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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. Not sure how you find range and mobility as a difficulty.  Shiro and axe 4 stick to targets better than many other big roamer builds and the reveal negates most stealth.  Condi’s been the strongest counter along with the heavy blocks of a good Willbender.  Mesmers can be tough, but haven’t struggled against any thief spec.  Rangers, necros, and warrior are often the easiest to deal with.  


    • Confused 3
  2. On 10/5/2022 at 2:04 PM, dronte.3416 said:

    Hi all,

    I think it's important to point out that ArenaNet did well to revisit some old, out-of-favor specs. However, I feel that condi rev changes kind of missed the point.


    In my opinion there are currently 3 big issues that makes condi rev lackluster:

    1. The whole playstyle was built around Resistance originally. Now, after the changes, the build lost it's main strength and can actually be easily melted even by condi builds. The reason for that is that there is almost no condi removal or counterplay to condi at the moment, excluding Facet of Nature on Demon. There is basically no reason to have this amount of Resistance either.

    2. Condi rev just does not fit in any role. As a duelist, there are several specs that outsustain / outperform condi rev (cata, vindi, etc). As a teamfighter, it lacks any significant damage especially that condi removal is so easy to access, while condi rev's condi application is below par (both in terms of variety and stacks apart from Torment). If you are extremely good and the enemy is terrible, you can stack up 10+ torment stacks in a duel, but that's about it. If there is a support in the enemy team, just reroll to something else.

    3. The actual damage output with condi rev (even if you go with Diabolic Inferno and Acolyte of Torment) is also sub-par. Torment being the main damaging factors just brings down the build. Look at mirage or even virtuoso.. At least the Torment changes helped a bit..


    1) Condi rev has very little to do with Resistance anymore.  The best builds don't even take the resistance traits since the top traits that throw damage do better anyways.  Condi removal is better now that they returned the sigil swap mechanic to legend swap, but it's not particularly great against condi.  In WvW, runes can make up for this either from Leadership or Antitoxin.

    2) In PvP, it has a role of brawler/DPS, but it's not terribly great there because of the amulet/rune restrictions.  In WvW, it makes a terrific roamer because of how well it all scales with Cele stats.

    3) In WvW (because of point above), the damage is pretty great actually.  As long as you're not messing up your sigil swap cooldowns with your legend swaps and know how to combo your fire fields with sword, there's no lack for damage anymore.


    • Confused 2
  3. The legend system is awesome.  This is largely because of how it hinders the developer’s balancing.  Let me explain: 


    For the devs to make any build viable in PvP/WvW, they have to make legends have the basic toolkit needed for this, which includes stun breaks and mobility.  There are technically some exceptions to this, like Centaur stance with no stun break, but there’s still PvP-worthy tools in those legends, like the ability to blind and block projectiles while stunned.  At the same time, builds are balanced around having PvE viable roles, like DPS roles.  

    the end result is that you can play a pure DPS build, but still have ample tools to handle PvP-like situations, such as stuns.  This means that you frequently get builds that deal strong DPS while still having the toolkit to handle messy situations anywhere you take them.

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  4. Been playing Cele Herald for a bit, but since the most recent changes that have provided the below changes, I think Cele Herald is now matched only by Willbender for the top roamed spot.  Recent changes that make this build pop off are:

    1) Swap sigils affect legend swap once again

    2) Mace 3 has two ammo charges now for more damage and double blast

    3) Torment was buffed overall


    This build has probably been a bit under rated overall for a while, but the damage has been an Achilles heel.  The recent changes have taken this tanky/mobile build and set it on the path of one of the best roamers while still being the most un-recognized roamed builds.


    For clarification, here's the build:



    Yes, it's not immune to condis.  Yes, it doesn't have stab.  No, you don't need those things to have a competitive or even meta level roaming build.  And no, I am not saying this is "the best" roaming build, but it's near the top and performs better than even most people here think it does. 

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  5. I'd really love to hear more on what the goals are behind viability of core specializations vs elite specs.  A long time ago (pre-HoT or early HoT), it was stated that core specs were supposed to be just as good as elite specs, but that's clearly not been the case.  Are core specs supposed to just be a stepping off point for new players or is the hope to have them be part of the viable/meta builds to some extent?

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  6. It's funny, but I think core warrior is better than Spellbreaker for roaming right now.  It's still not as competitive as things like Willbenders and such, largely because it's so heavily shut down by blinds/blocks, but has much better damage. 


    I think one of the major hinderances of warrior is that we just don't get the same depth of utility from class-specific design.  Spellbreaker has the potential to offset this with Full Counter, but its damage is just so heavily penalized in PvP/WvW.  Even then, the utility skills on this class are just stuck with such long cooldowns, which is particularly unfortunate when we don't have the same profession-specific utility like revenants with two legends, guardians with virtues, etc.

