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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. Vindicator is definitely viable in open world.  Renegade and herald might be a little better, but it’s still very solid and works very well.  

    I wouldn’t say anything isn’t “viable” in open world, but even if I were to get picky about what works well in open world and type of DPS elite spec on Revenant gives you solid damage and a fully-stocked toolkit to deal with anything you encounter.  

    If you struggle with anything, just grab all the Battle Scars traits.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Well, it might not be good but let's be honest, you are either spamming them or camping them for the passive. Not much in between there. 



    The in between is not using the active until the right time.  The two main examples of this for PvE are saving your heal until you need it/when you can absorb damage and saving the elite for when you need to handle breakbars.  Facet of Darkness technically has some of this too (stun break/reveal), but it's much less meaningful in most PvE, so spamming it is fine.


    If you need to spam all your facets on cooldown to maintain 100% quickness, then you lose out on a lot of survivability and breakbar utility.  On top of that, you'll also often need to be careful to not just knock smaller enemies all over the place when using your elite.



    9 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:


    I'm starting to wonder ... is 'not' being able to give full duration coverage part of a greater plan here because it's not JUST Herald that suffers from this? Are we seeing the start of Anet reducing boon sharing durations across all classes so you have to stack roles in a team for full duration coverage?


    I could see a theoretical meta where people don't just have designated roles for quick/alac and instead just have several people providing enough of these boons to keep them up, but

    A) ANet would really have to communicate this strategy and dedicate to fully fleshing this out across all balance instead of just pushing out some half measures on some builds.


    B) The drawbacks of bringing alac/quick would have to be a whole lot less penalizing.  Skipping damage traits/skills, running concentration stats, and such all bring down individual DPS dramatically.  Herald, even with the slight buffs to damage in this patch, will still be pretty weak DPS even when running berserker gear.


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  3. 4.  Overall not good, but despite the negative hyperbole, there are some good changes in this patch that do reflect some good game design decisions:

    The Salvation/Ventari rework is very good.  It gets rid of healing orbs, which means that the healing is focused on the direct application instead of just sitting on the ground where the person who needs them likely won’t notice.  A faster tablet and better boon application also make this app better.  

    Thief changes that reward getting stealth over sitting in stealth are very good too since weaving in and out of stealth is better for PvP and you can’t sit in stealth for PvE.  

    It’s just unfortunate that there are so many missteps in the patch though.  Warrior gets maybe the worst of these.  The way that quickness was added to Herald is also poor since the short durations force spamming everything instead of being able to save some consumes like heal/CC elite for the appropriate time.

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  4. Incentivizing spamming of facets isn’t good, but if they at least increased the duration of the quickness enough, you wouldn’t *have* to spam them all off cd.  Ideally you could at least spam your 3 utility skills for the quickness and still have your heal/elite available for when you need those actives.  

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  5. Will be interesting to see the full list of changes on Friday.  I mean…herald granting quickness seems pretty bonkers for the WvW Zerg meta since Herald has been a pretty staple DPS as it is with them already taking Draconic Echo.  

    Adding AoE quickness on top of that?  Wow.


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  6. I doubt this, highly.  

    Quick will only come from Herald, which can’t provide the Orders alc that Renegade has and it can’t prolong the Ventari quickness like Vindicator can.  Will it be able to provide some alac with quickness?  Maybe, but not likely to be 100% and that’s assuming it will still have Ventari alac after the salvation line changes.

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  7. 2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Ventari Rework? 🤯

    YES PLEASE! Lets hope its better (actually usefull) in WvW now.


    Ventari is actually really strong for small group play in WvW and even decent in roaming.  Check Vallun's build on GuildJen.  A shortbow renegade with Ventari traits/legend can protect siege from disables and pump a ton of alacrity without needing to build too far into concentration.

    That being said, it would be nice to see it worthwhile in zerg WvW content.  That might be tough though since it's a hardcore energy hog if you aim to cleanse and taking Ventari legend means it's one spot not dedicated to Jalis legend (stability).


    1 hour ago, Buran.3796 said:

       Hope they don't ruin Draconic Echo just to give quickness in teamfights. Current condi Herald is kitten good at PvP/roaming/solo PvE and would be a shame if the changes are trade offs...


    +1 on this, at least for WvW and PvE.  It's still pretty mediocre at most PvP outside of 2s/3s mini seasons.

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  8. I am excited...but also a little worried because Draconic Echo is currently a very big trait for a lot of Herald builds and if adding quickness to that trait means that they change or take away the ability to maintain passives after use of active consumes, then it could end up being an overall negative; particularly in PvP/WvW.


    But, until we have details, I'll try to stay a bit optimistic.  This does at least sound great from a PvE perspective.

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  9. Vind will have some matchups in 1v1 that it just won't be able to win since much of its strength shines a bit more in team fights, but there are a few things that will make a big difference in 1v1s:

     - Always make your first priority to survive.  It's always better to stay alive than to potentially rush a kill.

     - This goes for all classes, but utilize the environment for line of sight and kiting.  This is most important when you are low on defensive cooldowns or when your opponent is trying to pressure through their offensive cooldowns. (Vallun has an exellent playlist of videos here for these: Playlist link here )

     - Make sure to cycle through both both legends within the alliance stance (i.e. using Alliance Tactics).  This is because you will gain the benefits of legend swaps from traits like Balance in Discord or other legend swap abilities. 

     - Use Phase Traversal defensively when you can.  If an enemy somewhere else has been targetted, this can often work great since you can use a port towards that other enemy to get distance from a fight if you need to reset or just heal up.


    As for build, your typical power Retribution Greatsword Vind is generally ideal, although I strongly recommend the Imperial Impact dodge over Saint's Shield.  Examples of this build are here and here.

