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Posts posted by Kondor.2904

  1. I don’t know how exactly the change should be implemented, but I support the point that ascended boxes should be worth more than they are now for those who don’t need to gear any toons any longer.

    It does feel wrong, when you get such a rare loot drop just to realise it’s worth no more than few silvers or a bank slot holder. Rare endgame loot drops are supposed to be exciting, not depressing. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. It would be really nice if we had a vendor tab where we could exchange the new infusions (red left/right eye for the left/right blue eye, etc), similar to the Caladbolg exchange, considering there's no preview option for the infusions. Kind of sucks when you pick/craft one, it doesn't look as good as you expected, and there's nothing you can do about it, since the finished version is account bound. Or getting a drop of the same eye you've already picked from the achievement box and then having to go through all the hassle of selling/exchanging it for another version, seems unnecessarily complicated. 

    • Like 3
  3. @Salt Mode.3780 said:

    @"Kondor.2904" said:But pvp game modes are not the main modes in the game, PvE is. And I'm pretty sure guild wars has quite a generous system, compared to other games, that lets pvp players obtain a lot of things without stepping into pve.

    This is very much false. GW2 had advertise their game in the beginning solely on WvW aspect. The action combat was made for a PvP style game not PvE, in fact early on their PvE was so weak that almost no one did them, why do you think dungeons are dead. Thing is ANET decided to cop out and instead of trying to work more on their unique part of the game they decided to invest more time into PvE which is what you have now.The whole action combat is PvP based not PvE.

    Mate, WvW has not been updated in literally years. Every content update which happens around every 2 months is PvE oriented, mostly story or open world, most of the guild chats talk about PvE related development stuff. But yeah, gw2 is a pvp oriented game, kappa. Like I said you can have any opinion you like, but the facts are that the main target audience of the game is casual story oriented PvE players. Despite how great combat system is, how well thought the pvp aspect is, yada yada. Throughout the years gw2 has become nothing but a casual PvE theme park.

    You mean the 5-8 minute queue in Spvp at 04am on EU? Really punishing, ofc. Or being able to do dailies without even participating in PvP?Why would you cripple your stats by using "inferior food"? Would you do the same in raids? I don't do this. I play this game by trying to improve myself and support my server/guild/the people I play with. This may work in a pve environment with all strangers around you where nobody cares for each other but looting a dragon chest. And even there I'd show up with an optimal build, buffed and prepared.

    I'm not asking for the right of getting 10g per lootbag, just a reasonable increase in rewards based on playtime as in "A guaranteed ascended chest with diamond chest once per week" (which could be the Grandmaster Mark instead) and a better gold/time ratio.

    Long q's are punishing to your g/h, I don't really get what you are arguing with.

    Again, you can use whatever consumables/boosters/items you like, the fact is that you can earn gold the amount of gold I stated. Just like you can invest in combat efficiency to gain combat advantage, you can rather opt to gain g/h efficiency by using less expensive food and "farm" gold when you need money. I don't see any reason to compensate you those particular personal expenses.

    The same applies to PvE, if you spend money on food/tonics/boosters, it affects you g/h.

    Your Queensdale comparison is a bit disingenuous, you're comparing a low level are to an endgame content. Raids vs WvW is a much better comparison if you have to compare it to something. If you enjoy farming Queensdale, that's your thing, but since this is not endgame content, you're willingly going into it knowing that your rewards will pale in comparison if you did 80+ ones. That's your informed decision.

    Please don't make WvW look more hardcore that it is, average WvW player is easier to kill than 80lvl Bandit Champion and a Legendary Executioner in Queensdale. But if you want to insist, I also mentioned "endgame" stuff, like bounties or hotjoin dueling.

    PvE is not revolving solely around gold farms either. But that's kind of the point of most mmorpgs, no ? You have the best areas for gold acquisition, where everyone has to go to to earn money, and then you have the actual game areas that are less rewarding but more entertaining.

