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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. I don't think any weapons really need to be reworked, but some balancing on some of them could make a big difference:


    Daggers in PvE could use a substantial damage increase to make PvE Spellbreaker a bit more viable.


    Maces are a bit niche too and are even more so now that we have Bladesworn that doesn't get to use a second weapon set.  Really some reason to use these in PvP would be nice.  Maybe a damage buff could make up for some of its weakness since these weapons have good CC with small tells.


    2h Hammer could also use some damage buffs since it lost so much back when damage was taken away from CC skills.

  2. Yea, banners are good.  At least Tactics and Battle Standard are.  I don't think you'll be wanting to run a utility bar full of them, but Banner of Tactics at the least is a very solid choice. 


    Tactics is basically a ranged "Stand Your Ground" with Superspeed and a pulsing Resistance.  It's not instant and it's not a stunbreak, but that's not really a big deal since it's something to be used proactively rather than reactively anyways. 


    Battle Standard is still a solid choice, but not really in any different way than it was before.


    I don't think the banner changes have made a huge impact to WvW, but the Tactics banner at least is worth a spot on the utility bar of just about any warrior build in an organized group setting, so that's still a buff overall imo.

  3. 9 hours ago, FunesMori.3947 said:

    Yeah you don't.
    That's why there is no Bladesworn build on Metabattle. But you could search form roaming builds i beleive there is a cele one like for everything.

    Bladesworn is a pretty decent ranger and one that actually performs well without celestial.  Meta style isn’t what it used to be, so don’t use that as your measure of viability.  That site is frequently outdated or has less optimal versions of meta builds.  

    For WvE roaming builds, GuildJen is a better resource.  

    In any case, Dragon Trigger’s main benefit in PvP is it’s use as a massive unblockable stun and mobility skill.  Because the damage and scaling is different, you also don’t need to (and frankly don’t want to) charge it all the way since you get a good enough effect with a partial charge and can be less predictable for when the damage is coming.

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  4. I made a vid on heal quickness herald a while back:  


    I’ve played the build a bit more since then, so I have a few other thoughts:  

    This build will still generally be considered a lesser version of healbrand in a lot of situations simply because Guardian has so much flexibility with the number of useful utility skills it has as well as its abundant stability/aegis that comes at pretty much no cost.  

    However, the ability to heal allies at range with the tablet and the overall strong throughput of healing/boons is still pretty great and very underestimated.  

    Ultimately this build is more than capable, even if Firebrand and Heal mech are builds the community tends to be more familiar with when building groups.  As an anecdote to this, I was pug running some daily fractals today as condi DPS ren in a group with a heal mech.  The person running the heal mech was very unfamiliar with how to play it and the run was really rough with lots of people going down (not entirely the healers fault of course, but the support wasn’t there to make missed mechanics survivable) until they asked if someone else wanted to heal.  I swapped to heal quick and we breezed through the rest of the run with health bars staying full easily.

    Finally, if you want a more hybrid version for when you play open world stuff, you can run this with celestial gear and runes of the traveler or firebrand runes to great effect.

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  5. 19 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

    Idk it still needs more quickness, more dps would be nice too just to get in line with the rest quickness appliers and that might be it. Again i agree its viable rn but it does need some QoL buffs and again give us more dps plz ;-;

    For heal, the quickness is very forgiving with lots of easy uptime since you can easily have so much concentration in harriers.  I’ve never felt that quickness was restrictive in that build, even when I save the elite for breakbars.  

    The DPS variants are definitely more restrictive since your gear is set to use as little concentration as is absolutely necessary.


    I still think the heal build is heavily under-rated.  It does trade off more for stab, but you are still very capable without centaur because of the two weapon sets with heals and the condi cleanse on dodge.  

    • Thanks 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, Ahi.9673 said:


    you get permament swiftness from facet of elements already, no reason to add it to shield 4


    stability is really the only thing heal FB has over heal herald right now. adding it to shield 4 would make so much sense I fear it's never going to happen but hey there is always hope

    Well, there's also no aegis.  And compared to heal mech, there's no barrier.


