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Posts posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. @Danikat.8537 said:

    (I don't think you'll have trouble finding one with female members, there's a lot of us about)Don't think I have heard of someone wanting to join a guild just because it has female members in it, might just be me tho. ?Or maybe you did not mean it like that and my english skills are bad so I misinterpreted it.

    I just meant that there are a lot of female players, so there will be a lot of guilds with female members.

    I have occasionally seen women looking for a guild which already has female members. Some women are worried about how they'll be treated in MMOs (sometimes with good reason) so I guess they think a guild with other women in it will be nicer than one which is all men. I don't tend to worry about it, but then I don't think I've ever been in a guild without female players.

    Ah that's how you meant, yea that makes sense now. :)

    But I totally get their concern, some guys on the internet well.. Are less than kind to girls.

  2. @Julischka Bean.7491 said:

    @GoldenPants.1870 said:Hello ! First time posting on these forums so please excuse me if I got the category or something wrong.

    In any case, I just finished the Skyscale collection.. And I just have to say, the Skyscale is very dissapointing, like it does not have a purpose in this game, all the other mounts atleast have something they excel in, or something that is unique to them. Beetle for going Sonic Boom speeds, Gryphon for flying super fast, Jackal for using portals (And helping with certain hero points) Bunny+Leap for Scaling cliffs and Raptor is an average of all the mounts on the ground, and Skimmer for being able to skip swimming for about 5 years, With that being said.

    With how much effort the Skyscale took, running all over the LS4 maps, Tyria, and needing to run back and forth all over Dragonfall 3 times in a row, needing to farm the LS4 Currencies, day after day, only to find out that the Skyscale excels in nothing, need to go up a high cliff ? There's the Springer and Leap, Need to fly ? There's the Gryphon which is superior at that, and the ground ? Just use the beetle or Raptor.

    Please just buff the Skyscale in some way, maybe only drain it's flight bar after you hit a certain height in the map, and buff it's speed because it takes an enternity to reach from the Pact Command in Dragonfall to a camp.

    Just please do something.

    There is a subset of this game that cannot finish the dratted story and cannot do the jumping puzzles, so we do not have the griffon!

    That's why we have mesmers, atleast for the jumping puzzles. ;)

  3. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @MithranArkanere.8957 said:1500 units plus correction for inflation.It would not be that bad if it other weapons could do the same.

    A thief rifle reaching further than it maximum targeting range makes more sense than an arrow doing it.

    What would make the most sense both for lore and balance, is having two ranges: The maximum range at which you can target, and the minimum range the projectiles can reach.

    Then making specially powerful ranged attacks 'easily interruptable in melee'. So getting hit with melee range attacks while trying to use them would interrupt them, or have a chance to interrupt them.

    But either way damage should decrease with distance, not increase like freaking Long Range Shot.

    Damage increase with speed which equals to distance covered..somebody must have skipped his physics class, also we're talking about a middle ages rifle...no a modern sniper rifle and during middle ages, an arcing arrow would have of course covered more distance than a flintlock limited to 75 yards compared to 200 yards of longbow

    I don't wanna be nitpicky but the Predator looks pretty modern ish, and that seems to be a bolt rifle, not a flintlock one.

  4. @Vancho.8750 said:So as we know there is some drop in raid population and might be a good idea to have something to easy in people into raiding.Something along the lines of hope in get slapped with all the training golem buffs + some stat buffs ( when the build templates come out suggested builds feature) , and get reduced number of rewards for it compared to the real deal. The other option is to be 25 man with the same scaling of the bosses in the instance.Also this could work for first tier fractals.Also to point out having more casual people raiding , would mean more need for new raids, since it will be a more prominent feature for the game.

    No raid loot, which means only ascended loot, only exotics or unidentified at max. Then I would be okay with a raid finder.

  5. @Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

    @"GoldenPants.1870" said:So I have played a few matches today.. and just.. It feels impossible to fight a mirage, the immobilize.. The Dazes... The high condi damage, Blinds, evades.... Like what can I do to counter this class ? It's not fun to play against them at all.

