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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. There's dead and there's dead dead.

    Eir was dead dead.

    As for why?

    I dunno... Poor choice in story development (Again)?

    Whereby they kill off Eir to churn out Emo Braham (The worst character to exist, ever) as opposed to creating an actual reasonable character development where Braham dies protecting Eir and thus Eir, after having only recently come to terms with the guilt over Snaff's death, now has to face the guilt of the death of her son (Whom she already regretted not playing a larger part in his life and was starting to reconnect with) as well as a surge of hatred after being betrayed by Faolain moments after saving her life.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. @"Kodama.6453" said:In general, I am against giving elite spec weapons to the core classes. These weapons are one of the features of elite specs and should stay that way.

    Why though?

    Given that there are a number of E-Specs that literally don't use their associated weapons, how much of a "Feature" of the E-Spec are the weapons?

    What does it add to the game to have E-Specs weapons locked behind having the E-Spec equipped?

    Especially given that the main reason to actually use an E-Spec, is the unique class mechanics that comes with it. With the Utilities and Weapon associated with it being an added bonus if they happen to work well with the build you're making.

    @Cyninja.2954 said:Always good to make a note of the names and the arguments since most show how little they understand how difficult it is to balance such things.

    Such as?

    If you're so much more knowledgable about such things, surely you could offer some insight into the difficulty in balancing being able to use weapons that have already been balanced for the game (And can already be used with any Core specialization) being usable in pure Core builds or with an alternative E-Spec?

    All I can think of is some fringe cases where a decent E-Spec weapon is usable by an existing strong build of a different E-Spec (I.e. Condi Chrono having access to Axe)

    @Cyninja.2954 said:Not getting into (or at all getting) the value of opportunity cost and choice as a design principle. Always assuming access to everything is the most fun.

    You still have opportunity cost and choice. Since you have to choose to use said weapon instead of another weapon.

    As I said in response to the other person in this post, given that the primary reason to use an E-Spec is the unique class mechanics that come with them, not their Weapon or even utilities, what does it add to the game to have E-Spec weapon locked behind having the E-Spec equipped?

    @Cyninja.2954 said:Meanwhile, it's not even sure we will get additional elite specializations at all.

    Which actually means there's even LESS reason against allowing current E-Spec weapons usable without the spec equipped.

    Given that the main reasons against allowing E-Spec weapons to become core are things like the extra work that would be required to make all future E-Spec weapons viable for things like Weaver and thus require Dual Wield skills to be created. Or potential issues with balance that would come from a future E-Spec weapon being excessively weird or tuned specifically to an E-Spec (Of which current E-Spec weapons are not. The closest that exists is Holo Sword that utilizes the Heat mechanic)

  3. I play because there's still a bunch of stuff that I can do and it's enjoyable enough to do that stuff.

    That and there's really nothing currently available for MMO's right now, most things out are pretty trash/P2W/have no content/all of the above...

    So, I'm sat here waiting for Blue Protocol, the MTG MMO, New World, PSO2 Western Release, Project TL and the new LotR MMO that are supposed to be releasing/entering beta this year...

    May as well play some GW2 while I wait.

  4. Honestly, just having the 30 HP into unlock the Specialization which allows usage of the weapon should unlock the weapon for core.

    There aren't any specs that have weapons that are specifically designed around a particular specialization, to the point where they'd cause an issue if used outside of it. In fact, quite the opposite, many E-Specs literally don't use their associated weapon (Renegade doesn't use Shortbow, Glint doesn't use Shield, Chrono doesn't use shield, many Holo's don't use sword, some Deadeye's don't use Rifle, some Weaver's don't use Sword, Dragonhunter's don't use Longbow etc)

    It's not even as though the weapons would suck outside of the spec either, given that not all E-Specs even have traits for their associated weapons (Tempest, Berserker, Soulbeast, Reaper, Dragonhunter, Scrapper, Holosmith, Chronomancer and Herald don't have traits for their weapons at all. While Weaver and Spellbreaker have really minor effects from their traits)

    Also, unlike say, Utility skills which also have a similar point of not being directly tied to any particular E-Spec mechanic or E-Spec traits, additional Weapon availability doesn't cause any clutter, since irregardless of if you have access to them or not they show up in your weapon skills tab.

