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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. @Pifil.5193 said:

    @"AliamRationem.5172" said:They tried to shoehorn in healing roles. The problem is the game's core design does not support it, so "healing" in GW2 is nothing more than spamming area effects while everyone stacks in a pile.

    And that's different to every other Trinity MMO's healing... How?

    Other MMOs allow you to select an allied character and heal them specifically rather than relying on aoe heals. They feel entirely different to GW2s healing and allows for more complex encounters and mechanics.

    They allow you to do that. But more often than not, it ends up devolving back down to "Everyone stack up for the AoE heals!" due to how throughput works (Also, Raid design heavily leaning on "Errybody get hit!" mechanics)

  2. @"AliamRationem.5172" said:They tried to shoehorn in healing roles. The problem is the game's core design does not support it, so "healing" in GW2 is nothing more than spamming area effects while everyone stacks in a pile.

    And that's different to every other Trinity MMO's healing... How?:p

    On Topic:

    Stuff that can break up combat can be refreshing at times. For hacky slashy gameplay there's plenty of OW events that just want you to cut down swaths of enemies, or MMO's built entirely around it (Such as BDO)

  3. @Lily.1935 said:If you're looking for the damage from the bone minions, Wells do it better. If you're looking for the poison, Corrosive Poison Cloud does it better. When looking at minions they may be improved by blood and death but by taking those to improve your minions you're weakening yourself.

    Bone Minion explosion damage is comparable to full Berserker gear Well of Suffering which is the only well that does noteworthy damage. In addition, since the explosion damage is not dependent on your power, it means that even a Condi build can obtain this very high direct damage.

    As far as poison goes... 1) Why not both? Only takes 1 utility slot and you have 3 to use. 2) Poison Nova is better in open world, as it works better with the constant fighting in events 3) Bone Minions can also be used to transfer condi's, a feature you use to taut how strong Curses line is due to the trait that transfers condi's with your first shroud attack.

    Finally, you're not judging things properly with that last statement, which automatically has invalidated your entire OP and this thread. You're only weakening yourself because Curses/Spite provide such large damage increases and additional survivability is not a large concern

    @Lily.1935 said:Yes, Blood Fiend, Flesh Golem and Shadow fiend are optimal for Power reaper in raids and fractals. But their poor utility is apparent in dungeons and open world where you can't sit on a single target for long. And as for the HPs in HoT, the only one they were able to really help with was the Balthazar one and with great struggle to where it's still just better to do that one with a group. Every other one you can do them on any other build solo except maybe the life stealing one in VB which last time I was there it stole health from the minions making them detrimental rather than just making it slightly easier.

    I have yet to notice their "Poor utility" in open world content. If anything I miss their utility when I swap to other builds. Flesh Golem's active does a ton of breakbar damage, something that is otherwise lacking in a Necro's kit. Shadow Fiend provides some AoE Blind, Chill and Weakness and a chunk of Life Force on a fairly low CD. Blood Fiend provides constant health regeneration.

    Then with a Death/Blood build, they all provide Life Siphon (Which can also cheese certain bosses and mechanics due to how it bypasses certain invulnerabilities and damage reductions), they make you basically immune to conditions because Necromantic Corruption has a 10s CD per minion so if you have a bunch of minions, you'll be getting more frequent condi transfer and they can take aggro and tank some nasty skills (Like Diarmid's spin) and shrug it off due to health increases from Flesh of the Master.

    Going from a Death/Blood build into something more standard, the difference in effectiveness in the open world is massive. A significant drop in survivability (Making me much more dependent on using Dagger MH for extra life gain), a significant drop in utility and only a marginal increase in DPS (Since most open world enemies don't really last long enough to really get the most out of something like Spite where a lot of its power is from stacking up Might in Shroud and attacking enemies below 50% life)

    @Lily.1935 said:Maybe you have a point. However from my perspective they're extremely narrow in use and detrimental to your build in most situations. Since I'm judging this based on ubiquitous use and not incredibly narrow situations. You have a Bad open world build that uses them and a Decent Raiding build that uses them which is an uncommon one to use. This does not make for a good set of skills.

    You're judging them from a biased perspective where YOU personally don't like minions, therefore they MUST be awful. Which is a viewpoint that makes this entire thread irrelevant and thus, this will be my last post in this topic.

    Also, on your point about narrow use and "Decent" Raiding build, it's quite funny really, given how many highly rated builds run minions. In Fractals, Dungeons, Open World and Raids.

