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Aerick Blackmoore.8167

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Everything posted by Aerick Blackmoore.8167

  1. Well Ventari wasn't all that important in GW1, so am not ruling out Talon just yet, but the offspring who led the Tengu to the Domain of Winds is a likely candidate I'd say. Scarlet as a Legend, I think I'd quite like that. Jora would be awesome too. Asura Legends; Zinn, Vekk, Oola, Gadd, Snaff - are all that come to mind. Mechanically, I'm just looking at the missing weapon lines and am still betting on Daggers, Greatsword or Scepter.
  2. What about a Tengu hero, Talon Silverwing? Fits within Cantha. Weapon could be either Daggers or Greatsword,with Shout like abilities
  3. Where as I do agree with Draxynnic regarding Revenant and Ritualist, it also got me thinking:The Legendary Aspect, could be Togo, with the Aspect skills changing into 'Ashes of... ' https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Item_spellScourge and Engineer to a certain extend already covered the Spirits part of the Ritulaist. What's left are the direct spells and the Ashes of skill-line. Would fit with Revenants in a way that the are the only class to get bundle skills, since gameplay and thematically they wouldn't fit anywhere else as much. Although one could argue the Elementalist Conjure Skills are similar.
  4. Hmm some predictions, based on weapons and skills received / missing from professions in previous expansions:Guardian:Either Dagger main (and offhand )like Warrior did in PoF or offhand Warhorn.Type: Melee Bruiser Daggers / Commander like with a Warhorn.Skill: StanceRevenant:Daggers main (and offhand), Scepter or Greatsword.Type: Melee Bruiser with Daggers / Greatsword or Ranged Caster with Scepter.Skill: Legendary AspectWarrior:Short Bow or Staff, possibly main and offhand Pistols.Type: Ranged Direct DPS with Short Bow / Pistols or Melee Evasive attacks with Staff.Skill: Either Cantrip or Trap for Ranged, Deception or Mantra for StaffEngineer:Main or offhand Mace, possibly Torch.Type: Melee Bruiser or Ranged UtilitySkill: PhysicalRanger:Hammer or RifleType: Melee Heavy Direct Damage or Ranged DPS both Beastmaster Focussed.Skill: Physical Hammer or Shouts RifleThief:Mace or Greatsword, possibly ScepterType: Melee Bruiser or Caster RangedSkill: Mace and Greatsword Stance, Glyphs ScepterElementalist:Long or Short bow, possibly HammerType: Ranged Caster big Single Target DPS in all 3 cases.Skill: Wells for AoEMesmer:Long or Short bowType: Ranged Direct DPSSkill: CantripNecromancer:Mace,Pistol or Sword mainhandType: Control / Corrupter Melee or RangedSkill: Cantrip, Deception or Stance
  5. Hmm some predictions, based on weapons and skills received / missing from professions in previous expansions:Guardian:Either Dagger main (and offhand )like Warrior did in PoF or offhand Warhorn.Type: Melee Bruiser Daggers / Commander like with a Warhorn.Skill: StanceRevenant:Daggers main (and offhand), Scepter or Greatsword.Type: Melee Bruiser with Daggers / Greatsword or Ranged Caster with Scepter.Skill: Legendary AspectWarrior:Short Bow or Staff, possibly main and offhand Pistols.Type: Ranged Direct DPS with Short Bow / Pistols or Melee Evasive attacks with Staff.Skill: Either Cantrip or Trap for Ranged, Deception or Mantra for StaffEngineer:Main or offhand Mace, possibly Torch.Type: Melee Bruiser or Ranged UtilitySkill: PhysicalRanger:Hammer or RifleType: Melee Heavy Direct Damage or Ranged DPS both Beastmaster Focussed.Skill: Physical Hammer or Shouts RifleThief:Mace or Greatsword, possibly ScepterType: Melee Bruiser or Caster RangedSkill: Mace and Greatsword Stance, Glyphs ScepterElementalist:Long or Short bow, possibly HammerType: Ranged Caster big Single Target DPS in all 3 cases.Skill: Wells for AoEMesmer:Long or Short bowType: Ranged Direct DPSSkill: CantripNecromancer:Mace,Pistol or Sword mainhandType: Control / Corrupter Melee or RangedSkill: Cantrip, Deception or Stance
  6. hammer and rifle from @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" sounds interesting to me tbh, do you have something else in mind? also yeah, dual wield needs more content I might like hammer on Rangers. I dunno if you played GW1, but there was a build (or rather builds) for Rangers that was heavily Pet focused that also used a hammer. It was called the Bunny Thumper. Might be cool to see a successor to this build in GW2. Nah I haven't played GW1 at all. its really interesting tho, im curious as in what connects the hammer with beastmaster, and what sort of skills you think ranger will get if beastmasterHammer and Shouts could work really well, remember the Command skills used to be Shouts in GW2. The Bunny Thumper in GW1 had interrupt skills from the Beastmastery line and Knockdowns from the Hammer skill tree (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hammer_Mastery#Hammer_Mastery_skills and https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Beast_Mastery#Beast_Mastery_skills) So pet and Ranger worked in unison. Could see that happening in a similar way in GW2 with either Hammer or Rifle. What could also be a possibility is a more Earth Magic based Ranger(Druid is Celestial) with Scepter or Focus. Mantra or Meditation could be skill lines together with Focus or Scepter. Could be a link to the Wardens in GW1 from the Echovald Forest https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warden
  7. hammer and rifle from @Aerick Blackmoore.8167 sounds interesting to me tbh, do you have something else in mind? also yeah, dual wield needs more content I might like hammer on Rangers. I dunno if you played GW1, but there was a build (or rather builds) for Rangers that was heavily Pet focused that also used a hammer. It was called the Bunny Thumper. Might be cool to see a successor to this build in GW2.Yes, I have and is where the idea came from, in combination with the missing weapon line for the Ranger at the moment.
