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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

  1. 1 hour ago, Wunder.4827 said:

    I might have missed something. But some years ago I remember, when I was playing PVE with say a sword and a dagger, but my PVE setup was pistol*pistol. I didn't have to change them manually every time. When I entered PVP the pistols were already equipped. And when I returned to PVE a sword and a dagger were eqipped back as the system remembered. 

    Now this works only for my thief. For all other characters all these weapon settings are manual only. 

    If you have not played for a long time where you around when they added the template selection(1-8)?

    It might be that your thief uses the equipment slot 1 for PvE and equipment slot 2 when you go in PvP. Do you know which equipment template (from 1-8) your thief uses in PvE and in PvP and what your other character have in PvE and PvP?

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hello,

    As you have noticed this is not possible. The way the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Template works in Gw2 is you have 2-8 slots for equipment and 3-8 slots for build.

    The system remembers the last “number” you had equipped last time you came.

    Let’s say you have equipped slot 1 for equipment and slot 3 for your build in PvP. If you go to PvE and change build 3 then when you go back to PvP you have the changes you made in PvE. The same logic applies to weapons, if you change slot 1 in PvE then once you go back into PvP you also changed it.

    The same logic applies to WvW which also remembers the last "numbers" you had equipped.


    There are 3 exceptions to this which can cause a lot of confusion. In PvP the armor becomes an amulet while sigil and rune are “unique”. WvW and PvE share the same list of equipment but in PvP some runes or stat combination do not exist. Those 3 are saved. You can check them by clicking on an icon somewhere under the number 2 in the equipment panel. It is a helmet for the PvE / WvW gear and 2 crossed swords for PvP. (sadly I did not find any icon on wiki to link)

    Remember that every equipment slot saves different armor (amulet) / sigil / rune in PvP meaning if you equipped them on your equipment slot 1 then you do not have any (or a different one) on equipment 2. I usually use this in PvE / PvE to have slot 1 with condi stats (rabid / carrion amulet for PvP while I have viper gear in PvE), slot 2 with power stats (berserker / marauder amulet in PvP and berserker gear in PvE) and slot 3 for healing stats (avatar / sage amulet for PvP and harrier in PvE).  


    edit This means that for equipment you should remember checking your weapons when you come back to PvP while you probably want to buy some build template slots if you do not want to have to manually swap them between each game mode. The next expac will add all weapons to all specs which will also save everyone from coming to PvP with a weapon tided to an espec they do not have equipped (who never joined a match without realizing that they could not use at least one of their weapon 🙀)

  3. 7 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    I do not care about your tiers and meta bs. There are more than a handfull of toxic specs that are massively over represented in ranked, and all have low skill floors in either dealing 20k+ damage, or tanking 20k+ damage. Soulbeast is one of them. 

    I think you completely missed my point. Again, we are all agreeing some things should be changed. What I am saying is that some of the comments are clearly overreaction.

    For example you said slb is op. Did any of the previous slb builds (poisonbeast or sicem) improve? Are they a problem? The answer is no to both.

    Did any of the previous build played on ranger improve? No.

    This is why some of the “suggestions” in those threads are just bad. Once you look at the difference between this build and others you find the changes that make sense (and we agree on).

    Are the issues something most players overlooked (like pig maul)?  If so do you just nerf it (coeff nerf + maybe animation) or rebalance it (heavier coeff nerf + increase condi)

    Are the issues something not optimal elsewhere (like prelude lash)? If so do you just nerf it (animation) or rework it?

    Maybe multiple changes did not go as expected as it happens after any rework (like sword)? Then you have a lot of room to work with. 

    • Like 2
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  4. 1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    Lol stop acting like soulbeast isnt broken. You lose more credibility with every post.

    Everybody would have put it B or C tier not too long ago. Soulbeast was something you can play in ranked but not even close to meta in any way. We all agree that ~3 things should be changed and are very easy to fix but a lot of the posts here are the standard overreactions when people see a ranger on mAT.