  4. @Lily.1935 said:Minions are really really bad. Like even in open world. I advise players not to use them because they are a crutch and will lead to missed credit for events. So overall Death is just awful for all PvE content.

    They're really not.

    Open world, minions are fine. The Death + Blood build is actually pretty good for open world, as it lets you do whatever you want. Even solo HoT HP's.

    In PvE, Blood Fiend, Shadow Fiend and Flesh Golem are optimal for Power builds, with Shadow Fiend also being used in some high tier Condi builds.

    Also, as I mentioned, it's also possible to use Bone Minions as a Condi build to specifically proc Death Nova, since their active skill is to explode which causes the Death Nova (You can then detonate the second one for a Blast finisher inside the poison field too). With the extra procs from Jagged Horrors just being icing when it happens at a convenient time.

    It's really just Bone Fiend and Flesh Wurm that really just suck with damage that isn't particularly inspiring and active skills that are underwhelming at best.

    That and in PvP/WvW all minions are just complete trash. But that is by design, due to not wanting autonomous skills to be effective vs players (Hence the state of Turrets, Minions and Ranger pets)

  5. I'd posit that Scourge outscales Reaper in PvE.

    Since when you start getting into Raids and high level Fractals, you start to have perma-Quickness buffers which waters down the main powerspike of Reaper, which is its perma-Quickness Shroud.

    For WvW, Scourge is just outright better than Reaper. Being ranged is a good advantage. Having plentiful AoE is a good advantage. Having access to utilities such as Boonstrip when bursting is a good advantage. Also, how Condi's do damage (Bypassing armour, protection and damage reduction effects that aren't specifically conditions counters) is an advantage. With the Barriers that Scourge gets also helping out too.

    As far as Death Magic goes, it's not THAT bad.

    It's primary issue is the fact that Death's Carapace provides Toughness, which is not ideal for PvE due to aggro reasons. Outside of that, it's not too bad:

    Armoured Shroud would be nifty if DC wasn't toughness.Flesh of the Master is only bad because DC is toughness, since Flesh Golem and Shadow Fiend are actually good to run in PvE as a Power build and as melee minions they are oft cleaved to death by boss AoE's. Meanwhile if DC was better, being able to have that passive buffer of 4-6 stacks permenantly would be nifty (Especially in a Power build that doesn't make much use of Putrid Defence)

    Soul Comprehension just sucks though... No 2 ways about it. On kill procs are meh... Also, even in OW content, Soul Reaping just provides way more overall Life Force...Necromantic Corruption and Deadly Strength are both pretty good. DS just seems odd in the line given that there's not much else providing anything for power builds while Adept and GM traits offer some nice Condi options.

    Beyond the Veil is excellent, especially as it provides defence in a non-Toughness way.Death Nova is actually pretty sick to be honest. It's actually really good for a Condi build because getting those Poison fields up in combination with any source of finisher can really stack up the poison (It's also really nutty in OW due to getting all the free Jagged Horrors). Something like running Bone Horrors just to blow them up for DN procs can do some nice damage, especially paired with Necromantic Corruption as they can transfer your condi's before you pop 'em. (The real issue is trying to give up Lingering Curse or Soul Reaping which is not worth)

    Essentially, replace Soul Comprehension, Dark Defiance, Corrupter's Fervor and Unholy Sanctuary and rework Death's Carapace into something that isn't Toughness and the spec wouldn't be that bad. (Outside the meme-worthy Death Magic + Blood Magic open world builds that just facetank whatever due to massive amounts of Life Siphon from all the minions and tons of Toughness from DC)

  6. @"Lily.1935" said:I'd argue that Spite and curses are not that far ahead of blood. Soul reaping is obviously far ahead of everything but that is because of the reduced cooldowns on shroud skills plus the additional life force. On top of that it has the two of the best traits for power and condi. Death and blood don't need much to be on par with curses and spite. None of them stand up to soul reaping though.

    Curses isn't too far ahead. Since it's really not particularly great overall, it's mostly just carried by the "Make Scepter not garbage" trait.

    Spite though, is a significant boost to Power builds due to how much Might it gives, plus all the damage modifiers (10% damage from Spiteful Talisman, +10 Power per Might stack from Awaken the Pain and 20% damage on targets under 50% life from Close to Death)

  7. @"Anchoku.8142" said:I despise pretty close to everything about Death Magic.

