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  1. I read a number of stupid posts in here, this is very simple. I pay real money in a game of chance hoping to win the jackpot, gambling, I am gambling my money to win the jackpot in the lootbox. I play the game and play challenges to earn rewards, I'm not gambling anything there is no risk to me whatsoever, I'm doing X task to earn X reward. Arguing that defeating a challenge in game to earn rewards is the same as a real money gambling roulette system, really is complete nonsense lol.
  2. Wizards hat and white wings please! Just in general it would be nice if the items in the gem store refreshed every week or something, it seems very stale the same items stay in the store forever.
  3. I don't have the gold to get it to 400 unfortunately :(.
  4. So having a hard time finding a way to get a celestial light armor chest piece, I know about the bladed boxes in VB and I have all the pieces I can buy with airship parts, but the vendors don't sell the chest piece. Is there any other way to get an exotic celestial chest armor other than completing the VB meta at T4? I've been trying for 2 weeks and unfortunately this meta just doesn't get played enough and never has the player count to achieve T4. I'm having a lot of trouble finding any other way to get a celestial chest piece :P.
  5. Still runs oddly, poorly with d912pxy and has odd graphics; at least with max graphics. The only problem I notice is when opening the game sometimes it takes a little longer to properly load. Other than that it's a big improvement with vs without.
  6. Thanks for this, helping a bunch getting back into the game and trying out weaver!
  7. It isn't really up for debate, that d912pxy increases fps and fixes the problem with the 5700XT. I have a 5700XT without it the game runs like shite and is unplayable, with it, it runs buttery smooth at max settings 4K.
  8. Staff mainhand, sword offhand, setup skills are melee, nuke skills are ranged, + escape/mobility skills to move in and out of range. I realise staff is currently 2H only, but I just want a staff and sword haha.
  9. I have the same setup 3600X + 5700XT, the D12 fix worked for me, running smooth as butter now at max settings 4k VSR.
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