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Everything posted by Rex.3602

  1. ArenaNet will probably have to come up with something amazing to sell the expansion to me since gliding and mounts have already been added in HoT and PoF. Most of your suggestions wouldn't interest me. A new mount that would require as much grind as the skyscale to unlock would be terrible imo. Nothing about unlocking the skyscale is especially difficult. It's just a long, boring grind to gather a ton of items. However, if a new mount was actually hard to unlock then that would be ok. Hopefully the devs will come up with something new and interesting other than stuff that was already in HoT and PoF.
  2. Some good ideas in this thread. If nothing else, hopefully the devs can consider them in future content. I think ArenaNet should focus on making the Icebrood Saga as good as possible for the moment in order to keep players interested in the game, since the next expansion is likely delayed and a long time away due to the current pandemic causing difficulty with voice-acting and whatnot.
  3. Yeah it's probably a combination of things. Might be the small monotonous maps, poorly designed masteries, imo dull characters and slow paced story. The characters just aren't appealing to me. Aurene was actually quite an interesting character imo and it was cool to watch her grow and evolve and try to help you. Other than in the prologue she really doesn't do much (if anything) in the Icebrood saga so far.
  4. Haha this seems pretty accurate =) . I am somewhere in between casual and hardcore. Exotic gear with the odd ascended thrown in is more than enough for most things.
  5. Using mushrooms to bounce around a boss and maybe a an oakheart essence to snare them up and then a lava tube to knock them out or damage? <<<<<<<<Hello, content! lol Even using mounts for a boss fight. It would be BEYOND cool by using your raptor around a map to avoid damage and get to the boss or something along that line. We do have something kind of like this now in Drizzlewood Coast. You can use the few bouncing mushrooms to reach bosses that are above on hard to reach places in capture points on the map, for example in Leadfoot Village. These are useful as you need to chase the boss and do damage quickly before the timer expires to capture the base.
  6. Hello, Please stay on topic and do not derail this thread as this is against the forum code of conduct policy, which you can find here https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/the-forums-code-of-conduct/. If you for some reason think that you have been personally attacked and feel the need to retaliate please take it to private messages, as forum threads are not appropriate for these kind of discussions. Forum moderators will investigate reports of personal attacks using the many tools at their disposal. A forum post is not the right way to respond to something like this.
  7. It's always fun to take a break from your main character once in a while and play an alt. GW2 is pretty alt friendly compared to some other MMOs since currencies and mastery xp is shared between characters.
  8. You can grind gold and convert it into gems to buy living world episodes or complete packages. Yeah this is boring but you can eventually get them all for free.
  9. Yeah I think this is a good point for the OP. I am kind of in the same boat as the OP. After finishing the newborn skyscales achievement I really don't feel like advancing much further at the moment. I'm just collecting volatile magic from events and living world season 4 maps and trading them at the elonian trader in dragonfall for the living world season 4 currencies that you will need a lot of later on to unlock the skyscale. Other things the OP could do might be unlocking some other masteries or working on unlocking the roller beetle if you haven't already.
  10. I don't like the skyscale much either although most people seem to like it. The movement feels too awkward for me. Definitely useful, as it seems like a better version of the springer, but not worth the grind to unlock it in my opinion. If you want to unlock the skyscale you will have to spend quite a lot of time in dragonfall to complete the achievements.
  11. Compared to the story in previous living world seasons, I really don't like most of the story in the Icebrood Saga so far. Heck, even the last parts of living world season 4 were better than this.
  12. its not impacting it in a bad way, people are angry that they get nice rewards without doing anything. Did you miss my post earlier about map instance populations and how afkers may be affecting it increasing difficulty of capturing objectives? I can't confirm if this is how map instancing and population grouping works as I am not a dev, but I suspect this is the case. Never seen map wide scaling in this game, if they are afk at dolly spots they are to far away to affect any other events mate. I don't know what you are talking about with map wide scaling. Have you somehow never seen the message to switch to a more populated version of the map when there are few players remaining on the current map (gives you volunteer's blessing effect when you switch)? You need enough dps to capture all the bases before the time limit expires otherwise you can never reach the meta event. What do this got to do with afkers making it harder to capture points, thats what your first msg was about.I seen afew maps having trouble caping north west corner and thats main due to people not ccing. If you get the pop up your map got to few people in it period so afkers are not a problem at all.I don't know what you mean with that last sentence lol. Have you actually played the new map much at all? I've seen many situations where we captured points by less than a minute or missed capturing by a couple of seconds. The capture window for some points is not exactly easy unless there is a large zerg running around participating. If you read the actual first post I explained it clearly. I'm not going to bother keeping repeating myself. Yeah I just recently noticed threads about botting in pvp (I don't pvp so I wasn't aware of this earlier). Seems like this issue is widespread and ArenaNet just don't care.
  13. It's disappointing that this type of behaviour seems to be accepted by a lot of people in this game. I see many gold and mat farmers in other MMOs, but GW2 is definitely worse and seems particularly susceptible to this kind of problem because of the way that it is designed.
