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Everything posted by Arklite.4013

  1. Really excited for this guide. Shame that the balance team didn't like that we had a cool GS.
  2. This is basically what my ranked experience has boiled down to. I do pretty well against basically everything but Holos. Just tell me what profession does the best against Holo so I can start learning it and stop losing based on how many more Holos the enemy team has.
  3. I bought HoT years ago. Haven't bought PoF yet. It's rare that companies will do anything for people like us moving "forward" in expansions. It's already pretty generous that they're offering it on sale.
  4. In 15 minutes? Is it a timed sale? Or will I be able to do it later this evening?
  5. What did the picture turn into, last i saw it looked like icebrood char army. Omg where can i see what it became??? :) go to the top of this thread. Dude its just the gw2 symbol now. What im asking is what did that original pic turn into, a char army? a dragon? what/It was a group of mostly charr, but with other races with glowing blue eyes, and a large pair of glowing eyes behind them that moved (probably a dragon). It got clearer but aside from what I mentioned, everything was still covered in a snowstorm.
  6. Relax, we're just going with Logan Thackeray to Northrend to kill the source of the Risen and then we get to come home to our families.
  7. Still waiting for 100% discount on a Novelty Item Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
  8. I wouldn’t boil it down to this, Mmo players want a challenging learning curve, thats why they play Mmos. People want to be challenged and a good learning curve is important and keeps people invested for long periods of time too.The players that have PvPd from the beginning stick with this game because they have invested so much time to learning.Similarly, League of Legends has like what, 40-50 champions now? 100s of different items, runes, and skill trees. Learning curve is just as hard imo. Difference is population and lack of resources to learn for new players. LoL (riot games) provides a plethora of tutorials and also has the population to back it up. MM is better also much better due to population, community tutorials are more available, etc. People want to be challenged and learn, but they need the resources to do it. Anet needed to take the first steps years ago to provide this, and then the playerbase would make up the rest. Riot games was constantly making tutorials for their new characters. Now community content creators and sites like Op.gg and proguides.com make up the rest. Who do we have in Gw2 that actually makes tutorial/learning content for PvP? Shorts? Jawgeous? They both quit doing it I think. Side note: League of Legends has well over 100 characters now. I know they released the 100th one like 4 years ago. My $.02 - I think sPvP is kind of "blurry" unless you reach a certain skill threshold. Most players can't really tell what's happening aside from "I'll go to this point and fight these guys here". Dying/going down is a huge setback but the game doesn't really make it feel like one. To compare it to League, as you previously mentioned, the game has a very isolated laning phase, with clear determinants of how well you're doing, well-defined, timed, objectives, and a distinct transition to a teamfighting phase. Granted that stronghold is an abomination, I think sPvP lacks in both the initial attraction and player retention because for a lot of players you may as well be sitting in the FFA pit without a clue.
  9. Worth noting that there are fewer restrictions to get into beastmode than berserk. It requires the initial adrenaline investment and has a time limit. Beastmode is indefinite (granted you will want to hop in and out)
  10. Would love to see more of these. Please keep the thread updated!
  11. I really enjoy this concept - I hope I can run into one of you someday
  12. Not sure if this is better posted on the Guardian or Mesmer forum, but I think I'm more interested in the Mesmer answers. I play Core Meditation Power Guardian - GS + Sw/Focus, high burst, medium sustain, medium mobility. I'm in Gold 2 currently so I'm not totally dumb at PvP but I feel like I haven't been able to improve at this matchup very much since getting back into the game. Granted I'm pretty unfamiliar with how Mesmer works (I've made one and looked at the builds, played a few PvP games but I'm quite the novice), but from my observations on the matchup, it seems like there's a lot of evades with animations that are pretty difficult for me to distinguish (especially among GW2's obvious visual clutter). I think most Mirages I run into usually run scepter/x + staff. I have a lot of condition cleanse, but you guys have a lot of conditions. I'm rarely able to land my burst and I can't keep up in longer fights. Whenever it's convenient, I'll try to pull/cleave some of the clones down. Is this a waste of time? Should I make a greater effort to kill the clones? Is there a big condi application window I should be saving contemplation of purity for (or my condi cleanse in general)? I typically try to save it for when they start piling up (using smite condition almost off cooldown) but I'm wondering if there's a specific skill/set of conditions I should be saving it for and I'm getting baited into wasting it or something, but if I don't cleanse aggressively enough I die too quickly. It seems like this fight is kind of a race against time before I run out of condition cleanse and slowly die while being kited. I think it's called chaos storm - the skill that creates the big pink bubble - is it worth entering/staying inside the bubble to try and fight? I've tried staying outside of it but it just gives them free time to hit me while I can't do much back. If I start winning, I'm usually unable to chase, and if I lose, I'm rarely able to escape (though this is just an innate guardian passive). Should I run scepter and try to play more defensively? Accepting any and all advice. Thank you!
  13. Warrior has ranged weapons that are almost usable as is. Hambow was meta for what seemed like forever. Rifle has been in and out of playability. I think most players would just prefer they allow these to be viable ranged alternates rather than giving us Revenant hammer 2.0.
