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Posts posted by Vilin.8056

  1. On 7/11/2024 at 4:16 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

    But then people learned how to put Lupi into the wall and how to reflect his projectiles.

    You can casually defeat the boss by having the whole group attacking the boss at 1200 range where the barrage becomes easy enough to walk out of.

    Wall trick is harder because it requires coordination with teammates, which don't usually play well with casual players.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Athef.6879 said:

    ... alright, I decided to humour you, though I'm obviously not gonna watch the whole video. Skipped through the earlier section, and I'm seeing 90% of the people dressed in normal swimwear, with the occasional skimpy one. I'm not seeing your point; was it to prove mine?

    Also, I believe I'm allowed to express my dislike at the potential of having scantily clad characters jumping around my screen, the same as you are allowed to freely enjoy putting anything you personally want on the character you're playing. It's a free world, after all.

    With that being said, I think we've entertained this discussion ad nauseum. Enjoy your new skins, have fun.

    About half of grown women on that beach wear swimsuits that is just as revealing as the swimsuits introduced in this game. Do they qualify as inappropriate or "light porn" to you? These comments you posted simply reeks of old people issues.

    There's a difference between having personal preference and straight up accusations with terms of insult.

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  3. On 6/4/2024 at 9:51 PM, Athef.6879 said:

    I wouldn't say very likely; I don't, obviously, know what your experience might be, but in mine, it is very rare that I would see anyone wear anything this drastically thin on the beach/to a pool, and if so they would be looked at weird/sexualized.


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  4. I'd probably hook up an Asuran tech panel somewhere to roleplay a human citizen of a fantasy planet called earth, where I spend most of my time grinding government currencies and leveling up diplomas, then watch the story unfolds as a mysterious warmth came around the world driving up sea levels bringing up the end of the world.

    • Haha 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

    na i still play staff ele 😄 cause its fun. might be kitten performance wise, but its lot of fun, maybe one day the leadershiip/devteam changes and they might do a proper ele 😛

    Even as a Staff Ele, you're stuck in melee range 90% of the time in solo combat.


    • Confused 3
  6. 3 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

    If its so easily available as people in this thread claim, why is it not a solution for the masses?

    Again, as I mentioned for the 3rd time, profile management, easily available does not mean easy to set up, or not annoying to maintain.

    3 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

    Competitive players could switch between more or less infinite templates (not sure but the limit was somewhere around 500 or so) with the 3rd party software for free before templates were introuced to the gemstore. With that change using the 3rd party software became a bannable offense.

    And how many players you know actually use that 3rd party app to switch template before it became bannable?

    I've been playing with competitive players since 2012, no one in the communities, or guilds I know even bothered with such app. It's weird to me that you would suggest making this app mandatory for template switching would be the better solution, when it apparently failed to gain widespread recognition to begin with. We're happier with official templates, it is better.

    3 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

    No one suggested that controller support would become monetized, of course it would not. But it would come with it's own inconveniences maybe and would most likely render the use of now working 3rd party solutions "illegal". This of course is a speculation. I don't know. You don't know.

    That is the whole point of the thread, people want to native support to replace 3rd party solutions, you're seeing a solution as a problem. If you don't know what possible problems you're speculating, then it is irrelevant as it gets, but I can already point you a track record of MMOs released by NCSoft with controller support, this isn't even a new concept worth speculate.

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  7. 36 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

    But do you really want this when there already seem to be solutions out there?
    Just as a reminder. Build- and gear templates were very easily achieved through 3rd party software as well until ANet got involed and made them an official feature. Then they added a few annoyances and tripple monetized it while removing quite a bit of QoL. Be careful what you wish for.

    3rd party controller key-binder is never a solution for the mass. Anyone who owns dedicated gaming rig (like an MMO Gaming Mouse) with specialized buttons assigned with custom profiles knows this, technical headaches from profile management alone is enough to deter the majority of players.

    Criticize how you want regarding gear templates, we're still better with it than not, and for competitive players it is way more convenient to spend 800 gems to get a gear+spec combo than buying a brand new character slot just to swap roles on the same class.

    Also it's absurd to suggest Anet will monetise controller support.

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  8. 25 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    I've never considered someone saying, "We will pay you X to do Y," to be some form of psychological manipulation. If I dont want to do it I dont.

    You might want to double check the /age of your account.

    Dailies serves as a mechanic to manipulate its players' addiction mentality, given this thread I'd say it's working as intended, and very effectively.

