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Everything posted by neoteo.3975

  1. I have some news for you, it already is since 2014:https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-megaserver-system/ PVE map placement has NOTHING to do with which server you are for WvW on besides regional restrictions. So how do you explain that you log in to empty maps when there are other maps with more players? Something not working. Edit: thank you for that link?
  2. Mega server means we can play with any player, but doesn't place every player on the same instance by default.
  3. Anet could better clarify how it works, my story is my experience on daily basis. It feels like there are too many empty instances of the same maps, i need to jump 2 or 3 times to reach the map where people are. This could be solved.
  4. I have a feeling players could gain enjoyment if the way players are spread in maps was different. What if the player distribution on PVE areas would not be according to WVW servers but just by the amount of players. Meaning when a player joins a map, regardless of what server he is in, he is placed in the most populated instance of that map, only when that map is full, any player who attempts to join will go to the second instance on the list, and so on and so on. For those who played gw1 this was how it worked, and it was great. This could only be better if we would also have a drop down menu of all existing instances and we could jump from on to others as we do in gw1. With the limitations required to avoid exploits on meta and world events, same as we have now. Why do i feel this is needed? Happens many times i login to the game, my map is empty, i play and while and get the message to jump to another map, i do that and the next map is a little bit more populated, after a while it's time for the meta, i join the meta group in lfg, jump map again, and that map is super populated. Makes me think, why did i login to an empty map, if there are maps with lots of people? Imagine those players who don't even join meta groups, they think the game is dead. I am near sure something needs to be done, change how people are creating empty instances. Just put everyone on the same instances. Thank you
  5. Took me a while to understand there are tabs for skills and tabs for equipment, but after i set up the short cut keys, I'm in love with this new free feature, thank you very much.
  6. PVE Hardcore mode is easy to design ?Remove the option to restart from checkpoint, no repair armour kits, triple the amount of mobs, give a few more complicated mechanisms to the final boss and add a super rare drop to the final chest.
  7. The obvious question is, "What sort of problem are you having?" LS2 is a step up in difficulty compared to the core game up to the end of Victory or Death, and the others are not (much) lower in difficulty, so the first thing you'll have to do is to adapt to that increase. If you're having specific problems, give us an idea of what they are. For me, the hardest individual step up was when I was first dealing with LS3, specifically the World Summit step (the summit itself, in the Grove), but it made me learn how to play better, and once I read about how the mechanics worked, it wasn't nearly as hard. Did I mention any problems? I said I need help. The main reason is because I hate to play alone and not always my friends and guildies are online when I am.
  8. Is this true? I thought it was a joke Such a thing exist(ed) in other games, don't know about GW2, but I all cases it was much more annoying than useful.If it can be turned off, ok, but still a waste of development capacity in my view.Chat room doesn't require that much development time. I see a big improvement in the chances of someone replying to my questions, I'm also looking for experiment different guilds, if that room end up a guild invite spam, for me that is already big win. Those who hate spam can turn it off like any other chat channel.
  9. Is this true? I thought it was a joke
  10. Here goes an out of the box idea. Map chat too silent? Anet make a Global Game Chat channel, that chat room where any player anywhere in the game can type in. If it gets too busy, just make it a slow chat where people need to wait 10 seconds before typing in again. Most probably not needed as the game is very silent in all map chats most of the time. Purpuse? Same as the LFG tool but more human.
  11. There should be more "instanced" group content. It's funny because gw1 was only instanced group content and people asked for open world like wow, now we have too much open world like wow and not enough instanced group content. Should not be very hard to grab all the story instances and make them group content, there are super beautiful maps that only serve one time on story, what a waste. Make more group content. I also think the LFG interface should have the option to see all postings not sorted by types, since almost no one is posting, i always need to click all to see what groups are being made. At this point I don't really care what people are grouping for, I'll join anything as long as it's a group game. How hard is it to reward grouping? Give gold! Edit to add: group content for open world maps could also work. Simple mechanics, puzzles that would only get done by groups. Someone will complain that solo players can't do it? Well I think at this point solo players can't complain from lack of content. Almost everything is solo, and even more annoying when we try to co-op the story, most of the mechanisms can't be done by anyone besides the commander.
  12. If any guild that focus on helping each other doing story. I hate to solo.
  13. Yeah, I just visualize an arena similar to the crown pavilion where people can watch from outside, this idea comes exactly from there. Could also increase pvp interest from pve players, who knows
  14. Just make it so that those players with the Pvp in PVE areas option ON will shine. You will see everyone with that thing aways on ?
  15. Alright, I edited the first post to make this thread only about adding a small arena in towns where people could pvp and others in town watch.
  16. More or less, actually the idea was to bring fun to towns, but forget it.
  17. Because of you the game never really get new features, keep up the good work of turning every idea down. /clap
  18. Why not a small pvp arena in lians arch, where other people can watch. What is the argument for not having this? Just because no PVP in PVE is not an argument.
  19. Haha true, maybe only allow pvp when someone is not interacting with NPC. The why is just for fun and also to give more purpose to towns, could also be arenas in towns instead of the whole town.
  20. Some people could go further and use it for 1 vs 1 and stuff like that.
  21. post edited If possible add a small arena for people to pvp and others in town to watch watch. That arena would have a queue, not instances. The idea of pvp everywhere in towns was horrible so I edit that out.
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