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Everything posted by Arklite.4013

  1. All Spellbreaker all day. Really fun for open world, and still decent in PvP, despite what most people on this forum will tell you. Most player below Plat struggle to really take advantage of the spec's weaknesses.
  2. Left and came back. Worked this time. May have been an isolated incident 🤷‍♂️
  3. Standing in front of the gate in world 2-3 playing the gatekeeper song on the flute (332331) and the door refuses to open
  4. After playing a few ATs today, I've concluded that anyone arguing that the spec is balanced is clinically insane.
  5. I'm willing to concede that Specter is just a fat L much like it's daredevil or core thief predecessors (and considering how massively overtuned and jack-of-all-trades, master of all the spec is currently), but Mechanist also feels impossible. We don't have the sustain or damage to match theirs. I'm constantly being forced off node and it's impossible to create an opportunity to get it back without a +1. I doubt the tiny nerf will change this matchup at all.
  6. What's the best way to get those nasty little notes now? Asking for a friend.
  7. What do they call this in DnD? Uncanny Dodge? Evasion? Enjoy it before the balance team catches on
  8. I was almost 100% certain that Specter was one of the specs that would receive some sort of significant nerf this patch. The mechanist adjustment was a good (albeit small) step in the right direction, but Specter gets a slap on the wrist? Both power and condi variants are hilariously strong. The winning EU MAT team used double specter and they were just taking huge loads on basically everyone with the massive damage, mobility, sustain, and support the spec has. Enjoy PvP, everyone 😞
  9. WB got some decent CD reduction on virtues, no? I doubt it's enough but maybe it won't be absolute dog in long fights. Maybe with the RI change Valk amulet guard will come back, but given how strong everything is nowadays I still don't think it stands a chance.
  10. You're complaining about Virtuoso? The spec that literally doesn't exist against any form of projectile hate?
  11. Here's a link to Teapot's stream of the EU MAT. Vindicator was probably the most brought spec behind Specter, Mechanist, and Core Guard. Most of them seem to be using the barrier dodge still so maybe it's just a spec that benefits greatly from more coordinated team play than ranked. The winning team even had a Vindicator on it, but it was often just a bunker while the 2 specters won the game, so take from that what you will.
  12. Bladesworn does it so much better. I love spellbreaker but it is impossible to side against something like mechanist or specter with it currently.
  13. So, after Vindicator having a massive presence in the mAT, I think it's fair to say it's actually.. good? I don't understand how - when I play with the same builds as the AT teams, I get melted. I have no clue how they are so survivable with one dodge and Jalis/Shiro with GS/S+S.
  14. Isn't Shiro necessary on pretty much every power Rev focused on DPS? Impossible odds + sword autos is pretty hard to beat with the other legends.
  15. Curious to hear what the more experienced revenant players think. I really want to like Vindicator in PvP but it feels like it’s almost entirely outclassed by Herald. It is a decent roamer with Jalis/Shiro and GS+S/S and a decent team fighter/off-dps if you bring Alliance/Jalis with GS/Staff and the barrier dodge, but I don’t feel like it excels at either of these things or does them better than any existing specs. I love the dodge in PvE but it’s hard to like it in PvP. Would love to hear other people’s thoughts.
  16. Do you uh... mind giving any insight into how you created this?
  17. Hi all. I'm struggling to solo hard champs (like the frog in verdant brink) on my vindicator. I feel like our damage mitigation is pretty limited since we're encouraged to use our dodge to deal damage. I feel like half the time I'm switching legends and healing just to kite and buy more time for my healing CDs - we don't really have a lot of ways to create space aside from the dodge on blue alliance. We also have very limited breakbar damage. I've been trying GS+sw/sw or staff with typical alliance/shiro with limited success. I'm not super comfortable on the spec yet but I can generally solo most of these HPs pretty easily on my other characters. Has anyone found a vindicator build they're happy with for open world? Thanks
  18. Where are you getting your fury uptime from?
  19. I'd like it to be easier to use both the skiff and the fishing rod. Currently you can only bind one to a hotkey, which means to use the other, you have to click the tiny arrow next to the button
  20. This may already be common knowledge, but for those who aren't aware, superior sigil of stamina completely refills your stamina when you kill a foe. So, as Vindicator in the open world, you basically get to play leap frog with the enemies. It's actually good on top of being fun, but I wanted to make sure everyone was able to experience this.
  21. Glad to see a thread like this - I've been feeling the same way. Vindicator has felt really, really fun and I'm glad it's here. I'll be happier once my alliance stops swapping every time I mount, etc. but overall it's just been enjoyable to play. I love it.
  22. It feels 100 times better now than it did the first time we got to try it
  23. Surprised to see this post. Pleasantly surprised, and happy.
  24. I think the new version is functionally better, but I do wish they'd found some way to keep the throw. Like, while blocking you can do the throw unless you block an attack, in which case you get to kick instead. It isn't a big deal and doesn't matter, but it was a little fun I also miss the evade on the auto chain, but you can't have everything
  25. Thanks for the tips - A lot of what I need help with is just winning my 1v1s I think. I know all the warrior 101s and basic combos but a lot of the time I just get blown up despite having pressed all my buttons. I feel like I can't win a 1v1 without having lost the node a minute ago. Or usually I just die in my 1v1s. How often do you use Endure Pain or Shake it Off for the immunity/condi cleanse and not as a stunbreak? I try to use the kiting spots off node but I feel like I'm either dying trying or end up just running all the way back to mid with no CDs and 3k health and die there instead. For 1v1 specifics, how do you beat thieves, necros, and weavers (or other blind spam like holo)? I'm also terrible at the spellbreaker mirror despite pulling out all my "FC their FC" tricks, etc. When is the right time to use shield 5? When do you use Rampage? Thanks for all the advice 😄
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