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Everything posted by NotFound.7813

  1. Im not tank but fair enough. This runes provide some nice condi sustain but my point was that this thing keep this build viable only and not even knockbacks. I agree this will hurt proffesions like power rev which is not my intention thought... Delete retard skills like mines and problem solved
  2. Yes please nerf damage , yes there is kinda of disgusting damage like nades or sevenshots but lets nerf it allI mean nerf reaper damage , nerf power rev damage and shiro ports , nerf thief movility . I want bunker stuff to rise even more . Yes all that stuff ppl seems to ignore cuz right now nades holo are keping them away. The rise of builds like decap scrapper , kalla bunker renegade , symbol guardian. And not only that , all forms of mender stuff like core ranger bunker weaver etc , , bunker scourge idk why not? Ofc these builds are viable , but only running effectively one of them per team cuz stuff like nades holo can kill stuff faster than them bunkering nodes. I dont want thief or revs hunting me , yes I dont want that , i want a bunker build at every node . Yes. Killing holos is not enjoyable i want endless fights. I want to run my bunker build and have rly no trade off cuz there is not damage or movility or ports that can outplay me on a skilled way on this game mode .i want t play like at 2v2 tournaments , with double scourge and ofc i dont want a thief to outnumber and kill me cuz im slow , that is bad design wtf
  3. So ya, call me whatever you want...but i really am trying to explain something that's fairly complicated in a very simple way, so that laypeople, including myself can actually understand it. yee bro you know what's not wack? Tik Tok. Sounds like something you would enjoy too. Imagine sending ppl to watch tik tok when u give cero arguments , all u do is express a bunch of non sense stuff without any correlation with the game , thinking the more u say the more sense u make.
  4. GW2 PvP is balanced for conquest. 2v2 and 3v3 are AoE-spam bunkerfests, only a fraction of classes can actually compete. NO. What do u think this ppl enjoy? Actually thinking and improving on a strategy pvp or spamming aoe with their tanky build? There is hardly any strategy in a team deathmatch compared to conquest. No objectives, no rotations, just fight in a small arena. What point are you trying to make?I was giving u reason
  5. List is about ranked , but there is builds u r missing cuz NA comps r stuck in the same , big example was symbolbrand :") I’m not missing any builds. If you wanna say Na isn’t up to date well I’d like to see you beat team USA then maybe we can talk.U misisng worm comps , double decap druid/scrapper was a good aids comp too ,Healbreaker is pretty good roo , choronomancer has hid value. Etc , ofc some shot overperforms but there r some build pretty much usabled. U can use sic em for daily at or sd daredevil without problem and still perform with it On na every team played same stuff tanky slb /condi thief playing full team flght comps and then r55 comed with daredevil nades holo
  6. List is about ranked , but there is builds u r missing cuz NA comps r stuck in the same , big example was symbolbrand :")
  7. I know that what you're saying makes sense to you. But this is like the Allegory of Plato's Cave. You are staring at a mere shadow of what could truly be a beautiful world outside the cave, but because you've lived in this cave for so long, that the cave has become your accepted reality. I've played Gw2 since it's inception, and gw1 since the release of factions. I also can appreciate the beauty of the real world and how diversity has shaped it over millions and billions of years. Gw2's diversity is a mere shadow of what it usto be, and that is in itself a mere shadow of what gw1 usto be, and even gw1, a great and highly diverse game is a mere shadow of what it could have been in comparison to the real world, which they could, given the amount of choices, can be realistically achieved. They really aren't that long. Perhaps a Tiktok video explanation would be more to your liking? Maybe u got bit of jerusalem syndrom , trying to save us mere mortals from our small perspective of life . What a joke More builds would make the game worse in all aspects possible . You need to know how all playable builds work in order to play agaisnt them . Having 10 000 builds would end in a i pick a build and i win you , yea so much skill . Gw2 and all decent pvp games r simple on their source but with simple elements u make complex strategies . Whats how decent pvp game works . As a thief you need to know what u can plus and what not , what builds r a easy plus , what 2v2 or 3v3 take when u should rotate or when not , when u should disengage or play safe cuz certain build can one shot u , or whem use non port spots, making 2939293929 builds world make strategy imposible . U cant know every build lf those 10 000 and u cant practise agaisnt them so u can ruot certain skills or dodge their burt combos. U basically cant know how to couterplay those builds and how they interact in order to take decisions. Chess has a bunch of pieces with simple moves and those bunch of pieces with simlle moves make one of the greatest strategy games we have. Adding nore moves to chess would make the game worst I dont read ur post cuz u try to a analyze a the function of a bike by descomposing the particles of the materials used to build the bike. Is a big complex of a non sense stuff without a single outcome.
