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Posts posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. 2 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    I’m not victim blaming

    But you are, you literally are, you put everything on the person that was just insulted instead of the person who was on the recieving end of the toxic barrage, tell me, do you report sexist, racist, or offensive language when you see it ? If someone is being downright nasty to your teammates in a spvp game ?


    2 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    I’m being realistic about toxic behaviour and the best way for people complaining about it to deal with it.

    The beat way to deal with it is if everyone goes and reports the person.  Ignoring them again juat pushes said vile person onto another person.



    2 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    You guys just don’t want to accept the reality of it and want people banned. If anet doesn’t have the resources to deal with all the other more concerning problems in this game, what makes you think they have the resources to protect people’s feelings from being hurt? 

    Yeah, because toxic people absolutley have no rights to be ingame, it only fosters a bad community, the proof is the PvP scene. It’s dead. The more these people get reported the easier its for anet to mute the toxic people.


    2 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    You are after all playing a competitive game, there will always be a level of toxicity to it, not just in gw

    It really doesn’t have to be if people were mature adults that were able to accept losses and move on. It is THEY who are the problem, not the people who get abused.


    Also ”competetive mode”, look how abandoned the scene is on NA because of the rampant toxic people combined with wintraders.


    Toxicity is a rampart problem, don’t pretend it is not.


    2 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    but in every online multiplier game ever and you cannot expect developers to deal with every hurt feeling, yeah for sure take racism, discrimination, and sexual abuse seriously, but 99.9% of toxic behaviour has to be taken with a grain of salt which again brings me back to saying the best dealing with it is ignoring the muppets doing it.

    Good then that the developers are not in charge of enforcing the CoC then, it’s up to another team, oh I dunno… Gamemasters and customer support etc.


    And no, no toxic behaviour should be taken with a grain of salt, people should be able to handle losing in games without becoming a vile being that is bent on nothing more than destroying the fun of others. Which happens.


    Again, people need to REPORT more, not ignore it. Ignoring problems will never work out in the end.


    2 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    You guys can idealise a perfect world

    Where people should follow the rules they agreed to. If that is a perfect world then pop off I guess.


    2 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    And if we were living in a perfect world, every single one of us would be in breach of the code of conduct as I’m 100% sure everyone has typed a swear word at some point, which is against the code lol

    Yeah, I used to, I used to be a very vile and toxic person myself, but I grew up because I realized people a bad person towards others is literally benefitting no one, least the person I vent my frustration towards.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    It’s only against the code if anet decides it is. You don’t get to decide, I don’t get to decide, it’s anet decision if what someone says to another is against the code, and whether any action will be taken.

    It’s always against the code of conduct, but anet decides if they will enforce it or not, it’s two different things.


    Besides it’s quite funny how you keep blaming the victims of the verbal abuse like it would be their fault they got abused, guess what ”Ignoring” someone won’t do much, because


    1. It just pushes the toxic person to someone else and ruins their day and 

    2. The person has already spewed their vile words onto someone who has not done anything to them at all.


    Blame and responsibility should purely be on the ones who are abusive, more people should report them, and anet should be faster and giving them harder and longer punishments for being toxic.


    Let me tell you, the people who need to ”Harden up” or ”grow up” and ”stop crying” is not the people on the recieving end. It’s the toxic people.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    Which means that anet doesn’t have to enforce anything if they choose not to and expecting them to do so in unrealistic which again brings us all back to the original point that the best way of dealing with toxic behaviour is to ignore the person, harden up and get over it. 

    You missed the other part I linked, you know the one about how it is against the code of conduct to use derogatory words against other players, and how that is fully reportable. ”Ignoring someone” won’t fix the problem, that just pushes it into another player, then another one, then another one. The problem is people do not often report verbal abuse for whatever reason, I cannot say, but if people started doing that, you’d probably see a lot of muting going on ingame. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    So you want toxic behaviour suspended/banned, who gets to decide on what’s toxic, who gets to decide on punishment?

    Arenanet does, and infact they already have decided that.


    4 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    So under your rule, calling someone a bad player thus hurting someone else’s feeling and being toxic is punishable with account suspension. Come on, that’s not realistic. 

    No, infact it is in the code of conduct.


    ”While using our Services, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to use and enjoy the Services. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, intimidate, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other users of the Services. Similarly, you may not use communications facilities made available as part of the Services to “troll” other users or NCSOFT personnel, post or share memetic images or phrases without substantive content, intentionally cause unrest among users of the Services, or otherwise be disruptive.”


    ”In connection with our Services, you may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive language.”


    ”The User Agreement contains other requirements that, with this Code of Conduct and other Community Standards, govern your use of the Services. If we determine in our discretion that you failed to comply with our User Agreement (defined below) or this Code of Conduct or other Community Standards, we may limit, suspend, or terminate your access to the Services and/or take other remedial actions that we deem appropriate (e.g., removing violative posts from forums, muting players, etc.).”