    1. So few reasons to take the specialization outside of casual play.

    To be honest, I'd argue that this is less to do with the state of Death Magic and more to do with how strong other specializations are.

    Basically, with Spite, Curses and Soul Reaping being as insane as they are, it's hard to justify picking anything but 2 of those for anything remotely competitive.

    Spite offering a lot of raw damage for power builds (Especially with how Reaper Shroud interacts with Reaper's Might due to the perma-quickness)

    Curses being necessary because Lingering Curse is required to make Scepter not complete and total garbage.

    While Soul Reaping feels pretty much mandatory for every build due to increased Life Force gain (When damage is so heavily focused towards being in Shroud/using F skills) not to mention having some nice damage boosts for both Condi and Power builds.

    It kind of just means that Death and Blood lines are left in the dust. Since neither offer such significant performance increases as these 3 specs. With the only real consideration being going Blood purely for Vampiric Rituals if trying to support using Wells (But that's kind of falling by the wayside these days... Why support with Necro wells that basically just give Protection with the GM trait when you can play Chrono and give perma-Alacrity + Quickness with wells?)

  8. @SummerRayne.4672 said:I was reading about this on the GW2 wiki. But wouldn't I at least be unlocking masteries in core Tyria content as I was still doing stuff there? It shows I have 15 mastery points in the "Central Tyria" section of the mastery section of my hero panel. So unless I was misunderstanding, I thought that while I was still in Tyria, I would able to be working towards those while doing content there. I have the points, of course just can't do anything with them until I unlock masteries.

    Central Tyria masteries should already be unlocked. You need to select one to start earning mastery experience towards it then when it's full spend the mastery points to attain it and unlock the next level.

    HoT and PoF content only unlocks their specific masteries. I.e. PoF first quest will get you the Raptor mastery and obtaining the Springer, Skimmer and Jackal will unlock their relevant masteries.

    @SummerRayne.4672 said:Thanks for your response Taril! I really do appreciate it. I'm heavily leaning towards doing just that first part of Path of Fire to unlock the mastery system and get the mount to avoid frustrations.

    It's definitely worth it. Also, you'll still be spending a fair amount of time running around even with the Raptor, it's not like it's the Roller Beetle which is super fast.

    Especially if you plan on doing 100% map completion in Central Tyria... It's a big place...

  9. People should make their own decisions about things.

    If they decide to skip right to level 80 without knowing anything about the game... Well, that's on them.

    A more reasonable person would likely level a character to 80 the old fashioned way in order to figure out how to play (As well as to get the enjoyment that is leveling your first character in the game, doing map completions and events and PS)

    Or at the very least, level up some of the way to figure out how to play.

    As far as the Glider/Mount thing goes? You can be effective on most maps with just a Raptor and standard Glider (Which to be honest, becomes almost worthless for normal OW content once you have a mount). Both of which require all of 1 single quest to obtain.

    Even more so when you consider the maps that get more benefit from upgraded Glider/Mounts are the LW ones, which new players won't have access to since Expacs don't come with them. While if they DID also purchase them, well... Then they'd be going through content that was designed for them to be plebs without fully upgraded masteries (LW2 + HoT before LW3 and PoF before LW4)

    Outside of that... Plenty of older zones are still somewhat populated. Heck, many are more populated than back when I started playing pre-HoT (I remember doing my 100% map completion on my Thief including WvW and about 99.99% of it I never saw another player) with more people flooding into zones as world bosses pop up, which actually allows new players to complete them. With also HoT zones being quite busy when their metas are active too, including plenty of HP trains.

  10. Unlocking the mastery system early is pointless. Since you can only progress each expansions masteries while doing their content (I.e. You can only get PoF mastery experience in PoF/LW4 zones)

    Getting the Raptor mount, you only need to do the first mission of PoF, so I'd basically recommend going AFK during the "Prologue" in Lions Arch which talks about things that have happened, zip through the quest without doing any of the optional talking and getting your mount and then leaving until you get around to playing through PoF where you can then listen to all the dialogue without any spoilers.

    As far as "Playing as intended" honestly, so long as you don't cheese Vistas and JP's (Where possible) with Mounts/Gliders you pretty much get the original experience. Spending an hour walking to the other end of the zone is not the biggest part of the experience (Especially when even back in the day, you'd have Teleport to Friend items that could be used to insta-travel to various waypoints)

  11. What about...

    Gaining Carapace also grants Might. The effect of Might is increased while in Shroud (40 Power and 40 Condi damage per stack)

    Gives it an offensive flavour that isn't tied to minions like Death Nova. Shouldn't be too OP either since without Corrupter's Fervour stacking high amounts of Carapace is not as easy.

