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Everything posted by Arklite.4013

  1. This is true. However, I still suck after watching these. I think there simply aren't guides at the level I require for learning warrior, somehow.
  2. In other news, if anyone has a comprehensive spellbreaker/warrior guide laying around, I'd love to see it. I want to become better at this spec with every fiber of my being but I suck big dongus at it.
  3. Hello Warriors, I am a Plat 1 Ranger/Spellbreaker player. Rather, I can play my Ranger at a Plat 1 level but am a solidly mid-gold Warrior player. I have about 100 games on each this season and the difference in performance between the two is dramatic, despite putting much more time and effort into learning and trying harder when playing Warrior. What is the takeaway from this post? That ranger is easy. I'm not really sure. I guess take comfort in knowing that you plat+ warriors are probably better than the other people at your rating. You guys press weapon swap -> F1 gooder than me.
  4. Tier list can be found here Hey again everyone! After playing a bunch more sPvP and taking all the feedback into account that I got on the last post, I'm back with another tier list. The usual disclaimer about how tier lists are meaningless and this is just for fun, blah blah blah. Overall I ended up with a very large A tier, which I think means the game is generally in an okay place (aside from the major offenders like Necro and DD) in terms of class viability. I didn't bother putting anything in D and E tier because I don't feel like anything is THAT bad that there is such a significant gap in performance when piloted by equally skilled players. See something you disagree with? Let me know! I'm interested in hearing everyone's feedback. Cheers!
  5. Core ranger would probably work well too. The pet performs the exact same with lag, for better or for worse.
  6. The closest I've gotten is "if you can consistently flank the boss, skirmishing is way better". Does anyone know the approximate difference if you aren't able to flank? Can anyone with a lot of experience using them solo/in open world weigh in? How easy is it to flank while playing solo, and is it worth giving up the convenience of things like one-shotting trash mobs with Maul and opening strike?
  7. I play power soulbeast and I'm interested in exploring some unconventional pets. I've been using almost exclusively smokescale for the past year and started trying out some other pets. One I've found particularly interesting is the krytan drakehound, with two leaps and a CC on its F1/F2 skills. I'm most interested in pet skills that include mobility and CC (rock gazelle is a good example) and have a faint hope that maybe a wolf or something is secretly really fun
  8. (Sorry for double post, missed this comment) My perception may be skewed because most holo/rev players in gold are braindead - I placed DH as low as it is because once you're familiar with the gimmicks of the build it feels pretty manageable (aside from eating 11k true shots from stealth). It is notably really annoying to play a class without a blink or stability and get stuck in LB5/the elite trap and eat a ridiculous amount of damage, but otherwise the spec seems pretty fair. In my 200 or so ranked games this season I don't think I've seen a single core rev. Interested that so many people assert that spb should be a tier higher - the culture here on the forums makes it sound like the class is unplayable...
  9. Scourge has seemed like the weaker of the three necro builds, being less able to punish your mistakes than core or reaper and generally more bully-able. Good spellbreakers are rare but they can be really impactful when they are good. The placements were made with the idea that each spec is piloted by competent players.
  10. I play solo, but certain placements (like necro and guardian) are heavily influenced by their synergies with other builds and benefit from being a duo.
  11. I'll take a stab at it. 1. Teamfighter - A slightly beefy DPS, capable of doing a lot of damage (often packs AoE), sometimes brings a lot of CC. Often lacking in self-sustain, support, and disengage. Job is to kill people. 2. Sidenoder - Can be oppressive in 1v1s, designed to take/hold nodes by bullying the enemy off the node. Runs tools to survive when getting +1'd and creates an advantage for the team by killing the enemy sidenoder or occupying 2+ players by themselves without dying. 3. Roamer - Good mobility and burst damage, moves around the map picking favorable fights, ideally being a +1 for a friendly sidenoder. Can double as a teamfighter/DPS. Generates advantages for the team by quickly killing targets in advantageous situations without sacrificing too much map presence. 4. Bunker - Almost a deviation of sidenoder, bunkers typically trade kill power for more sustain. Designed to hold nodes and survive under pressure while being less likely to have to sacrifice the node in order to not die. 5. Support - Enables the other team members, typically the teamfighters. Generates an advantage in fights by healing/mitigating damage, providing helpful boons, setting up kills with CC or boonstrip. Often plays similarly to a bunker in 1v1s.
  12. Hey Guardians, I've been playing some core meditation guard in gold 3 lately, the usual GS+sw/f with zerker and for some reason it feels a lot stronger than I feel like it should. Obviously running around with 11k health and having mediocre disengage is a pretty big detriment, but the ability to stick and dish out consistent damage while keeping yourself healthy is pretty good - it's like playing a discount power herald with condi cleanse. Just wondering - what exactly makes this build so bad right now?