    • Like 5
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  5. I never managed to see the appeal of the previous version. The mobility was superior but the rest of the kit was not great. The damage skill was not good enough and the dodge was locked behind the damage / mobility skill. So when playing it you could not use the defense reactively because you had to go through the animation lockdown of the hit or the backward move and when fighting it you just saw people spamming their abilities trying to refresh the evade. Now each skill has a clear goal and can be used immediately.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    You must have forgot the thirteen other nerfs Soulbeast had to take to get it properly in line and considered what you all would considered 'balanced'. Let's not lie, SB was doing dumb kitten for years until Anet gave it the Cata treatment,

    outside of boonbeast (which did not last that long compared to most specs including cata)  you never saw soulbeast in competitive. Trying to make seem like an equivalent to cata is wild.

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  7. For power builds this is the only offhand weapon focused on power damage on all skills. Not using axe also means you lose the bonus of honed axe(beastmastery trait) during sicem thus you also lower your damage. One possible alternative would be warhorn which also brings multi hit for Owp, decent damage, does not lock you in place and has some cc

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 7/27/2023 at 2:18 AM, Zyreva.1078 said:

    Any sort of projectile denial is countered by unblockable. And there is no need to make an exception for druid staff.

    Tested it in the guild arena and I can confirm it does not work anymore. I am sure it was still converting unblockable projectiles not too long ago. After the patch that improved druid (the one adding instant druid CA 2 in october 2022) I played it a full season in PvP and was still converting every projectile (including virtuoso). If it got changed they should increase the height of the skill as you just need to walk 1 meter on stairs to shoot above it (and the healing conversion is less than the damage if it was a reflect).

    • Like 1
  9. 53 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    This is a losing comparison lol. In damage alone, they are not at all equivalent. Using the utilities to artificially increase the time you have to react? Cmon man 😛

    Single attacks, let alone auto-aimed, ranged ones that persist through LoS, should not do 20k+ damage. Under any circumstances. That's a line crossed. Hard nerfs.

    Edit: Note the Ranger hitting a 9.5k maul after the burst too. That's more equivalent to Rocket burst, and the Ranger has both lol.

    We probably both played enought pvp to know this is true 🙂. For slb with / without owp / sicem there is more / less dps meaning the time to adapt to wh changes a lot. For your build with / without stealth means more or less time to react to rocket (which does more dmg than maul). 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    I think the key difference is that one build relies on that one combo to get their kills and hits like a wet noodle any time it's on CD. Has very little in the way of might stacking. 

    The other build has 3 other backup combos to fall back on and sword skills that crit for 5-7k each. Is able to  might stack like crazy so miscellaneous skills will still hit hard outside of their bursts. 



    I can understand that and would not have a problem if might generation, sword and another combo are getting hit.  I only wanted to point out the 1 burst shown in the video because it is super specific.

  11. 1 hour ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    My "one shot" hits for 8-10k (not 20k), is aimed, and would take 5 seconds to hit (well, miss) at the range the ranger did 😞 I'd relate it more to the "highly telegraphed, melee only, requires a stun to land" burst that Warriors have justified since the dawn of time.

    Or unsuspecting "Ele-be-gone". Only Engi build I felt joy playing during the dark times.

    What I meant to say is is that there are things to nerf on the side of slb but they are not the os highlighted in your video despite what @Kuma.1503 said.

    On one side (slb) you have a combo giving 4s to react (based on 2 utilities) every 60s or one with 50% less damage (giving more time to react) every 30s .

    On the other (your build) we have a os combo giving less than 1s to react every 75s or giving 1.5-5s to react every 25s or less. 

    Both can work in the game. In fact wh has existed for a long time and was so gimmicky that you would not use it unless you were facing a full anti projectile team and wanted to play sicem. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    there's not enough defensives on most classes, the smoke assault forces you to dodge twice, especially if the birds are hitting at the same time, and the immobs and cc force you to use stun breaks, then they stealth or run/reset and you have nothing for the next round of bursts. especially if they're abusing terrain.

    which professions or builds are you thinking about? The meta build all have decent defense and a lot of good builds (like vindi / spellbreaker) have multiple ways to negate it.

