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Posts posted by artharon.9276

  1. There are some builds that can be still productive some people can still reach gold and whatever. but tbh I don't enjoy any of these since it takes way too much stress, guesswork, luck and cramps in my hands to make the class enjoyable. Instead, I'm enjoying my shout heals build. usually people don't expect you to wander around as a warrior purely focused supporting other players in your team and some even think "oh it's a lil core warrior baby let's take it down first." I tank like a boss while my necro friend sucking the soul out of them. as soon as they realize what I'm doing they leave me alone to focus on others. then I switch to maces or hammer to CC them while still sharing might vigor other buffs and heals. Kite them, annoy them position myself right and help the team best I can and to me that's fun. This is just how I like it now, I'm not suggesting to do what I do.

  2. I still prefer a build like lotro's captain. pet soldiers for banners, rock paper scissors strategy and utility, staff as main weapon to be used as halberd. buffs and heals. something to handshake with the tactics line. if they can make rifle's f1 a good finisher I'm ok with that too. but saying no to dps sustain for ranged warrior. their melee requires fixing.

  3. @LucianDK.8615 said:

    @artharon.9276 said:I find both grinding for skimmer's ability and gold for griffon disrespectful for the time I put into this game. but like you guys mention, doable. skyscale on the other hand not just grindy but also tied to a very nice story. only problem is time gated materials and insane amount of map currency grinding. some stuff like jumping puzzles is also exaggerated and unnecessary. It's so gosh darn repetitive I failed following the story.

    You could buy skips for the JPs, which I did. Making the special food to end the task instantly. And we have ways of buying the older currencies now. In particular with eternal ice. Its far easier than you folks are making it out to be. And you can buy x5 of each in dragonfall. And if you have all the nodes, its also a lot free currency daily for looting your own home. So no, absolutely nearly no grind is needed if you have patience.. And eternal ice is super easy to get in huge amounts. And you dont need the skyscale, like the griffon, its a luxury/dedication mount. Not something you need right here.

    thanks for the tips, I actually learned the eternal ice and dragonfall vendor tricks halfway through my grind and it was ok. good scientific approach to ease the pain yet I still believe repetitive elements shouldn't be overshadowing the digital bond we make with our growing skyscale. they made something similar when aurene was a baby and you were her caretaker. I see this situation a missed opportunity but I appreciate anet's effort to make skyscales not just mounts but partially our digital children like tamogatchis.

  4. I find both grinding for skimmer's ability and gold for griffon disrespectful for the time I put into this game. but like you guys mention, doable. skyscale on the other hand not just grindy but also tied to a very nice story. only problem is time gated materials and insane amount of map currency grinding. some stuff like jumping puzzles is also exaggerated and unnecessary. It's so gosh darn repetitive I failed following the story.

  5. nice suggestions, don't get me wrong I respect the effort you guys put into to fix things, but I feel like the community, not limited to the warrior community, has done everything they could so far. also this level of feedback isn't really our job at all. people have been bombarding anet with complaints, well thought suggestions, proof videos even data with complex calculations yet dev team doesn't even talk to the people and come up with a convincing excuse or they don't promise anything at this point. do they even have a community manager now anyway? well, all evidence thrown at me I'm convinced that it's broken. from a consumer's perspective all I can suggest is if things aren't working for you then vote with your wallet.

  6. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @artharon.9276 said:I know scrappers already have gyros but I think it would be cool if they add true pet builds to the classes that doesn't have pets with the next expansion. imo engineer is the most exciting class to conceptualize a pet build for it. since day 1, I tought it would be cool for them to have an ability to build golem like creatures out of inanimate objects. visually similar to the first boss we kill at the end of the humans' tutorial (defending shaemoor). some ideas can easily be stolen from transformers series or elder scrolls' dwemer constructs.

    You say it yourself: add pet builds to the classes
    which don't have pets

    We do have a pet mechanic, turrets. Instead of giving us a new set of AI minions, they should rework our turrets to actually have any value.Classes which truly don't have a pet build yet are warrior and thief, everyone else has something similar in one form or another.

    But engineer is not one of the classes in need of such a build.

    maybe I failed to explain myselft right.a turret is an inanimate object. like a soap in your bathroom. I don't remember calling my soap my best friend. if someone does that then it's really weird.a car is also an inanimate object, but it's something you can build emotional ties with, we pour soul and personality in it. people shoot movies about them and such.

    I hope what I mean and how I categorize what a true pet/companion is clearer now.

    balance issues are another story, and yes, I agree, many things require fixing. I'm just answering how I envisioned engineers' next elite spec.

  7. I know scrappers already have gyros but I think it would be cool if they add true pet builds to the classes that doesn't have pets with the next expansion. imo engineer is the most exciting class to conceptualize a pet build for it. since day 1, I tought it would be cool for them to have an ability to build golem like creatures out of inanimate objects. visually similar to the first boss we kill at the end of the humans' tutorial (defending shaemoor). some ideas can easily be stolen from transformers series or elder scrolls' dwemer constructs.