    If we at least had better stab access (not having to sacrifice so much to run Jalis), it would be a bit more reasonable as a tradeoff for us to not have those other things.

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  7. 6 hours ago, Thrones.6739 said:

    Yeah I'm very sad for that too. I really hoped that the patch would have kept Alac Heal Vindi viable as I really enjoyed it but alas. Well it seems like Heal Vindi will be excellent at removing condis so it could fill a niche in that regard. I may instead look at doing Quick Heal Herald or Alac Heal Renegade since i have the gear. 😛

     Ran some T4s as heal quick herald and it works great as long as you have someone else covering stab.  Because of that, a power alac ren pairs well.

    • Like 1
  8. Maintaining quickness is soooooo much better now. 


    I've been playing around with quickness herald as a heal build with salvation...and it's pretty awesome.  The extended quickness duration allows you to play without using all your facets on cooldown and allows you to stay in centaur stance a bit more as needed.


    Overall, the boon uptime is really strong and being able to be on a heal herald means that you can use mace/shield with staff, making 25 might possible available pretty quickly when you double blast the mace fire field at the start of a fight.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Netko.9271 said:


    It is little better now, but same as healing tempest, need at least stability or aegis to compete with HFB and Hmech


    Yea, pretty much.  I'd put it as a decent option for strikes/raids as long as you have stab covered by someone else there.  The overall heal output is something I can't speak to and that may be something others with more experience could weigh in on.  It's likely not going to be desired by fractal groups unless they have a DPS firebrand or something though and the more complicated group comp gets to make something viable, the less likely pugs will even be open to messing with that.


    3 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    If anything, a power quickness herald would have a better chance since you can take Jalis for stability at a moderate DPS loss, but that requires the base DPS of power quickness herald to be competitive.


    I know a lot of DPS builds in general have been reduced since this last patch, but the last benchmark I saw was 25.8k with allies using Shiro.  It's still early and the people who are good at doing benchmarks are still doing a lot of testing to see how all the specs land, so it might be a bit early to tell what that really means in the overall scheme of things.


    If the DPS hinders quick herald with Jalis too much and especially if power alac ren has fallen too far behind, then stability will be a lot harder for groups to cover in the future, which might make Firebrands an even bigger staple than they were before the patch.




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  10. Poking around a bit and I think quick herald works pretty well as a healer now.  

    With mace/shield and dragon/Ventari stance in harrier gear, you can keep up 100% quickness, regen, fury, 25 might, swiftness and prot as well as more than 50% vigor based on my crappy-kitten attempt at testing it while I was on the phone.  

    Here’s the log from the test.  I suck at benchmarks, but if I can attain this level of boon uptime while half-hazardous throwing out heals under the moderate damage environment, I’m sure other more capable players can do better.



    Gear is full harrier with monk runes and concentration/transference sigils.  Weapons were mace/shield and staff.  Traits were Herald 1-1-2, Salvation 1-1-1 (3-1-3 better for vindi situations, of course), and I think other trait line was Invo for spirit boon, but probably could easily be something else like Ret since it doesn’t make much difference.

  11. I’d love to see Herald as a good option, but I just don’t see it.  The DPS option is very weak without enough utility to justify it and anything that aims for boon support just faces too many trade-offs to compete with anything else out there (besides warrior) that would potentially fill the same spot.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

    Ic the buffs only for vindicators nd ic the nerfs of this change 😕 some traits still bad and dont work.. cause it still a orb lol or maybe i cant i feel that trait is bad cause is not working actually.

    imo boons so far have ben useless for the most part since i dont blob not run minstrells, altough players that play vindicator will love the 3-3-3 live on ventari since gives vigor and direct energy for dodge.

    About tablet dodge ic it has a buff cause VS rangers we now can relocate tablet free and won reduce its TTL(time to live), m8 be a bit op i can have always on and since wvw rangers refuse to use unblockables they cant do much vs a 50seconds to 100second dome on the field, in this case is a massive buff to soft range hate.