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  5. On 10/22/2021 at 5:48 AM, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    You are wasting your breath. The only help they want is uncle anet’s help with banning and suspending players when they get their feelings hurt.  They want to be hand held, spoon fed and babied, they do not want to stand on their own two feet. 

    That’s a funny way to type that I want people to follow rules set up by the contract you signed when you created your Guild Wars 2 account to be a decent person to others.


    I used to be toxic, to blame everyone else for my mistakes, guess what I did ? I learned to take responsibility for my own failures instead of becoming a manchild and blaming everyone and thus making their day worse when they had nothing to do with it.


    But pop off I guess.


    On 10/22/2021 at 2:49 AM, Lacdanon.1483 said:

    It's not about what should or shouldn't be happening it is about what is and will happen, you can't control people, there will always be jerks what you can control is yourself and how you handle dealing with said jerks.

    I mean people always go ”Oh but they should learn how to control their emotions !” all the times towards the victim, but people never say that the abuser should learn how to control his emotions so they do not spill over into a toxic sludge onto other people.


    People should call out and combat verbal abuse but 90% of players will just not say anything, its sad but its reality.


    22 hours ago, Abyeternity.5609 said:

    That’s your take, my take is that people need to grow up and stand on their own two feet. If you are an adult, act like it.

    That’s funny, adults don’t blame others, adults don’t put down others for their own mistakes and adults does for sure 100% do not go on to verbally abuse people. 


    They take responsibility for their own actions, and follow the rules set up so people can have a fun time. Guess who is not doing that ? Let me tell you, it’s nor the people that get targeted by the abuse.


    15 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

    Toxicity is not an issue

    Not surprised you would type that.


    15 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

    , if people get mad they care that shows a healthy game mode also shows people on your team wants to win

    If people get mad it shows they do not not have the emotional maturity to deal with a loss and get on with it, instead they go on to blame others, and never grow or develop, but go on, I guess.


    15 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

    You people want a soulless dystopian society where nobody can do anything at all you people are the real toxic people

    Maybe you should cancel your Guild Wars 2 account then, because it’s literally against the terms of service to use abusive language of any kind.. Thus making you agree that you also want this ”Dystopian Society”.


    You do read things before you sign them, right ?


    15 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

    Nothing can be done about getting mad at bad players as long as people care about winning.

    Growing up and learning how to deal with losses in a reasonable way. It’s a game, it really shouldn’t make you into a raging volcano if you lose a match or two.


    15 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

    You guys should just ask to take the scoreboard off and the ending screen so nobody knows who wins so you get what you all have been wanting all your lives a safe space on the internet.

    No because unlike people who rage the scoreboard can be used to measure your actual performance, and unlike people who rage it is an intentional game design, it’s not toxic, it simply showed how you performed. That’s it, that’s all it does.





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  6. 1 hour ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

    So if someone needs help but doesn't directly ask for it then I shouldn't help him?

    And what does this have to do with insulting people ? Helping people is helping people. Not use degrading words towards them.


    1 hour ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

    Imagine if a coach don't his athlete when he is doing wrong because he don't want to hurt his feelings. Heck even your parents did this for you when you were a child.

    They taught me in a way that was not as far as I remember, saying all kinds of phobic stuff towards me or abuse me in any other way, they did it with kind words and actions, strict, but kind. 


    1 hour ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

    I will say it again: Hiding behind your feelings will not get you anywhere. Facing your weaknesses will.

    Maybe you should try to teach the toxic people on how to keep their feelings in check instead ? Instead of the people that are on the recieving end of their emotions and, in turn, abuse ?

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

    What you people are talking about and wanting is a dystopian utopia and suppressing emotions.

    Oh no,  I want people to be decent to others. Wow. What a dystopian utopia.

  8. 3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    ALL of the systems introduce LOADS of downsides the more strict it gets.

    For who ? The players who keeps harrasing other people, or the normal players who just want to play the game ? Let me tell you, it’s not getting worse for the latter.



    3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    And no matter what you do, at the end of the day, if someone wants to be a prick they will be. And no system will stop them.

    That is why there are rules that say they CAN’T behave that way. Getting a stricter report and ban system would clean a lot of these guys out, which is needed.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

    They have as much as a right to act like an kitten and you nor anyone else can't tell them otherwise (other than the game provider).

    1. In connection with our Services, you may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive language.



    They have absolutley no rights to act like that.


    4 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

    To say they're not decent humans is a far stretch.

    A decent human person does not generally say hateful things to others, they solve it by settling it in mature ways, not raging.


    6 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

    So suck it up, put on your big boy pants, and worry about yourself and not others on how they act. 

    Yeah, I did, I used to be a toxic douchebag, but I grew up and realized that did nothing for anyone except spread bad vibes and misery.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

    How would you like for me and others to protect you and the OP from the venomous bad words of pvp.

    It's not so much protecting others as much at it is for people to you know, become decent human beings, 


    Are you personally abusing people ? No ? Good.

    Are you abusing people ? Yes ? Then stop it, same goes if your friend goes to spew vile bile onto someone else. Don't just sit there and say "Yeah", but tell him to knock it off.

