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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. @JohnWater.5760 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:Staff - Earth - Skill 3Dagger - Air - Skill 3Dagger - Water - Skill 4Focus - Fire - Skill 5

    What do you think of putting all the auras on the staff?The weapon with the most support is the staff, and the auras I see as support very well.Since necros have Marks on their staff, the Elementalist would have Aura on their staff.

    It could work I guess.

    The issue is what skills would be replaced in Staff's kit? As well as what would replace the auras in the other weapons kits?

    Not to mention, some justification for doing so.

    If the idea is to try and make staff more supportive, that sort of change does fit. But it does lead back to what will replace the skills in other kits? New supportive skills that could have just been given to Staff instead? New offensive skills?

    But, if the idea is to consolidate the auras down to a single weapon set so that more traits synergy can be created for aura transmutation, then that still has the issue with having multiple traits for a single weapon set (Not only that, but still only 4 out of 16 skills on that weapon set) when the norm is having 1 trait for 1 weapon type.

    It's the fundamental flaw with aura transmutation as a whole, it's just not expansive enough a mechanic to get the kind of support it could utilize well. Since it's predicated on having these specific weapon skills that allow the transmutation to occur (While Aura synergy in of itself is fine, because Leap and Blast finishers can produce auras in addition to these specific skills that grant auras and allow transmutation)

    At best, the mechanic could work with more trait synergy if transmutation was an F skill, which seems like more of an E-Spec concept more so than a proper core Ele change given that the current attunements are enough of a class mechanic as is.

  2. PvE: Necro is in a tough spot. DPS wise, it's got limited potential. Support wise, it doesn't have great Boon application so it's inferior to classes that provide things like Perma-Alacrity/Quickness (Such as Firebrand/Renegade/Chrono) meanwhile, Barrier is a poor substitute for raw healing making it also inferior to healer supports (Such as Druid/Tempest)

    WvW: Probably about a tie between Thief and Ranger. Neither has good blob combat. Thief just lacks anything other than single target burst damage because that's ALL it does - No boon support, no AoE other than some staff cleaves and continually gets its init costs nerfed to make it even harder to contribute. Ranger also lacks any sort of support capacity that can work with a blob and also has the added disadvantage of pets just are non-existent in a game mode all about having like a billion people spamming AoE's constantly.

    PvP: Mesmer. Spec based around dodging to be effective > "Herp derp have 1 dodge". Spec based around supporting allies > "Herp derp lets have all my buffs located in a tiny little area after a very loud countdown for when it'll activate, I'm sure no-one will drop all their AoE's on that area and wipe my team!" add on top the loss of both Distortion AND the self shatter from Chrono and the spec is just utterly defenseless on top of having more limited support.

    Warrior's are also struggling right now, but they're not quite AS bad as far as I can tell.

  3. For PvE, the optimal gear is Viper (Power, Precision, Condition Damage, Expertise) because it offers the best overall damage increase even if it's not the highest Condition Damage it's more than made up for by how Expertise scales the damage of conditions.

    For PvP, the optimal gear is Carrion (Power, Vitality, Condition Damage). As it provides a nice mix of damage and defence.

    For Open World, Dire (Toughness, Vitality, Condition Damage) or Trailblazer (Toughness, Vitality, Condition Damage, Expertise) is viable as a way to be really tanky, allowing you to solo tough enemies without much difficulty (Things like HoT HP champions, various Event champions etc) otherwise some more hybrid stat options are viable to deal more damage while having some defence such as Carrion (Power, Vitality, Condition Damage) or Rabid (Precision, Toughness, Condition Damage)

  4. @"Swagger.1459" said:Each individual piece of armor needs to be created to fit 5 races X 2 genders... Now to go back over just 1 outfit means the devs would have have to make 6 new pieces of armor X 5 races X 2 genders. That ends up being 60 models needing to be made... And it’s not that Anet can’t do it, it’s just not worth the massive amount of time and money to do so.

    It's more than that, as it would be 5x Races, 2x Genders and 3x Armour Weights because of the different frames that are used by Armour Weights.

    Meaning 1 Outfit would require 180 models to be made.

    Which is an astonishingly high amount of work when Outfits simply require 20 models to be made for the 2x Genders of 5x Races (One for the full body and one for the headgear)

    At best, maybe there could be some sort of middle ground where one could mix and match Outfits with other Outfits. Thus still only needing 10 sets of armour per Outfit because of the unique 4th frame, but allowing more player customization.