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  9. On 3/15/2024 at 7:22 PM, Omega.6801 said:

    ...a MMO that was designed with controllers and consoles in mind. So not really a fair comparison. That being said. I don't mind if people use a controller to play, people may use a DDR mat or a Powerglove for all I care. I just don't think ANet should spend resources on developing native controller support when there are controllers out there that can be mapped as well as available mapping schemes as it seems. You say it yourself, you've been playing GW2 with a controller for years now, cool, please share your setup with OP.

    If gamepad support can be so easily archieved through 3rd party applications, then surely it won't cost much development resource to achieve to rid gamers the annoyance of controller profile management. Even a simple update by simply allowing controller button binding in options will make this game compatible to numerous handheld devices on the market (which has become a trend for family to share PC games)

    Infact, even NCSoft's newer MMOs came with gamepad support, the company knows the importance of this implementation. The question is whether GW2 remained important enough for this company to bother future proofing it.

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  10. The shift in direction isn't due to developer interest, but rather community demand.

    How can game developers be encouraged to add depth and creativity while players neglect every content that consist both in the entitlement of "casual gaming" ?

    Eventually we have what we asked for, it's simply that when contents starting to arrive people began to realize that it isn't exactly the utopia they dream of, and the trend will stay on course while the majority of players maintain the same demand.

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  11. 1 minute ago, vares.8457 said:

    Most ideas on the forums are garbage. 


    People in this forum often decorate their selfish demands as a "contribution of ideas". The reality is that even if that particular request was taken, we see far more backlash once the consequence kicks in.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    It's not an exploit. And legendary items have always been for people who are rich and/or play a lot and save stuff.

    It is an exploit because its original purpose of compensation does not apply to those currently rushing to craft one rune to get a legendary relic.

    Indeed legendary have always been for rich players who can afford them, so why give them even more wealth to begin with?

    1 hour ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Since most people won't get legendaries at all, this will not affect the market as much as you may think. And it wasn't to "vitalize" the game economy but to make sure that the runes and now relics were still viable in the market. Also because the core relics (which we're talking about here) can be crafted and the market is for people who don't craft themselves. Which can be poor and rich alike. So you assessment of what it was supposed to do is wrong imo.

    Yet this move successfully kills demand among rich, or even moderately rich players.

    Now that a rift has been made for anyone who possess 400 gold to be able to craft their way to get a free legendary relic that eliminates the any need to purchase any relic for their entire account, you can expect upcoming demand for exotic relics to crash and burn while leaving only new players for exotic ones on the trading post.

    1 hour ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Besides people with legendary relics already had the relic effects included in their runes. So effectively something was taken away from them that will be restored soon. As for the means of compensation, this really is the best way of doing it. The alternative ways would be too complex and come with many more questions.

    This is only true only If players who have already crafted 6 legendary runes, feels that the additional cost for crafting leg relic to be their biggest concern. For most players who has reached this state, the cost is rather trivial comparing to other player who has yet to reach it.

    Ironically, the most impacted group of players aren't those who already possess those runes who Anet intend to compensate, but rather those who intent to rush their one rune for the freebie. While new players will definitely feeling ripped off.

    • Confused 4
  13. The bigger issue of the legendaric compensation announcement is that Anet is officially introducing an exploit that will only benefitting rich players while penalizing the rest others who has yet to be able to accumulate sufficient resources within the time limit.

    One key factor in relic crafting was supposed to vitalizing the game economy by making rich players spending more gold on buying resources from other players, not completely killing the circulation by giving rich players freebies that poorer players will eventually have to drain even more resource on.

    • Confused 7
  14. 10 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

    It is not natural for every argument there should be only counter arguments for the sake of counter arguments. Every counter argument in this thread ignores the actual point I'm putting forward and reducing it to "u bad, skill issue". Is that your idea of a strong "counter argument"?

    Exactly, your argument don't even hold water against one simple counter argument.

    Beware that most story boss fights stands as a check point to test a player's ability in offense and defense, if the fiight's taking longer than intended, then you are not meeting developer expectation of either element of such content.

    Therefore the community responded it as a skill gap issue, because veterans usually breeze through with relative ease without spending that much time

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  15. 18 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

    I get the exact same responses no matter what I post on this forum. I once made a suggestion for a Gem store skin and I still managed a slew of responses disagreeing with me. Which is bizarre to say the least. There's some sort of screw loose on this forum.

    This is a forum, it's natural process that every argument posted will be discussed with series of counter arguments.

    If your point is so weak that it cannot survive even one counter argument, then clearly something in it is very wrong.

    And no, boss fight isn't supposed to last 30 minutes for anyone progressed through the skill gap.

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