  8. @SeikeNz.3526 said:so you were a legendary with the old meta because of the op old builds that you played, after that changed you cant even get a plat, so that means they did a good job balancing the game.you did good before because of your build not your skills.

    so pvp is perfect now? I'd love to spectate a 1v1 fight between you on berserker and the op using an overpowered class. don't get me wrong, asking this for scientific reasons.

  9. core: I hope 2nd burst won't happen because the animation team only gives reused animations to the class.

    berserker: pve, it's the spec for the people who like getting their hands hands dirty. it should be more selfish and deadly. drawbacks should stay, it should deal even more damage, shouldn't be able to buff others. each berserk skill should increase brs duration longer. (pve)

    spellbreaker: has the most advanced and unique game play the class offers. people like its overall feel, so it should stay that way. but imo this spec is begging for a proper pull (pvp/pve), wod can have an aoe pull and/or Imminent Threat radius and number of targets can get some improvement (pve).

  10. tldr: banners. your main large scale pve role is melee dps. for now pve meta is either power banner or condi banner.

    other than that, warriors are easy to learn hard to master. underrated and exciting gameplay when you build differently, only class that offers nothing unique to its group. I know logic demands a heavy armor class should be able to tank or off tank or at least do that better than light armors. I'm ok with light armor tank idea only if warriors too can do what these guys normally do for the sake of balance and build diversity.
    other than that, warrior is pretty much the anti matter of this game. has no access fancy buffs, no extra f skills, no I win buttons.

    ...and no flashy animations.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/31/Warrior_Wild_Blow.jpgthis was the concept art of the wild blow, looks cool right? but you need a 320hz monitor to see it because the damn animation appears on screen for less than 1 ms. and nobody from anet acknowledged it or attempted to fix it. when other classes' animations blinding me and covering half of my screen, warriors are not even getting what's already theirs.ding ding shame

  11. @Eric.7813 said:

    @artharon.9276 said:If I understood how Anet works when it comes to creating concepts for gw2 correctly, perception of cantha=china probably will alter dramatically.

    250 years. That's a lot of time. Maybe cantha developed crazy tech, turned themselves into lin kuei cyborgs, the sea dragon is captive and used as battery. I can't guess how the story will go, other than dragons and gods, I'm just expecting Anet to surprise us all like they always do.

    no one wants that.

    No one wants that, wants what exactly?Read the whole thing. I suggested nothing or asked anyone's opinion.

  12. If they ever give pistols to warriors, you'll see they would just somehow make it melee. It's a toe to toe class and should stay that way. I'd rather give Warrior's a staff or scepter and a pet soldier with awesome group play abilities. Pretty much like lotro's captain.

  13. -Let us disable group members' nameplates already!-Let us hide others' back items and infusions.-Ability to follow players in the same group. (No this has nothing to do with multiboxers, they can do it without this if they want.)-If possible, since embiggening and miniature tonics and blobheads are a thing I believe it is possible, give me an option to see other characters same as my race or size.-Stop these annoying repetitive help texts appear when you encounter a world object that you haven't unlocked its mastery yet.-Give lengthy pauses between some npcs' speeches. "Don't see why we should have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages." "Don't see why we should have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages." "Don't see why we should have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages." "I'm rich you know" "Curse that scarlet"-Let us customize the appearance of the skill bar, health bar, general UI, officially. like eso does.-Separate spawned items' (box o' fun, food platters, mesmer portals...) and world objects' (npcs, chests, quest objects...) interaction key binds and give back warrior's banner bundles.

    Please. :)

  14. @Yggranya.5201 said:

    @artharon.9276 said:If I understood how Anet works when it comes to creating concepts for gw2 correctly, perception of cantha=china probably will alter dramatically.

    250 years. That's a lot of time. Maybe cantha developed crazy tech, turned themselves into lin kuei cyborgs, the sea dragon is captive and used as battery. I can't guess how the story will go, other than dragons and gods, I'm just expecting Anet to surprise us all like they always do.

    But with the ministry of purity in charge who think humanity is the perfect race, What would have changed? Can't improve perfect race/society. Since it's recycled for the fact that, for some unfathomable reason cantha was really popular, they won't change much. They could but i have my doubts.

    We knew Balthazar left us all with other 5 gods until we met him right? off topic, I want him back and redeemed. It was an interesting character.We probably will have more clues at the end of the icebrood saga. Something depressive would fit perfectly to the situation we all have in real life right now, pandemics, nuclear war tension, war over resources and economy, dictators hiding behind the democracy, corrupted politicians, isolation, racism, sexism, elitism, immigration and cultural assimilation problems. you name it.

  15. I've been using both condi and power builds for a long time both in pve and open world pve. so I got bored. Recently I've been experimenting with Harrier's gear for OW with altruism rune and horn. Core warrior, shout heals and yet still stuck with the axe/axe to kill things. otherwise fights are infinite :lol:

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