    They wouldn't require much work (Currently) in order to make possible either. Simply add Adrenaline 2 and 3 steps to Warrior Dagger and add the relevant Stealth skills to Thief (Malicious Hook Strike). The only issue would be going forward, due to needing to factor in Dual Wield skills for Weaver.

  5. @ArlAlt.1630 said:My man, I run from PvE like it's the plague and I can still tell you Disenchanter lands more DPS overall.

    That's literally what I said.

    Disenchanter does more DPS.

    Defender does a bigger burst.

    @Armen.1483 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:Even with power coefficient, the fact that it increases its damage 5x makes it do more burst damage.Did you check it with 25 stacks of might ? Now I want to check it on golem lol

    Even with anything you like, it still comes out ahead.

    Full Berserker gear + food + writ + Scholar + all 5 power infusion + every buff in the game + 25 Might + 25 Bloodlust for 4147 power =

    Disenchanter does 5295 base damage.

    Defender does 2068 base damage.

    Meaning that before factoring other sources of damage amplification (Such as traits like Vicious Expression and Egotism) Defender with just its own 500% damage amp is looking at 10340 damage.

    Which results in a higher burst than Disenchanter's 5k damage.

    Of course, Disenchanter does more DPS because it has half the cooldown so it would do 10590 base damage per cast of Defender.

  6. @Armen.1483 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:Because of its 500% damage amplifier?I am not sure about it. 500% is misleading. Because you should consider power coefficient too. 40% power coefficient on defender vs 100% on disenchanter. + of that, disenchanter does his attack from range and instantly, while defender needs some time to get to his target and use his blocks... In my experience disenchanter has a better burst because it does it faster. But I guess defender might do better vs group of mobs...

    Even with power coefficient, the fact that it increases its damage 5x makes it do more burst damage.

    @ArlAlt.1630 said:This dude speaks the truth, Disechanter lands more dmg period, you gotta remember it bounces! Realistically both suck, one just sucks more than the other.

    Disenchanter does more overall DPS.

    Hence why I stated Defender does more BURST damage. Which it does. A fully stacked explosion from Defender does more damage than a shot from a Disenchanter.

    Disenchanter wins in overall DPS because of its shorter CD (So long as enemies don't have Boons which cripple its damage) but for kicking out the most damage in a single cast, Defender does more.

  7. Rev's situation is an odd one.

    Typically, for a stun break, you want it to be readily available when you need it. This works well for normal classes who just have 1/3 utilities as a stun break that is independent of the rest of their kit and thus can be used when they need it.

    If another class feels it needs more stun breaks, they can replace another utility with another stun break.

    For Rev, due to the energy mechanic, their stun breaks are not always readily available because you might get CC'd while you're low on energy. The upside to this is that they have more potential access to their stunbreaks due to low CD's and they just need the required energy to use them.

    However, because Rev's are stuck with a single set of utilities for each Legend, having a skill in each Legend that is do nothing but Stun Break is not an appealing design, thus this leads to additional effects being added to their stun break skills (Mallyx provides Resistance and Condi transfer, Shiro removes movement impairments and gives Fury, Jalis gives unrippable 50% damage reduction, Glint provides Blind+Reveal+10 stack Vuln and Kalla provides Stability + damage + Daze)

    These added effects of course, raise the energy cost of said skills, making them have even lower availability...

    Thus, the ideal solution would be to move Rev stunbreak to an independent F skill (I guess F5? Due to Kalla utilizing F2-4) which would allow it to emulate other classes Utilities in that it would be a set CD independent of other class resources. The cost being that unlike other classes, Rev wouldn't be able to slot in multiple Stun Breaks for the advantage of still having a full 3 utility slots that have actual skills in.

    Of course, whether or not to do that would depend a lot on how the playerbase overall feels about the situation. Do they want an always accessible Stun Break via an F skill? Or do they want the higher potential number of Stun Breaks from having low CD utilities with high energy costs?

  8. @Tayga.3192 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:Never used utilities? Phantasmal Disenchanter/Defender are used by Power Chrono's because 2x their effect is actually decent.

    I didn't know raid Chronomancer used Mirror Images and Phantasmal Disenchanter, but I'm more than sure Phantasmal Defender is never used.

    Some Power DPS builds use Disenchanter and Mirror (Disenchanter is even optional in Snowcrows builds)

    Defender is an alternative to Disenchanter for more burst.

