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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

  1. 7 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

    ppl are annoyed of being nearly one shot from stealth, a thing that catalyst can't do, it also has more mobility on top of, again, stealth.

    It's going to be nerfed if it wins mat anyways.

    There has not been any untamed in the finals (on EU) for a while now whereas there have been some cata. Also cata fa has more mobility than untamed. Both specs are good but have been slightly below what others brought for mat but versatile enough for ranked.

  2. 14 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

    In pve the impact is not that great, unless specific situations you don’t need a 10 condition clear in 10 seconds. Not that it matter as pve is irrelevant for any kind of balance talk because you can do raids on green gear. 

    I explained multiple times why it does matter. You have less opportunities to combo and in PvE it is better to have a constant dispell than a quick one.

    Also read my first message :


    Less duration so less combo. This is a PvE nerf but it looks ok? 

    14 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

    in pvp probably is not that big of a nerf either: it is true the skill does less condi clears but you will see now how the skill works better to clear condi bombs. 

    It is a MASSIVE NERF! How can you not see that? Either you did not play it enough or did not read my explanations on why it will matter. It is slower giving time for the enemy to reapply condi (making the 1 cleanse useless since you always remove the same one) meaning you take more damage, it cleanses less and gives you no opportunity to go in / out. Play it after the patch to tell me how good it feels (and not just 1 unranked game, go play 10-15 games)



  3. 16 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    Lower chance of missing procs. Also I'm talking about squad use as well.

    Oh ok. I do not really play WvW so I was thinking PvE / PvP where this is a huge nerf. It might be more consistent but if I have to guess 1 condi clear is not going to be impressive.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    On paper it's better when moving and worse when standing.
    Obviously still have to test it out in practice to really compare it, since a lot of the time "on paper" doesn't work as well in practice.

    I am not sure I understand. What do you mean? I do not see change making it better for movement. It still looks like an aoe you drop on yourself and you need to wait.

    What I meant is that before you would get a higher cleanse faster and if anything went wrong (like you said if you get aoe bombed) you could walk out, wait a few seconds and go back in to get cleanse / water combo.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    Spring is honestly a buff, just because of what you've said. If you stay 10s in one spot, tick condi AoE will turn you into a puddle.
    Hammer is not much, since the changes are minimal.
    WS is just buffed for unga bunga power build.

    The only thing that took a noticable hit was the meta zerg heal druid, with alac loss and weaker elite res. (which probably won't remove it from the spot honestly)

    Spring is a massive nerf. No matter how you look at it. There is a delay between the animation and the trigger of the trap. You wait 1s before you start getting a cleanse. So now you wait 1s to cleanse 1 condition instead of 2.  After 3seconds you cleansed 3 instead of 4. After 5 you cleansed 5 instead of 6. And if you could stand longer into it well then this is even worst.

    You cleanse conditions more often? Sure but you cleanse less meaning they have more time to deal damage or be reapplied meaning you do not cleanse the ones that are actually dangerous. You also cannot go in / out because the duration is lower which also means less opportunities to combo into the aoe.

  6. Really mixt feelings about the WS changes. It removes great options and brings new cool ideas. I just have a hard time seeing them in action

    • Shared anguish -> ranger still a punching bag whenever there are cc builds. 95% of the community is still clueless about this. I still see “broken because you have your stunbreacks” showing how little they understand matchups such as war vs ranger (and how double standards work).
    • Empathic Bond -> ok change but also does the same as Wilderness knowledge + Zephyrs speed. To make the most out of this you might still need beastmastery anyway
    • Survival Instincts -> Sounds really cool. I guess it will be 5% max because there is oakheart Salve on the same traitline. It replaces Refined toxin a good but situational trait.
    • Carnivore : Happy charr ranger here! On a serious note I still need to see in action. I will play maces slb and try hammer untamed again but my expectations are low.


    I have not been this unhappy for a long time about a druid patch. I was playing heal druid some games to prepare for maces. I can get >400k healing if I am lucky but it is still bad.

    Here is my long rant.

    • Hard to mitigate damage -> protection is mostly on glyphs but you will not be playing more than elite + another one. The trait also had to compete with self defense (gone next patch replaced by trait no build will use) or stealth. I have been messing with protective ward (druid can allow some tanky pets to survive) + lyhr to bring dmg reduction
    • Hard to survive and sustain: Once in CA you chase your allies and mostly try to survive yourself. Once you are out of CA what do you do? Try to survive too. Healing + surviving is actually hard to combine with support on druid. Support still locked behind cd + energy

    Lets look at the changes

    • Grace of the land : I know the alac changes apply to every profession. But an unused trait is now even weaker. At least scourge was able to pump it constantly
    • Glyph of the stars: To be honest it makes sense to be 60s. Nerfing it at the same time? Get out of there….
    • Healing spring :  Less duration so less combo. This is a PvE nerf but it looks ok? Still a bit weak for a small static aoe in close combat (compare ele staff water 5). Now in PvP this skill has a 1s delay between pressing my heal key and getting the trap to trigger. 1 s to wait to get 1 condi clear? Yikes. back when druid released I was playing it even if it had 1 dispell and everyone else was running Troll Unguent. Even if it is a static aoe it still is has more potential than a spirit (imo because I tried the spirit build on metabattle and did not like it) or glyph that will put either you or your allies at risk. Back to the same old issues + being worse for every other build using it (would you like 6 condi clear in 7s or 5 in 6s? Worst for short, mid and long durations)


    You know what were the best support options in druid's history?

