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Deus Fatorum.2473

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Everything posted by Deus Fatorum.2473

  1. • Your assigned team (find this information in the World Restructuring - BETA menu):Griffonfall• Your original home shard (example: Gandara, Blackgate), Eredon Terrace• The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: The Kingdom [King], was selected after beta already started• A description of the issue: When objectives flip pop up displays the wrong server name and on map switch Occasionally the wrong matchup is displayed. Can be seen on video here,
  2. I feel there are always builds friendly to new players or in lower ratings, I do not think that inherently makes them broken. Look at power mes, in the hands of a top tier player is god like, is it inherently tanky.. no. the way I read it is he wants a more low skill floor build
  3. If looking for a general guide to pvp I recommend this video and Vallun's channel in general.
  4. Core MM is a solid intro class rn, next to vanilla core condi necro. Core Valk ranger is fairly straightforward and forgiving too if looking at pvp. If your focus is WvW roaming then anything with high mobility will help you a lot there such as speed reaper, maybe a condi teef, or a trailblazer Mesmer of some sort. If you want to zerg or follow zergs in wvw however that will shift to anything with solid aoe damage or support generally. As for pve I do not play it hardly at all I do hear that in raids if you choose to check them out as a dps you need to focus on just max dps rotations and positioning/mechanics though like I said I cant help a lot here as I don't play pve much, I do hear open world and leveling is fairly forgiving and a good place to experiment with what you like. Anyhow WB always nice to see fresh faces to the game.
  5. Still happening, I know it is likely not high priority but it is quite frustrating.
  6. Every time I zone on my new ranger all names change back to default "juvenile.. " names, a friend has same issue. My other ranger is not bugged seems to be only ranger characters made more recently. Please fix this is the worst ranger nerf I have ever seen, game may become unplayable soon I need meme ranger pet names...(sarcasm aside pls do fix) =P
  7. IMO the problem also lies with the pulsing element to entangle. The CD could be 20 sec longer and people would still have issues. It is like you said it either is too powerful or does absolutely nothing depending on who you are fighting. I wouldn't mind more DPS buffs to the ranger itself, currently core ranger relies too much on an ai that just dies to Condi anyway. I wouldn't mind a 1-2 sec non pulsing immob that IF it lands the ranger gets +whatever percent damage or bonus power for a short period after. That way it focuses less on the immob and more on the rangers skill to land a telegraphed skill on players and there ability to follow that up with a burst. Whatever they do it could do with a rework, I like to run it as its a survival skill for the additional cleanse, honestly as long as it stays a survival skill I will probably still run it However I am asking for a change to focus less on AI after the mechanist is about to be a thing so I don't know what will happen honestly... Community, "nerf MM necro AI", nerf "Ranger pet AI" Anet, "Have more AI centric classes heard you like that"
  8. Happening Again, This is getting a little old. Tempted to make a copy pasta of the bug report so I do not have to keep typing it whenever this happens...
  9. What drive do you install it on? Could you be installing it to a portable drive or maybe its an encrypted drive thus the shortcut cannot access it unless it is unlocked/plugged in? The only other things I can think of is the drive itself is going and erasing partitions due to it thinking they are corrupted or maybe an antivirus you have installed is incorrectly flagging GW2 as a virus and deleting it. Guess some things to try would be to make sure GW2 is whitelisted on any anti virus/firewalls, do a disk check to make sure your hdd/ssd is not going or having issues, and maybe try installing GW2 on another drive. Best of luck, definitely sounds like an annoying issue to have.
  10. No error code, no Dishonor, but nothing is happening... Also being in a party doesn't help either just makes my party members unable to queue, and I still cannot.