    Bearing in mind, that Chronophantasma + Signet of the Ether + Continuum Split allows for rapid usage of phantasm skills (Essentially, when used optimally, you can triple cast your phantasms) which then also attack twice each.

    That said, given that this functionality is tied specifically to Chrono (Due to Continuum Split and Chronophantasma) it'd still be nice to get trait support for the utilities for Core/Mirage/Whatever next expac's E-Spec is.

  9. Never used utilities? Phantasmal Disenchanter/Defender are used by Power Chrono's because 2x their effect is actually decent.

    That said, a CDR trait for the Clone/Phantasm utilities would be neat and it makes sense for it to be in that specialization.

    While were on the subject of improving traits, it would also be nice for Duelist's Discipline to give a flat 20% CDR to pistol skills like every other weapon trait instead of this janky proc from interrupting targets...

  10. @"Yasai.3549" said:Honestly, Racial skills should just be removed.

    All flavour and no actual use.Even the "useful" ones have a ridiculously long cooldown.

    Alternatively, go the other way and make them a bit more usable.

    Not to the point of being "Good" or "Great" options, given that they're intentionally not that so Race doesn't play a part in Meta builds, but to a point where they're somewhat usable.

    For example, lowering the CD of many of them (Especially Elites) to a more reasonable level.

    They don't need to be too good in order to be somewhat useable given the state of certain classes utilities, for example;

    • Thief has pretty trash utilities for PvE, pretty much everything is just about being annoying af in PvP/WvW thus they could use some Racial skills occasionally
    • Core Mesmer has mediocre PvE utilities (Many being fight specific niche skills) and bad PvE Elites (Time Warp being okay if you don't have a perma-Quickness character such as a Boon Chrono)
    • Power Necro relies on Flesh Golem only, which can be not so great in certain circumstances (Places like WvW or some bosses that do a lot of AoE damage)
    • Renegade has the awkwardness that is their Energy system that promotes using only the most effective energy spenders, meaning it's often you only use a handful of skills while others sit untouched because they're not worth the Energy cost (For example, the Elite on Mallyx as a Power build)
    • Power Soulbeast has few good options, due to many of Ranger's skills being Condition focused, Stances suck, Commands suck when merged and Signets are mediocre when merged...
    • Engineer gets Toolbelt skills for Racial Utilities which increases their worth
  11. I know, the reason they aren't available is because they don't use the Energy system that Rev is designed around... But still. C'mon!

    If I want to use a sucky Racial skill, I should have that option!

    I wanna channel the power of a Demon Lord then a Dragon then become a Man-Bear-Pig! Rawr!

  12. @"Black Storm.6974" said:Greatly reducing the strength of traits, makes every build more similar to each other, and can reduce the number of viable builds.

    On the contrary, the more power traits have, the fewer viable builds there are.

    As the difference between the "Optimal" set of traits, and less optimal ones becomes far more pronounced.

    The weaker traits are, the more viable builds exist because of the less significant an impact using sub-optimal traits has on your ability.

    Of course, weak traits does lead to homogenization, which can be quite stale and uninspiring.

    Hence, more powerful traits that are balanced against equally powerful alternatives provides more interesting build choice. It just is much harder to achieve a balance that is close enough to make it a choice as opposed "This option is just better" (Which honestly, is often the case as is due to a lot of garbo or highly niche traits...)

  13. There's nothing inherently wrong with buttcapes and skirts...

    However, it'd be nice to have more variety.

    This goes with a lot of the themes we see with the different armour classes. Such as how Light armour has very few boots and is mostly just shoes (Which looks odd when half the skirts in the game come with tights that stop just above the ankle...). Or how Heavy armour barely has any "Trouser" style leggings.

  14. When I leveled my Mesmer recently, I went Sword/Sword and had a Focus in my other offhand (Which meant I would swap to Sword/Focus without needing a 3rd sword)

    Focused on getting Dueling spec, then picked up some utilities (Mostly just Signet of Ether and Signet of Inspiration) then focused on Domination spec. After which I kind of just filled out whatever as I went.

    Of course, it only took me ~4 hours to level 1-80 due to having some Celebration and Heroic Boosters. So it was really just a case of chugging along, killing stuff and leaving the experimenting with skills later once I had more points.

    If you're not power leveling, then picking up some utilities like Mirror Images for some burst or to help stop things attacking you as well as Veil which can let you channel some Hero Points while invisible.