    The issue is it does mean re-creating every existing Outfit since it's not a simple case of "Just cutting them up" as each piece would need to be created as a separate item to be able to function (Whilst also having some specific interactions, such as how gloves work when using long sleeved tops or how boots work when using trousers), which is already partially the case for headgear hence the ability to hide it (Though, note that you can't hide the shoulder gear of an outfit meaning that isn't a separate item)

  5. Were you in a zone that level sync'd you down?

    Since character page will show your current stats, meaning if you're stood in the starter area where level 2 players begin, your character sheet will show really low stats which will look terrible compared to another build you looked at while you were in a level 80 zone.

  6. Where's my full set of gliding skills at... :c

    As far as actually using Mastery skills go...

    Speed Mushrooms - Fine. Could even just be an action button that gives you Celeritas Spores yourself.Adrenal Mushroooms - Hmm... I guess it could be fine? Given that it'd only affect open world. Again, just make it an action button to affect yourself so you don't end up with even more Event cheese from having like 100 people all dropping their Elites 100 times...Exalted Assistance - Sure. Plenty of temporary NPC allies available these days.Koda's Flame - Yeah, why not. It sucks anyway and is pretty much only for opening chests in Bitterfrost Frontier... Probably the only place the skill would get used to save having to go run over to a Brazier xDSiren's Kergigger - Probably pushing it a bit honestly. Given that one of the effects is literally insta-revive, it would diminish value of things like Revive Orbs or you know, actually caring about things because you just spam insta-revives and go solo Legendaries lelSpiderman - Sure, could be fun. "But muh unintended locations!" - Trust me, there are SOOOO many invisible walls in this game it shouldn't be an issue, pretty much everything that isn't intended is already blocked off (The only way this could break things is due to its penchant for putting you INSIDE rocks...). "But muh JP achievements!" - Tell that to the team of Mesmer's at every daily JP lel.Nuhoch Wallows - Could work. Would need a significant CD on it, but it could effectively be like a Teleport to Friend.

    Extra one: Bloodstone Fen Gliding Skills - Should be fine. Given there are limited ways to glide in combat outside of like... Verdant Brink and Bloodstone Fen...

    As far as how to utilize these... Allow them to be put into the Novelties skill location and thus used with the keybind associated with them.

    Usability, might need looking at. Such as cooldowns for these effects, because the default effects have none and thus can be cheesed super hard if they were just ported into an on demand skill.

  7. @Kodama.6453 said:If you want reaper to become a top dps class, then it needs another and more drastic rework. Instead of increasing the depletion of life force while using reaper's shroud, it would need the "life force = HP" mechanic removed entirely.

    To be honest, I've suggested that Reaper gets 2 Shroud skills.

    F1 being Reaper's Shroud which replaces your weapon skills and drains lifeforce over time.F2 being Dread Shroud which doesn't affect your skills but causes your lifeforce to replace your health.

    So that 1) The Offensive and Defensive properties of Shroud are separated allowing for Reaper to be justifiably given higher damage potential as it won't be gaining a bunch of extra life while accessing its high damage.

    But also 2) It provides a bigger shift in class mechanics away from Core Shroud so it doesn't just feel like "Core Shroud 2.0" with literally the same mechanics.

    With minor effect of 3) Core Shroud could then be tweaked so that Core builds can work alongside E-Specs due to having a Shroud that provides both offense and defense.

    @Kodama.6453 said:But such a rework would open up a new can of worms with other stuff that would need changes, too. Like Unholy Sanctuary, if life force is not replacing your health anymore, then this trait doesn't make sense.

    Well... Technically, Scourge can also take Unholy Sanctuary and Desert Shroud doesn't replace health. It gives some Barrier, sure, but it's not quite the same as entering Shroud...

    Of course, with my above suggestion of having 2 Shrouds, Reaper could simply end up in Dread Shroud.

    Alternatively, they can simply stick some Barrier onto entering Reaper's Shroud after removing the LF replacing health which would make it function with all the traits equally to Scourge, which would be the simplest option.