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  10. On 6/19/2022 at 12:26 PM, Ausar.9542 said:

    Anybody ever had a Ventari Support Revenant as your commander? 

    How was that play style for the squad?


    Did the commanders bubble help out a lot when organized zerging?

    I haven't but I would imagine it could work well for a small havoc group if you ran something similar to the roaming build posted on GuildJen:



    With celestial gear, it works pretty well as a decent hybrid build that can prevent siege disable with bubble and provide a ton of alacrity for siege as well.  Ren short bow is also very strong for dealing with stuff on walls.  The biggest shortfall is really just larger fights where reflects aren't very avoidable.

  11. The stance design should certainly not change and I would credit it as being one of the main reasons I love this class so much.  Allow me to explain:


    The pure DPS/output potential of Rev builds are all based around the restricted utility skill selection.  If we could, for example, swap out a utility skill that only provides support for one that increases DPS, then skills would have to be nerfed in order to prevent those mix-matched builds from being overpowered.


    On the flip side, we get a major benefit from having our builds balanced around this design, which is that we get to have stun breaks and support skills available for pure DPS builds in ways that many other classes don't get to have.  Ever ran a condi ranger in PvE?  All your utility slots basically MUST be traps and DPS skills or your performance will suffer (and it often has to for rangers to bring Spirits), meaning that missing a dodge is more punishing and your ability to affect breakbars will also potentially be punished.  Meanwhile, rev builds can adapt to messy situations much better since almost all legends are designed around having a stun break, hard CC, and DPS utility skill built in.


    tldr: Because legends are designed around making them work in all sorts of situations (both PvE and PvP), they get balanced and tuned around working well in both without having to drop parts of that toolkit.

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  12. Rev is pretty underrated here.  I mean, Vind didn't give a great impression for adding much at the start of the expansion, but it did at least open up a more team fight/support hybrid role for the class.  It also opened back up the support/healer in PvE after the Soulcleave nerfs.  It even has a decent condi WvW roaming build based on the chill it grants.

    Overall though, the class has a lot of diversity because of its elite specs.  Herald is still a great assassin roamer in sPvP and until the 10 target boon nerf was a very underrated carry class for PvE.  Renegade really brought condi builds to life and opened up the alacrity role. 

    Rev just has a ton of flexibility for power, condi, range, melee, boons, and healing across all game modes because of what its elite specs bring to the table.

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  13. Yea, hammer is very effective for large organized groups in WvW since it can drop nearly unparalleled AoE burst at range without being hindered much by reflects.  

    If it weren’t for reflects in WvW, it would be far behind the pack compared to other weapons and builds.  However, hammer Herald has been a staple of the WvW Zerg meta for a long time primarily because of the niche strengths this weapon has.  

    Outside of that though…yea, it’s very inferior.  Short Bow renegade is by far the superior ranged weapon in pretty much every other situation.  Even in WvW, the short bow is still superior in solo, small group, and medium group situations since it deals more damage overall as well as against enemies/siege in top of walls.  Reflects are their only weakness.



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  14. 5 hours ago, Tulkas.2576 said:

    Power Hammer core guard

    Power GS core guard

    Power Shiro Herald

    Power Shiro Vindicator 

    Power Mirage

    Power Reaper



    Shiro is just an incredibly fun stance.  Phase traversal’s animation gives it a great sense of speed and the range makes it entirely gratifying for chasing down targets (especially in WvW).  The stance in general just makes all gameplay feel sped up both because of what it does mechanically as well as aesthetically.


    I’d also put classic D/P thief and Daredevil builds up there, even though they’re not they used to be after so many nerfs and changes in the meta.  These builds have just captured the very essence of being the master acrobat mobile ninja in PvP.  

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  15. Good AoE pulls are some of the most underrated CCs in the game, but are awesome for a lot of content, particularly in PvE since it lines things up for some great cleave.  However, I'm still shocked that Warrior has never gotten one of these (aside from underwater skills) when it seems to fit them so thematically.  Hopefully this will be considered for either future expansions or reworks of things since so much of warrior already fits with hard CC access.

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  16. 8 minutes ago, Custodio.6134 said:

    i think you severely underestimate zerg-support-chrono. yes, it has near zero DPS, but that´s not the task a chrono has in a zerg setup. 

    aside from the insanely good CC (focus-pull, Double Gravity-Well) Chrono does MASSIVE Boonstrip. A well played Chrono will completely out-strip any scourge. you don´t need any DPS on chrono, since it´s the utility chrono provides is what counts (boonstrip, Pulls, Gravity Well, veil, Portal, Illusion of Life). Especially the boonstrip is way more valuable than any kind of DPS. The damage increase your allies will get (because the enemy will get stripped of stability, protection and aegis) outweighs that loss of DPS on a single mesmer (and to be fair, the DPS a Mesmer theoretically could do in a zerg is not that high to begin with)


    Signet of Humility (Elite signet for mesmer), which turns the target into a Moa for 6 seconds. Nice for trolling enemy commanders, but that´s it. Gravity Well is 1000x better

    Best answer right here.  A good chrono that can boon strip and gravity well in the right spot can make a huge difference in large scale fights.  Focus pulls to yank enemies off walls can also be amazing.

  17. Well, they still do have a design philosophy.  The May 10th patch notes for changes, particularly as they affect WvW show that.  You may disagree with whether they meet the goals they state or whether their goals are good in the first place, but they have a philosophy behind their changes.


    Quote: "Another World vs. World goal for this update is to bring down some of the primary sources of ranged area-of-effect damage to create more opportunities for melee pushes. Ranged versus melee is always going to be a delicate balance as we do want both options to be viable, but we currently feel that ranged pressure is too high, and we're making some adjustments. "

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