affect thiefs general performance. Are you bating me with this?

    What it will do instead, it will increase the skill cap when operating with stealth tools for ANY class, so you rely on timings and setups instead of stealthspam. I will point out once again, as much as i hate backstab, i also hate seeing "evaded" 3 times and still getting hit from stealth by ANY class, not just thief.

    So yea I read what you typed, I just saw through the story and addressed what you're really trying to push here. Reveal when thief misses its back stab.


  12. @Doug.4930 said:

    @Kondor.2904 said:I am not talking about putting a penalty on a resource unique to thief. I am talking about balancing a mechanic that's available almost to everyone.@Kondor.2904 said:Spamming a skill until you a hit a target (who has to turn on his 3rd eye to anticipate an attack that has no tell) without a trade-off is conceptually unhealthy.

    These 2 statements contradict each other. You start by saying that you're asking to balance a mechanic used by everyone. But when you go into detail about balancing this mechanic you instead talk about something that Is unique to thief, stealth attacks. So you are putting a penalty on a resource unique to thief, stealth attacks.

    @Kondor.2904 said:Stealth is supposed to be a risk/reward type of thing, not reward/reward.

    Why? Says who? Are using mesmer clones a risk/reward thing too? How about stances? Should warriors stances end whenever they miss an attack too? Maybe holosmiths should be forced out of holoforge when they miss an attack? Or maybe stealth is a reward/reward type of thing. Like invulns, and stances, or distortion and evade skills etc.

    Now if you were to say that some classes have access to stealth that shouldn't (holo) then I would completely agree. But as it stands, thief/DD/DE etc is absolutely in no place in this meta that justifies the existence of a mechanic that completely shuts down both its ability to deal damage, and to mitigate it on certain builds. Let alone hit it with another huge nerf (reveal on missed attack). There are other ways in which some tweaking i think would be a good idea (can check my post history). But marked and reveal on missed stealth attack would be ridiculously unfair in todays meta.

    Learn to read, please. I purposefully stated "any attack from stealth" in my very first post. I am not going to discuss proffesion mechanics and resources if you can't see the difference between those and stealth. Mesmer's clone mechanic is similar to initiative, not stealth. If you want to hate on mesmer, use detarget mechanic at the very least. This change will not affect thief's general performance, just like DJ's reveal and unblockable removal, and dodge stealth trait nerf do not affect deadeye. What it will do instead, it will increase the skill cap when operating with stealth tools for ANY class, so you rely on timings and setups instead of stealthspam. I will point out once again, as much as i hate backstab, i also hate seeing "evaded" 3 times and still getting hit from stealth by ANY class, not just thief.

  13. @Doug.4930 said:

    @Kondor.2904 said:We can talk about anything related to stealth, when you get revealed upon missing any attack from stealth. Until then stop qq'ing.

    Fair enough. How about we also make it so mesmer clones vanish whenever mesmer's miss an attack. Fair is fair right?

    I am not talking about putting a penalty on a resource unique to thief. I am talking about balancing a mechanic that's available almost to everyone. Stealth is supposed to be a risk/reward type of thing, not reward/reward. Spamming a skill until you a hit a target (who has to turn on his 3rd eye to anticipate an attack that has no tell) without a trade-off is conceptually unhealthy.

  14. You are asking for clones' dmg to be moved to mesmer. Do you even realise what's gonna happen ? Imagine rev being able to summon clones, go invisible, drop your target and get invuln with an option of taking portal. That's what you're asking for. Clones won't go anywhere, they may lose their dmg but not the screen clutter they cause. Mesmer is (un)balanced by being forced to rely on AI that can be cleaved/manipulated/predicted. Once you remove that, you're either going to have a deleted useless spec (chrono says hello btw) cuz you'll have to overnerf it or something that deals insane amounts of dmg, does not rely on AI for that and has an ability to make ur screen die from the clusterf###k caused by clones (which will probably retain soft cc or vuln/might stacking).

    Every time you cry about something, you make it worse, cuz devs apparently listen to you. You asked for mesmer's mobility and EM to be nerfed ? No problem, nerfed, mesmers moved to the slower but burstier duelist playstyle. Wait, still too strong and shatters are pain ? Okay, here you go, nerfed. Mesmers moved to the semi-ranged option with power and confusion spikes making use of ambushes. Nerfs again and too much confusion, scepter aids and axe detarget broken? Not a big deal, gutted. Here you go, now have the full ranged aids spamming sustained cancer duelist that does not even use power stats anymore (cuz f##k you, you want cancer - you get it) and relies on boon upkeep just to be able to stay relevant. (1shot pony option included for free!). Just stop, please.

  15. @"lokh.2695" said:Whenever Anet adds something exciting to go for it's either a one-in-a-million drop or, if tied to actual playing the game good, they get yelled at that not everyone can get it. The community did this to itself, at least a good chunk of it.

    But that's exactly the problem, they never assume something inbetween. It's always either effortless and useless/ugly/superraredrop or extremely difficult to obtain so only a tiny population portion is going to have it. Always 100 or 0. Drop should be spread across multiple layers of difficulty and have its value calculated accordingly. So it's not either for super "casuals" or super "hardcore" but also for those who do want a challenge and an appropriate reward but have a life to live as well.

    Like look at the spvp. People wanted more unique rewards and Anet did what ? Yeah, they introduced a unique gizmo, which is absolutely great, but again it's all coming to the point where you either get a super rare gizmo by winning a mAT or get nothing as soon as you got your title once. Once again 100 or 0.Look at the wvw. People wanted more unique rewards for their gamemode. Anet did what ? Yeah, introduced a single skin for the veteran portion of wvw playerbase (which again is not even hard, just time dependent) and told everyone else to eff off. Again 100 or 0.Pve rewards suffer the same thing, since they can't make any pve content challenging, so it's all about effortless collections, junk and super random drops. Like you can even see the same approach with leveling and exp gain. Why do i get x100000 times less exp from soloing some bounty or hot hp champion which took me numerous attempts and several build swaps, than some mindless escort or zerg fiesta where i stand afk or spam 1 button most of the time ?It's also quite funny that they made one of the few good looking raid thrones non-account bound so it can be sold on tp.

    Loot system in this game is very much about 100 or 0, mostly 0 if you ask me. So you forget about getting 100 by actually playing through the respective content and go grind some gold to buy it off the tp. At that point it's more efficient to invest your potential play time into the irl job and just buy gems. Same thing but healthier.

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