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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. They won't even allow you to use a number character in the name.  Considering how much of a UI overhaul/change they would need to implement for any sort of appearance customization, I just don't see it happening, although it would be great if I was wrong.

  2. One thing stood out to me as I named my mech:


    *We can't use numbers in pet names*

    This is something that really needs to be changed.  I mean, the default name of the Jade Mech even has a number.  Golem names overwhelmingly have numbers as part of their names in GW2, so we should be able to do the same for our mechs.

    • Like 5
  3. I don’t know that any are really better than existing PoF/HoT (mostly PoF)  elite specs, but that’s largely because they are already so powerful.


    Bladesworn and Mechanist are really well done from a thematic/fun mechanic perspective, but neither really fill much of a missing niche.


    Specter does the best at bringing a whole new type of gameplay to an existing profession.


    Catalyst is probably the biggest disappointment since it’s so similar to existing elite specs while being objectively worse in almost every way.  Untamed isn’t far off.


    Hopefully they all be better before release, but it will take a lot of work to fix things

    • Like 4
  4. I don’t know that it’s really possible to judge balance at this point, but for a per spec, there’s a lot of potential here.  

    The spec is still kinda buggy and the death of the mech is still too much of an Achilles’ heal since there’s not much you can actively do to keep it alive and the penalty from it dying is really heavy.


    Still, I would venture to say that it’s the best of the elite specs so far except for maybe Specter.

  5. There seems to be an issue with de-summoning the mech in combat.  Twice I have de-summoned it when it’s health got close to about 20% and when I did the following occurred:

    For a moment the long cool down from when the mech dies was displayed, but then the 10 second cool down for de-summoning over-wrote that.  When this 10 second cool down finished, the skill flipped back to the full, long death cooldown.  
    I don’t recall if the mech technically died when it was in the process of blasting off, but I don’t think it did.



  6. Engineer is definitely a great concept, but I'm not entirely sold on it being as fun to play.  More testing needed, but so much of the playing the golem seems to just be spamming the abilities off cooldown and you can't control when it attacks/retreats like you can for core ranger which is a bigger issue than I expected.


    Haven't tried Specter much yet, but it looks interesting.  Probably not for me though.


    Unleashed has some potential, but the swamp gas effect that gets spammed all over the place just feels off for a spec that's heavily weighted towards power damage.


    At the end of the day though, nothing has yet to appeal to me much more than existing specs.  Maybe that will evolve over time or as these specs get polished more.

  7. As a rev main, I'm not terribly excited about Vindicator.  The theme and style of the elite spec is absolutely awesome, but I just don't like the dodge rework.  The legend has some potential and some balance could make it 'ok', but it feels like it needs some design adjustment to keep it from just feeling like the skills you want to use are just being gated by other skills having to be used first.  This is definitely the case with the elite skill where you're stuck casting into something that sacrifices health before you can cast the spear of Archemorus.  There's potential for sure and maybe once it's refined and balanced well I'll change my mind, but it's not something I think I would currently want to run over Herald or Renegade in any situation as it is now.


    For the other elite specs, there are a few that stand out to me.  Mechanist just looks very fun to use, particularly in open world.  Maybe it'll be a strong contender for Fractals as an alac provider, but I really want to play it just to have the big, custom named-mech with me. 


    Specter is an absolutely amazing elite spec for Thief because it does some very unique things and fills a niche that is missing for the class.  I don't know if I will personally play it much, but it's probably one of the best in terms of pulling off what an elite spec should do for a class (assuming that it works well with numbers balanced and such).


    Virtuoso, despite having a name that just doesn't tie in much to the theme of the mechanics, seems to have a lot of potential.  It needs some major buffing for a lot of situations and the projectile-heavy mechanics make it almost dead in the water with counterplay, but I can see it ending up as something that will be great for people that want a clone-free variant of mesmer.  Lots of potential here.


    Most everything has some degree of potential as long as they are buffed appropriately or current elite specs are nerfed from their god-like status, but Catalyst seems to be the weakest in overall design and the least likely to really end up being a success.  It's just not terribly distinct and doesn't do a great job of filling much of a niche for the profession.


    Overall, I'm looking forward to the EoD release, heavily, even though there's still a lot of work to be done on fixing/buffing/adjusting the new elite specs as well as some serious nerfing needed for some existing elite specs.