  8. Think Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins for Mesmer and by default Elementalist. Thiefs could still very well be squishy with the suggested skill-lines. Shroud can be done in various ways as we've seen in Reaper / Scourge. Thank you for the compliment =)
  9. Hmm some predictions, based on weapons and skills received / missing from professions in previous expansions:Guardian:Either Dagger main (and offhand )like Warrior did in PoF or offhand Warhorn.Type: Melee Bruiser Daggers / Commander like with a Warhorn.Skill: StanceRevenant:Daggers main (and offhand), Scepter or Greatsword.Type: Melee Bruiser with Daggers / Greatsword or Ranged Caster with Scepter.Skill: Legendary AspectWarrior:Short Bow or Staff, possibly main and offhand Pistols.Type: Ranged Direct DPS with Short Bow / Pistols or Melee Evasive attacks with Staff.Skill: Either Cantrip or Trap for Ranged, Deception or Mantra for StaffEngineer:Main or offhand Mace, possibly Torch.Type: Melee Bruiser or Ranged UtilitySkill: PhysicalRanger:Hammer or RifleType: Melee Heavy Direct Damage or Ranged DPS both Beastmaster Focussed.Skill: Physical Hammer or Shouts RifleThief:Mace or Greatsword, possibly ScepterType: Melee Bruiser or Caster RangedSkill: Mace and Greatsword Stance, Glyphs ScepterElementalist:Long or Short bow, possibly HammerType: Ranged Caster big Single Target DPS in all 3 cases.Skill: Wells for AoEMesmer:Long or Short bowType: Ranged Direct DPSSkill: CantripNecromancer:Mace,Pistol or Sword mainhandType: Control / Corrupter Melee or RangedSkill: Cantrip, Deception or Stance
  10. Doom 'n Gloom hat - on! Expansion 3 hits: End of Dragons and then maybe 1 or 2 more Living World Seasons / Saga's before maintenance mode. Keep in mind that this time frame is 2-3 years out starting at release and intitial 6 month period after End Of Dragons releases. Source for life after EoD: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1319801/#Comment_1319801Say it releases in August 2021 (makes sense if you look @ the roadmap: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-icebrood-saga-champions/) and calculate for Dragon Bash in June and Festival of the Four Winds in July. 6 month period for the Expansion itself so LW Season 6 starts somewhere in April 2022, LW Season 7 in 2023. Perhaps it will be just LW Season 6 and not even a LWS 7. Not unfounded if you look at Anet's trackrecord regarding GW. Eye of the North was the first standalone Expansion instead of Full Campaign and was filled up with unfinished stories afterwards(Livia in Ascalon, Mysterious FIgure during Wintersday in Droknar). On the positive side, at worst we have 2-3 years more fun to have with GW2 as it is and our beloved characters. And hey, by that time we might al be quenching for GW3. I know I'll be playing it. Been through the transition once(GW1 -> GW2), wouldn't mind doing it again. -AB
  11. Did I say need, i meant manditory ;) To further clarify, the Bound by Blood Prologue reintroduced the Flame Legion so 'Pyre Gloves' should return too ! Jormag being the big bad this Saga, Sons of 'Svanir Gauntlets' are really really needed to return Anet! ;) yes we need pyre gloves pls Here, Anet, this guy,...right here, he gets it! With obviously the addition of Svanir Gauntlets. :) Having just finished The first episode of the Icebrood Saga, a lack of connection came over me. It was then I realised I was lacking the Svanir Gauntlets to truly appreciate our saviour Jormag.