  11. The Long awaited feature film is here, enjoy..
  12. This is very true, I updated the description to better suite. As things like decap druid didn't fit into the description as well. Even though they are a side noder generally
  13. Did not see this anywhere so thought I would compile a comprehensive list for new players. Let me know if you want to know any I did not list, or think I should add anything. Nodes and Rotation Terms, Control Points/Nodes- One of three contest points located throughout the map that your team most capture and hold to earn points.Home/Close- The point closest to your spawnMid- The point of equal distance to both spawnsFar- The point closest to enemy spawnSide node- would be the home and far nodesTeam Fight- a larger fight between the two teams usually over a control point1v1- A fight between 2 players, usually seen a lot on side nodes and sometimes between points.+1/Plus- To rotate to a point currently in a team fight or one vs one and in an attempt to win the fight faster or aid a team memberPeel- To put pressure on the enemy via CC or damage to help a teammate escape or rotate Cap- To capture a node, can only be done if no enemies are on it.Contest- To stay on a node the enemy is trying to cap to deny them the cap.Decap- To turn an enemy controlled node neutral by standing on it, can only be done without the enemy contesting itFull Cap- To cap after achieving a decap, there can be reasons for and against this depending on the match.Rotate- To go to another node.Inc- Incoming, referring to rotations(usually the enemies unless stated otherwise), i.e. "Inc Mid 2" would mean two enemies incoming mid.Combat Terms CC- Crowd control, this refers to any debuffs, conditions, and affects that limit your enemies ability to move or cast abilities, aka stuns, fears, chill, immobHard CC- CC that directly affects abilitiesSoft CC- CC that affects movement usually also count as conditionsCondi- Conditions Burst- To do a high amount of damage really fast, usually with the goal of blowing important cooldowns or evades or to generate a downed playedDown- Downed stateStomp- To use the F ability to finish a downed playerAoE- Area Of Effect, usually refers to damage, any skill that affects multiple targets in an areaPBAoE- Player based area of affect, AoE's that only happen around the playerBlast- skill labeled as a blast finisherField- combo fieldSmoke- Specifically a smoke field, when combo-d with leaps and blasts gives stealth, used a lot for stealth engages, disengages, and sometimes revives.Cleave- To use damage to quickly down the downed state player, usually refers to aoe damage so to make it harder for enemies to revive as well.Rez- Revive, this refers not just to the F or Interact ability but any skills that revive as well.Rally- To stomp/cleave an enemy player one of your downed allies has hit, in an attempt to bring him out of downed state(Finishing an enemy player revives allies who are downed on your team that have hit said enemy)Bleed/Bleed Out- To slowly kill a downed state player, a tactic often used to stagger enemy respawns.Bunker- A player whose goal is to not die and focuses on sustainDPS- Damage per second, can refer to doing damage or a player whose role is to do damage.Support- A player who focuses on supporting their team through healing, damage mitigation, or condition clearing.Roamer- A player focused on mobilitySide Noder- Usually also a roamer, but focused more on 1v1's and small skirmishes, as the name implies generally sticks to side nodes over focusing on the bigger team fightsTeam Fighter- Any Role/Class/Build that is beneficial in and optimized for the team fights.Map Specific Terms Bell- The side mechanic on Revenge of the CapricornHammer/laser- The side mechanic on Skyhammerstill/top buff- First side mechanic of Silent Storm, Stillness.tranq/bottom buff- Second side mechanic of Silent Storm, Tranquility.Sword- The side mechanic on Eternal Coliseum resembling a sword.Shield- The side Mechanic on Eternal Coliseum resembling a shieldLamp- Side Mechanic of Djinn's Dominionbeast- One of the two side Mechanic creatures located an Forest Of NiflhelChief/blue beast- Chieftain Utahein, the side mechanic creature located closer to blue base on Forest of NiflhelSvanir/red beast- Svanir, the side mechanic creature located closer to red base on Forest of NiflhelLord-Side Mechanic on Legacy of FoefireTreb- Side mechanic on Battle of KhyloOrb- Side Mechanic on Spirit Watch
  14. I had an old Video about Reapers Touch now called "Soul Grasp" that showcased an underlying issue with slow moving projectiles in this game. Since they have reworked two of the worst offenders AKA Reapers Touch (necro focus 4) and Ray of Judgement(guardian focus 4) both now work in a significantly less buggy way now. However many skills still have pathing errors, such as staff autos on Ele, scepter autos on guard, torch 4 on guard(thrown ability) longbow auto on guardian, thief auto on shortbow, etc. There are three ways I mention too fix the bug, speed up projectiles, increase hitbox, and allow the projectile to redirect, and a forth is to rework the skill to a non projectile like in guardian focus 4's case(Ray of Judgement.) Lastly the change to the tooltip when the bug occurs used to be "Obstructed!" But is now "Miss!" which is shared with blinds tooltip, this will only serve to further confuse new players. Here is a video of the bug
  15. I don't hate on Condi or power I hate on builds that are either not fun to play or play against. Take nade holo I actually don't mind fighting it but due to it being as powerful as it is I do not find engineer fun to play as spamming nades is not a fun playstyle for me. Similarly builds that camp stealth or focus on bunker decap roles I find boring to fight as 90% of the time the fight is inactive. I get that there are more nuances to it all, but at the end of the day it is a game, and games should be fun to play. So if a meta is not fun to play for x, y, or z reason I think that should be addressed whether through players helping other players learn to fight in it in an enjoyable manner or through developers tweaking things. Lastly I feel metas get boring and less fun if they do not change for extended periods of time. Harking back to my nade holo example, it may have been fun and original the first month it saw play but eventually players get bored of it. Rarely have I seen metas that are fun to play for upwards of a year with no change, regardless of how fun that meta was when it first came to be. Variety is important, not that every build needs to be meta all the time, but change it up a little here and there.