  8. Waee> @Vancho.8750 said: Warr has more raw heal than tempest
  9. Your response alerts me to the fact that you have no idea what diversity is man. I highly suggest doing what i did, and actually do some research on the subject before even trying to talk about it as if you know what it is. Yes it is a subject that people study and get paid to study. But you can study it yourself for free and without a paycheck, because the information is out there and freely available to anyone with a computer and mouse. I'll repeat this one more time. You have millions of possible build combinations, and only 25 somewhat relevant builds across 9 different distinct classes. That is a HUGE disparity. Having 1000 builds isnt the way gw2 pvp is designed for , there r few builds and few comps and every balanced patch buffs/nerfs switch those to new ones . Lol does the same , there are few builds every meta and balance patch change those to new ones . Meta changes so the game doenst get bored over time.Build diversity in gw2 means u can play different options outside "the best meta comp" and still perform with it. I didnt read ur post cuz they r so long im sorry man
  10. No the post is not directed to you . All builds between meta and decent builds can be used in ranked without a problem , all these builds add something and doenst get hardcountered by meta builds so u can perfeclty perform with them at high tiers in ranked . Some of those builds like sic em r difficult builds . So there is 25 possible builds , not variations of the same build . U can play support tempest with fire or earth but i included support tempest as a whole including all variations as one build. At gold3 u can perform better with a minion bunker scourge (with the right build) than a power herald. Or climb faster with condi herald than shiro renegade. Doenst mean those builds are better , means those builds r cheese and easier to play but this way i would change all the list cuz some meme builds can perform better at gold than meta builds. Best example is burn core guardian , u can climb until plat1 and then it becomes useless so the build is one of the last. Guild wars 1 is a total different game so u cant compare both There is lot of builds to play , almost a build per specialization but i feel like lot of ppl have no access to those builds
  11. Builds between meta and decent builds are totally playable in ranked and u can surely perform in "high tiers" with them wich means there are 25 builds. Ats and mats are not included but most part of the community doesnt tryhard in these scenarios , only few teams
  12. List of playable builds Meta: Bunker scrapperNades holoDaredevil pdReaperSupport tempest Half meta: Support shout warrSymbol core guardianDecap scrapperRenegade shiroBunker renegadeCore condi thiefPower heraldCondi heraldCore necro condi Some decent builds:DeadeyeScrapper nadesSupport tank core guardian with staff (idk poledra plays this)Sic em soulbeastCondi tank soulbeastDecap druidCondi mirage with rupt mantraChrono misha buildSagebrand teapod build/ maybe symbolbrandS/D daredevilMaybe dh burning here too Playable builds:Condi reaperEgun holo with demoZerk holo build with elixir rTank condi weaverTank water weaverTank scourgeBurning dhNature magic mender core ranger Some other builds Core valk ranger axe dagger / gsSpellbreaker d shield gsCondi berserker (ajaxx build) Some not that good but u can play them builds: Mender defense spellbreaker d shield gsCore warr axe shield gsFire weaverBurn core guardianCore gs guardianAll forms of minionmancers aka tanky core or scourge or reaper with minions Meme builds (lot of ppl actually play this idk why): Minion tempest buildBerserker rifle or all other forms of yolo zerk one shot berserkerStaff thiefFull trap dh trap runesFull trap core ranger or druid trap runesCondi deadeyePower dh with lg sword shield and trap There is build variety Yes some stuff overperforms
  13. I've been playing since beta, and as a roamer I encounter them quite often, and yes, I'm very aware of the difference between instant cast and skills that have a casting time. Macros aren't allowed, but it's become quite obvious that a lot of players use them (in fact I hear it discussed regularly in comms by players who use them). Anet has become (or maybe always has been) bad at policing their own game. Those of you who have been around long enough to remember players flying around with the orbs in the first several months will know what I'm talking about. The alternative are the players who use a hack that allows for no cooldowns on skills (sadly it does exist). (edited for additional comments) How do u know a player isnt pre casting his skills, or mayne u dont even know what pre cast means