  7. On 10/13/2022 at 11:42 AM, solemn.9670 said:

    Counter-counter: wait til they use any block, then use the skill


    Or even better: for ele, use lightning shield to immediately interrupt UA and stun the rev.


    Anyways, power herald just doesn't have as much sustain as many builds and since its mobility is primarily towards enemies, it doesn't have the disengage to reset.  Most power builds suffer from the same lack of sustain since they need both power and crit on gear, leaving a bit of room for vitality and none for concentration or toughness. 


    One of the few exceptions is power Willbender since it's able to so efficiently utilize Dragon's stats without much need for crit on gear.  The mobility is also a ton more versatile than Herald mobility since it can constantly port/leap out of combat to completely control when it is in close range.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    I didn't get a chance to play Herald after the change so I don't konw what I'm missing.

    There was a bit of quickness when consuming facets.  We get might now instead in PvP/WvW. 


    We did get the sigil weapon swap proc on legend swap back, but that;s really something that condi builds utilize more.

  9. Eh, it’s not as good as celestial herald.  Power builds generally are inferior to celestial builds.  

    A lot of people hate cele stats because of this, but it’s also because some builds can provide the boons, condis, and power damage all at the same time.

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  10. This patch was actually pretty amazing for condi rev simply by returning the weapon swap sigil functionality on legend swap.  

    The Torment changes were also a straight buff in PvP.


    The changes to the Corruption changes were pointless, sure, but they’re at least less crappy than they were.  

    That being said, the patch put condi renegade as very competitive in PvE damage (it was already decent) and made condi herald a good roamed in WvW.  I can’t speak to it being enough to change much beyond that and sure, more help is needed, particularly for Mallyx legend, but the patch was still a buff.

  11. What side of the game are you asking for? 

    From a PvE standpoint, hammer unfortunately has tended to be pretty lackluster.  However, some recent buffs have allowed it to perform pretty well with a Spellbreaker build since the weapon now does decent damage and the CC allows for heavy stacking of the Attacker's Insight buff/trait on Spellbreaker.  Link to build here and a link to a video showing the DPS here.


    Currently in PvE, Berserker mainly uses condi weapons (sword/torch and longbow) since power Berserker was hit hard after the June patch that affected a lot of power builds and changed banners, so a Berserker with a hammer would be rather weak. 


    If you're asking for a WvW/PvP standpoint...then stay tuned.  The October 4th patch is bringing some really interesting changes to both Berserker and warrior hammer.  No one really knows how well they will ultimately stack up until the patch comes out, but there is definitely some potential there. 


    Early notes on the expected changes are found here.

    • Thanks 2
  12. On 8/26/2022 at 1:05 AM, Scalacious.4139 said:

    Maybe bladeworn is a little bit faster and more reliable as spellbreaker in open world, but it doesn't bring nearly as much sustain.


    I highly doubt that this is true after the recent damage increase on daggers and spellbreaker talents.

    I understand why this is believed, but here is how Bladesworn can be run with massive sustain as well without sacrificing much damage:


    TL;DR: You can wear cavalier gear with Immortal Dragon (dragon slash heals you) and take the guaranteed crit burst skill trait in Arms to get big damage and big sustain.

  13. On 8/24/2022 at 1:06 AM, Scalacious.4139 said:

    But if you run offhand dagger you get a lot of sustain from sun and moon style through healing for 4% of your crit damage, which is like 4% of all your damage, since you are going for 100% crit anyways. And you can reflect projectiles with bladestorm which offhand axe can not do. Spellbreaker is pretty solid now as a pure dps or 100% quickness dps.

    For open world?  It's ok.  You'll still clear through most of it faster and more reliably on bladesworn if you're equally comfortable on both specs.  In instanced content, SB is still only likely to barely break 30k DPS (I haven't seen anyone actually benchmark anything decent with it yet, but that's mostly because the SC benchmark people don't find it worth even trying).  Compare that to the 41k of Bladesworn. 


    SP as a pure DPS can do damage akin to a quickness Berserker or Bladesworn, but without actually providing quickness. 

  14. The dagger and Spellbreaker buffs for PvE were a great change in the right direction, but sadly the elite spec is still very under-tuned for even the most ideal situations you could run it. 


    On the plus side, dagger seems to now be the highest DPS mainhand for spellbreakers and even outperforms axe.  Offhand dagger is more competitive, but still falls behind axe offhand in pure DPS. 


    I get that they don't want to over-buff it, particularly since Bladesworn makes more sense as the ideal power DPS elite spec, but there's still a very far way for Spellbreaker to go (likely only benching 31-33k DPS in ideal conditions where you can trigger Full Counter regularly) before it's remotely a threat to other DPS options.  If it wasn't so far behind, it would at least be a viable option for when you want boon strips in Fractals and such.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:
    1. Hundred Blades (Warrior GS 2) definitely also needs some kind of coeff buff. At this point looking at the entire weapon it's actually probably a DPS loss to use this ostensibly "big ticket DPS" skill. Considering part of the patch intention is also to buff Power Berserker, who actually needs to use 100b to generate Adrenaline in the rotation. 


