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  1. No it doesn't. FF14 never designs content around class gimmicks and usually allows you to play melee everywhere. Bosses have a lot of mechanic but there is always an intended way to do things that works and usually mechanics don't repeat that often within an encounter. the encounters also have major mechanics and minor ones like stacking in a specific spot. Usually the major mechanics don't really repeat and when they do they behave differently in some way. The cerus cm has 4 mechanics you repeat for 10 minutes. you could remove the first 40% of the encounter and you would miss out on nothing and would still see all the mechanics. that does not happen with ff14 encounters. Also ff14 has a intended strategy for things. I am not even sure how a split in 5 player content should work. the adds have 6m hp. how are you supposed to do that without the lifesteal bug? Resistance running out on cerus is also not intended and would make the encounter so much worse to play especially without cvirt. The double wall mechanic requires portals and i am really not sure if the devs even tested for that because there are some cases in which you basically can't collect the orbs because mechanics overlap in such an untested way.
  2. The dev who left brought in some ff14 encounter designs. The new ones don't. You know what all ff14 encounters have in common? you can play melee just fine. The recent encounters are not like FF14 encounters at all. Cvirt stacks everywhere. Portals required. Extreme layers of rng and untested content. Silent surf forces you to afk for way too long. how is that ff14 design?
  3. You are not supposed to play ele in the first place. You are supposed to play condi virtu, scourge and soulbeast while studying the store page.
  4. @Nimris.3781No kp.me account and no Strike logs in over 6 months but you play slb and cvirtu in fractals. No wonder you are in denial. The best cleaving spec for high hp targets is also cvirtu thanks to piercing line cleave. And without immob you would just pierce them with cvirts. much safer than power build burst cleave. Increasing portal cd with a cd reduction trait would be the worst change. would make hchronos mandatory. The bouncing ball would make cvirtu and scourge mandatory because they can dps at range. But what if bosses could be moved? Then you could move them for higher melee uptime but that's so 2016 design apparently. And i mean properly moving like in wow or ff14 and not stuck in animation 70% of the time like sloth or deimos. The fast wall requires a dodge jump and a blink or portal to deal with. Nothing in this game should require dodge jump. Will never get fixed anyways. The intern forgot to make the boonsteal dodge able but it is a trigger line without elevation because good devs. Dodging prevents dmg, jumping the boonsteal. But lets be honest, the devs did not plan that far ahead and most likely had no working strategy for that mechanic themselves. They just thought that it might work out and players will find a way. Half true. Requires dodge jump and a portal...
  5. Cvirtu is not flavor of the month. More like flavor of the last 2 years with small extremely busted scourge phases and scourge had an extremely op 9 month phase before eod. And then a month or longer period of 49k dps in soto. And then slb which is dominant in fractals for 5+ years and even able to do a couple speedrun records in raids and strikes. Scourge was always an issue design wise. that thing shouldn't be able to do dps at all.
  6. Cvirtu is fine? Have you checked the playrates of cvirtu in strike cms? It is 40% and higher there with ht cm being kinda the only exception. Wouldn't surprise me if it had 50%+ in cerus cm.
  7. You can play ALL the classes in ff14 ultimates. Cerus cm is so extremely kitten designed that only a very few specs are able to clear it without feeling like you are actively handicapping yourself. The devs did not playtest this and it shows. I am not even sure if the resistance running out is intended design or a bug. They could have given us portals as SAKs or being on the platform but instead we got mandatory mesmers and scourges again. FF14 fights are not designed around spec gimmicks but we got multiple gw2 fights which require portals or piercing cleave. Having a spread mechanic every 3 seconds sucks when it leaves behind a field so you cannot even spread in melee range. FF14 had a fight like that. the boss had such a giant hitbox so that you could place the aoes "outside" while still being in melee hit range. Either nerf cvirtu and scourge into the ground -> 30k dps range or stop designing fights that are extremely punishing towards melee builds and reward line piercing or ranged cleave. The wall animation and hitboxes are not synced so it causes a boonsteal despite dodging it. Another fun "mechanic".
  8. Because pugs still cc every breakbar and i got kicked by this amazing community for explaining how the mechanic works.
  9. All bosses take far less than 5min. Kanaxai takes a bit over 4min but pugs still have no idea how the boss works and explaining that might get you kicked because it hurts the ego of 40k ap hfb mains. dark ai can be as fast as 1:20. Light ai a 3min.
  10. Also to add some statistics. There are currently 3! qcata logs up on wingman in olc cm for the last 2 patches combined. 1718 logs uploaded. There wasn't a boon build as dominant as herald since old chrono days. Even when fb was strong there were still plenty of other specs. Now even the 3 logs with a qcata in them have all qherald as the 2nd quick option. And if you ask reddit this is the best balance we had ever.... If you ignore herald, slb and cvirtu maybe.
  11. This works perfectly fine on golems. But on bosses that phase it is just bad. Imagine having 6sec phases in fractals. You can not generate energy back during the burst and you wont be able to give quickness at the start of the next phase because there is no way to generate energy without a target. Chrono has the same issue but it generates so much boons that you cap 30sec without even looking at the screen. Ele quickness is extremely tight. One of the many reasons why i haven't seen a quickness cata in a year. It is a golem spec that requires 50000 times more effort than herald on encounters with basically no upside.
  12. It is still better dps wise than dagger despite being a utility weapon. air 5 and fire 5 carry the whole weapon. They should buff dagger oh before they buff wh.
  13. I have absolutely no idea why people expected expansion specific relic access without owning the expansion. No legendary works like that.
  14. Tempest is doing the 46k+ dps with pistol. it shares a lot of boons. I can get to 40k without even checking the rotation and pressing all the buttons. tempest is not that hard.
  15. This cm is massively overtuned for the sake of a world first twitch race. The mechanics are just normal mode mechanics altered a tiny bit and boss hp increased by more than 2.5! It is difficult because various mechanics overlap which make some of them impossible to be dealt with. Having to leave the circle and soak orbs at the same time for example. And the add edge mechanic is pointless. why another portal requirement? It is questionable if the last 10% phase possible at all. huge aoe dmg on top of spread mechanics which itself hits hard and the boss gets empowered stacks and oneshots after 60sec anyways. And then there is a title on top. They copy wow mythic here. releasing massively overtuned bosses which are sometimes mathematically impossible to beat on release for a world first race. i prefer ff14 approach where the inhouse design team has to beat the content before it gets released. The devs have to play the game then though. It is more likely that the devs assumed 75% bench and balanced for that. Downtime is hard to anticipate though and the heal check in last phase coupled with spreads is making bs damage look tame.
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