  14. How do u know is not precasting istead of macros?
  15. If ive made the list, i would not put you on there. I never see you in my games or havent seen you are any good at plat 2 (my level) Baszi is not a bad thief, he is pretty decent but he is not better than any of these thiefsMaybe on a lvl with farmer Harry that should not be on the list either, I miss illithex and garkos Illithex and garkos are average tier thiefs.. not even close to topZyra god of pvp
  16. GW2 PvP is balanced for conquest. 2v2 and 3v3 are AoE-spam bunkerfests, only a fraction of classes can actually compete. NO. What do u > @Bazsi.2734 said: GW2 PvP is balanced for conquest. 2v2 and 3v3 are AoE-spam bunkerfests, only a fraction of classes can actually compete. NO. What do u think this ppl enjoy? Actually thinking and improving on a strategy pvp or spamming aoe with their tanky build?
  17. These are precisely the questions people should be asking. Right now the problem with Gw2 Balance, is mainly that the concept of balance is fundamentally misunderstood. I've brought this up in a number of posts, going back almost a year now, and we are seeing predictions made over a year ago play out in real-time, because those that applied critical analysis to the issues of balance at a fundamental level questioned the validity of the "nerf everything" stance that was taken by CMC, when it was announced last year, and implemented in February. The consequences you've laid out in this post, is exactly what a small minority and I predicted would happen. The reason for this is because achieving balance is very complex. There are entire branches of science that are required to even begin the discussion, and that's why we don't see it being talked about on the forums...most people don't even know what questions to ask. I've done a lot of the digging and the dirty work, and I've been able to lay-men-ize it to the point where we can discuss it here on the forum without going too deep into the science. But at it's heart, the problem with balance is a fundamental one that starts with dispelling what balance even means. The assumption for most people is that balance is thought of, in the sense that one can "balance" an equation, or "balance" two objects on a scale. Ability A and Ability B when put on a scale, should weight the same amount right? Turns out this assumption is fallacy, and i'll explain why. When you put two objects on a scale, you are using a single metric to define what it means when two different things are equal to one another. For Object A and Object B, Weight is the metric we are using to determine whether those two objects have equal weight. But the problem arises, when you require more than one metric to determine whether two objects are equal. Object A and Object B might have the same weight, but what about it's density? or it's shape? or it's refraction Index? Or it's radioactivity? The more metrics that are required in order to determine the "equality" between the two objects, mean that as each metric becomes equal, so are the description of the objects. So if you have an infinite number of metrics that are equal, it means Object A must be completely identical in every way to Object B. Here is another way to look at the above example, where we have a bar of soap and a hammer, being related to Skill A and Skill B - As you can see, the more metrics we add to each one to determine it's balance, the more the two skills will converge to just being the same skill... In reality, the bar of soap and the hammer can NEVER be exactly the same, and this is because if we had an infinite number of metrics, means that the quantum states (the positions and velocity vectors of individuals atoms) have to be identical...which is impossible to attain. In the same manner, Skill A and Skill B can have exactly the same attributes given an infinite number of metrics, but then they are just the same skill, where nothing differentiates one from the other. So the generally accepted perspective on balance is actually just nonsense. Simple number tweaks to try and get two or more things to be balanced with each other in the above manner is impossible to do without annihilating diversity. This is just addressing the first issue of the multi-faceted issues on the topic, which if you follow logical analysis, you will find that the inevitable solution to the problem, is actually the reason why we can explain that the above pointed out fallacy causes balance issues in the first place, the ones we observe in gw2. The solution requires an explanation in and of itself, but to put it shortly, it's because of lack of diversity, is the reason we have poor balance. That's another post and wall of text all together. But i'll be happy to explain it in detail for those that want me to explain it in depth. Dude too much text to read
  18. ? Cuz shiro has a port for movility or u want revs to has cero movility? U know the difference between tank meta and not tank meta is stuff with movility and good burstThe damage mods from the line man + the mobility. Shiro by itself could be considered better then most elite specks in the game. Rev is jambled mess of a class with no identity ooo im assassin switch now im a tank. Did the game really need thief/warrior or now thief/ranger while it does kinda better then those classes.I mean what do u wanna fight renegade kalla bunker or shiro? I would rather fight shiro but ofc rev has been meta since its release . There wasnt single time when rev was bad xd
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