    Yea, it really is a shame this skill was so over-nerfed a long time ago.  It's been overdue for some love, particularly since it's such an iconic warrior skill.

    • Like 3
  16. Yea, I love Revenant.  The state of the class before the June 28th patch was a bit better, but it's still a class I love. 


    That being said I've been playing Warrior more lately mostly because it's the class of a character I'm playing a lot with someone else and I'm also really enjoying that class.  Now that I've gotten the rotation down for Bladesworn in PvE, it's become pretty enjoyable and a unique feel.  Condi zerk is solid too and the last patch made it easy to give 100% quick to a group on that build, which has been particularly good in Fractals. 


    In WvW, it feels a bit weaker than celestial Revenant builds, but I like the old standard Tether Spellbreaker build well enough.  Tanky spellbreaker builds are particularly enjoyable in large scale fights though.  It's nice to feel like an invincible wrecking ball.

  17. I know all the bugs for the WvW restructuring stuff haven't been worked out yet and this beta was expected to still see those persist, which is why it's a temporary event, but I just wanted to express some appreciation for having it happen.  Despite the long queues and confusion that some members had with getting on the right map and such, it was still really awesome to have a chance to WvW with guild mates that I've never been able to partner up with in this game mode before; especially since many of them have rarely stepped foot in there. 

    So, to all the devs still working on getting these changes in place:

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 
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  18. Well kitten, looks like we are getting significant weapon buffs! 



    On 8/11/2022 at 9:59 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


    Warrior's longbow updates will make Arcing Arrow relevant in PvE and turn Smoldering Arrow into a useful defiance-bar breaker. We've also increased damage for several core weapons, elite specialization weapons, and traits.


    • Greatsword Swing: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.7 to 0.8.
    • Greatsword Slice: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.95 to 1.05.
    • Brutal Strike: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.5.
    • Arcing Slice: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.32 to 2. Damage multiplier against foes with less than 50% health increased from 1.98 to 3.
    • Bladetrail: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.75 to 1.5.
    • Rush: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.7 to 2.5.

    Sword (Main Hand)

    • Sever Artery: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.8.
    • Gash: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.8.
    • Hamstring: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2.
    • Savage Leap: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.66 to 2.

    Sword (Off Hand)

    • Impale: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.5 to 1.5.
    • Rip: (PvE only) Might is now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.


    • Dual Shot: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.44 to 0.525.
    • Arcing Arrow: (All game modes) The aftercast animation duration before another skill may be used has been reduced by 0.5 seconds. (PvE only) Increased ammunition count to 2. Now applies 5 seconds of burning on hit.
    • Smoldering Arrow: (PvE only) Now applies 1 second of dazed on hit.


    • Fierce Shot: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.605 to 1. Might is now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.
    • Explosive Shell: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.5.


    • Earthshaker: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 2.
    • Hammer Shock: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.8.


    • Furious: (PvE only) Condition damage per stack increased from 10 to 15.


    • Shattering Blow: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.5.
    • Sundering Leap: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.5 to 3.


    • Bloody Roar: (PvE only) Damage bonus increased from 20% to 25%.


    Dagger (Main Hand)

    • Breaching Strike: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.5 to 2.5.
    • Precise Cut: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.55 to 0.6.
    • Focused Slash: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.65.
    • Keen Strike: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.85 to 1.05. Might is now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.
    • Aura Slicer: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.2 to 1.8.

    Dagger (Off Hand)

    • Bladestorm: (PvE only) Damage multiplier per hit increased from 0.35 to 0.5.


    • Pure Strike: (PvE only) Damage bonus increased from 7%/14% to 7.5%/15%.
    • Magebane Tether: (PvE only) Damage bonus to tethered target increased from 10% to 15%. Might stacks per second reduced from 3 to 1, but they are now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.


    I guess they forgot mace, but a lot of these look really good.  Some big jumps for Hammer and Daggers.  Rifle gets might to allies too, which is very interesting.

  19. 7 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    There’s 3 categories you could put weapons into in terms of needing changes.


    2. May need a rework of one or two skills, as well as numerical changes (some of these skills will be in tier 3 also, since it can be argued they need more comprehensive reworks)




    Torch? (I don’t know much about torch tbh)



    I would challenge this part.


    Sword/Torch and Longbow are the weapons behind the top performing condi warrior builds, both for pure DPS as well as for Condi Quickness.





    Torch doesn't see much use outside of PvE, but Sword is a solid weapon for PvP and WvW whenever you need mobility.  Axe is slightly favored right now, but some Shoutsworns have been running sword/warhorn instead and it's arguably better for solo queue because of the mobility difference.


    Longbow isn't big in PvP/WvW, but it has been seeing use in berserker WvW builds as a near-meta build.



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