    Also, you're incorrect about ascended acquirement (and for the record, we're talking about exclusive WvW players here).You get 3 grandmaster shards per week. You need 30 - 40 grandmaster shards (3-4 grandmaster marks) for 1 peice. That's 6-9 months of WvW playing for *one ascended piece. 9 months for 1 ascended piece. You need two if you're going to salvage one for balls of dark energy requried for WvW legendary. That's 18 months of playing, not mentioning other stuff that's required.Your more than 1 piece of ascended per 3 months scenario is only viable if you heavily invest time into WvW for diamond each week, plus heavily invest time into PvE as well. That's a lot more time than most people have.

    I also don't get why you're only counting grandmaster marks. By earning 7g/h you can craft more than 3 ascended pieces per 3 months. You can buy all the mats from tp, including the components for the missing grandmaster marks.

    PvE players can solo farm. DRMs are soloable and there's even openworld solo farms. See the Fast Farming site.

    Yeah, you're right about the solo farms, I didn't think of those. I suppose PvE does win that one.

  4. @"Infusion.7149" said:I don't understand the need to spam create threads about WvW rewards when it has been rehashed every few months.

    However, that video is deceptive because if someone earns 69 ranks in 20 hours that's over 3 ranks an hour. Plus they had 3500 kills so that was likely all during primetime. If someone plays 1 hour of WvW a day to that extent and since launch they would be 10K WvW rank.

    Also 130g in 20 hours is terrible when you consider food/utility only last 1 hour maximum without primers and so does Karka Toughness potion (which costs ~50s). A typical reward track is worth around 20g (see https://fast.farming-community.eu/wvw/reward-track ).

    What WvW really needs is fewer expenses, not more liquid rewards. Grandmaster mark shards could have been grandmaster marks for example. Something even as simple as adding ascended foods' seeds to the synthesizers would be a start.

    The primetime argument can be applied to every game mode. In sPvP your q times will be enormous. You won't be able to farm/earn gold in PvE if you join it at weird hours when there are no commanders/parties/squads. It just might be less noticeable due to the population difference.

    It's also not like you have to go through the excessive food and utilities costs to generate gold (we are not talking about hardcore GvG here, where supposedly this stat difference matters), again, I can make this argument about every single game mode and say something doesn't generate as much gold as everyone implies because I spend golds on writs and costly food every time, when I don't really have to and I also spend resources on boosters to boost up my magic find, etc. WvW does, however, provide cheaper food alternatives almost for free for those who want to bump their g/h.

    If you want to maximize your efficiency, you should invest resources, I don't think anything's wrong with that, just like PvE raiders spending a lot of gold on food for more efficient clears. I also liked how you shaved off those 7g from the reward tracks :)

    But generally I don't disagree about twicking the food costs or preferably making alternative ways of obtaining the best food by spending wvw specific resources. The grandmaster marks acquisition is also questionable, since again, you barely have to do anything to gain pips for the skirmish tracks. Like I was saying in the other threads, I'd rather have them introduce an option to exchange emblems for them (or for tickets/badges/memories/etc).

  5. @Veprovina.4876 said:

    @"Danikat.8537" said:I know you said you have little/no experience of playing PvE but you seem to have a very warped view of how rewards in PvE work. No one is going to be making a profit while making legendary equipment, they're all designed to take a lot of time and money no matter how you go about doing it. It's quite normal to drain your wallet and your bank of materials and, as you said "end up with a solid balance of 0". What you're describing in terms of time and money/materials required is fairly typical for anyone making a legendary.

    And yes having to salvage one or more pieces of ascended equipment to get the materials for legendary is a big sacrifice, but as @"Dawdler.8521" said if you can't afford to do that it's a sign that you're not quite ready to be making legendary equipment yet.