  14. its not impacting it in a bad way, people are angry that they get nice rewards without doing anything. Did you miss my post earlier about map instance populations and how afkers may be affecting it increasing difficulty of capturing objectives? I can't confirm if this is how map instancing and population grouping works as I am not a dev, but I suspect this is the case. Never seen map wide scaling in this game, if they are afk at dolly spots they are to far away to affect any other events mate.I don't know what you are talking about with map wide scaling. Have you somehow never seen the message to switch to a more populated version of the map when there are few players remaining on the current map (gives you volunteer's blessing effect when you switch)? You need enough dps to capture all the bases before the time limit expires otherwise you can never reach the meta event.
  15. Yeah I think it's an important point that it provides a reason for players to unlock old masteries, especially for new players. The gliding from HoT and mount masteries from PoF show this. If gliding and mount masteries were restricted to only the HoT and PoF expansion maps I probably would never bother unlocking them since I don't really play those maps anymore.
  16. its not impacting it in a bad way, people are angry that they get nice rewards without doing anything. Did you miss my post earlier about map instance populations and how afkers may be affecting it increasing difficulty of capturing objectives? I can't confirm if this is how map instancing and population grouping works as I am not a dev, but I suspect this is the case.
  17. I see bouncing mushrooms and thermal tubes being used all the time in dragonfall to get around quickly. If you haven't unlocked these masteries you can use a springer instead of the bouncing mushroom or a skyscale roost to get a skyscale to take you to the place where the thermal tube would have. I disagree. I think a map having more features/mechanics makes it more fun, and adds variety and longevity to it, instead of getting old quickly. There would be more things to explore or try out. That's why dragonfall is one of my favourite maps. I would say having the options in newer maps as a possibility over being a mandate. Has to be organic of course. Not every new map would need that lava tunnels or jumping mushrooms. Yeah, some things may not be appropriate all the time. For Drizzlewood Coast though I think it was a missed opportunity since the map has a forest vibe to it. Mushrooms could have easily made sense. There are mushrooms in the map.I think I've only seen bouncing mushrooms in Vloxen Mine, so it's very rare if there are any, which doesn't make sense. There also is not other types of mushrooms like speed boost mushroom, as well as other useable masteries.
  18. I see bouncing mushrooms and thermal tubes being used all the time in dragonfall to get around quickly. If you haven't unlocked these masteries you can use a springer instead of the bouncing mushroom or a skyscale roost to get a skyscale to take you to the place where the thermal tube would have. I disagree. I think a map having more features/mechanics makes it more fun, and adds variety and longevity to it, instead of getting old quickly. There would be more things to explore or try out. That's why dragonfall is one of my favourite maps. I would say having the options in newer maps as a possibility over being a mandate. Has to be organic of course. Not every new map would need that lava tunnels or jumping mushrooms.Yeah, some things may not be appropriate all the time. For Drizzlewood Coast though I think it was a missed opportunity since the map has a forest vibe to it. Mushrooms could have easily made sense.
  19. I think you are thinking of dragonfall (last episode of living world season 4 with the introduction of the skyscale). Masteries should definitely be available to use on all maps. I can't think of any reason why they can't be. Yeah, it would be good if the new maps could use features and masteries unlocked from the previous maps. They also stopped adding skyscale roosts in the newer maps which is disappointing. Bloodlegion Homelands (the prologue map) had a skyscale roost though.
  20. Some of the skyscale skins look cool, but I won't even consider buying them yet since I don't have the skyscale unlocked and unlocking it is one of the most tedious grinds I have seen. Why not make it so the skyscale is unlocked when you buy a skin (or at least the expensive skins), or sell an item in the gem store that will unlock the skyscale? That way ArenaNet would make more money through skyscale unlocks and associated skyscale skins. (Hides before I am attacked by players who already have the skyscale mount unlocked)
  21. lol. Same. I'll be making sure to spend as much gold on gems or the trading post all the time, and only have a few coppers saved up. =)
  22. What works? We have to report every single player that ever afk farms in game, because that is somehow much more efficient than removing the incentives for afk farming.
  23. Some people have also been openly admitting they are afk farming and to just ignore them through the chat which makes me wonder why I am bothering to do the events. I think it may also be artificially affecting the map instance grouping, which is meant to move you to a more populated version of the map when there are not many players on the current version, because the game will think there are active players participating in events. This makes the map meta event even harder to complete, since there are time limits for capturing the bases so you need enough damage output to complete the capture events. Also, the time limits for captures could use some serious adjustment/increase especially for Leadfoot Village. It takes around a minute just to wait for the point to capture after killing the boss, and it's so annoying when you miss a capture by a couple of seconds because you have to stand in one area for a minute. It's even worse in Leadfoot Village where Vishen shadowsteps all over the place and so much time is wasted just finding and chasing him. It's rare to see people trying to bother capturing Leadfoot Village unless there is a large zerg because of this reason. In off-peak times it's even rarer to find capturing any bases being attempted since there's few people and it's unlikely the capture will be completed before the time limit expires due to lack of damage output.
  24. Open world content is one of the best I have played in any MMORPG so definitely worth it.
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