  8. @Cuks.8241 said:

    @"Teratus.2859" said:I always open them because there's a chance the drop will be higher quality than the unidentified item.. but considering how many you have that would be a long and very tedious process >.<

    I have found a fairly efficient way to open up many items at once and mass salvage:

    Have 1 space in your bank (If needs be, just swap an item in your bank into your inventory)
    • Right click on the Blue quality unidentified items and select "Use All"
    • When your inventory is full and you're overflowing, move the stack of unidentified items into your bank and collect your overflow item
    • Right click on your salvage kit (Ideally, an infinite use one but not everyone will have one) and select "Salvage all Fine and Lower items"
    • Put the stack of unidentified items back into your inventory
    • Rinse and repeat until all your Blue quality unidentified items have been cleared.
    • You may now check through your inventory to see what Masterwork, Rare and Exotic items you may have opened up to sell/use

    Do the same for green quality unidentified items (Select Salvage all Masterwork and Lower Items) and then Yellow (Select Salavage all Rare items).

    Takes only a couple of minutes to clear out everything leaving only Exotics, even without massive bags.

    Of course, it's not quite as fast as using "Salvage Stack" option on the unidentified items, but the returns can be higher. Not sure if Magic Find affects the chance of getting upgraded loot from unidentified items, but if it does then it should get more and more profitable the closer you get to MF cap.

    I use a bag who is not affected by "order" (~2g at TP) and it does the same w/o the need to go to the bank (and allow me to put various item apart).Also, to not flood this bag if you've to much for the total of your bag (minus the bag unaffected), simple, close inventory before it's full, that will stop the process of opening.Salvage, repeat.

    Oh now I actually get the post with the bank.Invisible bag is the answer. Whatever is in there it won't salvage. You kinda need one invisible bag if you want to open and salvage larger quantities in any normal timeframe.

    Yeah, but using a bank allows you to fill your entire inventory worth of space each round of salvaging as opposed to faffing about trying to not fill up your Invisible Bag.

    Which is more efficient for large quantities of salvage that far exceeds your bag space. Such as with the OP's 2000 unidentified items. Or a typical Dragon's Stand full meta or Bitterfrost Frontier clear (All those Frostbound Chests... Plus Meta Event can easily net you several hundreds of unidentified items)

    It's not as if popping into your bank is a particularly horrible thing to do... Given you can also visit merchants to sell your junk and pop in to the TP to collect your gold from sales... Or actually put loot into the bank if you got any... Maybe even visit the Mystic Toilet or do some crafting with some of the new loot/materials you got.

    I dunno, it just seems easier to simply use 1-2 bank spaces (An extra one to put in unidentified Masterwork items so I can simply salvage MW + Fine items obtained from the unidentified Fine items) every now and then when I pop into town and go visit a bank.

  9. @Kodama.6453 said:Endure Pain makes you take no strike damage for it's duration.Frenzy used to have a lingering effect, making you take 25% more damage, but it got reworked, so it is an exception here.Twist of Fate makes you evade during it's duration.

    If that's how you look at things...

    Then I guess Mist Form is a Stance now. Arcane Power is a Stance. Glyph of Elemental Power is a Stance. Glyph of (Lesser) Elementals are Stances. Conjures are Stances. Lightning Reflexes is a Stance. Sic 'Em is a Stance. Guard is a Stance. Roll for Initiative is a Stance. Venoms are Stances. Spectrum Shield is a Stance. Photon Wall is a Stance.

    Or, we can look at things objectively and see that Elixirs and Stances are quite equitable;

    • Both affect your own character only (Baseline. Soulbeast can trait for shared stances)
    • Both provide positive effects (Boons, a unique buff that makes you gain boons, or a unique buff that changes something about your gameplay)
    • Both have outliers that provide a purely instant effect (Twist of Fate and Elixir R)

    As such, Elixirs could quite easily be compared to Stances. Elixir H provides boons for a duration. Elixir B provides boons for a duration. Elixir U provides boons for a duration. Elixir C converts conditions into boons for a duration. Elixir S provides immunity for a duration. Elixir R is the outlier alongside Twist of Fate for an instant effect.

    The fact that none of them provide a unique buff could be Engie's twist on the skill type. Like how Weaver's twist is having 2 charges of them

    @Kodama.6453 said:There might be some overlap, but I still think that turrets have more overlap with minions. Turrets always have been considered "AI minions" by the playerbase, it is just more logical to package them together with other summoned units like necromancer minions.

    Arguments can be made for either decision.