    Assuming you're fairly new to PvP, don't feel too bad. You're definitely not alone. Every game has "that" opponent whose unconventional design makes it extra complicated to learn to fight against. In this one it's mesmer, namely mirage. Pretty much everyone embarking on PvP has that first fight with a mirage leaving them asking "what just happened?" To be fair, this happens the first, and probably first several times, fighting other specialized classes as well (scourge, thief, most "meme builds", etc.).

    It's become cliche, but the most important skill you can develop for fighting mirage is learning how to spot and track the real player through clones, illusions, stealths, and target breaks. Easier said than done, but with practice it will become second nature. The two biggest tells are: (1) player-only skill/buff icons like signets and celebration bonuses, and (2) player-only movement such as jumping, strafing, taking direct vertical paths instead of running all the way around obstacles/elevation, etc.

    Meanwhile, clones are made of paper and die to one or two auto attacks. It's easy to clear multiple at once with cleaves and AOEs. Clearing clones both hampers the mirage's offensive strength and makes it easier to find the player. Focus the real player, force their defensive cool downs, and you'll realize how squishy most mirage builds are. They're also very vulnerable to CC and condi themselves as they lack stability and have pretty limited cleanse.

    Also, contrary to popular belief, mirage isn't very mobile at all. They struggle with gap closing/opening thanks to nerfs to Jaunt, Portal, no reliable access to swiftness, and a unique dodge that does not move them as far out of harm's way as a regular dodge roll. Their big mobility skill, Blink, is a 1200 range teleport typically saved for disengage. Once they've used it, they can't go anywhere fast. Many classes are capable of catching a fleeing mirage.

    Hope some of this is helpful. Remember, we've all been there. Difficulty with mirage, followed by overcoming said difficulty, is pretty much a right of passage for anyone who sticks to PvP in this game.

    Ah, I see, I have started playing staff support for Ele which seems lots of fun in my opinion, and I can survive mirages now which is nice.

  6. @Gaile Gray.6029 said:Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.

    If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.

    Thanks for your input!

    More Skyscale skins, I don't like the face of the default one. :x

  7. Still, if you have fun playing certain profession in PvE then you should find what build it uses in Ranked and play that instead, because in the end you'll
    only have fun If you'll play what you like.

    I am a druid main, and as far as I have heard, which admitedly, is not a lot, Druid is not a viable class in PvP.

    Well ye Druid is not viable, but if you enjoy Ranger then old Boonbeast still is.

    Uh yea I kinda tried that but... I kinda lost 7 matches in a row. : )

    Warrior, not the most OP profession out there, but definitely the easiest one. You can learn how to warrior in no time. It also has somewhat stable meta with simple rotation.

    Do you recommend any builds for it ?

    (links are broken at the moment, you have to copy it)
    Both work, difference being that SB has more sustain and less dmg than Core and thus is SB also more fitting for its role of a sidenoder while also giving you more space to learn the profession since initially you'll die slower so you can at least see what led to that.SB is also ther preferred one in the Meta environment.

    I don't really like Spellbreaker, I find full counter to be a strange thing. :v

    Well that's unpleasant, because I was about to suggest Boonbeast as second best profession to start with, they are both pretty powerful. Losing 7 matches in a row happens to everyone quite often due to low population that Matchmaker has to work with, so are you sure you lost because of the Build? After all, if you're new to pvp it was unlikely to end up other way
    (not meant as an offense!)

    No offense taken bud, I know I am bad at PvP cause I am new, but maybe I was not bad because of the build, maybe I will give it another shot.

    I also find it more fun to play PvP with a friend but not a lot of my friends play PvP. :v

    Are you on EU or NA servers?

    NA servers, even tho I live in Sweden, went there cause I have more friends in the NA regions than the EU ones.

    Ah well, in that case I can't help you with the lack of pvp mates.

    Well that sucks. :(

  8. Still, if you have fun playing certain profession in PvE then you should find what build it uses in Ranked and play that instead, because in the end you'll
    only have fun If you'll play what you like.

