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Everything posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. And, all of that have been nerfed now, so that shouldn’t be a problem anymore.
  2. And what would they do ? It’s their group after all, and they have every right to control who joins that group as they made it, if you don’t like the choices presented, just make your own group. Damage to her health, yeah sure, but 5 extra minutes ? What.
  3. Uh, no, the meta is not harder than raids, not in the slightest. Keep it ”hard” (it’s really not) and improve the rewards, it doesn’t need to be nerfed further, they already greatly reduced the ”RNG” on her switching sides, and how often the tail is up. Casual players will get another way to get the turtle on March 15th, if they want the rewards from the meta boss, then they should put in the effort.
  4. No, that's more of the mindset currently on the forums that gives me this impression. I mean, the rest of us had to do it, I don't exactly get a free pass either, I would have loved to play my new Virtuoso build in the new meta, but I didn't, I got on my healbrand instead, why ? Because that is what we needed. And I can assure you that the gear on any of my characters did not come from anyone else paying me to get it. I had to pay for all of it. And see what you did there, you saw what went wrong, you analyzed it, and then you took steps in how to not screw up again, you improved, I have seen many people that even refuse to learn from their mistakes.
  5. You do learn it from the starting mission of EoD, infact, it gives you a tutorial on how it works, it should have been in the base game but here we are. And now they have improved it even more, as it says how strong the break bar is, and how much CC your abilities do in the tooltip. Because why ? You took the time to research, and thus, you improved, honestly all someone has to do is to go onto the wiki and read how the various stats/abilities work. Even that alone could be a huge help. Luckily most of us do not need to theorycraft, there's already top players that do that for us, which is nice, but I do agree on the game needing to tell you when you screwed up. But this is the case for all games, you need to get familiar to get better at them, that is also why I often visit the wiki when I try to do something I have not done before, I.e trying to create new original builds. I mean, what else is there to do in the current situation until Anet decides to nerf the event ? Give me any other reasonable options, if you have any I would be happy to hear them. Either you switch builds and gear and read up on guides or you need to wait until it's nerfed. There's no other alternative.
  6. If people were willing to improve, I would go out of my way to help them, but open world players don't. So why should I spend my hard earned currency on people who do not even want to try ?
  7. Yepp, but I already have my turtle. And many others who can't complete the meta don't. So they will simply just have to wait while I have fun.
  8. Because that's not our problem, would I pay to help a fellow raider in training out for gear ? Absolutley. Would I pay an open world player that I don't know ? Absolutley not.
  9. Because it's my gold, and why should I have to pay for others just because people want the meta to succed ? Plus, you can buy berserker items from the trading post for like no gold at all.
  10. Perhaps I am, but that is because I have grown tired of others that do not want to improve, the ability to clear the meta is there, people have cleared it, but some people are absolutley refusing any chance possible to actually beat it by just changing some traits/gear. If every player did this, if everyone brought a good build, this meta would have a MUCH higher success chance, and then, when the meta is over, they go back to their prefered build and gear. But instead of doing that, they want the meta nerfed, because they do not want to put in the effort to get the new shiny thing, that is what has been starting to irk me, people just want nerfs nerfs nerfs, instead of trying to improve themselves. Absolutley, and then I pass that knowledge on to others seeking to improve, they know the game far better than I did at the point when I started raiding, when I got into the game, reading guides is not dangerous, they won't bite, but people refuse to for some reason, I don't get it, at all. And yeah, the new raiders wanted to improve, to get better at the game, and guess what they're not doing right now, complaining. Oh they do, they very much do, infact a large portion of Dark Souls playerbase is a "Git gud" player, because they know the only way to beat it is to get better, and if not, you just summon a player. That knows what to do, because he took the time to get better at the game. So to sum it up, people can EASILY improve, but they refuse to, even when it would benefit not only themselves, but the wide GW2 community.
  11. Absolutley, and I am again, not trying to force anyone to playing anything, I am just looking at this from a perspective on how things stand currently, and that is that this meta can't be completed with just.. Whatever at the current moment, but it requires a lot of setup to complete. And, I give my tips from that point of view. The rewards on the meta have to be improved 100%, you won't have me disagreeing there, they're bad, very bad for the time invested into the meta. Honestly, here I do have to disagree, from what I have seen, is people do not want to do any research into how their class can be used to its fullest extent, even if they just.. change the traits around, it could be a 100% improvement, but people seem to refuse to do even that.