    I think you're missing the point a bit... OP is
    playing WvW.People like me who do PvE as well as WvW (while maining WvW) can scrounge up materials and balls of dark energy pretty ok-ish, depends on how much i PvE.People who are
    only in WvW
    and never PvE can have things like legendary armor drag on for years (literally), especiall if they either just started, or can't finish diamond each week. Imagine someone who can't play every day, or play long periods. Those people don't get ascended let alone legendary in the time a PvE player that plays the same amount of time would get at least one legendary set. Especially because of how embarisingly low amount of grandmaster shards you get. And since WvW only players don't get enough resources to level up their crafting disciplines, the whole thing can literally slog to several years with the current system. Especially since, if you don't repeat diamond, you don't get any T6 mats whatsoever. You get some from reward tracks but not even close to being useful in a 6 months timeframe that is the miminum for skirmish tickets. Plus - if you don't have ascended first, you can forget about that entirely, grandmaster marks alone will take you about 2-3 months for just one piece of ascended. Which you can't then salvage because it's a precursor for a legendary... So you need at least two... Not to mention, to get ascended even available, you first need to complete the reward tracks for each piece. And you can forget about those too if you don't have T6 participation, T3 participation will also take a week for just one if you don't spend 40+ hours a week in WvW. Some people's work week is 40 hours for comparison...

    Do you see where i'm going with this? You can't play WvW exclusively and make WvW legendary armor. You need to PvE too.

    It's all fine and good to drain your bank while making a legendary, that's how it's supposed to be, it's after all - the ultimate last item you'll ever need, but the time to get it is borderline insulting to people's time.

    And yes, i know, you can "afk with participation", that argument gets thrown around willy nilly, except you can't. I don't know how many commanders will just give you partcipation for doing nothing, you at least have to scout for them, and if you flip camps, that isn't afk because by the time you get to another camp, your participation will have dropped enough so that you have to constantly be flipping objectives to just keep it up. If some people do get participation for nothing, those are the extreme minority and not everyone has access to that luxury. So "it's easier to WvW because you can afk" argument doesn't hold up. If everyone could do it, sure, but not everyone can do it. You can take a 5 minute break but that's it, then you have to go flip objectives - to me, that's not any passive afk acquisition if you have to run around actively and do stuff.

    The point is - i agree with you, it's not easy in PvE as well, there's no doubt about that. The point is - PvE players can get theirs doing exclusively PvE, while exclusive WvW players can't in any reasonable amount of time, they have to do PvE as well.

    But pvp game modes are not the main modes in the game, PvE is. And I'm pretty sure guild wars has quite a generous system, compared to other games, that lets pvp players obtain a lot of things without stepping into pve.

    So your whole argument is, this is a PvE game - PvP peasants should be happy with the scraps they're given because they're not the PvE player masterrace? Umm...Why have PvP modes then to begin with if they're just treated as second class cititzens?

    What a lot of players seem to ask for is 3 separate games within 1 game. I'm not sure that's how it's supposed to work.

    So tell me, except for GoB, how many times is a PvE player forced into WvW? And again, why have PvP modes to begin with if they're treated like second class citizens? Because there ARE 3 separate games in 1 like it or not. And their crowd rarely mixes. Just look at how angry PvE players are when they have to set foot into WvW for GoB - which is the easiest thing they have to do. How much PvE do WvW players need to do for their legendary? Especially if they're crafting a weapon. You need the do the ENTIRE core PvE.

    WvW can net you around 7g/h if you actively play and finish skirmish tracks (and that's not counting ascended armor drops, exotic armor boxes, mystic clovers, grand master marks, gifts of battle). I'm pretty sure that's more than enough to get legendary armor if you're invested in the game mode (And if you are not, then why do you need legendary armor ?). Is it less than PvE and will take more time ? Yes. Is that bad ? I personally don't think so. You are playing guild wars 2 after all, not wvw wars 2, I think you're kinda supposed to play PvE in a pve oriented mmorpg, or at least accept a slower crafting process if you want to fully focus on the secondary game mode.