    • Ancient seeds : yup. Still was and will be the best option support ranger ever had in PvP. Allows an ally to escape or locks an enemy or forces support resources, does not need CA
    • Lingering light with blind + heal: Extra damage mitigation

    I love how healbreaker is already more reliable than healdruid and will soon put it to shame. Instant 600 dispell + healing... Firebrand is also good with all the buffs it got.

    What niche do you want for healdruid? Cc more accessible on ele and firebrand. Healing is more accessible on those 3 too. Damage mitigation is more accessible on core guard and firebrand and tempest has unique effects.  Aoe support are larger on ele and healbreaker. Spells are faster on them. It is easier to survive.



    Edit : I completely forgot talking about hammer / untamed changes after the druid fiasco.

    • hammer buffs look good but without testing it is hard to tell if it will feel better
    • Ambush not triggering with auto enable is a great QoL I asked a long time ago
    • Tp with quickness is most likely not going to make it competitive
    • Like 1
  7. My list is really different when it comes to professions and especs. If I take into account all the builds I played over the past few years (meta, good or just for fun). I think I would have this list.

    • Mesmer : I have seen too many tank / cc builds. I often feel like I am not doing anything or that I am not allowed to play which is why I place it above.
    • Engineer  / Ele : I find those 2 professions having a good combination of mobility, burst and decent sustain. Rewarding you say? Maybe? but also harder to deal with.  
    • War / Rev: Hit and miss. For war I did not like the super tanky 1V1 builds but 'usually' enjoy seeing them in tf or on more offensive builds. Rev has some more specialized builds on herald but sometimes feel really loaded (like vindicator...)
    • Guard / Thief: Tankyness vs evasiveness. Both are fine when they do not bring high damage. (willbender…)
    • Ranger / Necro: in general I find them more predictable.

    When it comes to specialization I do not like those who have boosted dodge mechanics or too many loaded mechanics. I am not going to cover all of them so let’s just go with the most hated:

    • Willbender / Vindicator / Mirage 
  8. Well I am going to dust off some old suggestions. 

    • Path of scar (axe 4) in PvP : hard to land for a minimal reward -> add some damage in PvP based on the distance
    • Vine surge (staff 4) : hard to land stay  for a small effect : -> it stays and pulses resistance like rev road (immob + 1s of resistance on cast + 2 pulses of 1s of resistance)
    • Glyph of unity (nomal mode) : You need to have many enemies hitting you + you need to survive -> I often suggested to give barrier to allies but if it should not provide defense then giving a unique effect that inflicts bleed to enemies hitting your allies? Still a bit weak but it sounds better.

    New suggestions:

    • Whirling defense (axe 5) in PvP : Great skill in Pve (so I do not want to make it break the benchmarks) but too hard to land in PvP  -> I thought of multiple mechanics. Increase aoe over time like necro gs4 (but smaller)? Add different effect other time like a 1s immob after 2s of cast? Have a flip skill to make it “explode” and deal some effect?
    • Natures binding Almost broken for how small the ring is and how quickly it appears yet hard to slot because you need dps or sustain -> Maybe make a single ring larger + range (like necro) that has immob + corrupts when enemies cross and gives resistance to allies inside to have more utility?
    • Unnatural traversal : Cast time + almost no effect -> add a damaging skill or utility (unblockables) to follow the blink like they did on rev and guard offhand swords / shiro

    I am still looking for ways to improve

    • Guard : Often kills your pet + the range makes it hard to use on allies. Outside of the river of soul I have not managed to make it work.


  9. Bad idea. Whenever professions /role start stacking games become worst (multiple willbender rarely lose while multiple duelists can end up being stuck in spawn because they lose every teamfight). There is only an ultra micro niche part of the population doing that. Locking professions would be the best alternative. It solves this issue without making team composition feel worst but that’s also making the game less fun for most players to address an "issue" from way less than 0.1% of the people playing.

  10. 2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    How would we even know? If you have the current matchmaker algorithm, feel free to share, as I don't.  

    I do know I rarely get support on my teams, and if I do at most one--this is my last game for instance:


    Did get a core guard support, but other team automatically has two supports, because everything else there is DPS.  Like, clear DPS--not any ambiguity as to what they could be.

