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Vavume.8065's Achievements

  1. There should be mount skins for 40k 45k and 50k AP.
  2. That is not a challenge, that is just a waste of time. I will wait for a full set of decoration assets, the real challenge is waiting...
  3. The Drizzlewood tree's are the best for this homestead location, they fit it perfectly.
  4. Yeah, No. Bring the servers back, then I will return.
  5. The cele nerf is enabling build diversity.
  6. It's playable, but it's soulless, basically EOTM 2.0. I would rather have my server back.
  7. They cannot even make decent 2 v 2 maps... so the have no hope with 10 v 0.
  8. Push is absolute trash, throw it in the bin and make a CTF game mode that is actually fun.
  9. What betrayal? ever heard of patch notes? I suggest reading them for any game you are playing.
  10. Yeah it is annoying, along with the constant tooltip helpboxes for marked for death etc, it often feels like im in combat with the UI itself, I want a way to turn off all "help" options.
  11. Maps will be dead once people have the AP because the rewards are terrible, which is a real shame because the maps are beautiful.
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