    Ultimately, the purpose of consolidating down skill types into more generic ones allows for more effects that target them. In which, I believe Turrets would benefit more from the sort of Rune effects that Banners/Conjures/Spirits/Renegade skills would, being that they're a "Put down in a static location" skills (Yes, Spirits can be moved, but the general design is buffing a specific area)

    If Turrets were reworked into something you would actually want to have fighting beside you and are incentivized to keep active and shooting, then it would make more sense for them to be paired in with Minion skills and potential Rune effects that might depend on having active NPC units (I.e. If Ranger and Soulbeast runes were more generic)

  10. @Zhaid Zhem.6508 said:Elemental Enchantment too kitten OP. Fire weaver will be unbalance for example, as you'll swap attunement every 2 sec, spam sunspot and have -10 sec on Fire Shield and transmute

    Note that the weapon skill reduction specified OTHER attunements.

    Meaning that if you were maximizing Sunspot by say going Fire > Air > Fire then you'd only be getting a 5s cooldown reduction and wouldn't even be able to use Fire Shield on your Fire Attunement and would need to attune again.

    2s attunement CD isn't that bad, given that Arcane already pushes Weaver down to 3.5s CD and Fresh Air allows for insta-Air refresh (Which allows an instant switch into Air/Air for Weaver)

    Not to mention, numbers can be altered, the main thing I was going for was the basic idea. Which was trying to turn Fresh Air's gameplay into something that can be utilized with any Attunements in the Spec that's literally about swapping Attunements a bunch. While also incorporating each Spec's weapon skill cooldown reduction from lesser Grandmaster traits in some way (Since I'd replaced them all with stat conversions given how the 15% CDR doesn't actually have much impact due to how long it typically takes to do a typical attunement shift rotation back to the same element anyway with only some of the 30s and 40s CD skills still being on CD when you come back, but even then they're only getting 4.5-6s CDR from the trait)

    @Jski.6180 said:Something anet realty need to do is add more aura transmutation effects from the trait line. Its such a good core ele wepon effect and has a lot of build in balancing of needed an aura being on a short ranged and having a cast time.

    The issue with this is the fact that Aura Transmutation is literally only a thing for a total of 4 skills across every single weapon and attunement.

    Staff - Earth - Skill 3Dagger - Air - Skill 3Dagger - Water - Skill 4Focus - Fire - Skill 5

    Which is a very specific thing to add trait effects to, especially as it's possible to run builds that literally won't access any of these skills (Scepter/Warhorn Tempest literally doesn't have a Transmutation skill. Weaver PvE builds don't use Water attunement) especially since they seemed to not want to give E-Specs any Transmutation effects.

  11. @Yasai.3549 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:

    If that was true, then Elementalist wouldn't be one of the higher played classes. Given that many people comment on the "Piano" gameplay the class revolves around for its weapon skills.

    Though, I guess you could argue that since the introduction of Tempest, there's an option for less APM heavy builds... But then again, one can also play Herald and just sit in Glint 24/7 spamming Utilities and weapon skills like any other class because of how that Legend completely bypasses the Energy mechanic...

    Piano =/= Difficult.

    Elementalist is actually pretty easy to play and understand for entry level skill : I have 4 sets of 5 spells.That's literally it.

    Here's what I think turns people away from Rev and Engi though : They can't exactly camp a single loadout.

    If yu camp a single Legend as Rev, yur gonna run out of juice (I'm really not talking about Glint here because I don't expect newbies to even know Glint exists, but even if they do, high chance they gonna just play Glint as an Boon-bot and run out of Energy anyway because they just upkeep everything)

    If yu camp Engi, suddenly yur class feels very limited between a single Weaponset in combat, 5 decently long cooldown skills, and a whole bunch of utilities which yu can mish-mash but not really find a combo for.

    Engi gets better though, because once yu unlock Holo, the class gets dumbed down so much and doesn't lack in damage and utility while doing so.

    Ele can't really camp in a single attunement either. Tempest helps with it, but you're still incentivized to swap between at least 2 attunements. Weaver's entire thing is about swapping attunements (With added complexity of needing to double swap to change abilities 4 and 5)

    Rev is mindnumbingly simple to play for PvE too, since you only use 2 utility skills which are your Upkeep ones and then you just play like a Necro pressing F1 every 10s. Then you spam F2/F3 on CD depending on if you're Alacrigade or DPS. It's only really PvP where Rev becomes more in depth because you need to manage your energy to stun break and use your offensive utility skills and weapon skills (Since you can't just rely on Upkeep + autos to kill people like in PvE)

    Engie can camp kitless easily. Given that even min/maxing you use like 1-2 kits (Grenade kit/Bomb kit) and then only use 1-2 skills from that kit (Shrapnel Grenade/Poison Bomb and Firebomb and the auto attack Bomb) even more so if you do something like play Alch or Tools instead of Explosives which puts far less emphasis on running Grenade/Bomb kits because of not having that Explosion synergy (Tools build can get complicated though, spamming out Toolbelt skills while also managing your actual utilities where relevant and dealing with your weapon skills - Even more so as Holo where you then also have to keep in mind your Heat levels)

  12. @Kodama.6453 said:

    • You say that exceed skills are based on "images", yet the healing skill (Coolant Blast) has nothing to do with images/holograms like the other exceed skills.

