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  1. If you do not have any proof of purchase, you will lose your account
  2. I had the same problem and changing my password from the "reset password" website solved the problem Dead Game TM P.S. Give content other than bugs
  3. That's why I'm skipping the entire SOTO because everything you get from this expansion is useless once you have legendary armor and it just irritates you every time you have to throw everything out of your inventory. T3 essence is new blodstone dust blehh
  4. It's a pity that this forum has these idiotic emotes instead of motivating people to discuss and write specific suggestions and responses from people who click on them. Every post there are a few people who emote confused, don't understand the post or have a different opinion? It would be better to know than to allow this stupid emote spam. I live in strange times..
  5. It's a pity that this armor doesn't have the same process for obtaining it as the amulet. At least there were a lot of different steps that had to be done and each of them was different
  6. Many people think that AR is pointless, but very few people write about it on the forum we just like to play, not write. Besides, in a game where almost everything is tied to your account, agony could also work like that once unlocked just be on account available to any character like magic find no need to have pink equipment. Aesthetic infusion accessories assigned to the wardrobe and the number to the account.
  7. It would be nice if they added an alternative way to get these Rift tokens. Today I tried this Rift farm train for the first time and after an hour I was falling asleep in front of the computer even after having coffee, it's so boring Maybe the next level of Rift T4 will give more of these tokens that you won't need to do these trains and just a few a day to have at least this 1000 or they will add this currency to new strike missions or wvw/pvp track. Personally, I realize that it is not for me and I have no problem with it, but I give my suggestions, maybe it would help others if something was implemented. I don't want a situation where all these new players will burn out after a month and stop playing because then we will all lose and there will be no one to play with.
  8. I have the same problem I had 1 weapon unlocked via preorder and I can't unlock it in my collection
  9. I have the same problem started two hours ago and until now I can not play and if will it allow me to log in after 10 minutes in loading scrn got ping 900 +and dc after map swich ^^
  10. Community Resources | Guild Wars 2 | Snow Crows dude here you got all list of discords you can play whit ^^ Just do minimal amunt of reserch for god sake
  11. I have read everything they offer and agree that 24 eur is a fair price. I gave them a chance and bought an expack hopefully they would not destroy trust and keep their promise about DLC every 6 months And it would be good if they did not do this chaos in balance, I personally get tired of this, especially since they do not change the foundations, they only play with numbers. In my opinion, the whole utility system needs a change, not a number play ^^
  12. This company has always hated ele, they do it on purpose.
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