    I don't know where you got that calculation, but it's nowhere near that. Even if that's true which i doubt, that's not the entire problem that exclusive WvW players have to face. Exotic armor boxes are account bound, you can't make money off them, ascended drops are super rare and thus can't be an argument if they're basically based purely on luck, You need 3 months of grinind for 1 piece if you only use grandmaster mark shards etc.And again - there's 3 modes in the game. There is no 1 main mode because they're all made separate with their own mechanics. If PvE was the "main mode" then everything WvW playaers have would need to be obtained in WvW and WvW would yield no rewards, it would just be a "side mode". But it's not, it clearly has systems in place to at least try to give WvW only players the resources they need, it's just in a great disbalance to reward per time spent. So i don't buy the "PvE main mode" argument, if that's true, they wouldn't have made other ones on release, they'd make them as an afterthought.

    If they would flatten skirmish ticket gains across all tiers (up to the weekly maximum), and give people more grandmaster shards, a lot of those issues could be minor or completely irrelevant. But not everyone has time to grind to Diamond
    even if all they do is play WvW
    , and without Diamond it takes exponentially longer to get ascended or legendary. PvE doesn't have that problem.

    Well, that's not exactly just my argument that PvE is the main game mode, that's what devs made pretty clear considering their attention, resources allocation and content delivery. You are treated exactly how they want you to be treated or are able to treat you. Not every person maining PvE enjoys spending time on gold farm maps, fractals or w/e generates most gold. I enjoy chain farming events in Queensdale and soloing bounties, should anet boost up the rewards there, so I can craft my asc gear quicker too? I enjoy dueling people in hotjoin arenas, should they add rewards there? Not exactly how it works, right ? Imo neither you, nor spvp playerbase is given scraps in terms of gold generation and ascended/legendary armor acquisition (maybe in terms of the content quality and unique prestige rewards tho).

    This is where I got the number. WvW generates enough gold to craft way more than 1 asc piece per 3 months, and that's with less profitable reward track (the person from the video also didn't gather resource nodes, so the number will be higher than 7g). I think most players are upset about their g/h, because they either not as active as they should be or they simply don't pay attention to their loot. The exotic boxes may not be sellable, yet they still hold value, just like mystic clovers, karma and wvw currencies, so there's also that.

    I mostly agree about the diamond chests and skirmish ticket allocation. I also think the shards amount should be increased to match the spvp boxes but not exceed them. And in my opinion the main problem of the WvW rewards is that it's designed to reward you for your time, I think it should reward you for your effort. Maybe if they rework that, they can twick something so more people are pleased. It won't ever be on par with PvE tho.

  6. @Veprovina.4876 said:

    @"Danikat.8537" said:I know you said you have little/no experience of playing PvE but you seem to have a very warped view of how rewards in PvE work. No one is going to be making a profit while making legendary equipment, they're all designed to take a lot of time and money no matter how you go about doing it. It's quite normal to drain your wallet and your bank of materials and, as you said "end up with a solid balance of 0". What you're describing in terms of time and money/materials required is fairly typical for anyone making a legendary.

    And yes having to salvage one or more pieces of ascended equipment to get the materials for legendary is a big sacrifice, but as @"Dawdler.8521" said if you can't afford to do that it's a sign that you're not quite ready to be making legendary equipment yet.

    I think you're missing the point a bit... OP is
    playing WvW.People like me who do PvE as well as WvW (while maining WvW) can scrounge up materials and balls of dark energy pretty ok-ish, depends on how much i PvE.People who are
    only in WvW
    and never PvE can have things like legendary armor drag on for years (literally), especiall if they either just started, or can't finish diamond each week. Imagine someone who can't play every day, or play long periods. Those people don't get ascended let alone legendary in the time a PvE player that plays the same amount of time would get at least one legendary set. Especially because of how embarisingly low amount of grandmaster shards you get. And since WvW only players don't get enough resources to level up their crafting disciplines, the whole thing can literally slog to several years with the current system. Especially since, if you don't repeat diamond, you don't get any T6 mats whatsoever. You get some from reward tracks but not even close to being useful in a 6 months timeframe that is the miminum for skirmish tickets. Plus - if you don't have ascended first, you can forget about that entirely, grandmaster marks alone will take you about 2-3 months for just one piece of ascended. Which you can't then salvage because it's a precursor for a legendary... So you need at least two... Not to mention, to get ascended even available, you first need to complete the reward tracks for each piece. And you can forget about those too if you don't have T6 participation, T3 participation will also take a week for just one if you don't spend 40+ hours a week in WvW. Some people's work week is 40 hours for comparison...