    And Elixir Gun and Flamethrower aren't Kits, they're guns.

    Not all of a particular skill line is 100% appropriately themed

    @Kodama.6453 said:

    • Putting banners and turrets in the same category also seems weird for me. Turrets are more like stationary minions (same for renegade summons) than banners, considering that banners can't get damaged.

    Banners can't get damaged, but neither can Conjured weapons.

    Banners provide AoE stats, just like Spirits do. Spirits can be damaged. Banners cannot.

    Banners and Turrets both have the mechanism of being able to be picked up to reduce their cooldown.

    There's a lot of overlap in their mechanics, which could lead to them being put together, especially since such a consolidation of skills merely means that Runes can be utilized by multiple classes while they use their particular mechanics.

    @Kodama.6453 said:

    • Elixirs don't really function like stances, since elixirs just work on activation and have no lingering effect afterwards except the boons.

    Endure Pain.Frenzy.Twist of Fate.

  13. @"Yasai.3549" said:The reason Rev and Engi aren't played much is because they have alot of skill depth and that makes it very hard for newbies to pick them up or not be overwhelmed entirely.

    If that was true, then Elementalist wouldn't be one of the higher played classes. Given that many people comment on the "Piano" gameplay the class revolves around for its weapon skills.

    Though, I guess you could argue that since the introduction of Tempest, there's an option for less APM heavy builds... But then again, one can also play Herald and just sit in Glint 24/7 spamming Utilities and weapon skills like any other class because of how that Legend completely bypasses the Energy mechanic...

  14. @"Kodama.6453" said:About skill types in general: It makes sense to create new unique skill types, if the skills are different from what is already in the game mechanically. Exceed skills, for example, don't work like any other skill type in the game.

    However, there's nothing stopping them from simply adding the Heat mechanic to an existing skill type.

    Much like how Glyphs and Mantras differ between classes.

    I.e. Druid's Glyphs do something different based on if they're in Astral form or not, while Ele Glyphs provide a different effect based on attunement.

    Mesmer Mantra's provide boons upon charging the Mantras. While Firebrand Mantra's provide bonus effects on consuming the last charge.

    There's no mechanical reason why they couldn't have given Holosmith (Also Berserker), Arcane, Cantrip, Meditation, Glyph, Spectral, Deception, Manipulation or Glamour skills with the additional text of "Does X while Berserk/Above Y% Heat"

    The only notable reason would be one of thematics, it being weird for these classes to use Arcane/Spectral/Glyph/Meditation skills

    Though, given the lack of functional differences between many of these it's theoretically possible to consolidate some into more generic forms. Like;

    • Spectral, Exceed and Glamour skills all rely on creating some form of image, be it spectral wraiths, holograms or illusionary effects. Theoretically they could be consolidated down into something like "Imagry" skills
    • Banners, Turrets, Spirits, Spirit Weapons and to an extent Conjures (Also Legendary Renegade skills) all provide stationary objects that do things such as attacking/buffing allies. These could theoretically be consolidated down into a singular skill type.
    • Arcane, Physical and Gadget skills are all primarily attack type skills and could be consolidated down.
    • Survival, Trick, Meditation and Punishment skills all function the same with being a hodge podge of utility/damage skill effects.
    • Stance and Elixirs work the same, providing self buffs and again, could be consolidated.
    • Consecrations are just Wells.

    There are few truly mechanically unique skill types in the game. Notable ones are Engie's Kits, Mesmer's Clone/Phantasms (Though, I guess they could be classified as "Minion" skills?), Necro's Minions, Thief's Venoms (Though only as a entire Skill line, Ele's Arcane Power and Glyph of Elemental Power both utilize similar functionality)

  15. @Kodama.6453 said:Why exactly do you expect a new rune that specifically buffs a skill type that is currently just used by one single class?

