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Everything posted by Kondor.2904

  1. Wait, but i've heard mesmer is op and wins every matchup :confusedpikachuface:
  2. what change? The ecto charge is no longer removed when you interrupt it.
  3. You can't be serious, right ? So instead of resolving the screaming disbalance of the stolen skills among different classes, you remove the only form of counterplay if you failed to anticipate an insta cast shadowstep. Well, just make it so mesmer's game gets insta crashed and character is deleted if thief lands his steal, so we can save some neurons and just afk in the new chair, thank you. (And then you complain and wonder why mesmers always have to come up with "degenerate" sustain builds btw))))
  4. Yes. Mirror is insanely powerful. You struggle to comprehend how much utility is packed into this skill.Sure! So don't use any of the ways to guarantee mantra channels, don't rotate through cooldowns as you need to use them, and channel your mantras directly in front of people that have interrupts ready!Again, it's not very hard to fully channel mantras on core mesmer. It's even easier on Mirage.Okay but that doesn't change the fact that Mantra of Concentration gives you 11 seconds of stability, double stun breaks, and other strong boons on a 15 second cooldown. Lol...What? I can't understand you.Dude you can't even follow the flow of the conversation. Stop taking my words out of context.You said, "If you wait more than 2 sec between F2 and F1, chances are high they reproc boons."So I said, "If you strip boons with f2 in s/t, you can swap to gs and still do the full combo without an issue in under 2 seconds."I did NOT say it takes 2 seconds to do the oneshot combo. So please, do me a favor and read better so I don't have to restate the same things over and over.Full night? Time shift? Lol... what are you talking about... I que when I get home from school sometime after 3pm during NA prime time. I do not que dodge, I do not que at off-hours. I have a schedule and life outside of GW2 so I'm not going to spend a whole bunch of time and effort to try and artificially make my matches easier when I don't even need to in the first place. :joy: And EU players cannot seem to counter condi thieves. lmao? wrong 1 ?You will explain me that now every "top" mesmer from NA use heal mantra ?Which is useless in our case as explained.I haven't time to detail because of going work, will do it later because it need some link but i disagree.Oh yeah. Either way, like I said to someone else earlier in this thread, I think you missed a few metas because Mantra of Recovery used to be extremely busted on Mirage.I'm not saying it's meta. I'm saying it's objectively one of the strongest healing skills in the game and is perfectly viable.It's not useless. Just because you say it's useless, doesn't make it useless. :joy:Mantra of Concentration is objectively ones of the best stunbreak/stability utilities in the game based off of numbers alone.1) Explain how MoR was busted (and now not) on Mirage when it hasn't been touched since pre-POF (except for the increased healing)2) MoR in a vacuum is the highest HPS heal in the game but this isn't played in one3) No questioning that MoC is a really good utility - 5s of 1 stack of Stability after charging and then 3s of 3 stacks of Stability per charge (then you have 11s+2.25s of not having stability)I think he means a short period of time when Zeromis tried to cheeze the full dodge gain on 10s cd out of adventurer rune with mantra charges.
  5. And that's quite odd, considering the game already supports the Cyrillic letters, since you can type them in the Trading Post search bar with no issues, and they are even integrated into the Trading Post UI partially. Would have been nice to see them integrated into the chat as well, even without the text clouds appearing over the characters' heads.
  6. Just my two cents here.Mesmer could not do 12 blinds when spamming all shatters (which technically would have been 16+, since mesmer counts as an illusion). Blinds were inflicted by the mesmer himself in melee range only, not by illusions. The current trait inflicts blind per illusion, not the old one. So it was 1 blind per shatter, 4 blinds in total. (5 if you had ineptitude traited and got a rupt from f3)
  7. 100g per person for a permanent decoration of such a scale is not that much. If your guild cannot afford that or has not enough members who are willing to contribute, then maybe the decoration is not for your guild, no ? It's almost like when players complain that they don't have time to grind for skyscale and stuff. Not every item in the game has to be easily obtainable by every player.
  8. Would be great to have a dragonsblood spear available during the Dragonfall events as a permanent backpiece skin.
  9. There are and have always been like 3 variations of full ranged (both ranged weapon sets) condi mirage builds which require nearly 0 so called combo timings. All you have to do is spamming ambushes, running (aka kiting) around to keep out of melee range and spare couple of your defensive cd's to avoid hard hitting skills. That has been your "split-second combo" since the chaos sage mirage meta. The rest power burst builds have remained the same power burst builds with the same power burst combos they have always been except some changes which led to the spammability again. What mesmer balance needs is actually opposite. Balance decisions need to stop revolving around mindless spam and really start promoting some skillful gameplay by means of proper trait choice/synergy, adequate weapon reworks (not complete trait annihilation or 50-30% straight dmg nerfs) and boon spam treatment, as well as subsequent balance of the rest of the classes.
  10. The issue is not that the new mount is just a reskinned griffon. The issue is that the half-dead gamemode that gets close to no updates at all, aside from some basic QoL changes which take months to arrive, finally gets one and instead of a unique healthy feature it gets another slap on the wrist. And this slap takes form of a reskinned pve mount which not only brings nothing healthy but actually dumbs down the gamemode and appears to be nothing but a cheap no effort money skink. That's the issue i think ;)
  11. You missed an important detail here, let me fix that real quick for you : You're right, people in EU are having no problems with chronos at allWe do have problems with chronos, but not the ones you showed us.
  12. Wait, do i understand correctly that some people are actually trying to outdamage his heal instead of swapping some utilities/weapons and interrupting him ?
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