    Stuff like that goes a long way.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    Honestly as someone that is very snarky and annoying

    Then I can see why YOU think it is not a problem. But it is.


    Muting and moving on will never really solve the problem, it just pushes it further along for someone else to hear the vile things instead. Anet really should be more respondant on answering reports for toxic chat, and mute repeat offenders more often and harder.


    3 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    You guys are like that one friend that always complains about not having space for things but he never wears a kittening backpack.

    I see literally 0 what this have to do with anything ?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    Then again we are talking about 2 different things, offensive banter and insulting are 2 very different things.

    Yes, because the first one won't happen in PvP. It's only the latter one.. 

    2 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    There is a difference in saying I hope X dies in a fire

    This one.


    People shouldn't have to go block/mute crazy on half a gamemode's population, people should instead really learn how to not behave like raging volcanos spewing out all manners of horrible words.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    its our gaming culture.

    No, it's really not, I don't go around and absolutely spew vile bile onto anyone that I happen to play with or against.


    Gaming culture is people who like to play games, not send vile stuff onto others. 


    8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    my football friends look forward for that part almost as much as they look forward to actually playing the game.

    Okay, great that it works for you, really, but have you ever thought that you are doing it to your friends, and not others ?


    8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    . Its legit part of the game

    Then it really should be changed.


    But again this has nothing to do with Football, this has to do with PvP. It's two very different things, both are competetive in nature, yes, and there is where a lot of toxicity is coming from, but is it an excuse for it to continiue ? Absolutley not.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    Pretty much! And you notice it's ALWAYS the person who gets venom who needs to develop a "thick skin", it's NEVER the perpetrator of said venom that's to be held accountable!

    Becoming a decent human being seems to be very hard for some reason idk why.

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  15. On 10/18/2021 at 11:26 PM, Arklite.4013 said:

    Absolutely tone-deaf individuals excusing toxicity by blaming victims. Nice

    "Hmm maybe people need to learn how to behave like human beings.."


    "nah lets just blame the person that gets insulted, that'll do it !"

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  16. I am from TC and I like it when we are double teamed. Zerglings from both SoS and Blackgate are super easy to pick off from their zergs to give you free bags.


    Besides, saves me the trouble to run around to try to find the few roamers the respective servers have.


    Oh, and it is a nice change from fighting the 10+ bots Blackgate has running around on their servers, and no, that does not mean bad players, actual bots, that I have encountered several times.

    • Like 1
  17. 14 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

    Would agree celestial is good roaming but only on certain classes like ele, necro, maybe guard. 


    You’d be surprised on how effective it is. It is extremly effective, like, on all classes, you just need to make the most of the important stats like condi, power, and concentration.


    And evey proffesion has traits to do that.

    • Like 1
  18. 5 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    It is usually a good practice (for years) to write in squad-chat when the map is full. It is a nice thing to help others, not a complain. So the comm can remove the group from LFG which would also be a nice thing so other players, that look for a group, do not have to wade through dozens of groups were they cannot join the map.

    I mean this is not feasible considering people join and leave all the time, it’s not reasonable at all to remove the group when someome join and then remove the group when it gets full if people leave and join constantly.


    Which they do.


    Not to mention people not in squad but in map.


    6 hours ago, Sylvia.4870 said:

     Ah! Players who can't manage to join in the Mad King's Labyrinth instance, which is already full and yet leave such childish messages on commanders. As one of the followers for farming Trick or Treat bags from the Labyrinth, I never complain about the full instance. Should the instance I intend to enter be full,  I look for other instances on LFG system and join in the instances, which contain less than 10 players or not over than 25 ones (It is not always possible to enter. In rare cases, there is another squad, seperated from another in the same instance). If there is no squad available on the LFG system, I wander around there, beat some demons, play hide and seek with Mr. Steve, holding his huge Texas chainsaw and look for another squad on it again. There is no point to complain about the full instance at all.

    If only everyone did what you did. Would be much better.


    10 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

    We have a queue system for WvW too, why not add one to PvE specifically via the LFG?
    This particular map is full would you like to queue for it? kinda thing.

    That would be absolutley spectacular. Would prevent this, that’s for sure.


    7 hours ago, Fleabite.7528 said:

    Squad size doesn't necessarily correlate with map fullness. You're often as likely to find the maps of advertised small squads full as large in Labs, because so many people ride the train without joining. 

    Yeah, which makes knowing when the map is full or not quite literally impossible.

    • Like 3
  19. 13 hours ago, Fleabite.7528 said:

    This is defo Anet's problem to fix. It would surely be easy for them to ghost out squads which are presently full. Yet instead we have this challenge every year. 


    When you're working your way thru 20 squads and every one is full, no wonder people can get ticked off. 


    So mebbe blame the messengers a bit less?

    I mean sure but, why do they hurl abuse on the commander then ? If they are putting the blame on me then I will shift it back on them, it’s not fun being yelled at for trying to help people, why did they join my squad with 20 or so, and not the other 7-10 man squads I always see ?

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