    Well... Runes of the Ranger and Soulbeast specifically target Ranger class mechanics...

    A Rune that buffs Commands could at least eventually be shared by another Class if they ever received Command skill types.

    That said, who knows wtf ANet is thinking with regards to skill types. What with various skills being changed (Ranger Shouts > Commands, Thief Traps > Preparations etc) as well as some E-Specs getting unique skill types (Berserker > Rage, Scourge > Punishment, Holosmith > Exceed, Herald > Facet)

    As well as Core Engie having entirely unique skill types... (Though, this can be attributed to the fact that Engie has been forgotten about since 2012)

    Not to mention other Core classes having as of yet, unique skill types (Ele > Conjure, Arcane, Warrior > Banner, Ranger > Spirit, Survival, Necromancer > Corruption, Minion, Spectral, Guardian > Consecration, Spirit Weapon, Thief > Trick, Venom, Mesmer > Clone, Phantasm, Glamour, Manipulation)

    All in all, it seems like the design team has been drunk when it comes to skill types, so who really knows what will happen...

  16. @Kodama.6453 said:I think this is fine. Why shouldn't PvE enemies use all the mechanics available in the game?

    I think the main issue it how outside of specifically group content, it causes an unfair situation in regards to class performance.

    Not every class has boon strip available to let them take off dangerous boons like Retal from enemies. Some of those classes that don't have boon strip are also more susceptible to Retal (Ele has lots of multi-hit attacks for example)

    PvE enemies using mechanics that all classes can deal with is fine. I.e. Defiance Bars.

    But using mechanics that only some classes can deal with should be saved for group content, so that if someone is playing a class that can't deal with that mechanic, they can be grouped with someone who can.

    This is a situation that reminds me of when enemies punished the other types of builds, the slow heavy hitters. Back in LW3 with the White Mantle fighting against Clerics and Mesmers and all your attacks are BLOCK MISS BLOCK MISS BLOCK MISS BLOCK MISS as the Clerics spammed their AoE Aegis and the Mesmers spammed their blinds... Gosh that was fun /s

  17. @Stavros.8249 said:But the definision of a condition is that it does damage per second.


    How much damage per second are they doing?

    In fact, it used to be that Confusion didn't do ANY damage over time and was ONLY damage on skill usage. Since that is its thing. You make enemies hurt themselves in confusion.

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:this is so incorrect, every condition has different scaling.

    Actually, only Burning and PvP/WvW Torment (As well as Torment while moving) have different scaling. As of the June 23 2015 patch that changed Conditions to have more emphasis on scaling with Condi Damage.

    Bleed, Poison and PvE Torment all use (0.06 * Condition Damage) as their scaling with then a different flat amount on top (Bleed and Torment use 22 damage at level 80 while Poison uses 33.5)

    Meaning that their damage at level 80 is thus:

    Bleeding = (0.06 Condition Damage) + 22Poison = (0.06 Condition Damage) + 33.5Torment (Stationary) = (0.06 Condition Damage) + 22Torment (Stationary, PvP/WvW) = (0.045 Condition Damage) + 15.9Torment (Moving) = (0.09 Condition Damage) + 31.8Burning = (0.155 Condition Damage) + 131

    Confusion's damage over time doesn't have a condition damage scaling, it will just do a flat 10 damage per stack at level 80. It's scaling is purely on the proc which deals:(0.195 Condition Damage) + 95.5PvP/WvW = (0.0975 Condition Damage) + 49.5

    The end result is that Burning is the most damaging condition in the game, Confusion struggles to do much in PvE where things attack so slowly (Made even worse by CC, such as Stuns/Dazes/Chills/Broken Defiance Bars which will prevent enemies from attacking) and then Bleeding/Torment are your bog standard filler Condi's for damage due to having ease of application of many stacks.