    • Confused 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    The only people who think this build is okay are the ones currently being carried by it. Have you noticed Poe hasn't been playing since cata got nerfed? Wonder why 

    I already talked about what I think should be nerfed for slb (edit : pig maul dmg + prelude lash animation) but I could add a change sword 3 which I think should have less dmg (at least 33%) but a shorter cd as it is meant to be utility instead of dmg. Now for this video if you are full glass and turn your back (no vision) to a full glass (sicem) without any defensive cd left (block or stunbreak) you will die to any combo and in a shorter time(even those with less than 1min cd).

    Edit : for the bladesworn there were multiple dodges for nothing. The perma reflect should not be a thing. I think the playstyle with multiple heals combined with cc + dmg + unblockable all in one is also not fun but I am not sure how to change that without reworking it

  14. 14 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

    I'm sure it would struggle against condi tanks... what I'm saying is there are many classes without the tools to counter it effectively.    Like they will just get completely farmed... from stealth.. while being CC'd and even if they manage to avoid that the other damage combos it has will one shot them on a single mistake.  

    It's an issue of power creep.  It seems like a reasonable build against things with invulns, multiple stuzbreaks and cleanses, ports, huge tanginess and blocks.... but there's a lot of classes with none of that.   

    I think a lot of professions can have a build that meet a few of those requirement. Berserker, mesmer, ele would fit hyper defensive builds,  druid maybe can be close to this category, specter could abuse range and constant condi application. 

    I am in favor of changing the values on Maul or reworking prelude lash but I think there are a lot of overreactions just like when people discovered untamed with Boyce so I would give it a little more time.

    • Like 4
  15. @Trevor Boyer.6524 is correct @shion.2084, @Aaron.1294.  Pig maul + prelude lash are the outliers and the build has weaknesses.

    If you have doubts and would rather listen to someone from R55 then Drazeh tried to play it and pretty much said the same thing and struggled vs condi tanks. He even made a tierlist after the mat and said something that sounded like "It looks crazy because Boyce was playing it. Some people tried it and it was not great. Just change pig maul, prelude lash."

    • Like 6
  16. Maul (merged) : The cd is fine. The damage could to go to 1.8 for this cd (~20% nerf). I am not sure how it would play out but spacing the 2 hits with 0.25s could also be an option. It might feel weird.

    Prelude lash : This one is hard for me to change. It is literally the only way to land some of the self root skills + is one of the few teamfight skills + is tied to the worst archetype (versatile) + has a long cd + is close combat. With that said lets try. I think the cast time could stay the same if the effect had a delay. Either cast time unchanged + 0.5s delay or cast time goes to 0.5 and delay is 0.25. With this cast time / delay you still have a setup that allows you to chain skills and is easier to dodge. If you want to remove the immob I would add something else otherwise it becomes REALLY underwhelming for this kind of cd.  Maybe make it a tether to where the ranger was when the skill triggered (at the end of the delay).


    4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    Honestly I don't get your point, you can Melee bosses and you can move while attack. Ranger only has one main source of stationary damage since barrage doesn't realy count. Ranger also has many leaps option especially with sword rework. 

    I do not really have a clear definition for stationary damage. The way I see ranger main rotation is fully stationary (and close combat) because this is how most of your damaging skills work

    • Rooted (cannot react) + enemy should not move: Barrage (range) + Whirling defense (close) + Worldly impact (close)
    • Enemy should not move: frost trap (close) + Exploding spore (really close)
    • Targeted aoe : path of scars (range)

    The thing is, over time it became increasingly harder to stay in melee. As we move along with the philosophy that mechanics should be checked multiple times (and not bypassed by barrier / aegis) we have to admit that the dps will be lower in a real fight. 

    4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    I think the main reason why people don't use Ranger is because you have no reactionary skills while preform the rotation since most of your utilities are for damage. One of the main reasons I like Mesmer is the condition Signets have a built in stun break and CC. With all that in mind like I mentioned they also have many amazing passive traits so that can be a pro to some people. 

    I agree. I find ranger offering a lot more variety in PvP than in PvE group content. Probably for the same reason it has mostly been a solo roamer / duelist for a while.

