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  1. Yeah Vindi has always taken the ele approach to complexity (giving it more buttons) which is sort of a more "intrinsic" flavor of difficulty; the player needs to understand how to push their buttons but once that happens there's not much mechanically in the kit that uniquely (among other Rev specs) punishes bad play. The most I can see is of course the long dodge and Vindi heals both being longer casts*, but like remembering to dodge on top of people and not using long commit anims out in the open isn’t rocket science Looking at Herald, this really feels more "extrinsic" in its difficulty; poor interactions with your opponent directly and uniquely punishes not only your survivability but also your ability to use skills entirely. Glint heal at 2 seconds is just πŸ‘Œ, enough time to tank a key attack, but will fall off hard if you put yourself in even a bit of sustained danger. Get combo CC'd with more than two facets active? bye bye energy~ (god forbid you get CC'd with facet of nature up too) Honestly they're fairly comparable but in different ways. One has more challenges upfront but will generally be more effective with tbh an attainable level of competency. The other feels easier upfront (oo big heals and I barely use enery in glint πŸ€ͺ) but has more challenges down the line that you have to meet correctly in every fight. *OK I'll include Urn too dw Edit: no Kalla bc I don't play it + I'm sure you already know in what ways it's extrinsically difficult
  2. πŸ‘€ This a axe/sw spear angle? or does it play better with staff?
  3. I mean I'm guess they "unbanned" to remove the title (allegedly) and then this video is what happens next. Apparently they can still be removed after consuming, so rly this is just unnecessary trolling that is prob escalating to a perma funni meme tho
  4. Except every other class that can use shield. That combination of functionality and movement on a 3s block is crazy buff.
  5. You can say this is a Corruption issue, with all the condi-focused traits we've lost, but I don't think you can *in good faith* say that Mallyx has gotten worse in its condi application. Banish Enchantment - Range and boons removed have only improved over the years. Removal of confusion was the correct decision (5 stacks??). Call to Anguish - Old leap (and even older non-leap aoe) was extremely inconsistent. You had 4 torment pulses, but no one stood in aoe for that long, and a 3/4s animation lock with no restriction on enemy movement meant free interrupts for days. I will take a larger radius cc leap 1000 times over. Embrace the Darkness - For me, this is the crowning achievement of Mallyx changes. +15% to all stats and unblockable were the only standouts on the old elite, decent but what they gave us instead adds way more synergy and more burst application ONTOP of sustained application. Extra torment on energy use + mobile dark field is so goated and I will thank Anet every time I use it πŸ™ Now Corruption of course, is a different story. And tbh looking back at the older traitline versions it's actually insane how many interactions with condi have been removed. I miss Bolstered Anguish, Opportune Extraction, and Rampant Vex.
  6. What is your condi spread looking like on cRen? I've seen this criticism several times but I've never felt particularly lacking in cover condis *at least* on condi herald (ie torment, poison, weakness, chill, burn, vuln, blind). I can imagine Ren struggles more, but to me the issue of "condis sticking" is more of a cleanse-inflation issue than condi Rev not having enough cover. Only pain-point for cover condis was the removal of slow from axe, but even then it still exists on Song of the Mists. Though I can imagine there's a middle ground to be reached. Not saying I'm against slight increases to weapon condi durations (even though mace charges exist and Diabolic inferno durations are phat) or careful additions of new condis, but anything creeping to Condi Zerk levels is v cringe.
  7. Please.. You merely adopted the demon, I was born with it. Became it.
  8. Is OP on EU? I've been able to spot rare forum pokemon like Burnfall and Deadmoose on NA once in a blue moon, but the elusive Balance Saint Flowki continues to elude me πŸ”
  9. It's actually 5 stacks at max, giving up to 100% bonus dmg. But yeah at 2 stacks max per Raze, that's pressing it (AND hitting it) at least 3 times to get max benefit, after which you can get 2 quick maxed out Razes: one from pressing again, another if you swap weapons. The windup is one thing (big but can definitely be fixed) but I'm going to reserve full judgement until I play the beta. Currently though I'm not seeing amazing combo potential with Mallyx or condi weapons
  10. I'm curious about how the damage increase per stack is going to feel like, and even more curious about this "auto-cast at max stacks" on weapon swap mechanic. Can't really say the same about the rest of the kit, even as a condi rev enjoyer.
  11. I mean, toughness does not exist in a vacuum. Damage mods exist. Armor weights exist. Vuln exists. Protection exists. Might exists. Skill coefficients exist. Crits exist. What skill is hitting you for 4k that you're upset about?
  12. I get it, though I'd still take the evade frames if we had a choice
  13. Why would this be a "nice nice" feature? sw3 needs a target, and you lost your target.... A much nicer approach would be to instead allow you to keep the evade frames for the remaining cast instead of fulling canceling <- This interaction is already possible by stepping out of range.
  14. A small hand-wave. Typically they are pulled after a steal (which leaves a small window to dodge), but can be done whenever.
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