    It could be interesting to see what would happen with a (0.06 Condition Damage) + 10 formula for the PvE DoT would do for Confusion as a whole. Not sure if PvP/WvW should ever get scaling on its DoT effect though (If it did, it'd probably end up being pretty low such as (0.03 Condition Damage) due to the much higher proc frequency)

  18. @"Teratus.2859" said:I always open them because there's a chance the drop will be higher quality than the unidentified item.. but considering how many you have that would be a long and very tedious process >.<

    I have found a fairly efficient way to open up many items at once and mass salvage:

    Have 1 space in your bank (If needs be, just swap an item in your bank into your inventory)

    • Right click on the Blue quality unidentified items and select "Use All"
    • When your inventory is full and you're overflowing, move the stack of unidentified items into your bank and collect your overflow item
    • Right click on your salvage kit (Ideally, an infinite use one but not everyone will have one) and select "Salvage all Fine and Lower items"
    • Put the stack of unidentified items back into your inventory
    • Rinse and repeat until all your Blue quality unidentified items have been cleared.
    • You may now check through your inventory to see what Masterwork, Rare and Exotic items you may have opened up to sell/use

    Do the same for green quality unidentified items (Select Salvage all Masterwork and Lower Items) and then Yellow (Select Salavage all Rare items).

    Takes only a couple of minutes to clear out everything leaving only Exotics, even without massive bags.

    Of course, it's not quite as fast as using "Salvage Stack" option on the unidentified items, but the returns can be higher. Not sure if Magic Find affects the chance of getting upgraded loot from unidentified items, but if it does then it should get more and more profitable the closer you get to MF cap.

  19. @Turkeyspit.3965 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:Rev - Hammer (Also Shield as another E-Spec weapon that isn't particularly great)

    Condi Rev in 3v3 is Axe/Mace + Sword/Shield right now. Didn't you know it was good????

    It's usable, but it isn't particularly great.

    It's even more usable when you realize that Rev doesn't have any other worthwhile off-hands to use. Power has Sword, Condi has Axe and then... ???

    So of course it's being used alongside Mace/Axe by Condi Rev because they don't get much use out of Sword OH and Envoy of Exuberance is decent at least.

    Also, given that the usually secondary weaponset for Rev is Staff is kind of mediocre for Condi builds, of course that gets passed over in favour of Sword/Shield which can at least apply Chill and Torment with Sword 2 and then do something somewhat useful with Shield.

  20. @pninak.1069 said:I think we all agree that most classes that got hammer have hammer in a bad state. anet should just change skills of some of the lesser played weapons. so depending on how they are doing minor buffs or nerfs.

    It would be nice, but likely won't happen. Given that it hasn't happened for years and these days they seem content to just keep churning out E-Spec weapons instead.

    There's also the issue of some people actually do like their crappy underpowered weapons like Necro Dagger or Necro Staff or Necro Warhorn or Necro everything...

    Heck, they still haven't even done anything about how terrible DH's Longbow is... Let alone the multitude of core weapons that suck such as:

    Warrior - Hammer, Rifle, Offhand SwordRanger - Shortbow, Sword, Offhand DaggerNecro - All weapons. But especially Dagger(s) and Staff.Guardian - Staff, MaceThief - SwordEngie - Mainhand Pistol (Also, Flamethrower and Tool Kit as kits are replacements for having actual weapons)Mesmer - Scepter, Staff, Greatsword, Pistol (It gets used, but is pretty much just for the stun on skill 5 and bit of Condi damage when traited)Rev - Hammer (Also Shield as another E-Spec weapon that isn't particularly great)

    So many weapons that are just below average in performance, some worse than others. Yet in the numerous years they've existed, nothing substantial.

  21. @Moira Shalaar.5620 said:I am looking at it differently. We are missing a specific kind of pet attack. There are no ranged dps (non conditions) pet attacks in the ferocious class. Devourer and Cave spiders are both ranged but condi attacks. I would just like to see either one of those changed or a new pet added to this class with a pure dps attack.

    Cave Spider doesn't do conditions on its auto attacks, on its immobilize and deals Vulnerability and Weaken with its Venom. Of course, it's Poison Gas does Poison, but its main attacks don't.

    Bristleback also does primarily non-Condition damage. With its auto attack and F2 not having any conditions and its Rain of Spikes skill dealing mostly non-Condition damage.

    Now, if your concern is a ranged DPS pet that when merged with Soulbeast offers Ranged non-Condition skills, then yes, we're missing that. But I think that's largely due to the melee focus of Soulbeast (Such as the F3 abilities all being melee focused) the closest we have is Jacaranda which has a ranged attack, but is a support pet meaning it provides an AoE heal as its F3.

  22. Salvaging them directly would be the most efficient way to deal with them.

    Though, I like to use them first for chances to roll higher tier stuff for better salvage rewards or even gold (Via opening up an Exotic worth some coin)

    Opening them up also can fill out your available Skins as well as progress towards several Collections (That require you to collect skins) when you salvage the items.

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