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  1. Lol.. it's really not complicated to see why it doesn't work that way. Wardrobe skins are tied to distinct instances of items. Things that you have in your inventory / armory. And all of these things are not items. Kit weapons, they might have some resemblance to items, once you are holding them, so maybe in that case there is some roundabout hack they could do to let players apply skins to them. But you know.. that's exactly how you end up with spaghetti code to begin with.
  2. While they're rather different in execution, I've often thought that there's a lot of interesting things to consider by comparing WvW to Planetside 2. Especially since the whole 3-way, large-scale war concept is the entirety of the game in PS2, so naturally they have been able to refine their implementation a good deal over the years. Of course that's not to say you could take any particular piece of it and just drop it into WvW and expect it to work, but I'd be very interested to see WvW devs taking some cues from it. For instance, when we get siege turtles as mounts, they could probably introduce that into WvW in a way that is comparable to how tanks are provisioned in PS2: requiring a particular resource (objective supply in our case), only deployable from specific locations (keeps, maybe towers, likely with the requirement of a particular tactic slot). I think that could be a really cool and interesting new mechanic for the game mode, and still be very balanceable. Of course, one thing PS2 does quite well is the rock-paper-scissors aspect of different mechanics, which I don't think WvW has quite got down. Like, in PS2, a tank can decimate and effectively suppress most infantry; however, enough infantry with anti-armor weaponry can bring down a tank fairly easily. Whereas in WvW I don't really see a means for that same dynamic to exist with a siege turtle; the best way to take it down would probably be to just zerg rush it, as is the answer to just about everything in WvW, if you have a large enough group. Anyway... yeah, overall I think I would like to see WvW look more like PS2 in some ways. There's no shortage of things to draw inspiration from.
  3. Personally I'm looking forward to people repeatedly typing "bladesword" by mistake
  4. GW2 players: "OMG endgame content is so faceroll EZ a braindead monkey can do it, ANet pls give challenge" ANet: *patches unintended mechanic that makes the content easier and builds harder to balance* Players: "WTF NOT LIKE THAT"
  5. Well, technically you can use Judge's Intervention while channeling it for a fun trick 😛 But nobody should fall for that one twice. Also it really sucks to bring a specific utility just to make your elite actually viable. Definitely needs a significant rework.
  6. I like this idea a lot. They would need to tweak the on-hit buffs, but it seems like this would be much better. And it's a way to get virtue passives back, kind of. You would be locked to one at a time, but it seems plausible to balance them in a way that makes each one a viable choice for different situations.
  7. What is with this nonsense about revenant being more suited to a ritualist spec than necromancer? Hello? Necro is a light armor spellcaster, themed around the dead and the occult. Revenant is a heavy armor melee/support hybrid that channels legendary figures from Tyria's past. The most it has in common with ritualist is they both wear a blindfold and they both start with R. Alright fine, I will concede there is some nontrivial thematic overlap between rev and rit. But revenant has always been about new concepts, because it is the newest class, and rit is such an obvious choice for a necro spec in this expansion. Make it a support build that summons buffing spirits that can also be used offensively, perhaps with shroud mechanic. Other necro minions are pretty useless, but stationary spirits that give buffs, kind of like ranger but sufficiently differentiated with other utilities, could be an exception to that, if they did it right. Obviously Summon Spirits (i.e. to your location) would be a key part of this.
  8. I've been seeing this today as well. It looks like Wasmaa stays in the camp even while she is doing the Hessper event. Not sure if that's the issue, but most NPC's don't exist in 2 places on the same map at the same time. After Wasmaa's event completes she just doesn't do anything, and the chain is stuck.
  9. This guild is legit! No drama, just chill people enjoying the game (and still being competent at end-game content). At a good point in growth, with the 3rd raiding static group forming up now. Definitely check it out if you're looking to progress on raiding / legendary armor.
  10. The salt is so overwhelming, it almost makes one think anybody will still be talking about this in 2 weeks. But we will all move on to whatever the next big thing to be a pissy toddler about is. Yeah, the RNG thing is pretty annoying. Maybe stop giving NCSoft everything they want.
  11. Lol I read the Dulfy guide on this fight and did it the first try, with one strong CC. It's not that hard.
  12. I'm sure this is some trivial thing the devs just never thought to do, and as soon as they see this thread they'll get right on it! ;)
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