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Posts posted by Kondor.2904

  1. @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

    @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:It was a broken skill since launch.

    And thief as a class was balanced around having that skill since launch. That means many nerfs to make sure thief is not roaming the map with too much firepower in exchange for that mobility. What do you plan on giving back to thief since they took away the primary reason for many balance changes? Let me guess, nothing?

    Half of the other specs in the game:e0xABAh.jpg

  2. Tormenting runes won't work with that build. Don't bother wasting money.

    1) You don't have IH to spam torment from axe ambush.2) You are limited to 1 dodge in wvw, and you have no energy sigil on axe, and you will most likely spend a lot of time on staff. You don't even remotely have high enough dodge uptime to get enough torment on someone to get considerable heals.3) Tormenting runes are not even worth it on builds with DE and IH, since you won't be fighting static golems letting you stack 20+ torment over and over to get the heal off + take into account ambush nerfs. And if you do manage to be stacking 20+ stacks over and over on someone, you won't need the rune, your enemy will most likely be dead anyway.

    I'd also take something that offers unique 6th bonuses like antitoxin, perplexity + asc food, adventurer, sunless, or even fireworks/traveler to compensate for the 1 dodge, rather than trying to overstack raw stats (esp. on condi) on already fully stacked trailblazer.

  3. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Touchme.1097 said:Dear ArenaNet, I am a Mac OSX user and it's currently impossible for me to install third party programs using the GW2 API since they use the .dll extension.It would be a quality improvement if Mac users could get some of the most popular Addons built in the Mac client because Addons are all built around the Windows client.Since Mac users are a minority of your customers and my idea wouldn't be a huge impact on the whole community, could you please release a built in dps meter for the Mac client?I want to constantly improve my dps but without a meter I am not able to progress any further.Regards.

    Good news you can improve your dps useing the raid training golem area.It gives the dps meter you want.Then use that muscle memory to replicate it were ever you like.

    Raid golem sure is very helpful for nailing down your basic rotation and establishing some general build setups.

    But It gets hard to replicate the exact scenarios and group compositions with exact % uptimes of specific boons/condis under specific conditions in order to apply certain minor trait/rune/sigil adjustments for your benefit, not to say it’s extremely helpful to constantly monitor your dps in comparison to the dps of your other party members. + dps logs to trace your mistakes and fix them.

    Training golem is good and helpful, but imo not comparable to the actual dps meter available at all times.

  4. I don’t know whether a lot of people share the same opinion, but I hate the way raid armor looks when not active (stowed), and thus I’m not highly motivated to go through all the hassle of searching for a raid training guild, attending enough trainings to earn the KP, searching for a static, etc, when the rewards are not worth it.

    I already have the legendary armor from pvp/wvw, so I’m only interested in the skin. And I would appreciate if the raid version had a second option of permanently active / permanently stowed armor skins, similar to the pvp and wvw slumbering versions.

    Such QoL thing would really encourage me (and hopefully other people who share the same thoughts) to put more effort into raiding.

  5. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:
    1. Yet another chapter of living story released without a strike mission that prepares players for raids. I thought the goal was to give people a clear path to raiding content? That is what you claimed back at the beginning of the Icebrood Saga.I don't believe that this was ever stated as a goal. Do you have a quote somewhere?


    @Fire Attunement.9835 said:Hey everybody, my name is Andrew Gray. I took over as Content Design Lead a few months back and I want to talk a bit about last year, this year, and what's on the horizon for Guild Wars 2.

    • Our intention was for Strike Missions to be that intermediary step into 10-person content. As we've mentioned before and you've likely noticed, strike missions are getting harder. Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place, the number of players participating in raids will go up. In addition to that, we're striving to make improvements to Strike Missions themselves to make grouping easier, and to improve the rewards. We hope this will help introduce more people to 10-person content, which will in turn increase the number of people interested in Raids.
  6. @melandru.3876 said:

    @Dayra.7405 said:Ever tried lfg or joining a guild?

    I am in lfg everyday, only squad that somethimes turns up if for legendary bounties. and rare (very rare) serpents ire.So you tell me that without either of those two, events can not be completed because the population of the map is near not existent?

    That makes two of us then.

    @Mil.3562 said:Did you call out for help on a more crowded map? There may be helpful players around you know?

    I do, see above. if people do gather it's for legendary bounties that hop from map to map. Doesn't really help me

    You can join the said squads and ask them if they can help you with that event, which will probably take them couple minutes. I used to do this, and most commanders/squad members were nice enough to take a detour and help me out. You can also ask for help in the major cities or farm maps, there are always people willing to lend a hand. It's an mmorpg, not a single-player game, you're supposed to communicate with other players in order to overcome certain obstacles. Like there is no thing in this game that cannot be resolved by means of simple communication.

  7. Would be nice to add an option of hiding it or straight up removing it from the hot bar again. I'd rather go back to the previous interface where I had to press 2 buttons, rather than be at constant risk of misclicking and efffing up my inventory that has been organized in a specific way for years lol.

