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Posts posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. 2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    The only thing I complain about is when Commanders don't put themselves into Subgroup 2 so that people who newly join will know which instance to join. That's what ticks me off. 😉 Like, "Sure, let me try everyone in the squad until I get to the correct instance by chance, why don't you?"

    Understandable. I had that happen as Commander during FotFW a couple of times: "F***ing idiot Commander! Keeps putting his [<--assuming gender, too!] squad into LFG even when the map is full. *insert several other insults*"
    (I put it into LFG everytime I noticed many people leaving the map once they were done with their dailies.)

    The general tone in this game is growing more and more disrespectful and rude by the year. :classic_unsure:

    Yeah, I always put myself in squad 2, because I know how annoying it is to look through 20+ players to find the teeny tiny commander icon out of all those names.


    But yeah as I said most of the time I am having a fun time with the trains I am running but these type of people absolutley comes in like an unfun wrecking ball.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I doubt they've put much thought into it at all, certainly not considering how frequently people join and leave Lab farming groups and therefore how often the commander would need to remove and replace the listing. They're just frustrated they can't get into a group and found an easy way to vent that frustration which, if they think about it at all, they may be able to tell themselves is actually helping by letting you know the map is full.

    Yeah I checked around a bit yesterday, I would need to delist and relist the group every 3-5 minutes if I was to delist it when the map got full. But even then there are people not in squad so even then it might be even more frequent, it’s just a frustrating thing to experience as a Lab commander, people expecting you to be some sort of immaculate robot that caters to their whims and wishs with the snap of a finger.


    Yes, I am tilted.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  3. So I have been commanding Lab runs for about three days or so, and most of the time it has gone well, but without failure, every single day I get people joining the group saying things like “Omg delist if u r full commander” 


    “omg cant join delist now”


    ”ommmgggg its full take group off lfg,”


    Why do people behave like this, do they think we are going to/want to take the LFG down and up each time someone leaves, or know exactly when the map is full, like we are supposed to focus more on that than getting ToT bags ourselves ?, why are people so incredibly lazy they go to write out something like that (or nastier), instead of just leaving and trying another group ? It’s really getting on my nerves when I am just trying to run a loot train stuff like that happens.


    Just needed to get this off my chest because it is really starting to tick me off.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 2
  4. On 7/27/2021 at 7:40 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

    Their big features are a mount.....you know....something we've had multiple times in a patch already......


    A skiff....something that already exists as mount...this isn't a new feature.


    And, Fishing.....something that is literally a patch....about as big and feature heavy as our sitting in chairs patch.


    The only thing that seems new is specializations....so we have a one feature expansion with the rest being patch content.


    People leaving WoW in mass and multiple new MMO's coming out, GW2 needed to deliver a reason to come to our game...instead they told everyone to steer clear because they charge expansion prices for patch content.


    What were they thinking?


    Also, it's true, there could be tons more they are holding back on....but if this is the case then they need a new Marketing Director. Whoever did the PoF reveal needs to be brought back. Otherwise, there just isn't enough content here to warrant a full expansion and the price that comes with.

    I dunno about you but you seem to have forgotten literally everything else, you know, new maps, storylines, living world... etc etc. 


    Or did HoT only bring Gliders and elite specializations ?


    And is PoF only Mounts and new elite specializations ?

    • Like 3
  5. @gebrechen.5643 said:

    @GoldenPants.1870 said:Gates are fine, now 1 person that uses a super slippery build to permanently tap keep is more annoying and more of a problem I would say.

    The issue is that you can contest a waypoint by riding through the guards on your warclaw. There shouldn't be any contesting without doing damage to a wall or gate. Make it maybe 5% or something before the waypoint gets contested.

    Yeah, currently on our matchup we have, or have had this engineer that no jokes spends like 8+ hours constantly tapping the keep whenever he is online and it is so annoying.

    And like why does one person even contests it ? Doesn't even make sense.

  6. @mistsim.2748 said:

    @mistsim.2748 said:Just wanted to chime in related to my comment above.

    I'm finding the Minstrel Immob Druid super effective in small gang engagements. You can isolate targets with Ancient Seeds, rez very quickly, burst heal, cleanse, give stealth and superspeed to allies, and are unkillable. I believe you have the highest burst heal in the game, something like 13k in about 1.5s, which can be another life for your squad. Projectile hate and crazy mobility from staff are also super useful.

