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Everything posted by Parpage.9867

  1. And the lack of new dialogues when casting something or entering shroud is just sad, i mean i didn't expect much don't get me wrong, but a least a couple of phrases to add a bit of flavor like virtuoso bladesworn etc would have been nice
  2. You have no idea how sad i was when i realized that they didn't exploit the opportunity to make plaguedoctor-like traits so you could actually heal while throwing elixirs plus the boon share would have been perfect to fulfill that fantasy 😞
  3. How weird, you didn't show me this time how mad i was with a video? Now i am disappointed and sad ☹️
  4. Ah yes the punching bag, so much appeal. Because in a real scenario you will surely be always stand still 24/7
  5. Lmao who's getting worked up? You're the one who feels the need to post every time a video about his build trying to prove something
  6. It's not a semantic, it's literally a fact. Almost 23k of HP is not a glass cannon, also lmao of course everything is more fragile when you compare it with a build that has a whooping 30k HP what a daft argument
  7. It's honestly hilarious really, until a few days ago he was like "Noooooo but you don't need to have arcdps and wingman to tell you how to have fun with a class dps doesn't matter stop pushing your meta agenda!". And now that we got a substantial quality of life upgrade plus a bit more dps he's embracing the "well AKSUALLY reaper dps is still too low why are you happy QUIT HAVING FUN" lmaoooooo
  8. So what are you doing to do now? Ditch reaper because it's not so horrible anymore?
  9. This is soooo good, they have surely gained my trust back for now
  10. Hello i came back to gloat about the QoL update that we received, we won bois our hopium was repayed 🙂
  11. That doesn't matter. Balancing between game modes is a thing and we all know about it. And that's not what you're doing either right? You just want reaper to stay in a bad spot and come out with ridiculous explanations for it. Just what he said, reaper not being horrible lmao. Are you sure you're talking about reaper? Again we could list tons of classes with different build that can do 10 times better what reaper does, he's surely not a "jack of all trades" what a ridiculous statement. Yes i am pretty sure people are ready for their favorite spec to be in a decent spot by a very long time, it's really a shame to be barely distinguished by a quickness dps without actually providing the group support
  12. Ah yes of course, it's not like that's how literally fairness and balancing works. I was truly lost without your insight, thanks!
  13. It's not a matter of personal opinion, it's just a fact that other classes can do what reaper does but better but i guess the self quickness was the culprit all along oh no! And yet you don't pay attention to the amount of nonsense that you post, how weird uh
  14. Yes, it will set pants on fire because it's nonsense. Literally litany of wrath is better than reaper "sustain" and don't forget that stuff like jagged mind exist
  15. You would think that the amount of the confused reaction that you get whenever your post your hot takes about reaper would make you think about what you say, but i guess i'm wrong. Then tell me, what acceptable buffs should reaper get for it to be in a decent spot since buffing his dps according to you is not the solution? Alacrity on shout? Aoe quickness when in shroud? Or maybe idk, how about we give the dps to the spec that is supposed to do that. It's not that deep, i swear.
  16. Yes it does, but whatever i would have better results arguing with a brick wall
  17. Wich literally contradicts itself. You're not against buffing reaper but at the same time you're against the idea of giving him a decent dps. You see where it doesn't make sense? Also like many other said: if you're so much against buffing the dps of a spec that is supposed to do that, what do you think they are supposed to buff it for making it useful in a party? You're right. They didn't. But that's because they don't care about it. They have showed to us that they can deliver nice fixes for a class and make it feel good (look at scrapper for example) and they also know how to rework weapons to make them work as well, just like engi rifle. And what did we got instead? Bread crumbs for buffs wich are nice but not enough, plus a band-aid fix on the staff when we need reworks for off hand weapons and we need a fix for main hand dagger because that weapon is very clunky and disappointing.
  18. The only thing that it can bruise is my last brain cells trying to figure out why you people think that it doesn't deserve a buff (let alone a rework, but at least a buff to make us happy for the time being so we can ignore the QoL changes that he needs) And here we go again "reaper cannot have nice things, stay in open world lmao" what a daft argument. All of your previous arguments are so dull as well. You talk about being self-sufficient and other nonsense but you keep forgetting that build like virtuoso, mechanist, firebrand and i won't be listing AGAIN the many classes and builds that can out perform reaper because it's very tiring having to type the same thing over and over again.
  19. Tbh we would have better results arguing with a brick wall, i know what we are supposed to run away as soon as we see such nonsense that can't be dealt with actual facts and data but i just can't help myself i love this class and i want it to be in a good spot
  20. Ah yes, let's not give more dps to the starved spec that is supposed to be selfish and slow but hard hitting. I wonder what could go wrong. Do you even read what you type? Or does it sound just better in your head? Because trust me, it doesn't
  21. Why are people so obsessed in calling reaper glass cannon. Hello? You have almost 23k HP pool with the standard build, the only "fragile" thing is the shroud itself that gets drained too quickly and has less % of dmg mitigation that it used to have. The only way this build can work is in open world or with a bad squad, or with a good enough squad composed by people that aren't bothered by the lack of dps by a spec that is supposed to be doing that and are kind enough to not let you know that. I still can't understand *why* some people like you and others are so adverse in buffing a spec that is supposed to do damage but it hits like a wet noodle. Really, what's the deal? I can't stress enough how much little i care about meta (otherwise guess what i wouldn't be playing this forsaken spec) but i think that asking for my favorite spec to be half decent it's not such a daunting task to perform (especially when they're buffing other specs as well). Other people have already listed again and again more tanky specs and builds that can outperform in every single way your build since reaper is not fine as it is but sure let's keep the head under the sand and pretend that we're good.
  22. Yes let's swap out the already low dps that we have with an even lower dps, that's so good and meta! I really wonder what could go wrong, wake up sheeple snow crows and dT are hiding from us the hidden op build!
  23. Hey it's okay, maybe in 10 years reaper will be meta with these juicy 0.00025% buffs on GS auto-attack 🥲
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