  15. I was just curious about how people would feel regarding a change to Elite Specializations so that the weapons they unlock are usable without the Specialization equipped.

    Meaning, you'd be able to create Core or alternate Elite builds that feature said weapon.

    Of course, there would need to be a few adjustments to certain weapon sets. Notably, Thief Staff getting a Malicious Hook Strike, Thief Rifle getting a non-malicious Death's Judgment and Warrior Dagger getting Adrenaline 2 and 3 effects.

    Outside of that, the only consideration would be any potential adverse effects from a particular build becoming stronger due to access to a weapon that better suits the build (I.e. Condi Chrono being able to use Axe, Condi Herald being able to use Shortbow etc)

  16. @Zoid.2568 said:Well, of course they will have to balance it, but why should ranger not be able to have axe projectiles that pierce and only longbow?

    Because Axe 1 bounces between enemies and grants Might per target hit?

    It'd be hella OP if Axe 1 would also PIERCE enemies while still also bouncing between enemies. Just end up doing a kajillion damage and getting 25 Might stacks per auto attack lel.

    Not to mention how Axe 2 inherently pierces...

    Also, Ranger can get piercing for Shortbow too.

    Not to mention how things like Mesmer's Bountiful Blades would be converted into a universal trait? Or what about Thief's Dagger Training and Staff Master or Guardian's Zealous Blade traits that give base power and then bonus power when using the specified weapon?

    How incredibly broken it'd be for Shortbow Ranger, Condi Rev and Condi Mirage to gain access to Necro's Lingering Curses for free 200 Condi damage and 50% condi duration (Also, how would the traits upgrading of Feast of Corruption into Devouring Darkness translate into universal traits?)

    While I can agree that weapons could use more customization, making a global traitline containing every weapon specific trait would not be the solution. If nothing more than it would literally just devolve into you picking the most broken traits on each tier, which would be plainly obvious since many traits are strong specifically to boost up an otherwise mediocre or weak weapon for a class. (I.e. Lingering Curses is really strong because Necro's Sceptre sucks) Meaning the end result isn't really any more actual customization, you'll still end up picking the 2 Power weapons that have the best skills for Power builds and the 2 Condi weapons your class has for Condi builds and then pick up a copy paste trait selection you use on every class...

    A far better means of customization would be to improve weapon skills themselves. To not only buff baseline skills to remove the need to have these crutch traits, but also include additional weapon skills for each skill slot that you can swap between just like you can swap your utilities and elite skills (Unless you're Rev...)

  17. Survivable AND interactive? Hmm...

    That's a tough one. Necro and Ranger are pretty survivable, since they can have their minions/pet tank stuff. But their interactivity is pretty low... (Especially Longbow Ranger)

    Meanwhile, Ele, Thief and Engie are all pretty interactive, but they're also somewhat squishy if you're not able to use evades correctly.

    Warrior and Guardian would be the remaining classes. I'd probably say Guardian edges out in survivability, while Warrior (Especially if using Fury specialization for 5s CD weapon swaps) would be the more active one.

  18. PoF isn't particularly hard. You'll be able to do enough to get the mounts on any boosted class (I mean, you literally only need to do the first mission and some Hearts to be able to get the Raptor, Bunny, Skimmer and Jackal. The most challenging thing is finding enough sources for Mastery Points to upgrade the Raptor to be able to long jump to get the Bunny and when you get the bunny you can then access TONS of Mastery Points on the map and then it's just a matter of grinding exp for the masteries)

    In many cases you won't even be that hard up on damage even with Soldier gear (Just put all your specializations and traits towards damage and you'll be fine) and honestly, having that Vitality and Toughness will do wonders as a newbie to stop you getting downed a lot when participating in end-game stuff (I swear to god if I get randomly one-shot by stupid Mordrem Lashers/Thiefs/Snipers on my Thief one more time I'm gonna scream xD )

    Also note, using a level 80 boost lets you play around with the class at level 80 in the Silverwastes (A normal level 80 zone featured in Living World Season 2) before you commit and consume the item. So you can play around with having all skills and specs (Minus Elites) on the classes before you make your decision.

    As far as leveling up goes... With the classes you say you prefer:

    Mesmer's not too bad for leveling up. Clones take a lot of aggro off you which is nice. Can take out Vets no problem and Champs are even doable if you're careful enough.