    P.s. While were at it, adjusting Corrupter's Fervour threshold to 20 stacks would be nice.

  12. @excelsior.2168 said:I'm looking at the builds and they all seem to be geared towards raids. I'm assuming these builds can still work for open world PvE?

    Yeah, they can work in open world. Snow Crows is a primarily raid focused site, with it being created by really good players who are min/maxing their DPS and Support capabilities. But it happens that being able to kill stuff dead is a focus that's applicable in a number of PvE scenarios :p

    So, if you want you can adapt some of them, such as whacking a GS on to help with tagging mobs in open world events or using gear that's a bit more defensive (Such as Maurader gear instead of Berserker and Carrion/Trailblazer instead of Viper)

  13. Norn. Because Norn are best.

    That said, Charr fits more thematically what with their thing being making turrets and tanks and helicopters and stuff.

    On the other hand... Asura Engineer can use their mech-suit racial elite or summon a golem... (Too bad Engie doesn't get a toolbelt skill for racial elites, only normal racial utilities)

  14. Mesmer Focus is still a thing.

    It's used as a secondary offhand for Power builds because it does a bunch of damage. Snow Crows utilizes Sword/Sword + /Focus in their Power Chrono build for example.

    Meanwhile, it's also used in Power Mirage and both Power and Support Chrono WvW builds (I assume due to the fact that it provides AoE proj deflect)

    It only really drops off in sPvP where Condi Mirage sees more play and so Pistol + Torch become the preferred off hands.

    If you do want to move your Minstrel over to another class (Bearing in mind, they are working on a Legendary Armory that will allow all characters to access Legendary weapons without needing to swap them over constantly) then other classes that use Focus a lot are:

    • Power Guardian (Scepter/Focus + Greatsword is meta right now with also Firebrand using Axe/Shield + Scepter Focus in sPvP)
    • Power Necro (Axe/Focus is the pairing with GS)
    • Some Condi Necro (Mostly for Axe/Focus in PvP/WvW due to its burst Lifeforce generation)

    Ele doesn't use Focus much these days. Weaver sticks to Dagger OH while Tempest uses their Warhorn. (With Staff being the go to for WvW). It's only in sPvP where it's very popular to go Dagger/Focus on both Tempest and Weaver. Which makes sense, given that Ele focus is heavily defensive.

  15. @Sobx.1758 said:Yup, originally there were 8 classes, 2 have high health, 3 med, 3 low. That's not a pattern.

    Uhh... Yes it is. Now if it was like 5 had med health, 1 had high and 2 had low, that's indication that there's no pattern.

    Directly creating equality (As far as you can go with 8 professions going into 3 categories) is a pattern.

    @Sobx.1758 said:You know nothing about their plans for releasing another class, so again you can make as many mental gymnastics as you like while changing classes/armors/amount of their hp, but there still was no pattern involved and engineer being a potentially heavy armoured class wouldn't change anything about that.

    Except what they've literally said?

    Which is Revenant being added to balance out the number of professions in each armour class.

    Which is also Engineer originally being Heavy armour.

    They've not made any indication of releasing another class, but if they did, they'll state why they did so (Especially in reference to Revenant being used to balance out the armour classes)

    @Sobx.1758 said:If they wanted there to be a pattern -from the start or not- then there would be one. But there wasn't. And still isn't. At least other than 3 classes per armor type, but that's pretty obvious and not what I'm discussing here.

    So there wasn't a pattern but there is?

    There's a pattern of 3 professions per armour type.

    Initially there was plans for there to also be only 1 profession of each health category in each armour type. They ended up changing their minds and making medium armour have 2 professions with medium health. Meanwhile, both other armour types have coincided with the initial plans with having 1 profession with each health category within the armour types, including the additional 9th class that was released in the first expansion (Meaning, if there truly was no pattern, then they were under no obligation to make Revenant use heavy armour or have a medium health pool, thus you'd be arguing that it is mere coincidence that Revenant ended up being a medium health heavy armour profession)

    My question is why? Also, why hasn't either medium health profession been changed to high health?

    If your answer to that question is simply "There isn't a pattern" then that's irrelevant. As it does not answer the question.