    Do you see where i'm going with this? You can't play WvW exclusively and make WvW legendary armor. You need to PvE too.

    It's all fine and good to drain your bank while making a legendary, that's how it's supposed to be, it's after all - the ultimate last item you'll ever need, but the time to get it is borderline insulting to people's time.

    And yes, i know, you can "afk with participation", that argument gets thrown around willy nilly, except you can't. I don't know how many commanders will just give you partcipation for doing nothing, you at least have to scout for them, and if you flip camps, that isn't afk because by the time you get to another camp, your participation will have dropped enough so that you have to constantly be flipping objectives to just keep it up. If some people do get participation for nothing, those are the extreme minority and not everyone has access to that luxury. So "it's easier to WvW because you can afk" argument doesn't hold up. If everyone could do it, sure, but not everyone can do it. You can take a 5 minute break but that's it, then you have to go flip objectives - to me, that's not any passive afk acquisition if you have to run around actively and do stuff.

    The point is - i agree with you, it's not easy in PvE as well, there's no doubt about that. The point is - PvE players can get theirs doing exclusively PvE, while exclusive WvW players can't in any reasonable amount of time, they have to do PvE as well.

    But pvp game modes are not the main modes in the game, PvE is. And I'm pretty sure guild wars has quite a generous system, compared to other games, that lets pvp players obtain a lot of things without stepping into pve.

    What a lot of players seem to ask for is 3 separate games within 1 game. I'm not sure that's how it's supposed to work.

    WvW can net you around 7g/h if you actively play and finish skirmish tracks (and that's not counting ascended armor drops, exotic armor boxes, mystic clovers, grand master marks, gifts of battle). I'm pretty sure that's more than enough to get legendary armor if you're invested in the game mode (And if you are not, then why do you need legendary armor ?). Is it less than PvE and will take more time ? Yes. Is that bad ? I personally don't think so. You are playing guild wars 2 after all, not wvw wars 2, I think you're kinda supposed to play PvE in a pve oriented mmorpg, or at least accept a slower crafting process if you want to fully focus on the secondary game mode.

  7. ??You can already purchase ascended armor and weapons with the appropriate wvw currency. Also you earn approximately the same amount of gold as pvp by actively playing WvW, the only difference is that in pvp you get straight liquid gold and in wvw you have to sell stuff. Although they might need to add extra grandmaster mark shards, so you can also get 3 marks within the same time frame, as spvp season.

    But anyway, as long as you can afk and flip a camp near the spawn every 10 minutes, there won't be any increase in rewards. Your best chances are they introduce ways to exchange emblems for good stuff.

  8. Can mirage stay left out of the forum council, like it used to be the past year ?

    Every time it's brought up, it gets 2head'ed into the ground with impeccable forum level balance patches that lack any remote vision on what the end goal should be. Just fix bugs, ty.

  9. @Naxos.2503 said:Not saying the idea of inter-exchangeable ressources is bad, but isn't the gift of battle seemingly faster to acquire than the gift of exploration ? I mean, gift of battle you can acquire from a reward track, whereas the gift of exploration require full exploration of the core map (which it is big) even though you get two.

    I dont know actually, is it just me for whom it seems one is easier to obtain than the other ?

    They can make it so you have to trade, let's say, 5 GoB's for 1 GoE, which would result in approximately the same amount of time spent.At this point tho, I don't think they should cater to either side of the request, the acquisition method is fine as it is. I would rather see them add another vendor that can trade Emblems for good stuff. Since earning emblems actually requires some effort and promotes semi-active gameplay, not like afk participation farming.