    Thief is okay. But can be very squishy (Also, unlike back when I leveled my Thief, stealth has been nerfed to heck with very short durations these days). Thief is still good at getting map completion though, lots of Hero Points that can randomly have a Champion spawn on them but you can just lul and put down Shadow Refuge and channel it while invisible.

    Guardian is pretty decent. It has consistent Aegis generation and health regen to give you a buffer against mistakes. Though doing more challenging content (Such as soloing Champions) does rely a bit more on dodging than some other classes (I.e. Necro and Ranger)

    Ele can be quite squishy and somewhat overwhelming when you get higher level and start needing to dance between your attunements to do stuff (As opposed to lower levels where you can kill stuff just plopping the skills from 1 attunement on them and then swap attunement for the next enemy)

    Engie is alright. It's pretty straight forward. Though its core gameplay doesn't really lend itself to being particularly good at taking out Champs solo (Though not that you need to, Veterans are the toughest thing you'll fight solo). It can also be somewhat complex to play well, stuff like knowing how to get the most out of your utilities (Such as picking up or blowing up your Healing Turret being far better than leaving it out) and swapping into kits.

  19. Energy Cost + CD's is fine. CD's prevent the Feef issue where you just spam literally the most optimal skill over and over and over. While Energy gives you more freedom to have lower CD skills.

    My only qualm is sometimes certain abilities can feel like they have too high an energy cost, making them sit around being unused even if they're fine abilities. This is especially notable when not using Invocation for Charged Mists so you only have 50 energy upon switching Legend and with a skill that costs like 30 energy you're already practically out of energy immediately... Which ends up with Charged Mists being in nearly every build which kind of sucks...

    As far as comparing to other classes, no other class gets access to multiple sets of utility skills (Including Elite skills), which is presumably the reason for the Energy limitation. While Elementalist pays for the 4x Weapon Skills with inability to swap weapons in combat as well as higher average skill CD's and Engie pays for the ability to swap to and from kits with their inability to swap weapons in combat and the loss of the utility/elite skill slot that holds the kit (Mitigated slightly by toolbelt actions, but then again, with a non-kit utility they get the toolbelt + the utility skill)

    @Hitomi Shadowleaf.5629 said:I've played Rev since HoT launch and it feels good in PvE, my only complaints about it are the lack of weapons and elites spec that dont suit my taste. But I understand that should issues are my problem.

    Yeah, lack of weapons is kind of lame. A new elite spec will help somewhat, but then pidgeonhole into having to use that elite in order to use the new weapon...

    As a Power Rev it often feels like my only weapon options are S/S. With Hammer and Staff both feeling pretty crummy...

    Not to mention, how annoying the lack of finishers can be (I still don't understand how Citadel Bombardment isn't a Blast finisher... It'd also be nice if Deathstrike and Frigid Blitz were Leap finishers too)

  20. Waypoints are a really annoying thing about alts...

    They're a completely trivial part of "Exploration" and map completion too, since half of them have quite generous activation ranges. Most of map completion time is spent on getting the more numerous PoI's that feel like you need to be stood on exactly the right pixel for them to check off as well as grinding out all the Hearts.

    It was quite nice to find that Dragon's Stand just gives you the entire zone's worth of Waypoints for free upon entering the zone (Albeit with the caveat that a lot of the time they're all contested anyway :p ).

    Would be quite nice to have that for more places, if not account wide WP unlocks (Though, I'm biased since I do already have 100% map completion on my Thief from way back before HoT as well as most of HoT and PoF zones WP's)

    It is however unlikely, due to the Gem Store offering character specific WP unlocks, which suggests they want to try and keep WP's annoying so people are more inclined to buy the 2k Gem bundle for each of their alts...

  21. Note: Deadeye isn't necessarily ranged. It plays well with melee too, specifically D/D given that its schtick is having stronger Stealth skills which means Dagger MH's Backstab becomes way stronger and Dagger OH allows for consistent Stealth application.

    It is however, a very single target focused spec.

    Daredevil is more of a Bruiser type spec, it has more focus on evades, having extra health and healing as well as debuffing the damage enemies do. With Staff also having some decent Power based AoE capabilities.

  22. @ArthurDent.9538 said:Revenant actually winning a popularity poll, this has to be a first.

    If you think about it this way:

    The people most likely to visit the forums are people with complaints.

    Then look at the popularity of classes in the poll.

    See if there's some correlation between these classes and people whom might have complaints.

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