    @Sobx.1758 said:Seeing how there's a bunch of "ifs", "whens" and at least one "completely different class than we currently have", it really seems like plenty of mental gymnastics still would have to be done for it to be remotely true.

    What "ifs"? What "whens"? and what "Completely different class than we currently have"?

    What on Earth are you going on about?

    It seems like you're the one doing mental gymnastics to try and get to some sort of point about there being patterns but no patterns?

    @Sobx.1758 said:What "evidence"? There either is a pattern or there isn't. In this case it's clear there isn't and wasn't.

    Evidence? You know, something solid that can be undeniable proof that your argument is backed up with some actual facts?

    Like how I've brought up the actual armour classes and health categories of the profession as they exist in the game right now and have done so for many years, which shows a pattern of 3 professions per armour class and 2/3 armour classes have a distribution of 1 per health category.

    @Sobx.1758 said:You say that they would need to change some classes and then there would be a pattern, which suddenly means there was a pattern in the first place. That's just obviously wrong and there's not much to prove here, when you keep disproving yourself.

    What are you blabbering about now?

    There IS a pattern that exists.

    Only 1 profession needs to be changed and the pattern will be all encompassing (Since there is only one deviation from the pattern, which is the 2 medium health medium armour professions)

    I think you're getting confused.

    My initial response to you about the pattern was due to you saying that Engie originally being heavy armour would have gone against the pattern more so than what currently exists.

    However, if this was the case, given that Engie was in the game before Revenant, it would not have caused an issue as each class would still have a 3/3/2 split of professions. Also, each class would have a single profession per health category.

    Then given that Revenant was, by the Dev's own admission, created to balance out the armour classes to make a 3/3/3 split, it would not have been released as a heavy armour medium health profession. This doesn't mean "If we completely change a class there would be a pattern" this means, that since the class was created to fill in a hole in the pattern, with a different base to said pattern (With Engie being heavy armour instead of medium) the class would have been designed differently.

    @Sobx.1758 said:It's because nobody ever said there will be a health amount "pattern" and there's no ACTUAL need for one other than someone's "pattern fantasy" fulfillment.

    Nobody ever said there will be an armour class "Pattern" and there's no ACTUAL need for one other than someone's "Pattern fantasy" fulfillment.

    Yet, we got Revenant to fill out the Heavy armour class to have 3 professions in it.

    Just because no-one explicitly states there will be a pattern, doesn't mean one doesn't exist. It's possible that ANet devs even do consider it a pattern (Hence medium health Revenant) though it would be pure conjecture unless someone who works there actually says if it is or not.

  16. @"Sobx.1758" said:There was no "original pattern" and no amount of mental gymnastics or added and hopefully changed classes after release/patch/expansion will change it. By that logic, every class could have their health amounts changed and now that would be a new "original pattern". As it stands, though: there was none. Ok? :D

    Except there was a pattern. Thus, why there was a standard base health for "High health" "Medium health" and "Low health" professions.

    The original pattern was:

    High health heavy armour - WarriorMedium health heavy armour - EngineerLow health heavy armour - GuardianHigh health light armour - NecromancerMedium health light armour - MesmerLow health light armour - ElementalistMedium health medium armour - RangerLow health medium armour - Thief

    Which would have been 1 profession of each armour and health type. With missing high health medium armour due to there only being 8 classes in the game. Okay?

    Except, they then shifted away from this pattern when they decided to make Engie medium armour instead of heavy.

    Thus, when part of the reason for adding in the 9th class, Revenant was to round out the armour classes with 3 professions each it ended up filling the heavy armour medium health role as it was the one that was missing (3rd heavy armour profession and then filling in the medium health slot)

    So now we have that original pattern back, except for Medium armour which has 2 professions with medium health and none with high health.

    This needs no mental gymnastics, there was a pattern. Then they deviated from it. Then they went back to the pattern. Now we still have that random deviation.

    Now, unless you can provide evidence for there never existing a pattern, we have a very clear pattern that was made early in the games life, which has been adhered to when the time came when they added the 9th class to the game.

    Thus, my question of why both Ranger and Engie share the trait of medium armour and medium health while there doesn't exist a high health medium armour profession still stands.

  17. @lokh.2695 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:Heart of Thorns isn't too bad.

    It does however, introduce a few enemies whom are pure evil incarnate.

    Mordrem Snipers like to do like a bajillion damage and then when you try and kill them, they go invisible. While still shooting you. Still invisible.

