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  1. I appreciate the quick communication and intention to fix some of the damages done by the last balance patch, but I gotta agree with so many other commenters that some of the design choices here are completely missing the mark. I'll focus on druid as that's one of the main classes I've been playing in PvE for at least 6 years. I do not appreciate the way Alacrity has now been added to CA at all. As others have said and as Mukluk pointed out in his recent videos on the topic, you used to save CA for the right moments to provide a burst heal, a cleanse, additional cc or in some cases an immobilise as the context demanded. That's the fun of playing a support, picking and utilising the tools available in your kit to adapt to an encounter and squad/subgroup composition. Adding alacrity which such a short duration to CA makes you need to dip into CA as soon as it's recharged to maintain upkeep and is ultimately a lot spammier than alacrity on spirits ever felt like. Some have and are going to point out that you essentially did similar for might generation but the difference is might duration was longer already and you had other tools outside of CA to help with upkeep, as well as others in your sub with some passive generation. Adding might now to pet swap is a similar problem and removes the posibility of using pet swaps/pet active to wait out certain mechanics and just makes for more spammy, unengaging gameplay. I wouldn't agree to simply revert back to alacrity on spirits, but not onto CA. if we all must go along with a rather tiring boon meta, then at least equalise all the supports so alac/quickness gen becomes integral part of their existing gameplay loop already. For druid, as I saw someone else suggest, I'd agree with trait to provide alac on granting regen since regen is one of your core boon applications already, both in and out of CA. The same idea holds true for scrapper though I'm less familiar with Engineer as a whole. Moving quickness from superspeed to finishers seems counterproductive. Please listen to veteran players of particular classes and redesign the support build so we can use them again effectively instead of all seeking refuge in heal firebrand. Other than that, the change to Arc Divider was neither good nor needed. As everyone else has said, please revert this change and get rid of the aftercast instead as you're doing for power guardian.
  2. Oh I know, it's just getting more and more obvious and by now it's getting too much for me. Another example would have been the mantra change on firebrand where you had to pay attention to not blow the 3rd charge unintentionally instead the simple ammo count it is now.
  3. Lowering the skillfloor is fine, but these changes also lower the skill ceiling by trading away the burst window for generic sustained damage to weapon modifiers, and that's saddening for players who played power soulbeast a lot in fractals and raids and enjoyed that aspect of it.
  4. I appreciate the willingness to amend mistakes through hotfixes and I hope you commit to the effort of amending this enormous mishap. What I am personally not happy about is the apparent direction the balance is taking, however. Soulbeast having a high skill ceiling through burst was by no means a bad thing. Catering to people who do not wish to put the effort to learn something, despite the myriad of help sites like SC, LN, dT, is. I will await to see your post about balance to see if I wish to continue this game at all for that reason. Dumbing down to cater to a select crowd while hurting everyone who has been around a long time and has done the effort of learning gw2's combat system will not help your game.
  5. These have got to be the very worst patchnotes I've read in the past 6 years of playing this game. Any other MMO's good in 2022? Asking for a friend
  6. The only thing well executed in this change is the incentive to play fractal cms. The idea of making coins and clovers reliable rewards across end game pve is a good idea imo, but simply axing coins from one game mode and adding them in lesser amount to another is a really bad way of doing so. Could have just made one guaranteed coin drop from every final boss of each fractal cm daily, the 10 from strikes, and then another 10 from raid cms weekly or something.
  7. My voice will only echo all of those who posted in the 7 pages before me in this thread, the entire subreddit, and the countless threads that you closed.If this incarnation of build loadouts had been present at launch, it would have been fine. It feels like a system that exists at the launch of a game, good potential, but infancy illnesses that limit its function. Seven years down the line, however, after having them in a much better form in gw1 AND having them in a near perfect state through Delta's arc... this is a downgrade.-For me it is clunky to use. Build loadouts become templates as advertised when they possess the simple ability to save, and not overwrite automatically whenever you change one thing. Swapping however is fast and effective. Make them templates and this is good to go imo.-Gear slots. It's good that we can save gear in its own storage and effortlessly swap between them. But I personally preferred arc's way over this. If I swap from tempest to weaver or from normal DH to signet share DH I am largely using the same gear with a some changes for which this system is not very useful. Not a huge deal since swapping those by hand isn't that long, but still worth mentioning. What really isn't good is that it isn't working at all with legendary equipment, and so my mesmer with her dozen builds and legy armour is a pain to play and swap everything around.-PvE/PvP/WvW. So the 3 given loadout slots were basically the 3 presets for the 3 game modes. I myself am primarily a PvE player, so this doesn't affect me that much, but it's a bit weird that when I do enter WvW for a few dailies I have to change and then reset a build slot that I rather use to store different PvE builds.-The ability to link and share a build is good, though!Edit: I made an error in testing when it comes to my second point. It is possible to simply swap out a few pieces using the gear slots. Error on my part. However I now ran into the problem that swapping for instance between DD and DE on thief, a minor change in gear, immediately fills the 2nd slot and leaves me with no room for cDD, boon thief, etc. so I still swap those by hand which is a minor inconvenience compared to arc. This relates to slot amount and monetisation problem described below. Like I said, it's a downgrade from arc, and I hope to see it honed and improved as per the feedback everyone has been giving you since the announcement. And now for the real issues...3 build slots, 2 gear slots per character. Do you understand how many builds most veteran players ran around with? Even if we max it out to 6 of each, it still wouldn't be enough, even for me as a PvE player. My workaround for this is just to make some new characters I guess. The monetisation. Yes, a company needs to make profit. Yes, this is a buy to play game that lives off the extra money it earns through mtx. It would be only reasonable to put a charge to this. But not this much... Not when it's divided into 3, triple monetised for every character. If I could pay 25-30 whatever euros to unlock the full feature for all my characters I would do so in a whim. I would also pay 800 gems to unlock a new slot on all my characters at once. But I'm not paying 3500 gems per character to fully unlock. For that price I have 4 new character slots. This kind of monetisation is predatory and aggressive, similar to what EA, Bethesda, etc are doing.I will not spend neither gold nor real money on this feature or anything from the gemstore personally as long as this exists. If anyone deserves my 50 euros it would be Delta. I want this game to flourish and succeed. And it's heartbreaking to see everyone of my friends, guildies and people here angry and leaving. But it's very much understandable that they do. I hope you finally take the hint.
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