    Really ? I've only heard about condi druid builds for WvW, and I only recall people callling druid support bad.

    A good rule to go by is to not listen to others and just try it yourself. If you enjoy it, go for it. I found my Minstrel Druid to be very effective, but mileage will vary I suppose.

    What's the build you are using ? If you want to share it that is !

  7. @mistsim.2748 said:Just wanted to chime in related to my comment above.

    I'm finding the Minstrel Immob Druid super effective in small gang engagements. You can isolate targets with Ancient Seeds, rez very quickly, burst heal, cleanse, give stealth and superspeed to allies, and are unkillable. I believe you have the highest burst heal in the game, something like 13k in about 1.5s, which can be another life for your squad. Projectile hate and crazy mobility from staff are also super useful.

    Really ? I've only heard about condi druid builds for WvW, and I only recall people callling druid support bad.

  8. @Mogwai.4015 said:

    @"Grey Mane.9487" said:I like to run minstrel tempest and roam with a few people. They call me their pocket healer. I have no dps, but I can run decent cc's. Mostly I'm there to keep the burst classes from taking out my friends so quickly. I'm especially useful for those "I shall taunt you again" moments when we may be harassing some pugs at SMC walls that won't come out far from their cannons and mortars. But I also love playing support, so I don't find it so boring. Scrapper support...boring. FB, not so bad. Tempest is my favorite.

    I like all the supports, just trying to figure out what is best against the curring roaming meta.

    For what it's worth, Minstrel Tempest is hands down my least favorite support to fight against when I am roaming solo or with a friend. I find them the best at shifting and pushing offensive momentum against me with the lockdown options they have. Additionally you can trait for stuff like a port, invulns, a rezz, etc, which can all be really clutch. Although Scrapper is a good support, I don't actually fear them at all like I do a good Minstrel Tempest.

    I do have a minstrel tempest. :triumph:

  9. @ASP.8093 said:Yeah, most of your Herald gear should transfer over just fine. And your Mace/Axe and Mallyx experience should all still be very relevant.

    The main differences, imo:

    • No Infuse Light. Gotta play more carefully.
    • You've got two weapons with strong condition output, both of which include heavy Torment output, so your Rune of Tormenting sustain may actually be stronger.
    • You don't have access to the Herald speed boosts so you should think about how to get it instead (I like Rapid Flow in Invocation).
    • Corruption traits that require you to be in melee range have diminished value. (That's why I go for the Resistance instead.)
    • Call to Anguish becomes more important as an evasion/repositioning skill (it's still good for burst/interrupt too, of course).

    Overall the sustain/defense is worse but the ability to absolutely delete people with condi burst is still there, and you can poke in and out pretty well in 5v5/10v10 situations. Between perma-Swiftness and Call to Anguish I've had a lot of luck escaping from slower tanky classes as well.Thanks for the tips !

    I also usually roam with a friend or two, and right now I am trying out a power renegade shortbow build, and oh lord sevenshot is so fun to use.

  10. @"ASP.8093" said:It's quite viable for roaming and clouding, though you won't have quite the same massive 1vX potential of a Herald (Infuse Light OP).

    I run something like this:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAUlflhQHsIyhJRPMIqhBSfMBKgDz06TH-zVRYcJaFpiooGXK5kAZGC5WA9GBePLLaWB-w

    Here's the tankier variant with Retribution for the dome thing — you may find it harder to survive without the Swiftness uptime, though, and harder to get the most out of Mallyx without the extra energy of Charged Mists:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAUlflhQHsIyhJRPMIqhBSfMBKgDzS7TH-zVRYcJaFpiooGXK5kAZGC5WA9GBePLLaWB-w

    The big idea here is to use Torment as your primary damage (and a good bit of sustain, thanks to your cheaty Rune), with long-lasting Bleeding as a cover condition and a good bit of CC including long-lasting Chill and Taunt. Charged Mists is here to get maximum uses of Banish Enchantments, which is one of your main tank-cracking tools and a strong contribution to group fights.