    • Like 2
  8. The Labyrinth has emphasized the impact of this situation, but it's something that has existed for a long time.  I really wish there was a map queueing system similar to WvW for when maps are full.  Not only would this prevent the needs to constantly spam click to join, but it would also let you know just how in demand the map is by showing the queue size.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. As it stands now: I don’t enjoy Vindicator as much as Ren or Herald.  That being said, I wasn’t a big fan of Renegade or Herald initially either.  However, both of those specs have been tuned significantly to improve them.  The seven shot rework for Renegade was HUIUGE for how good longbow ended up.  

    Outside of pure enjoyment, the role of Vind does have potential to be the pure power DPS spec in PvE with Ren being the one for Condi as well as for Alac and Herald being the boon support/DPS hybrid.  It just depends on where the benchmarks land, but the potential is definitely there.


    For PvP, it has the potential to be a brawler, team-fight build, which is some welcome variety from the more roamer/assassin type role that current meta builds end up more tuned towards.


    There’s also some potential for a healer build, but that’s probably a lot harder to pull off than other roles without a bit of a rework.

  10. I’m not sold on it, but I don’t know that I would call it “bad” at this point.  It’s definitely awkward and seems to take away from the core fast-dodging gameplay loop that I’ve loved in GW2.  

    The air time seems to last too long for my tastes.  While the long evade is nice and understandable considering the cost of having one potentially expensive dodge, it feels like gameplay just gets put on hold for a bit while you wait for your character to land.

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  11. I was didn't think I'd like greatsword, but color me impressed.  The weapon skills look solid and don't appear to be near as clunky as some greatsword skills on other classes. 


    The dual nature of the new legend looks very well done too.  I like the design of all the skills except maybe the heal side of the elite (health sacrifice is very taxing).  


    And the Dodge looks really interesting.  It may take the most getting used to of all, but it has a good animation and good potential.


    Overall, I'm hyped and my impressions from what I've seen are very positive.  I think revs got the best elite spec so far.

    • Like 1
  12. There’s definitely bots, but there’s also a lot of players that get misread as bots.  Because players can be so toxic in PvP, many players turn off chat entirely while they play and players who are inexperienced or just don’t have a great understanding of how to rotate and such can easily look like bots.  

    But there’s no denying the existence of bots.  I haven’t seen the issue as bad as it’s been in the past, but it still seems to happen sometimes.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Oldyoung.6109 said:

    makes heal alac much easier but makes power ren Charged Mists harder to proc in rotation.

    Yea, but it may also mean that you can just squeeze in some more skills to burn energy.  I haven't played a really serious rotation of it, but I imagine you would just squeeze in a heroic command or two to burn through enough energy to offset the reduced kalla cost.  In a perfect group, this does nothing since might would be stacked to 25 already, but in some scenarios, this could be some nice supplemental might to help out.

  14. Willbender is faaaaaar worse than Shiro.


    On paper, Willbender looked better or at least competitive, but it really falls behind because of a few reasons:

    1) Willbender's mobility is largely from charge or leap-like mechanics with shorter range, which is inferior to pure shadow steps

    2) Many mobility skills are tied to attack animations that are slow and don't stay on target as well as a shiro rev

    3) When reaching the target, Willbenders just aren't able to pressure the target nearly as well as a rev since they have generally weak damage

    4) Willbender also has CC that is far inferior to the AoE CC on short CD which rev has

    5) The Willbender CC is also far inferior because it requires them to stop attacking and block.  Compare this to rev that can heal while staying aggressively on offense.


    Willbender looked good before the beta event, the consensus on Willbender is that it's just a bad spec all around; particularly in PvP.

    • Like 4
  15. Yea, if the spec is supposed to be an offensive one that can stay on top of your opponent, your heal shouldn't have you sitting like a duck when you get there waiting for your heal to trigger.


    After trying Willbender, I was actually kinda happy because I was hoping I wouldn't like it better than my rev.  Shiro Herald still feels like what this elite spec is trying to be, but doesn't yet match up to. 


    Facet of light still outshines RoF and fits the role better because you can use it as you play aggressively instead of forcing you to go defensive when using it.  To that extent, it almost feels like Litany of Wrath fits better design for what the build needs, even though that skill has plenty of problems itself.

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