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  1. In order to complete Tyrian Taste Testing, you need to "Obtain some healthy (and edible) greenery from Narcisse in the Botanical Skygarden in Amnytas." This can only done after completing https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_Narcisse_purge_corruption_from_the_plants! and speaking to Narcisse. In order for that event to spawn, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_Forro_purge_corruption_from_the_animals_and_return_them_home must begin and be completed first, however that event is not starting properly at present. All of the creatures in the area that turn hostile for the event are turning hostile and entering event conditions, with their breakbars and "Purge Corruption" mechanics in effect, however the event does not actually initiate. I have tried giving it time to begin, I have tried completely clearing all hostile mobs, however since you cannot usher the cleansed mobs into their pens you can't get them to their true end-state that they would wind up in if the event was going properly anyway, the Forro event is simply stuck, and Narcisse is locked behind it. This is also happening on fresh maps where it would trigger for the first time, so it does not appear to be related to any sort of mechanics that govern the event resetting from its previous completed state or from Narcisse's event's completed state. We have also kept the Zizel escort chain completed and cleared through the territory on the off-chance it was affecting things. Has anyone gotten this to work? This has been 3 straight days on more than a dozen instances of this map for me.
  2. I dunno if I'm weird on this one but I'm at a point where I'm 160 gold and like 570k karma away from being able to finish a Leggie both of which I have with plenty of comfort, but I need ~170 more spirit shards.
  3. 1, legendaries 2, spirit banners which are 25 per (yes, I bought way too many of them a long time ago) 3, gen 3 precursors. For a while I was able to net 100-120 gold profit per precursor and it was 50 spirit shards to make one which works out to like 2 to 2.4 gold per spirit shard. 1000 Imperial favor though which is the real pain there for most people.
  4. I've been playing since about 30 days after launch. You don't get much more 'veteran' than me, and I clearly care.
  5. Yup, until you said it I didn't realize it. It's good information and I thank you for it. I still maintain, however, that there is no reason to not put the buff you get in Arborstone and Wizard's Tower in other places. Wizard's Tower in particular has a very long load time for me for some reason so parking characters there is highly inconvenient in my case.
  6. I wouldn't call earning Spirit Shards 25% faster in open world - where a lot of players play almost exclusively - minimal.
  7. You ever read a response to your post and think "Holy hell how did I miss that?" This has just happened to me. Mind you, I still think that the Resting bonus should be in all of the cities and lounges, but this does shift the dial on the "this is a problem"-ometer.
  8. I disagree with overexaggerating, but I would accept "unnecessarily complete".
  9. It makes earning spirit shards through open world pve 25% faster, that's roughly one infinity percent better than the gold find AA purchase, which is in fact a complete joke.
  10. For the life of me I cannot imagine why we could not receive the Resting/Well Rested bonus from the Arborstone mastery track while in capitol cities and Lounges. Unless it's a really spaghetti code level of a problem, it seems to me like it actively kills the benefits of leaving characters in both lounges and the cities, which actively reduces population and interaction in said areas. The Lounges are one thing, but reducing player populations in the home cities seems counter-productive, as it reduces the interactions between newer players and veterans of the game when those newer players could really use that interaction sometimes. In short, can we please get the Arborstone Resting bonuses in Cities and Lounges? We already get it in the Wizard's Tower as well.
  11. Is that value going to be tied to the rarity of your mainhand weapon?
  12. I would love some confirmation on this, if we're even on the right track.
  13. @Fueki.4753 I agree, however it doesn't explain what the value is that they're going to be using for those calculations. If you go look at weapon strengths on the wiki there's not "one weapon strength", there are a ton based on rarity, some with variances. So what value are we pulling from that table, if that's even the right place to be looking?
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