  10. I think this is the map that comes the closest to what open world pvp would look like. The size is perfectly fine, You should be punished for dying and I don't think everything should be clustered within 5 meters from each other and the spawn like Alpine. I do, however, think that devs should add more meaningful mechanics to the map (especially to the empty spots of enormous size) and possibly encourage player movements to deviate more from the main "middle route" so to speak, so that the inner and outer parts of the map actually have a reason to exist.

  11. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"mortrialus.3062" said:Classes have been able to instantly avoid damage while stunned in billions of different ways since the start of the game.

    Guardians can Aegis while stunned in multiple ways. Necros have always been able to shroud and instant cast fear while stunned. Rangers tend to be impossible to stun by default as they run around with absurd uptimes stability since the start of the game.

    Literally every class is loaded up with multiple "I can screw up and don't get punished for it" mechanics. I mean heck, what is stability as a stat except a boon that literally exists to say "I can screw up and don't get punished for it". It's always been this way for every class and if mesmer got the treatment other classes got on their utilities then stuff like Mirror Images and Signet of Midnight would do stuff like at 5 stability and swiftness for 10 seconds too and damage to boot.

    You realise that none of these mechanics is as powerful as dodging?

    Guardian has insta-cast aegis. Weaknesses of this: it just prevents a single hit, it is a boon that can get corrupted/ripped/stolen/etc.. Unblockable attacks will cut straight through it.Necros have insta-cast fear. Weaknesses are: it is a condition countered by resistance, can get instantly stunbreaked if the enemy really wants to invest bursting you while you are CCed, is countered by stability. You can blind it to make the fear cast miss.Classes with stability, weaknesses are: it is boon that can get corrupted/ripped/stolen. If it is a single stack of stability (like for FT scrapper, which weirdly enough gtets some complaints here and there), then using 2 CCs in quick succession will cut through it.

    Meanwhile the ability to dodge while CCed. Weaknesses?
    . There is no way to work around that defense. You can't rip or corrupt a dodge. You can't counter it with stability. You can't blind it. It will prevent an unlimited number of attacks during it's duration.There is a reason why the dodge mechanic is the ultimate defense in this game.

    Dodge mechanic has ceased to be an ultimate defense ages ago, mate. 2/3 of the specs are loaded with so much kitten, the dodge becomes more of a supplementary mechanic you can press to prolong the defenses chain spam or simply a button you press to express your superiority while randomly jump-dodging around your enemy. You're really overestimating a single 3/4s evade frame during the cc considering the current sate of the game where people can straight up play on autopilot ignoring or facetanking half of the cc's thrown at them.

  12. @XxsdgxX.8109 said:

    @mindcircus.1506 said:While the attention to sPvP is greatly appreciated, the lack of attention to wvw balance is becoming a little worrisome.

    If they are balancing PVP around the removal of amulets then WvW is truly
    , because so many people run PvP
    prefixes such as Minstrels and Trailblazer over there.

    And that's probably why wvw looks like a complete pepega fest ¯_(ツ)_/¯, which is most likely still intentional, so i wouldn't be worried

  13. @frareanselm.1925 said:

    @Veprovina.4876 said:Don't you just need some legendary bounties for that one? If so, join a bounty train and you'll get it done in one sitting. None of them require a skyscale so...That said, i get your point, would be nice to have more reward tracks and better WvW rewards in general, but i don't think Anet wants to push people in just one game mode only, they want to spread people around all of them. Hence why they do this.

    On the bright side, you only have to do it once, and since you're a WvW player, you're never short on transmutation charges lol, so you can apply it to whatever after that.

    Its curious because in HoT there are various rounds of reward tracks until you reach the hearth of maguuma and you can choose leystone or bladed armor, which is the equivalent of funerary armor in Pof. I dont understand why devs didnt put a reward track for this.