    Gear is flexible, but mixing in some Dire over straight Trailblazers gives you more damage per tick and Torment duration is already capped. You may find stacking more Expertise works better for you, though, it's really a situational/preference thing. And, yes, you're running an on-crit Sigil but it'll proc a lot thanks to Fury and Brutal Momentum; if you don't like it, try Sigil of Doom for on-demand Poison application instead. Take Lasting Legacy over Righteous Rebel if you want a bit more damage at the expense of durability and support.

    You're not using the Kalla legend but you can still enjoy "Kalla roleplaying flavor" through your F2-F4 skills. Usually you'll want to use Heroic Command after Sevenshot to turn your Kalla's Fervor stacks into a pile of Might. I really like using Orders from Above to boost allies using siege and dragon banner, too.

    (Reminder: Trailblazer armor is very expensive, use stat-selectable gear like Warlord Armor boxes instead of trying to craft it yourself.)

    Thanks, and the armor part, and trinkets, are not a problem, I already have a trailblazer set for my Condi herald, so yeah.

  11. @"Grey Mane.9487" said:I like to run minstrel tempest and roam with a few people. They call me their pocket healer. I have no dps, but I can run decent cc's. Mostly I'm there to keep the burst classes from taking out my friends so quickly. I'm especially useful for those "I shall taunt you again" moments when we may be harassing some pugs at SMC walls that won't come out far from their cannons and mortars. But I also love playing support, so I don't find it so boring. Scrapper support...boring. FB, not so bad. Tempest is my favorite.

    I like all the supports, just trying to figure out what is best against the curring roaming meta.

  12. @steki.1478 said:Dont think it exists considering that projectiles are the last thing you want in zergs (as well as condi builds that arent focused on high burst like burn guard) and for roaming shortbow is extremely easy to kite so it's not very effective.

    It's for roaming, but yeah, I know it is sub optimal, but I don't really care about that, rather play what I find fun. :P

  13. Does anyone have a good build that utilizes the shortbow in a condi build in WvW ? I love how it plays, but the only builds I can find is for herald, and I really do not like herald, I like Renegade much better (Charr main) and so would like a build that works with it.

  14. @lockhart.6048 said:I enjoy doing out-of-squad support scrapper. I don't join in when it's basically equal number skirmishes. However, I do help out when the enemy zerg outnumbers by spreading some random cleanse/heals and popping detection field while the enemy stealths. All of this done out of squad.

    Well, better to make it unfair for your side. :P

  15. @Vecuu.2018 said:

    @Vecuu.2018 said:I run a condi D/D build. A lot of solo-roaming, camp flipping, yakslapping, but also join up in zergs fairly regularly.

    In duels/skirmishes as a roamer, it's mostly about layering through conditions while evasion tanking and jumping in and out of stealth. You shred glass cannon builds that you catch out, since they don't run nearly enough condi cleanse and can't hit you for long enough. Bunker builds are harder, but they don't have much kill-threat on you. Scorpion wire is used in duels for interrupting heals or dragging back into Caltrops. Most of the damage comes from Bleed made by Death Blossom/Caltrops/Dodgetrops, so it's important to keep multiple other forms of condi on your target so the Bleed is harder to cleanse (the build's capable of Tormet/Cripple/Poison/Vuln/Confusion/plus certain Steal items). Cloak and Dagger applies Vuln and gives you Spider Venom from masteries, and tossing out a Dancing Dagger every 10seconds or so goes a long way and keeping the condi pressure up. I rarely use attacks from stealth, with the most common attack being either a
    dodge while standing on them for dodgetrops
    or a Scorpion Wire to make reaction dodging a little harder. Being revealed is just a bit too much of a liability, since I'm constantly CnD/Withdrawing/Stealing to reposition/stealth/Shadow Rejuv. Reminder that Tricks are a form of condi cleanse, but you want to use Withdraw or Unhindered Combatant
    to cleanse mobility condis first so that Tricks remove Bleed/Poison/Torment/etc.

    In zergs, I'll start Caltrop's cast animation and Shadowstep into a clump for the insta-AoE, then go right into Daggerstorm. I'm tanky enough to fish for CnD stomps, but, if it's a really large zergbattle, I'm mostly fishing for Scorpion Wires while Dancing Dagger spamming runners or dropping poison fields with my shortbow while I wait for Shadowstep+Daggerstorm to come back up.