    Natural harmony quoficient scaling needs to be slightly increased, 1,72 w/o the buff to keep its late heal values.

    The mechanic of destroying tablet to call it again to gain the buff isnt good either.

    Dude...what are you even going on about.  Your post is all over the place.  Dodge internal cooldown vs ranger?


    Maybe this stream of consciousness makes sense to you in your head, but it doesn't really make any outward sense in reply to my post about a vindi heal build in WvW.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

    Huge nerf to ventari overal..... ANet lied on blog stating was makign it better   lol 🙂


    -Ventari with boons is useless

    -Heals less  

    - Still has ORB mechanics ... WTF (generous abundance should need a buff and not be a freakign orb)

    -Project tranquillity if not buffing healing output tha tmuch needs to keep destroying tablet and spawning it again... its a weird mechanic.

    -Favors to much vindicator rather more than any other spec , its is a bad update.


    Tablet movement feels better


    TDLR: I feel Anet forcing players to play zerg minstrell Aliiance/ventri...  



    The improved movement for tablet is actually incredibly huge for WvW.  Will have to see how things settle out, but I think there's at least a lot of potential for a ventari healer in WvW now that tablet is responsive.  May need Jalis instead of alliance for stab and not entirely sure about the overall output, but it's definitely closer to being a solid WvW healer than it ever has before.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Revenant does have Stability access and it comes packaged with what might be the strongest damage modifier in the game that is not immunity to both strike and condition that cannot be removed via debuffs either, while you may say we don't have Aegis, we have Weakness which is just as good in damage mitigation.


    Swiftness is available given people care to blast a field although Revenant has it available every 10 seconds for a possible 3 blasts.


    Resistance is accessible also with Battle Dance which takes part in many other useful support skills.


    Jalis/Alliances does align with great utility and support that can be compared to Firebrand.


    Like said, Guardian in general simply has it easier in terms of use, much easier. What are players gonna go for? Easy ways because coordination is extremely scattered and making it any harder even though the buffs might be just as good if not better still doesn't justify it to the average player.



    Revenant has stability.  Heal rene does not.  You don't heal in Jalis.  It doesn't even have 100% uptime on full might anymore.  You don't give swiftness on heal rene either.  Even if try-harding, guardian outperforms basically everything except mecha for heal support.  Can't speak to druid after patch tho.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Debatable, they both have equal amount of utility in general other than a instant revive skill. What Guardian has that Revenant doesn't is ease of application.


    As Guardian you hardly have to work for the application of your support since everything is a large radius, Revenant has to constantly chase and have people consciously act on it with you if they want the full efficiency.

    Don't agree at all, particularly with them both having equal utility.  Rev has no access to stability or aegis, which is pretty huge.  It also has on demand access to every boon in the game.  A heal rene won't have resistance and resolution uptime is nothing in comparison.  This also means Firebrands give swiftness (not huge, but helps classes that increase damage with unique boons) and fury. 

    There's a reason why groups run healbrands in fractals and not heal renegades.  It's role compression.

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  16. 17 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:


    You want Quickness or more power damage? The trade off exist. I see nothing wrong, everything that Revenant can do as condition hardly benefits from Quickness because of it's not affected or pulse dependent. Seeing "Quickness" doesn't mean "busted" automatically.


    Well, it’s not really a trade-off since Heralds were already running Draconic Echo, so this is just current Heralds, but with quickness.


    That being said, I don’t think it will be busted. Vindicator overshadowed Herald in most situations for a reason anyways.  This is a bit of power creep for Herald, but only enough to keep up with the overall creep that’s come with EOD specs.  The duration is short too, so it’s nothing massive.

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  17. Healing isn’t really the advantage Guard has over Rev. 


    And if you really just want a bunch of healing, you should be going with Tempest.  

    The major advantage of Guard is the utility and role compression since it brings more tools in a single build than Rev can.  

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