    The vine tendril things also like to screw over melee because lul-1-shot-you attacks where they whirl around and do like 10 bajillion damage.

    Then there's also the Mordrem Stalkers, who also like to do about a bajillion damage. They also like to stealth around and stab you in the butt when you least expect it and if you try and kill them they're all like "lol" EVADE EVADE EVADE EVADE STEALTH

    Every other enemy is not worth talking about because they're just as easy as anything from Core Tyria. Those 3 though, you have to learn to prioritize taking them out and using your entire kit to murder their face whenever you see them otherwise you'll end up on the floor.

    Two words: Pocket Raptors ;)

    (the trick here is to spam AoEs, but if you can't they can rip you appart fast)

    Yeah, also honourable mention to Bristlebacks, when they do that channel that seems to do about 500x your max health in damage and lasts for 3 days and you can't stop because they have a fat breakbar and they track you with it.

    Gosh they're fun. /s

    (However, if you have access to projectile reflect...)

    • Like 1
  18. Heart of Thorns isn't too bad.

    It does however, introduce a few enemies whom are pure evil incarnate.

    Mordrem Snipers like to do like a bajillion damage and then when you try and kill them, they go invisible. While still shooting you. Still invisible.

    The vine tendril things also like to screw over melee because lul-1-shot-you attacks where they whirl around and do like 10 bajillion damage.

    Then there's also the Mordrem Stalkers, who also like to do about a bajillion damage. They also like to stealth around and stab you in the butt when you least expect it and if you try and kill them they're all like "lol" EVADE EVADE EVADE EVADE STEALTH STAB YOU IN THE FACE

    Every other enemy is not worth talking about because they're just as easy as anything from Core Tyria. Those 3 though, you have to learn to prioritize taking them out and using your entire kit to murder their face whenever you see them otherwise you'll end up on the floor.

    • Like 1
  19. @"Sobx.1758" said:So it would "fit the pattern" if we still added another class and made it totally different than it is currently. Um... ok?

    Well, there are only 8 core professions. Therefore to "Fit the pattern" there would need to be an additional class irregardless as 9 professions are needed to have one of each type.

    Engie would have fit the pattern if it was heavy armour because then heavy and light armour classes would have had a profession with high, medium and low health. With medium armour only having a medium and low health profession (Therefore, missing a high health profession like is currently, only without having 2x medium health)

    At this point, the pattern would be complete if either Ranger or Engie was changed to high health.

    @Infusion.7149 said:Technically Engineer traited with Blast Shield is the high health medium armor profession. Running full zerk ascended it brings you to around 19K HP which is essentially high health. (18K in PvP)

    Though, I'm looking at core stats. Not what you've traited and geared for. Unless we can start calling Thief high health medium armour because if you wear full Shaman gear with Vit infusions and Vampirism runes you end up with 31k hp. (Not to mention, Warrior also gets the same power to vit conversion trait and thus would end up with ~22k health with the same set up)

    Or we call Warrior high health low armour because Berserker reduces toughness by 300 (Which actually puts them below light armour in terms of overall base armour)...

    With core stats:

    Low health professions have 11645 base healthMedium health professions have 15922 base healthHigh health professions have 19212 base health

  20. According to Snow Crows:

    The optimal time to shatter is when you can instantly get 3 Clones back up afterwards.

    In addition, it's noted that it's most beneficial to do so, while you have a Phantom currently active, as it will become a clone when it finishes attacking.

    An example rotation would be something like:

    Torch 5Axe 2Jaunt/Crystal SandsSwap weaponPistol 4ShatterAxe 2JauntSwap weaponTorch 5ShatterAxe 2Jaunt


    To be honest, this style of play where you keep 3 clones up at all times works well for any Mesmer build, condi, power or boon share. Since it capitalizes on the flexibility available to you, since maintaining 3 clones means you can decide which shatter is best to use at any given time as well as make use of F3 to damage breakbars when necessary (As not all bosses have breakable bars 100% of the time, some only activate during specific attacks)

    As well as the passive benefits from clone attacks (Sword strips boons and stacks vulnerability, scepter/axe/staff applies condis, if Mirage then GS stacks vulnerability with Infinite Horizon)

    Also, for open world, sometimes clones soak some attacks from bosses, keeping you and anyone you're doing events alongside, alive because no-one gets pounded into the dirt by some cheese massive boss hit xD

  21. @Teratus.2859 said:If a Med class were to get high Hp it would probably be Ranger.. although this would be a bit too much imo

    Really? I'd have thought it'd be Engie.