    4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    So what do you suggest playing a full Ranged Elite like Virtuoso? 

    It is really tricky for me to give an answer… I do enjoy a build with with both melee and range. I want both options to work but obviously a more flexible damaging builds will have a better performance and feel better to play once the fight is more chaotic which seems to happen a lot more.

    In the past my answer for some fights would have been “yes another profession is better”. Now I am a bit more hopefull and would need to play it more. Maybe the current version is good or at least fine. I tried druid dps in Sunqua cm, while I was not the best it felt quite comfortable to play. I am also interested in untamed performance (I have not played it yet). The only power melee which were performing well in my guild on Olc cm were herald because of the glint heal and willbenders. Maybe the untamed heal could have a similar impact in some fights.

    I do not know what plan they have for the future. Before eod they moved some power from sicem to other skills which made ranger less on / off. It does not look like we will have a new espec but maybe they could add damage to a spirit to have a range dps option (with less dmg than frost trap). Maybe they could make exploding spores a weaker version but range with charges.

    • Like 2
  18. 13 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    @aymnad.9023 @Andy.5981

    We must be playing different games since I remember Bosses having break bars which produces the circumstances that you claim doesn't exist.

    There is plenty of time to get off your stationary skills like Whirling Defense. I mean this is essentially the point the Ranger, extremely Highly DPS burst rotation. This most true for Soulbeast than any other profession in the game with Sic Em.

    I want to push this idea even further since unlike more Melee Classes most Ranger builds involve at least one Ranged option like Main-hand Axe or Longbow. This essentially plays out with you using those weapons to clear Mobs/Mechanics that other Classes can't. 

    Bosses have breakbars at precise moments / phases. Those moments are rare (only a few per bosses) and on some bosses it does not even matter because the boss either does not have a cc bar (cairn,mo,…) or does start its mechanics right after being cc (samarog, twin largos,…).

    Anytime you know a mechanic (spread bombs, aoe cc or damage), a new phase starts (invuln for a few seconds) or the boss simply moves somewhere else in the next 5s you have to stop your rotation. This affects slow condi build (like ranger) or power build that are very wave like (like sicem).

    I became interested in cast time and targeting a few months ago after getting a new mouse. It helped me throw attacks on my target in my back. I was already playing reaper wells and staff, engie grenades, ele scepter but the flexibility the “lock on” option gives is huge. The lack of flexibility in build (no real range utility damage) / movement (facing target / cast / self root) is also why range is actually not that impressive on ranger.(in my opinion)   (sidenote : I do enjoy gs way more than lb but swap often)

    Sunqua peak, Ko cm, Olc cm, the recent silent surf are all “recent” releases and they check if you can move / do mechanics. Even a non moving boss like Mai trin cm checks something with the shockwave debuff. Olc cm was my breaking point but I was already getting tired before. There was just too much of a difference in performance, how much I could help my squad (fb), have an easier (scepter ele) and more fun time while being less restricted on my other professions (necro, engie).  

  19. I prepared a much longer message but then realized I was only complaining about the same things over and over. Soooooooo trying to keep it short : this is a pleasant surprise.

    Before the previous patch I was really unhappy. We had stuff like spellbreaker being way above soulbeast and berserker which was pure nonsense. I had swapped to reaper / engie for power builds and ele / guard for condi build. I would heal / support people on fb while having good dps or keep hitting the boss while running away on ele / reaper.

    Ranger can struggle for the following reasons:

    • Power ranger is not practical since you need to fight a non moving boss and in close combat (your burst roots you or uses delayed aoe). As I always remind people, during pof, when pslb had 1.5k more dps than banner warrior, it ended being worst in most fights. 
    • Condi ranger needs a close combat enemy, have a slow ramp up making professions with burn or torment way better in most fights.

    Since they started making sure everyone does a mechanic and not just 2-3 people we have a weird situation. Ranger gets some strong results on old content but completely falls off in the last 2-3 years content. This makes balance a bit messy. You end up with benchmarks that need to be higher to reach what other can do, making it even better for older content. 