  14. On my phone so I can't type a whole lot, but people are probably going to suggest: Firebrand GuardianElementalist (All three types have viable support options, but the non-core specs will probably perform better) They're the most "support-oriented" (mostly firebrand) and it's less of a "rotation" and more of "adapting on the fly based on the situation". I'm assuming you already know that GW2 adheres to a design philosophy that stays away from the "dps/tank/heal" trifecta and kind of makes each class self sufficient in all three aspects. I would say that firebrand is probably closest to what you're looking for, though. Edit: Forgot Ventari Rev existed
  15. Hello, As the title states, I'm a total amateur at WvW. I have a good amount of sPvP experience under my belt but I'm still mediocre at it. I'd been avoiding WvW because of how overwhelming it is, and the insane amount of visual skill clutter GW2 generally has. I own HoT, but not PoFso I don't have access to mounts. Is it worth spending the time and effort to try and learn the mode, or should I just stay away? Edit: fixed typo
  16. Following for aforementioned GS guide. I work, so a recording would work great.
  17. After looking at an adjacent thread, it turns it out it's just classic Acro Staff DD. Thanks all.
  18. 6 people and 5 points? Everyone's a sidenoder now!
  19. I'm in a somewhat similar boat - granted I play core because I don't own PoF. Whenever I switch to GS and engage in melee, I find myself missing some mauls, and especially hilt bashes. Swoop doesn't seem to stick very well if your target moves, either. But my biggest issue is I just get blown up whenever I'm fighting anything in melee. Once I use up Signet of Stone and GS 4, I feel like I just die too quickly. Granted I'm not expert and some of the more subtle stuff (like positioning GS 3 to leap out of smokescale's ability). It seems like it's just safer to camp in LB all day unless I really need to kill something quickly. I'm a pretty amateur ranger so I would appreciate all the advice one could offer.
  20. I'm talking about you 295 mastery players.Who is your go-to?Your old faithful?The first character you log onto after not playing for a few weeks?The one you bring to unfamiliar content? One of my favorite things in large in-game events is to click on people and see what profession people chose to get 100% world completion on. I'd love to hear what everyone's choice is. From observation I've seen mostly Guardians and Mesmers with the badge.
  21. Well, first thing, 90% evade uptime is what's absurd since it's not reality. Evasion windows ranges from 1/2s to 3/4s, with the exception of Instant Reflex and Daggerstorm. Even if you factor all the evasion in, it will not grant a 90% evade uptime. The math don't lie. Second, in any PvP games I've seen and participated in not once that someone was left alone in a point fighting 1v1 for more than 1 minute. I'm not sure if your team mates were laying eggs somewhere on the map that they didn't bother rotating, or maybe they're just sitting around eating popcorn watching you struggle against a squishy Thief. The fact that players are constantly rotating, your claim of fighting 1v1 for 6 minutes is implausible. Now it seems to me that this is a perception issue. Just like many complains about Thief, they are based on what they think they saw instead of what actually had happen. In this case, we have an unreliable witness. So here's the challenge; Try to replicate the DD build and see if you can get 90% evade uptime and last for 6 minutes on a point. Don't forget to jump around to confuse your opponent -- it's very important. Only then you'll find your answer and realize that none of what you've claimed here is plausible. See above on the aforementioned 90% figure. Evidently I made the mistake of believing people would see a figure like "90%" and understand that it is an exaggeration. I will not make this mistake on the thief forums again. I had other players come and fight on the point with me but I asked them to leave and do something elsewhere. The point was under our control at the time and I was more interested in the thief I was fighting than in killing him. I do not know what build he was using. I am neither creative nor skilled enough to recreate it. I am not concerned enough to attempt it. I was intrigued enough to ask the thief forums about it. Thanks. Your mistake is presuming that people will believe your exaggerations without data to back it up...and it's kinda insulting, really. If you're curious about the build, then ask about it without making things up. Just like everything else, the only real and substantive way to know for sure about a build is to play the build yourself. Or at the very least, do yourself a favor of researching the build so the next time you find a Thief with similar build, you'll know how to beat it. Everyone here conducts similar research. I personally have level 80 character for each profession. I play them so I'll know them. Back before the Elite Specs, there was a build called Endless Dodger which is more bunker than the current iteration because Feline Grace was so good. You claim that you're playing GW2 for 6 years and know nothing about Thief builds? That's another thing that makes your claim even less credible. EDIT: typosWell considering I don't record my matches and the results screen doesn't really include any helpful information, I'm not sure what kind of data you would expect me to present. This wasn't a researched post. It wasn't a comparison to an attempt I had made. I only asked with the information I had and the assumption that users on the forum would be familiar enough to point me in the right direction. I have been playing for longer than 6 years I believe. I leveled a thief to 80. I just don't enjoy the class very much so I haven't touched it since. To quote my previous comment, "I do not know what build he was using. I am neither creative nor skilled enough to recreate it. I am not concerned enough to attempt it."
  22. Not a revenant player here but I've taken an interest in it lately. This is a really nice write up, thanks for it.
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