    This is telling me matchmaker trying to even up roles too, as if I was support Druid then it'd be even two on each side.  

    It is common to see people talking before the start of the game to know if they have to swap (I can get up to 3 healers) or explain that they are not a heal but a dps tempest so people do not get wrong expectations.

    PvP Matchmaking Algorithm - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) As far as I know there are notions of groups (rosters), ranking, time in queue, dishonor, the max of people with the same professions (2) and trying to have the same professions (again not e-spec) in each team. Nothing about builds /role because they can vary even on the same e-spec.

  11. 7 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Yeah, comp imbalance is a huge problem.

    It's seemingly something with the way the game 'guesses' as to what an appropriate comp is; I mainly play Druid, and a lot of times I am stuck on double thief or with an untamed/soulbeast, as the game is assuming Druids are support so it can just stack DPS. 

    There is no such thing as role guessing made by the matchmaker. How would it make the difference between a core support, condi or power guard when anyone can change builds? It only limits the amount of the same profession (not e-spec). This is why some teams have a guard supp, while other have a guard dps. I can (and have just yesterday) be(en) playing an actual heal druid and still end up with a core support guard and a heal tempest.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

      Thanx! By the way, any streamer of place to see the EU tournament?

      Tomorrow we will see some changes in the patch, with some nerfs to DE which could affect those choices. 

    ah according to another thread it looks like roy also casted it

  13. 6 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

      Thanx! By the way, any streamer of place to see the EU tournament?

      Tomorrow we will see some changes in the patch, with some nerfs to DE which could affect those choices. 

    I do not know if anyone casted it in english. I rewatched it on viking_et_waffle which are french streamers.

  14. I am still strongly opposed to a firearm for ranger and interested in a magic /druidic one. A physical one like the incoming offhand mace is fine even if not the most interesting.

    • Like 2
  15. I disagree with other comments about untamed elite. It is not just a defensive tool. It is also a great for offense. You cannot be stopped (stab), deal full damage (resistance) and chase easily (superspeed) which helps to land a burst. It is not uncommon to have >10s cd reduction in PvP (usually with lb because it has a lot of quick hits) or way more if you are in PvE. Also most elites in the game have a 1s cast time.

    For a quickness build you need to get used to trigger ambush twice on a weapon, First just when you weapon swap (thanks to Let Loose) and then before swapping. With only your armor in diviner (if power) or ritualist (if condi) you can maintain a decent uptime. You can get more if you feel like you struggle but in general it is not needed. You need to have an idea of when bosses start their spread mechanics if you want to maximize your uptime and weapon swap at the correct timing (when your teammates are around).

    • Like 1

    This is a small patch but it is quite decent.

    General : I like the relic changes. I just find some of them hard to slot on most of my characters which have their cd (healing / elite) way higher than the icd.  Runes had the same issue. Relic of durability could be nice in PvP and I am considering trying a stance soulbeast with relic of the weaver.

    Ele : ok Hammer nerf is fine as the rotation is easy and the damage high.

    Engineer : Good. Applied force was crazy as predicted.  I played some healscrapper in raids / strikes recently and it was really strong + easy to play. Guess it is even stronger with Bulwark gyro changes. It might even be played in other game modes. 

    Guard : 

    • I like radiant fire change to try other weapons but I need to see how it feels. When I was testing axe/torch + pistol/pistol it was a buff for my willbender but a nerf for my fb.
    • I think the mantra changes are good but you need to be REALLY carefull. Even if you think Igniting burst updates look small all I see is that the tomes are slowly but surely becoming overloaded. I guess it also helps to get might in PvE but I did not feel like I needed it.

    Ranger : 

    • Gs : I am happy to see gs getting an update but some skills like counter are supposed to be situational
    • Let Loose :  I do not think Might was needed but it will make quick untamed better with Hscourge
    • Devourer : It sounds so heavy. I am not sure devourer are going to be worth after the patch or that it was what needed to be targeted
    • Barrage : I guess it “somewhat solves” the issue of projectile but it probably won t be fun to fight or play

    Mesmer :  about dagger Do you have any plan to make dagger ambush more fun to fight? Being under a barrage of daze and condi while fighting a build that often spams evades, distortion, blind is extremely obnoxious / not interactive. 

    Necro : about power harbinger I am not sure the kit of harbinger can fit a power playstyle. If at some point it does I am not sure either that it will be healthy. For example if it pulses too much dmg or can one shot too easily. 

    Condi rev :  good for PvP. More damage, faster cc, might without combo. Condi herald is looking quite potent in PvP.

    Thief :  Finally! A lot of us talked about the 2 spam back during PoF. 