    I am a druid main, and as far as I have heard, which admitedly, is not a lot, Druid is not a viable class in PvP.

    Well ye Druid is not viable, but if you enjoy Ranger then old Boonbeast still is.

    Uh yea I kinda tried that but... I kinda lost 7 matches in a row. : )

    Warrior, not the most OP profession out there, but definitely the easiest one. You can learn how to warrior in no time. It also has somewhat stable meta with simple rotation.

    Do you recommend any builds for it ?

    (links are broken at the moment, you have to copy it)
    Both work, difference being that SB has more sustain and less dmg than Core and thus is SB also more fitting for its role of a sidenoder while also giving you more space to learn the profession since initially you'll die slower so you can at least see what led to that.SB is also ther preferred one in the Meta environment.

    I don't really like Spellbreaker, I find full counter to be a strange thing. :v

    Well that's unpleasant, because I was about to suggest Boonbeast as second best profession to start with, they are both pretty powerful. Losing 7 matches in a row happens to everyone quite often due to low population that Matchmaker has to work with, so are you sure you lost because of the Build? After all, if you're new to pvp it was unlikely to end up other way
    (not meant as an offense!)

    No offense taken bud, I know I am bad at PvP cause I am new, but maybe I was not bad because of the build, maybe I will give it another shot.

    I also find it more fun to play PvP with a friend but not a lot of my friends play PvP. :v

    Are you on EU or NA servers?

    NA servers, even tho I live in Sweden, went there cause I have more friends in the NA regions than the EU ones.

  9. Still, if you have fun playing certain profession in PvE then you should find what build it uses in Ranked and play that instead, because in the end you'll
    only have fun If you'll play what you like.

    I am a druid main, and as far as I have heard, which admitedly, is not a lot, Druid is not a viable class in PvP.

    Well ye Druid is not viable, but if you enjoy Ranger then old Boonbeast still is.

    Uh yea I kinda tried that but... I kinda lost 7 matches in a row. : )

    Warrior, not the most OP profession out there, but definitely the easiest one. You can learn how to warrior in no time. It also has somewhat stable meta with simple rotation.

    Do you recommend any builds for it ?

    (links are broken at the moment, you have to copy it)
    Both work, difference being that SB has more sustain and less dmg than Core and thus is SB also more fitting for its role of a sidenoder while also giving you more space to learn the profession since initially you'll die slower so you can at least see what led to that.SB is also ther preferred one in the Meta environment.

    I don't really like Spellbreaker, I find full counter to be a strange thing. :v

    Well that's unpleasant, because I was about to suggest Boonbeast as second best profession to start with, they are both pretty powerful. Losing 7 matches in a row happens to everyone quite often due to low population that Matchmaker has to work with, so are you sure you lost because of the Build? After all, if you're new to pvp it was unlikely to end up other way
    (not meant as an offense!)

    No offense taken bud, I know I am bad at PvP cause I am new, but maybe I was not bad because of the build, maybe I will give it another shot.

    I also find it more fun to play PvP with a friend but not a lot of my friends play PvP. :v

  10. Still, if you have fun playing certain profession in PvE then you should find what build it uses in Ranked and play that instead, because in the end you'll
    only have fun If you'll play what you like.

    I am a druid main, and as far as I have heard, which admitedly, is not a lot, Druid is not a viable class in PvP.

    Well ye Druid is not viable, but if you enjoy Ranger then old Boonbeast still is.

    Uh yea I kinda tried that but... I kinda lost 7 matches in a row. : )

    Warrior, not the most OP profession out there, but definitely the easiest one. You can learn how to warrior in no time. It also has somewhat stable meta with simple rotation.

    Do you recommend any builds for it ?

    (links are broken at the moment, you have to copy it)
    Both work, difference being that SB has more sustain and less dmg than Core and thus is SB also more fitting for its role of a sidenoder while also giving you more space to learn the profession since initially you'll die slower so you can at least see what led to that.SB is also ther preferred one in the Meta environment.

    I don't really like Spellbreaker, I find full counter to be a strange thing. :v

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