  16. So my fellow Tyrians, who crave a balanced fun and healthy pvp environment, might I suggest a genius idea for seasonal special ats and off season. We have glorious modes like snowball mayhem and Keg Brawl, but why limit them to PvE! Let the mists partake and up the stakes! We need snowball mayhem ATS on winters day, maybe a Basket Brawl off season or a Dragon Ball off season. Imagine the glory, the prestige, the honor, can even have themed prizes. PLEASE ANET HEAR MY PLEAS!
  17. I appreciate your effort in trying to explain these situations, but rest assured I live relatively close to the servers and typically have very good ping/latency (~50 ms). In any case, if skills are not hitting in this way, then Guild Wars 2 should account for it to make the game more consistent. For example, Poison Dart Volley used to be a random (i.e. inconsistent) spray that got fixed shortly after I posted this video: Nothing like this should exist in a competitive mode. I agree the fact that you strafing or enemies strafing can cause projectiles to try to "guess" a trajectory is dumb in a competitive mode where most of the players will strafe. You can test it by having a scepter guard spam 1 while an opposing player strafes quickly back and forth, half the projectiles will miss due to the predictive pathing and the fact they don't try to correct course mid path. this can also happen if you strafe while firing certain projectiles too, especially if latency is involved.
  18. Try saying it as fast as you can without messing up =) A Charr called Kalla Kartcarrier carted two charred Charr karts carrying five charred Charr cars each.Kalla Kartcarrier chose to change karts to kart nine charred Charr cars carted by one charred Charr kartBut which Charr chose to carry the charred Charr car carried in the charred kart Kalla Kartcarrier stopped carting?
  19. Are chat macros for doing just that even allowed? Totally agree with you btw just thinking if the tos allow chat macros for stuff like that or not. A built in feature would obviously be nicer though.
  20. should be 10v10 courtyard but you can only solo Q. Cause memes also what other ideas you think anet should do for mini seasons
  21. Probably more than likely is due to being early in the season and placements TBH Also Currently with the player Population we do not get the luxury of balanced matches and shorter Q times, too balance this we also need more players in pvp and people to teach these players, so if there is a lesson here it is to stop pushing new players who have a desire to learn and get better out of the pvp scene by being toxic.
  22. You thought we were good enough, but alas the top 2+3 on the leaderboard and a solidly plat skilled duo(rev of boa) won in the end.https://imgur.com/swiNyug Sarcasm aside I am not even mad, It was so comical and surreal it really never hit me.
  23. OP- If you want to up your chances, paying for a team will help but there is some basic things you can do even as a new player to assist and burden the team you play with less, heck once you get the feel for what you are supposed to do in the game mode to succeed it can be a very fun mode, if you are interested I could help you out in learning to play the game mode or even strategies/builds to help you not be as big a burden/benefit your team more while needing less personal skill. Not all builds in pvp have a high skill floor. In fact if you want to be more serious about contributing, even if its for the little time it takes to get the amulet I know of many players who would be more than happy to help out. Alot of the PvE player hate from higher level pvpers is not that new players are joining it is the attitude some bring with them of claiming to know more than they do/raging at them(which you seem to not be one of those) If more new pvp players came in with the mindset of "how can I be the most helpful" or "the least intrusive" there would be alot less bad blood. I understand your frustration of having to play a mode you hate to get a reward you want(I am not a big PvE-r but I had to play pve to get things for wvw in the past...) but the experience can be made less painful for all involved if you make a decent attempt at the gamemode while you are there! Who knows you may start to enjoy it, I didnt enjoy pvp at first either it took a wvw buddy dragging me in screaming for a month before I realized it could be fun XD.
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