    War : I expected it after last patch. A bit surprised by the lack of PvP changes for czerker

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 14
  17. (playing pzerker this season) I think that the balance right now is good. I see a large variety of builds and all have their strengths (sometimes it can be 1 or 2 broken mechanics) and weaknesses. It is rare to have someone / something dominating a game. 

    When it comes to professions I still think mesmer has the highest amount of build that feel unfun to fight because of their mechanics / traits but I do not think I would rate them as overperforming. 

    When it comes to a precise build condi zerker seems to stand a bit above others. I am not sure by how much as I have seen less people playing it is this season (maybe the matchmaker tries to put pzeker vs me). The reason I would rank it above is because it is harder to punish than another build that has high potential (like scrapper). I still find myself surprised by how many defenses (stab / blocks / blinds / sustain) it has while keeping a good amount of pressure. It often takes multiple people to kill it and I do not see many people being able to beat it.

    • Like 1
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  18. 1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    You (most likely) already had a favourite play style that wasn't effected by sword being the way it was before. But the people whose preferred sword before lost their preferred play style and nothing else in the game comes even close to it.

    You already had something you enjoyed, and gained a bit more, while other people completely lost what they enjoyed most.

    Your argument “it was fine because you were not playing it”(even if you have 0 clue if I did play it) is ridiculous. After all…. it is fine now even if you do not play it. Right? Also I was playing sword axe instead of gs when sword did not get its first rework and when axe 4 still had damage. 

    1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Numbers are mostly irrelevant when it comes to fun and sense always depends on the player.

    That's nice and all but does it make it work? The answer was a no. In PvE you would just use the auto and in PvP you would not have access to the good skills without going through a lot of animations. Also as I said now it is more fun to me (and obviously too other people) so if you do not care about numbers but about the enjoyment of "other people" it should also matter right?

    1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    To me, it made more sense to have a backwards evade, a Leap to re-engage and a fun ability to move around the enemy, rather than having a weapon that consist nothing but auto-attacks and leaps. I really don't need need two leaps on one weapon.


    1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    If they felt they needed to touch sword, no matter what, they could simply have shuffled the abilities around, so that Serpent Strike was stand-alone as ability 3, while Hornet Sting flips over to Monarch's Leap on ability 2. Basically, reverting the Octobre 2019 changes is the most they should have done mechanically.

    But them eradicating Hornet's Sting and the former Serpent's Strike to give the weapon a second leap just feels bad to me.

    Horned Sting worked well enough to evade attacks and AoEs. And you could use Monarch's Leap to re-engage, so one wasn't out of melee range for long. It may have had a few seconds of down time, but that was fine. Not everything needs to be optimized for golem benchmarks.

    The only weird part with Serpent's Strike was that it was the flip over ability of Monarch's Leap, instead of being stand-alone. But it worked fine as an Evade.

    The backward animation always had a more important delay meaning you could not avoid quick skills. During core and Hot days you would count on serpent strike (which was not hidden back then) to react. This is why at the time I did not mind the backward animation.  Then they released the 2nd iteration where you had to go through multiple long animation lock to get it and “maybe” have a good use. It made it unfun to play and was it unfun to fight because people would instead spam everything.

    1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    And they could simply have buffed Greatsword, Hammer or even Axes to 'outperform everything else' without changing how these weapons work.

    I have no idea what you are trying to say. Outside of hammer and axe offhand in PvP / WvW all those weapons were outperforming sword by a large margin.

    1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Number chasers would have been equally happy that way, while the sword enjoyers would not have taken a hit to their fun.


    • Thanks 4
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  19. 2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    It's not always a matter of the numbers hitting certain heights. People just had fun using it, which they may no longer do.

    If people felt the need to hit the best possible numbers, there were other weapons to choose from. Numbers are not a good reason to eradicate the fun that people had with Ranger's old sword.

    And you likely hardly read about people enjoying sword, because they were enjoying playing with it, instead of writing about it on the forums. Humans have an innate bias towards negativity, so complains are the majority of what gets written online.

    And I did not have fun with the previous design while I enjoy the current one, it has good numbers and makes sense. The dash in forcing you to use a slow evade with a massive backward movement was not working for evade and was forcing you out of fight when you wanted to stay in to do damage so it did not accomplish much.

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    • Confused 1
  20. I played double maces slb in Open world and in PvP. The reset +the buffs are super strong and a ton of fun. However after a few games I noticed that landing  all skills and the last auto can be.. hard? I struggled getting stacks, knowing how many I had without looking at my buffs and knowing when I can start getting stacks again.

    To be honest I have a hard time making a suggestion. Adding visual indicators without overloading the screen could be tricky. Something like deadeye is my best bet but I do not know how other people will feel about it. The buff is really strong so if it becomes easier to get it should be lowered.

    Main hand will be definitely be used on druids. Off hand while fun will probably be situational, something for solo content or to be a duelist.

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