    At the moment I am really enjoying the new builds and am surprised to see them perform well 😻 because I thought the last patch would not change a single thing. I am only waiting for some improved boon generation :classic_happy:


    As a side note I said for multiple patches the game can probably work without 40k benchmarks so I would not mind if it gets nerfed ALONG EVERY other profession (and we avoid the previous situation of especs with free tankyness/support/range being higher than pure dps or ranger having the same benchmarks).

  20. 15 minutes ago, captrowdy.9561 said:

    Im not concerned with pvp tournaments in a 10 year old mmo. I would assume most players play pvp for fun. I don’t think many folks are worried about the builds these players are using. 

    I can understand and respect that but you defined untamed as meta since the start of eod. Meta is (for most people I see on the forums or in game) defined by what you see in tournament / higher ranked (where people usually go for the "current strongest builds") which is why I was surprised.

  21. Bug from beta :

    Staff and dagger ambush do not work with Let Loose (untamed)

    If you mouse over the dagger auto while playing untamed it has to display 4 autos + the ambush which does not fit on screen so you end up missing info about the 1st auto and the ambush.

    Other bug:

    Let loose fury is a different “fury” in PvP. It does not trigger traits like remorsless and has a different icon placement from standard fury (you can have both effects)

    Weaponmaster :

    My main issue with allowing all weapons is that they have to compete with each other and on ranger they will hardly shine or be super situational. 

    For example I doubt dagger can find a place. Soulbeast can use it because of the synergy with Predator's cunning. But on other specs it has to compete with axe and shortbow which are range, strong and even with them ranger manages to be behind what other professions can output on most bosses.

    For staff I really do not share the excitement some players have for this weapon outside of a support druid build. It has minimum healing (as the main one is tied to CA) and dps (because it should not be a dps weapon).

    Hammer skill selection is really cool. Something should inform players that they can change the skills! Without reading the forums I would never have known. I tried it on sicem build and had a better dps output. Gs is safer, hammer will have more dps and lb will have range. I just think it will struggle in PvE vs most of the eod strike bosses where range is better and will hardly be used in PvP.

    Untamed :

    Now a special mention to untamed. The new ambushes are really cool. 

    The dagger ambush is fun. A blink + an effect is what unnatural traversal should have been. The aoe effect has some good value for teamfights. Still I doubt it will be played in PvP because the rest of the dagger kit and ranger weapons do not allow to follow up.

    The staff ambush is great but as I said about staff earlier I have mixt feelings about it. I tried to solo a bounty and found that it had good dps and good healing. But I also noticed a lot of healing comes from the lifesiphon  (which makes sense) when I struggled a bit to heal someone. Maybe some duelist builds or some support attempts on bosses without too much damage can make it work.

  22. 10 hours ago, captrowdy.9561 said:

    Man I play pvp a lot and i don’t know what your talking about. I don’t know know who these players are and I don’t think the majority of players do. 

    Are you playing on NA? Those are well known players / teams in EU that you have seen if you watched international tournaments. I do not know if there is a channel with NA mAT. I quickly checked Vallun’s channel and I only see Euratian on untamed for the first eod mAT then I cannot find the following mAT.

  23. 21 hours ago, Vamp Rook.7835 said:

    Do u know that Untamed with longbow has been meta since EoD launch on pvp? 

    Well this has nothing to do with the OP but for PvP untamed was NOT meta for a very long time. Strong but NOT meta. Here is what really happened.

    First tournament, Boyce shocked everyone by winning on untamed when people thought it was bad? People screamed for nerfs immediately annndddddd 2 weeks later everybody was on willbender. Even Boyce said it was not the best choice.

    Next tournament some teams try it but most give up on it.

    Willbender gets nerfed, people scream for untamed nerfs annnnnddd it is not played.

    Later other eod professions get nerfed (vindi + mech). Boyce comes back on it (only him once again) and people start immediately asking for nerfs.

    Shortly after you have the buffs of spellbreaker. You see a new build spellbreaker build every mAT after that. French worms play untamed for the cage burst but not much for anything else.

    Then we have the scepter rework with 3-5 ele and 0-2 spellbreakers comp.

    Then finally we have the nerf on the blink + the new signet which makes it meta.

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