    It's fun :)

    Edit: You can Caltrops while stealthed, dodging for Dodgetrops will keep you stealthed too. I'll frequently flank a sieging zerg and shred through catas/trebs that aren't properly protected, since I can just CnD the user or the siege itself right as my stealth expires for semi-permanent stealth while keeping 20+ stacks of bleed ticking.

    This looks like a fun build, I think I will need to try this. But wouldn't the
    be better as a consumable ?

    Yes, I'm just cheap. Costs half as much on the AH and lasts for twice as long.

    It's really the extra 100 Expertise from food I care about.

    Rough math says I'd gain ~40-50condition damage by going with with Magnanimous. Considering I'm over 1400 condi-damage unbuffed, I don't think that's too much to worry about for casual WvW play.

    Only reason why I am asking is because I got a ton of those Tuning crystals.

  16. @"Vecuu.2018" said:I run a condi D/D build. A lot of solo-roaming, camp flipping, yakslapping, but also join up in zergs fairly regularly.


    In duels/skirmishes as a roamer, it's mostly about layering through conditions while evasion tanking and jumping in and out of stealth. You shred glass cannon builds that you catch out, since they don't run nearly enough condi cleanse and can't hit you for long enough. Bunker builds are harder, but they don't have much kill-threat on you. Scorpion wire is used in duels for interrupting heals or dragging back into Caltrops. Most of the damage comes from Bleed made by Death Blossom/Caltrops/Dodgetrops, so it's important to keep multiple other forms of condi on your target so the Bleed is harder to cleanse (the build's capable of Tormet/Cripple/Poison/Vuln/Confusion/plus certain Steal items). Cloak and Dagger applies Vuln and gives you Spider Venom from masteries, and tossing out a Dancing Dagger every 10seconds or so goes a long way and keeping the condi pressure up. I rarely use attacks from stealth, with the most common attack being either a dodge while standing on them for dodgetrops or a Scorpion Wire to make reaction dodging a little harder. Being revealed is just a bit too much of a liability, since I'm constantly CnD/Withdrawing/Stealing to reposition/stealth/Shadow Rejuv. Reminder that Tricks are a form of condi cleanse, but you want to use Withdraw or Unhindered Combatant first to cleanse mobility condis first so that Tricks remove Bleed/Poison/Torment/etc.

    In zergs, I'll start Caltrop's cast animation and Shadowstep into a clump for the insta-AoE, then go right into Daggerstorm. I'm tanky enough to fish for CnD stomps, but, if it's a really large zergbattle, I'm mostly fishing for Scorpion Wires while Dancing Dagger spamming runners or dropping poison fields with my shortbow while I wait for Shadowstep+Daggerstorm to come back up.

    It's fun :)

    Edit: You can Caltrops while stealthed, dodging for Dodgetrops will keep you stealthed too. I'll frequently flank a sieging zerg and shred through catas/trebs that aren't properly protected, since I can just CnD the user or the siege itself right as my stealth expires for semi-permanent stealth while keeping 20+ stacks of bleed ticking.

    This looks like a fun build, I think I will need to try this. But wouldn't the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magnanimous_Tuning_Crystal be better as a consumable ?

  17. @"zalt.8937" said:Granted this isnt d/d, but this is what i play for fun right now in pvp, numbers should be way higher i wvw. Survivability is actually ok due to the nature of the weapon set. Get regular hs 12-13k on <25%hp. Bs hits like a truck, and thats in pvp games. Bonus, people seem to have forgotten the bursty thieves and panics on opener.


    What gear and consumables n such would you use for WvW though ?

  18. @Yasai.3549 said:

    Oh yeah on that note, how come you run Valkyrie, and not Marauder or Berserker ?

    Hidden Killer gives 100% Crit while in Stealth and for 2s upon coming out of Stealth, which makes Precision unneeded if yu are playing a hit and run build which wants to hit, then disappear again equally quickly.

    Valkyrie is the perfect set to not only provide Power and Ferocity which makes up the other two parts of the trinity of stats for Power Damage, it provides Vitality which will make Thief much more durable than they naturally are.

    Ooh I see, yeah that does make sense..

    Now where in the world will I get a hold of ascended trinkets and rings with Valkyrie.. Maybe the mist vendor, how much is it for a ascended ring/trinket now again ?

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