  12. Did I say need, i meant manditory ;) To further clarify, the Bound by Blood Prologue reintroduced the Flame Legion so 'Pyre Gloves' should return too ! Jormag being the big bad this Saga, Sons of 'Svanir Gauntlets' are really really needed to return Anet! ;) yes we need pyre gloves plsHere, Anet, this guy,...right here, he gets it! With obviously the addition of Svanir Gauntlets. :)
  13. Did I say need, i meant manditory ;) To further clarify, the Bound by Blood Prologue reintroduced the Flame Legion so 'Pyre Gloves' should return too ! Jormag being the big bad this Saga, Sons of 'Svanir Gauntlets' are really really needed to return Anet! ;)
  14. Witht he upcoming release of the Icebrood Saga we 'need' the Svanir Gauntlets to return !
  15. So general concensus seems to be that we could see a new game in 3 to 5 years with a new engine. A mix of gw 1 and 2 mechanically would be best with some new sprinkles ontop. As far as races go personally I wouldnt mind seeing a few new ones. Starting over actually would feel fun again to me. But gw2 does have enough stories left to tell for now.
  16. You know I really like this idea for some reason. We’ve seen races rise and fall throughout Guild Wars history. The Mursaat, Seers, Dwarves, Jotun and Forgotten Between GW 2 and 3 narrativly we could see something like above unfold. If Gw1 was about Glint and her Prophecy and GW2 about Aurene....GW3 could be about a world without or just one last Elder Dragon and the breakdown of Magic entirely. In regards to scythes and spear, yes please! Could even make then one and two handed? One handed like the old Paragons and a two handed melee option for some classes? Scythes could be somewhqt castery like Great Swords are now? About gaming engines and gameplay options i think a new engine would make sense for a new development cycle.... As said before keep the good from GW1 and 2 in a new crisp jacket. Maybe make followers a thing agin that can dodge and jump on their own a la Dragon Age?
  17. So far what we've seen, or atleast in my p.o.v have experienced is a cast and forget type of release style, release something new, go unto the next thing; i.e. dungeons -> fractals-> raids eventhough fractals do see some semblance of development. WvW / PvP nothing really new since release, maybe a few maps but nothing fundamentally different. IN regards to having to start anew, coming form 50/50 HoM before GW2 release, it's actually not that bad to start fresh sometimes... again my own experience. As far as so much left to tell, true, however a new game could mean new perspectives as well, Centaur and Tengu stories are far from told, imo. For instance the Trees the Centaurs gather around, their culture, maybe even inspire a shaman class, thinking of a Ranger / Druid / Elementalist-hybrid.
  18. Mhm, expect there are. Especially the PvP side of htings, I prefer the Team rena's, GvG and HA Gw1 gave us over what we have now. Alliance Battles were a good prelude to WvWvW in a way, but the objectives are a little boring by themselves..
  19. Dear Fellow Guildwarians ! With the recent departure of MO and the speculation articles that his team could've been working on GW3 a thread of what you would like to see in GW3. Personally: No cosmetic armor restrictions, mechanically it's fine, imo, it could even play a larger role than now, maybe in the way of restistances / stamina? Damage type weaknesses, remember how plants took extra damage from fire in GW1? All weapons available to all classes from the start, with different skills right of the bat, not unlocked through specializations. Skill split between pvp and pveBuild savingsFishing, Housing, Races, Polymock, the ability to dye weapons, more costumization and non-serious gameplay. More variety in utility skills. As far as Races go:HumanTenguHylek / FrogmenCentaurs*Kodan While I like the idea of combo's I think they could be even larger in effect, for instance; Freeze / Shatter combinations - like a freezing skill followed by an earth 'shatter' skill. A split between conditions and hexes like we had in GW1, boons and weapon skills / shouts and ofcourse the ability to remove them. Keep the jumping, dodging, mounts and all the fun stuff gw2 gave us, but it could be a bit more like GW1. Maybe I'll think of more these next few days. Let us know what you think !
  20. Guess my choice would be Tengu, Hylek, Centaur (no idea how they would make Centaurs and Mounts work, but I'm sure there's a loophole somewhere)
  21. We haven't seen Magnus ' Eye patch back in store in about half a year that would be nice to see return ! As well as Braham' armor, contrary to his outfit...
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