  8. @Parasite.5389 said:

    @"ASHEZ.9362" said:itll be really awsome if the devs implement weeklies like killing certain number of mobs or certain numbers of bosses with decent rewards itll be helpfull for new players to explore the game and for veterans to do things and get some extra achievements

    we used to have them, they were replaced by the Daily login reward track

    I had no idea this existed. It's a shame it got revoked, even tho it doesn't look like something you had to spend more than a week of active play on. I wish they reintroduced this kind of thing, with adjusted rewards, no AP, adjusted difficulty of completion and probably more diversified tasks. It would give me at least another reason to log in, instead of spending months in afk mode.

  9. @snoow.1694 said:

    @Kondor.2904 said:Unranked uses the same system as ranked, the only difference is that unranked starts expanding the mmr search bracket after 2 mins in the q, while ranked does after 5 mins.

    Is that true?


    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

    The unranked matchmaker is pretty much the same as the ranked matchmaker. It just has a configuration difference in that it starts widening the skill rating search after 2 minutes instead of after 5.Additionally, when the season is running, unranked population is lower, so its much more likely to have to pull from a wider range than in ranked.

  10. @TwoGhosts.6790 said:

    @"Lyttle.9426" said:This is not a matter of "need" but of want. If you dont want to use it, then dont. Me however, I "need" it because it tells me of my output or lack of, at a glance.

    I already have that.You can, too.Why do you need Anet to sell you an inferior option?

    I play on mac and i can't use arcdps. I would be really glad to see even a handicapped version of a personal dps meter, since it's quite frustrating to not know when you're underperforming and when you are not.

  11. @Josh.4132 said:What makes me laugh is that some people here are talking like retaliation is a skill or tactic used actively to punish enemy players that attack you. This is Bull. Its a boon, which is often granted passively through traits and often requires zero input by the player. Telling someone to wait until the boon goes away is not counter play, its not like the guardian is also just gonna wait so you can take turns hitting each other lol. Waiting is not an option when guardians also have bursty damage and when there are builds which are passively pooping out this one boon, not to mention the amount of aegis, blocks and blinds that some of these builds also have whilst still being able to go full offensive. Anyone that thinks retaliation is ok should go play staff ele in a blob, use meteor shower + Lava font and count the seconds it takes for you to die from a boon... Is the ele supposed to just wait for the fb heavy blob to not have retaliation before it should start attacking? because I can assure you, that retaliation is going nowhere in any part of that fight.

    Nah, why trying ele, they are probably cool with their own class that's not designed around multi-hit attacks. If their baseline kit allows them to ignore it (or they are spitting retal passively themselves), then it's all good and balanced. Just git gud.

  12. At first I thought it was a 60% troll post, since I don't understand how you can complain about condis when playing with antitoxin runes and cleansing sigils, especially in a 1v1 scenario. Maybe you should try to actually build yourself around avoiding getting hit by condis and using cleansing/antitoxin as a backup, instead of facetanking and trying to clear every single condi ? Just a thought, idk.

  13. Not sure I have enough expertise to judge, but I think a lot of thieves get a significant portion of hate during the game due to bad timings.


For example, doing a +1 is all good, but not when an enemy has all cooldowns up and sees you coming, so he instantly starts kiting, thus making your +1 not only irrelevant but also handicapping map control for your team. Or not when cause of your poor map awareness, you brought another player with you and created an unfavorable 2v2 for your teammate who has more limited gtfo tools or less cooldowns. 

    Decaps are also a good thing, unless your team really needed that fullcap and was just stalling or baiting enemies in teamfights. So your decision to just decap and join a losing fight did cost a handful of points and momentum.

    Sometimes thieves are really needed for the steal rupt during the teamfight to be able to lock and kill those key classes/players or prevent ress at the right moment, but some just run around in tfs and spam shortbow 2 on the node, instead of at least rotating at that point and creating more value elsewhere. 

    So imo you can perform all the scripted things you read in some online guides, however, without proper timings all of that gets really devalued during tough matches and may lead to the consequent deaths and snowballs (which can also be applied to other classes). And as stated many times on the forums, the majority of Sind’s games are perfect examples of what real cancer timings look like.

  14. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"Yasai.3549" said:A simple fix is to simply put a 3s ICD on Leap combos.Or what I've been saying since pretty much the launch of GW2, a change that reduce not only stealth but also damage, bunkering, boons, literally everything thats over the top (yes, even condi damage)

    You cannot combo in your own fields, only others

    2 thieves could still leap through each others fields, true. But it would require much more teamwork and players to accomplish the same things.


  15. sPvP has a matchmaking system which attempts to put together players of the same rating (aka similar "skill level"). WvW doesn't have that, thus some might think playerbase is less skilled when it's not, and everyone is just piled up into the same pit. And the talks about spvpers being more skilled in the rotational field rather than dueling are quite exaggerated, you don't need to study rocket science to check the mini-map and make a logical decision, as well as roaming 24/7 won't necessarily make you a top-tier duelist.

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