  12. I mean, I will speak from the point on how I view the game, and the content I play, same as you will, and have, we all are biased, so I will naturally want people to get better and improve, instead of being stuck in the same loop over and over again. The fact of the matter is EoD is not old at all, remember the launch of HoT ? Dragon's Stand.. Chak Gerent, failed all the time, but people learned, and improved, and now its a mindless walk in the park for even the most casual of open world players. They have not had the time to balance it correctly, so we have to make do with what we have currently, you can't change that, neither can I, only ANet can eventually change it. Yeah, sure, I had some positive experiences, but those sure as kitten do not feel like they outweigh the negative ones, so why should I keep trying, in all honesty, I got the sense that the majority just does not want to improve, so why should I then try to help them improve ? Don't need to, either, just explaining why I think the way I do, with how mapchat/lfg/forums is behaving currently, as I again, feel like people do not want to improve, but just want things to be made easier, so why should I help those that do not want to improve ?
  13. And you know what I was doing in those raids, along with my raid lead ? Helping newbies get into raiding, training them so they got better, and that helps not only us, but also the game in the long run, because the better players become, the easier the open world also becomes, and the less problems like this will arise. And that is exactly why this happened, people refuse to listen to advice, and when the "Hardcore" players try to give them said advice, all they get is hate back, it's not so strange it turns many people jaded, Teapot put up a good guide, what happened ? He recieved a LOT of hate, this meta is not an easy one and you have to have good classes and builds to complete it, that's the reality of the situation as it looks currently, and we can't change it, and so when you give tips on HOW to complete it CURRENTLY, you don't get thanks, but get told off instead. Yeah, absolutley, I have grown tired of trying to help, I will still do it to people who are open to getting better, don't get me wrong, but to the open world and "casual" crowd ? Absolutley not, I only have gotten bad replies back, so why would I even attempt to help further ?
  14. Glad you know how I feel better than myself, please, tell me more about how I am as a person. 1. Do you think the forums is everything or something ? Read what I wrote, I tried to help people INGAME, I don't make groups either, I join them because I don't like leading, so again, how is this even a point ? I tried to help people, believe me, I do, but all I was met with was people who just threw back everything I tried to help them with right into my face, that won't make me want to help anymore, that makes me want to say tough luck to people who can't complete the meta.
  15. ? What so just because someone else came up with what the best would be best with the trait/armor/runes etc means that the person plays it puts in no effort ? Right. Id like you to lead a squad full of people on a meta build with a class they can’t play, should be easy, right ? After trying to help people ingame with tips and tricks, absolutley I will turn jaded when all I get back is ”Toxic elitst” and ”dont tell me how to play the game” almost every time, despite me just giving them TIPS not saying ”You have to play this.” See above, I tried to help, only got it thrown right back in my face, I have 0% emapthy with people who can’t complet the meta anymore.
  16. Hm, interesting, the group I completed it with was everywhere and nowhere at the gathering, but I can see how that would be a smart strat to get the players you requested, still he forced 0 players off the map, only asked them to join his squad.
  17. People don’t want to carry others, and even if they boot you from squad you can’t be booted from the map, so it’s really a moot point. This is quite funny statement. First of all, the turtle is not a mandatory reward, you dont need it for anything, its just another mount that honeslty doesn’t have a use, seeing as the Skyscale/Beetle/Gryphon/Raptor already exists, and are way better. Second, playing a meta build is not being a mindless sheep, it’s called using the best your class has to offer in order to not only kill the boss, but also not to be a burden upon others trying their hardest. And as I have tried to help before, but only got rude replies back for my efforts, if you can’t handle the meta event, you need to get good, or else tough luck. you won’t get the turtle.
  18. Fix it, yeah, set the abilities on a rotating pattern, nerf it ? Absolutley not. It’s already beatable today, 1-1-1 spam to win should not be a thing in metas, and thats why I like this one, it forces people to improve, be it getting better gear, or better builds.
  19. It’s a strike. And strikes in EoD is extremly easy, my friends and I went in blind and completed it in the first try, even the last strike was not a problem. Those strikes are more like an open world legendary bounty if anything, minus the timer.
  20. Yeah that would be open world content players for you. Also kinda funny how people keep reacting with the confused face for giving my experience on the fight.
  21. Just was in a group that one-shot the meta, even with 3.5 mins to spare or something. Organized squads with good builds make the difference night and day.
  22. Why ? I, and most of my friends went in totally blind and oneshot them, they’re not hard.
  23. You literally dont need legendary trinkets, just get ascended ones, which you get for just a few days of fractaling/WvWing. Most build nowdays shares trinkets anyways.
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