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Everything posted by Metzie.3451

  1. Yeah letting ppl pick who they q against is just gonna lead to mmr failure. The only thing I would recommend as a solution would be something like a draft pick that lets you choose a role before a match - like Qing as a side noder and/or roaming and purposely getting put with more balanced team role wise, but tbh it may not be possible in a game like gw2 where players can bend role rules by playing w.e build they want or just changing role by selecting a different amulet.Not a good idea to do this Perhaps you misunderstood something?! @bluri.2653 wasn't really serious about his post. :) ;)
  2. I am an EU-Player, and i dont care about language barriers ... for example. There has long been a proper solution or replacement for the current "server system", the baby is now at least two years old. For us, however, only on "paper" and not really visible. What did they call it - world restructuring (alliances)? :astonished: WvW-Matchups, balancing (and more): Alliances > language barriers > current system
  3. First of all, thanks for your contribution. Since I don't want to go around in circles, which leads to nothing or will confuse or require further clarifying "conversations", I'll leave it for now with the comment that the answer(s) have already been given, see above (my first post). I may come back to this, not necessarily here or in this conversation or forum post.
  4. Given your experience and "general or even advanced understanding" of PvP, I would have expected a little more from you than such an ironic comment.I guess that's what's left, right? But I totally understand! :) So, what do you expect from someone (or in general) who takes the circumstances (the system etc.) as they are (because everyone, better "ANet", does what it wants anyway, ...), in other words, who has accepted the given (meanwhile), because probably nothing essential (more) will change, right? There are solutions or approaches that would improve the PvP system, they just won't be implemented. According to the motto, once programmed, for eternity. Bla blub, ... (there could be more text here). One thing is clear or should be, the current system (it works, ok, but how it works is another matter) is doomed to failure, which is reflected in the number of players and the quality of the matches themselves. Side note: Class balance is another story. Besides that, do you like the selection window of the maps, which you can't dismiss, as much as I do? See: selection screen Back. Apart from that, Mr. Thief, you probably didn't quite understand what I'm actually talking about - did you? :) This part of my statement is basically just one part of the whole. In other words, if something is or would be changed in this way, then "adjustments" would also have to be made elsewhere (e.g. to the leaderboard). So it's not about a wish concert, of which you seem to think what this contribution is about. No offense. ;)
  5. Every time, I ask myself, what the heck? Why does one side have one or even two (in this case) premade groups while the other doesn't have a single one. It's about time for that to change, isn't it? Give us more "options" (simply expressed), more ways to decide how to build a matchup (...) depending on the waiting time. Finally redesign the UI or bring it to a more acceptable level. We'll soon have 2021 and still the same - outdated, ungrateful system since ages.It's not gonna happen, I know, but it's just annoying. In short, I accept longer queues if I get "really and not only seemingly equivalent games" in return. I don't think that much comment is necessary at this point any longer (from my side). Let it work. It was clear from the start that we would not win with our set-up. Which did not really affect me at the beginning. As far as I remember, the following: Their (as you can see): Thief, Warrior (premade) | 2x Holo (premade) | 1x ScrapperOur (as you can see): Deadeye | Berserker Warrior | Soulbeast | Herald | The last i cant remember
  6. The short version: The game makers have done a lot to make it as it is! The behavior or reactions of the community is, among other things, just the acknowledgement! With all the love (for the game or the preferred game modes) and respect (for the people in charge). It makes a difference whether you look at things (only) individually, or as a whole. There is not much more (short version) to add. Without really feeling addressed, who says that you are not (or can't be) humble, or that you are not (or can't be) grateful just because you are critical, have other opinions (which you express, whatever), or don't dance to the desired tune? No answer is needed ;)
  7. Imagine that you would improve the system! One would have to ask the people in charge if they are "still healthy". Imagine taking 10 minutes to think about the "lags" in WvW, reducing the number of players per server by 7. Oops, suddenly playing "lag-free" (almost). Imagine that. How long did it take for that (felt) "10 minutes"? Yes, yes, they do something, people complain about it, nothing happens, isn't it different!If it were not only (always) the drops on the hot stone, wouldn't it?
  8. Just shows again how broken the current system is. 5 minutes busy with it, because (probably) no automatism is behind it, and then throwing something together that (apparently) makes halfway sense. BIG! It is TIME, no long overdue, that finally something changes here. Best and lastly on the part of the players themselves, the remaining community. Just to show that it can be done differently. You think you can't change anything, or make a difference? Keep up the great work, like always! ;)
  9. ANet has only brought the rest of the game (the balance) to the level of the "rune of the trapper" with the big balance update. ANet cannot simply remove or rework this rune, that would disappoint many players, they would cry and scream! Can you be responsible for that? You cannot simply replace or revise such a rune. Many people would be too overwhelmed to play a new build that might require more 'brains'. :) I got a call recently, I was surprised, I was told "finally I can play the game too, finally it's on my level, slowly ... comfortable. And then this rune, I am very happy. It was my grandpa!
  10. Can we please remove the game from the game? Huh, wait - what? Sorry, I was confused for a moment.Please remove, excuse me (confused again), please rework the "rune of the trapper". :)
  11. Does that look like Batman? If it does, you should probably replace it asap. :)[yesterday] Red Team as thief, following as necromancer, see: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/693986409?t=02h47m35s Enclosed, two of my posts were "already" deleted from the forum. Funny (not really) how Anet removes any negative publication or discussion immediately. If only they were as thorough otherwise, the game would be paradise (exaggeratedly said) - wouldn't it? :)
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