    Given that all their weapons and many of their utilities want them to get up close and they don't have much to defend themselves with outside some shields.

    @"Sobx.1758" said:"broke the original pattern"? But it seems the pattern would be even worse then? :D

    Given that Revenant was added with HoT and was not part of the core game, Engie would have taken their place as medium HP and heavy armour profession.

    Potentially causing Revenant to end up being a medium armour profession with high HP when added (Since part of the reason for its addition was to round out 3 professions per armour class)

  22. Just noticed while looking at stuff for a post in another thread. The medium armour class doesn't have a high health profession.

    Heavy armour has;High HP - WarriorMedium HP - RevenantLow HP - Guardian

    Light armour has;High HP - NecroMedium HP - MesmerLow HP - Ele

    While Medium armour has;High HP - ?????Medium HP - Ranger + EngieLow HP - Thief

    Is there a particular reason for this discrepancy?

  23. It depends a lot on what skill level you're performing at and what build(s) you're using.

    Since, if we don't care about the PvE Snow Crows DPS charts and I mention something like the Perma-Shroud Reaper build where your entire gameplay is 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

    Then that obviously becomes the easiest class since all you need to do is press a single button (F1) and the game plays itself. But its viability drops off when you go into instanced content where higher DPS as well as utility becomes more necessary.

    If the idea is about informing newer players, then it's pretty simple to just recommend the classes that have innate tankiness as opposed to relying on dodges and skills that provide evasion. For example:

    • Warrior (High HP, heavy armour)
    • Revenant (Medium HP, heavy armour + easy life siphon)
    • Necromancer (High HP, light armour + Shroud and minions)
    • Guardian (Low HP, heavy armour + Aegis)
    • Ranger (Medium HP, medium armour + pet) for PvE 'cuz you can use a 35k HP bear to tank Champs and if it dies... Swap out to another 35k HP bear to tank it some more while the first one heals
  24. @"Crash.4376" said:It doesn't have to be either/or...

    In theory, it doesn't.

    In practice, it does.


    Simply because trying to balance out the benefits of having a sub vs not is really hard to get right. It's far too easy to make subs too valuable or not valuable enough and you're left with only one optimal option anyway.

    I say this as someone who personally, prefers subscription MMO's because subs provide secure and easily quantifiable income for developers which is ideal for a game genre that thrives on constant updates and server maintenance costs.

    It also leads to more cosmetic content being earned through in-game actions, rather than slapped into a MTX store where you either pay for it outright, or convert in-game currency into the premium currency which is less satisfying than say, doing some content in game and being rewarded with said cosmetics.

    That is, when the company is not a greedy pile of ass. I.e. WoW using most of its sub money to go into Bobby Kotick's pocket. FFXIV using most of its sub money to fund other games like DLC for FFXV or FFVIIR because SE just wants to milk money from the XIV dev team. etc...

    But outside of that whole opinion, there are some things objectively that will be to consider.

    Like, what advantage would you give to Subscribed players in GW2? That wouldn't be terrible for balancing?

    Even something as inocuous as "Get access to all previous LW stories" has issues because a sub is like what $10 a month? Vs the cost of buying the 3 LW stories which is around 2000 gems each or about $60 overall. Meaning if you sub for 1 month, then run through all the LW stories and get all the achievements, you just saved $50 which is pretty significant.

    Extra storage space runs into the same issue, why spend $10 per Bank/Material storage upgrade, if a $10 1 month subscription gives you a bunch along with other stuff (Then you cancel your sub and what? They gonna stop you from accessing half of your items? Or are you going to end up keeping like $100 worth of MTX upgrades for a mere $10 single month sub fee)

    It just won't work. Not when MTX items are priced steeply to earn profits, gaining access to any MTX item at all for a monthly sub will end up being too lucrative unless it's something they can prevent access to if your sub ends (Which would make it more expensive in the long run)

    At best, they could maybe offer something like you pay $10/20/30/45/85 a month and get the 800/1600/2400/4000/8000 gems that you normally can purchase at any time from the shop, just for convenience and to be able to monitor your own spending limit (While ANet gets to track what its monthly earnings from subs will be as guaranteed income and thus can factor that into their spending habits) but such an option is really not worth the hassle to implement.

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