  13. Tier list can be found here I know tier lists are not important, this was more of a "for fun" thing. Though I am curious to hear what I got wrong and why. Ultimately I feel like class (not build) diversity is pretty good right now, save for a handful of specs. Cheers!
  14. You don't think the specs being equal is a little ambitious? Dragonhunter and core guard actually have very similar fractal performance, but nobody ever asks for core guard. The margins can be as slim as they want but people will always say you're at a disadvantage for not playing the best available spec, so why not make the best available spec the one that's available to everyone, or at least don't make it the worst one
  15. I never said they couldn't have trade-offs. People will still compare them and call one worse than the other, even if they're fundamentally different via trade-offs. What matters is that they offer a different way to play the game, and fortunately the forum users are the vocal minority and don't represent the opinions of the bulk of the playerbase
  16. I understand a lot of the frustration with the new elite specs being underwhelming, but I think it's good for the game for some of them to be worse than core. If core specs are worse than every elite spec, there's no reason to play them.
  17. Out of curiosity, I decided to figure out which professions received the most playtime - in this case, playtime means the average number of hours a character of each profession will spend logged in. Ex. on average, each created guardian has generated 342 hours of guardian playtime. Data presented in hours per character (HPC). All data courtesy of gw2efficiency. Please excuse any typos, this was a very haphazard/for fun project. 1. Guardian 342 HPC 2. Ranger 315 HPC 3. Elementalist 309 HPC 4. Necromancer 304 HPC 5. Warrior 303 HPC 6. Mesmer 259 HPC 7. Thief 245 HPC 8. Engineer 183 HPC 9. Revenant 135 HPC
  18. I see some people mentioning to kite the thieves.. something I've had 0 luck doing. It feels like running from a thief means you've already lost - you won't beat them in mobility and it's hard to apply enough pressure to get them to back off while playing defensively. It seems like you have to play significantly better than them to outmaneuver them on the back foot and is just as likely to end in your death as trying to hold the node. Again, this is from my mid-gold perspective. I'd be happy to be taught why it's wrong.
  19. I currently have 4 characters with 25% of a set of full ascended and world completion. I’m really bad at committing to a single character as my main and constantly flip-flop around between these characters and never get anything done as a result. Whenever I see someone playing one of the classes I’m not playing I’m like “kitten, that looks cool. Mad respect for that guy for playing that class” and then I go do it. I have a serious MMO identity crisis and I’d like to solve it but have no idea where to start. I know that there’s no inherent problem with playing a bunch of alts (especially in this game) but I live in constant envy of people who are able to dedicate time and resources to a single character TLDR unable to stick to a character as a main, never complete any goals as a result
  20. Hello Eles, I come to you as a sidenoder who doesn't understand your class at all. Fire weaver consistently gives me trouble - it seems like they have a ton of damage mitigation/invulns/evades and somehow thirds of my health vanish. Also, you guys have like 30 skills so if someone could give me a "fighting fire weaver 101" breakdown about what I should be looking out for I'd really appreciate it
  21. Surprised how many people's responses to a post asking for help is to say I'm bad. Like, that's why I made a post asking for help, lol
  22. I'm a fairly competent pvper (gold 2) - I typically play sidenoders. I can hold my own against pretty much anything except thief, which is supposed to be very weak in a 1v1. I struggle the most with d/p daredevil or condi builds. It feels like I can never land a hit - that the thief always has a dodge, port, stunbreak, blind, or stealth, and every other interaction I'm dazed and eating 4-5k crits. If I do manage to get an advantage, they just disengage and rinse and repeat, and I can't run becuase they'll chase me . I know they have a limited amount of resources but it feels like I'll always die before they run out of defensive tools. QQ, help please
  23. Crossposted from warrior - playing as spellbreaker. Particularly by dd. The unblockable daze followed up by 4-5k crits is hard for me to deal with. Say I run to far - the enemy already has control of the point or I was forced off the point by a necro or something, then a thief shows up. Sure, I can run around and try to survive, but they already have the point. If I apply too little pressure to the node, the +1 just leaves. If I apply too much, I probably die. I'm not exactly doing anything because they're already holding the node and I'm unable to decap. I know in an ideal situation my team would be able to take advantage of the numbers advantage I've created, but I'm in G2 and teams haven't really proven to capitalize on that aspect yet. Tips appreciated
  24. Particularly by dd. The unblockable daze followed up by 4-5k crits is hard for me to deal with. Say I run to far - the enemy already has control of the point or I was forced off the point by a necro or something, then a thief shows up. Sure, I can run around and try to survive, but they already have the point. If I apply too little pressure to the node, the +1 just leaves. If I apply too much, I probably die. I'm not exactly doing anything because they're already holding the node and I'm unable to decap. I know in an ideal situation my team would be able to take advantage of the numbers advantage I've created, but I'm in G2 and teams haven't really proven to capitalize on that aspect yet. Tips appreciated
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