    Thanks for your advice, but some bounty trains tend to skip the collection bosses.

    Yeah it's weird they didn't include armors in PoF tracks. LW4 tracks though, they have some options, but not for a full set. I tend to skip those though, it's better to just get currency.

    Anyway...To get access to the armor, you need to complete this achievement and unlock the Primeval Steward:

    Which entirely consists of legendary bounties. So no bounty train will skip the bounties you need.After that, you'll need elegy mosaics which again, you get only from legendary bounties.You also get them at the end of some meta events but as far as bounties are concerned, only legendary ones get you mosaics.

    So, a few bounty trains and you should have a set.

    I leave it as impossible, i joined bounty trains and they keep ignoring the ones I need

    Have you tried, like, asking them to help you with the one(s) you needed ? Pretty sure there are plenty squads willing to lend a hand and do certain bounties again.I constantly keep going back to some older achievements/collections and I have yet to find a single one impossible to complete, despite all the forum tales about the dead maps and forgotten content. Damn, I remember doing the core achievements on the core maps couple months ago, and I had absolutely 0 problem gathering people for some older group events I needed.

    Sometimes, you know, you might need to take some initiative yourself instead of looking for someone to hold your hand all the way through.

  14. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @"Kuma.1503" said:Backstab does much more than 4k. As I have just learned the hard way. 8k hits from stealth are very much possible. Pair it with a heartseeker that you cannot see because the game takes ~1.5 seconds to render their model and you've got a recipee for fun.

    Disclaimer: The above poster may have have been outskilled by a thief and is using a forum post as a means to vent his frustrations. Take all messages therin with a grain of salt... Get it... salt... This guy salty as hell.

    Edit: Fix stealth render lag. Is really annoying

    4k is from the standard build. You can push it to 6k if you go max glass cannon with extremely supoptimal traits that turn off too easily. 8k is only possible with that + might stacking + vuln stacking. So not really out of stealth, they had to be in the fight for a long time.

    Right, I guess I had 50 stacks of vuln on me kappaLmSAP6T.png

  15. And for the record, I don't talk just about the very first pre-event with 3 tasks, the second stage with escorts/mobs killing is also absolutely redundant for the private instances (at least for CM's) imo.

  16. @Randulf.7614 said:They’re their purely to allow time to gather players before locking the instance. It’s just a small time sink rather that replaces a traditional queuing system with gameplay. Same with the Forging Steel strike which has one

    But it's not needed for the private instances.

  17. I don't know if that was discussed earlier but If you really plan to keep going with this drm content, could you please consider getting rid of those extremely boring, uninspiring and time consuming pre-events. At least for CM's. They add no depth, provide no challenge, and are just there to waste your time. It's just really discouraging to keep repeating them over and over just so you can fight the boss again.

    If it was some kind of dynamic diversified events, I guess it would be more bearable, but then again it's an instanced content, not an open world area where they occur naturally and may take different forms and completion approaches, which makes it way less repetitive and more engaging. Fractals are a great example, where you can actually choose to skip the pre-events, given you have the right build/gear/class/items, which makes it less dull and actually more entertaining.

    Like really, they are totally fine for the first clear when you're engaged in the story progression, but as a repeatable content... I would love to fight the boss again and interact with new mechanics, but having to waste my time on those stale identical pre-events makes me want to quit it. Just put a standardised timer on the boss and give everyone who unlocked the masteries the stat boost, because they will get them ANYWAY, since there's virtually no challenge in completing the events, except if you value your time.

  18. also, you do not need to actually participate in the full north meta run to obtain otters. you can just map swap, loot the tribune chests (they can be looted without you doing anything) and simply tag the final dragon boss to loot the very final chest. and since the final citadel event lasts for quite a while, you can actually cycle between active squads at different north meta stages, so you can really minimize the waiting time and legit loot the chests (including the final chest) one after another with barely any downtime, granted there's enough squads in lfg and the maps are not full.

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