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Posts posted by artharon.9276

  1. 29 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    For one thing i play a Charr and i already hate being forced to work alongside him


    It didn't stop another charr to set him free for a burning sword though. Sylvari's religious view appears to be correct, Kormir made it clear that god title is overrated, and mortals have enough power to deal with anything.  And Balthazar's story is crâp. 🤷‍♂️

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    3 hours ago, Maiku Larzon.7150 said:

    Hey all. Just wanted to hear what other people think about locking the Perfected Envoy armor behind raids. (my opinion, best looking armor) 


    I have the problem that i am a assassin/Berserker Soulbeast, so no one wants me in their raids. They tell me to switch to druid and get healer runes. 

    It makes me sad that i am forced to change everything i have worked for, to get a armor set... 

    Am i the only one that feels like this or does any1 else? Fell free to tell me. Cause if i am not alone, Anet might change if enough of us speaks up 🙂


    everybody will tell you about metas and other things, I assume you know it already. That guy probably already have a balanced group, so can't blame him. I can blame him however if he's fully against having soulbeasts.


    if you like to have it your way, one friendly advice, play the game, meet like-minded people, maybe build your own guild and run your own raids. you only need people, sounds like too much effort but in long term it'll be rewarding. 


    Needless to say, you should have a good group balance, and group setups are not really class dependant. excluding Anet blessed exclusive vip diamond plantinum classes that has access to alacrity.

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  3. Just now, Dante.1763 said:

    Which, would make you the villian. The "Pact Commander" who we play as through the story isnt our character, so what we would doesnt matter much. They are the force for good in the game.


    Which is why most people who do roleplay, myself included disregard the entire story. It isnt our characters story. Amana Firehide never killed Zhaitan, the pact commander did. My Priory Arcanist, Ember Wandertooth never went into Mordremoths mind, the pact commander did.


    Once you remove your character from the story and play it as if you are playing someone elses it gets alot better, they cant cover all the choices players want to make in game.


    Yes, all these things are commander's story indeed. tbh, I find it really hard to role play in gw2 due to lack of emotes and rp friendly things like a housing system, imo much easier to do it in lotro and eso.


    Anyway, I gave that example, there's more to it,

    what if commander accepted balthazar's offer, learned more about why he really gone mad and we somehow had a chance to empathize the craracter? 

    wouldn't it be cooler if you fought balthazar to help him to get back to his senses? then as the story goes he understands glint's vision and sacrifices himself to give his remaining power to Aurene willingly? 


    of course this is just my half kitten story telling, they could have still painted Balthazar as a jerk, I just find him way too disconnected. I had absolutely zero feelings when PoF story ended.

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  4. Honestly, that design is way too feminine for me. Since we already have some masculine leggy designs already, I won't complain.


    Reading people bashing the designs here and reddit, not cool man. Can't recall who designed it but it's an examplary job from a designer's perspective. Bravo.  

    Personal wish, I hope Aurene dies in this expansion or somehow goes away permanently, so maybe I can get my good old pastel guild wars back. Kinda had enough of playing cute barbie glittery candy weebs thing online. 

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  5. 45 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    Now look at icon 8 and tell me that this icon does not scream "melee" for you... Again, it is a guy with gigantic pauldrons and muscled arms with bare fists. Even if these arms might represent a dual mace wielder, the design is still saying melee power damage.

    Be honest, this icon does not look like someone who uses ranged attacks at all.#


    that icon is for the new warror espec I gave a name previously, 

    uses both hands, equally strong arms, 

    some ranged burst.

    • Confused 2
  6. 1 hour ago, yann.1946 said:

    I really am curious, take me through the logic why bannerslave is some counterexample of some sort.


    the words within bannerslave, banner and slave is pretty self explanatory.


    btw, where's the thing I asked

    the thing about "spellbreaker is designed for wvw"

    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    That doesn't make sense. Bannerslave is proof that people can't determine what role they fill in a team and choose an appropriate build to an espec to do that? You're going to have explain that with more that just blah blah.


    Actually, Your 'proof' supports what I'm telling you. Bannerslave is just an example of people deciding to make a build to provide offensive support. That's possible for all of especs to be chosen to have purpose in a team ... including the ones you mentioned.


    How am I wrong? How does your own provided proof not demonstrate the truth in what I'm saying?


    thanks for wall of text that has nothing in it.


    you asked where's the proof  I gave it.


    it's done.


  8. 57 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    No, that's just proof you are misinterpreting how the game has and was always intended to work. Especs DO have 'a role they fulfill' in every mode because nothing stops you from playing whatever you want in this game and fulfilling the role you made that build for. The game doesn't tell you your role by it's design of an encounter ... YOU do by how you create the builds you play. 


    Existence of bannerslaves is nothing more than proof that the game has meta; optimal builds that people play to obtain highest performance. That's always existed. That doesn't mean failure at all. That's what any intelligent player would expect in a multi-class game with such open-ended solutions to the PVE content. 


    So yeah, I do know what I'm talking about ... because the game has worked like that since the start. 


    no it's the proof, and exact proof that you are wrong, and you simply can't stay wrong. just blah blah.  

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  9. 1 minute ago, yann.1946 said:

    No not at all, spellbreaker for example was specifically designed to be strong in WvW. Their are specs which are superior for different gamemodes.


    well that's a really really important detail that I didn't know.

    share the source and/or an official statement about this cruicial knowledge please. 


    I searched for interviews, documentations, old forums new forums, I couldn't find Anet saying "we designed spellbreaker for wvw"




    On 7/30/2021 at 12:51 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

    That doesn't make sense. They are just different  flavours people can play. Where are these 'lineups' that say they are equally useful? 



    Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Developer Diary – Elite Specializations - YouTube



    they said they looked at 1v1s 5v5s, world bosses, game modes made sure all specializations have a place in every mode.


    they wanted to make players have overwhelming amout of choices with their classes.


    just the existance of the bannerslaves is a proof that they have failed.

    and you have no idea what you are talking about. 





    • Confused 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

    You guys want yet another melee bruiser spec, just with a fresh coat of paint on it? 

    What can this theoretical espec do that buffs to Berserker/Spellbreaker can't then? 



    only thing left to me is transforming into kung-fu panda, punch things,  leap tummy bomb,  f2 for rolling down the slope.

    switch back to banner berserker before raiding. 

  11. On 7/29/2021 at 4:10 PM, Touchme.1097 said:

    I am not a warrior main but I voted anyway because I would welcome a support warrior in my team. I know people who are tired of playing banner slave and a support warrior is something I allowed in my fractal games once despite the flaming that poor warrior had to experience from the other party members. I think warriors deserve more than just playing banner.


    21 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:


    Please, in the name of science, only vote if you main warrior.


    I'd value any experienced leader's vote in this matter as much as other warr mains, in the name of science. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, CasualElitist.8795 said:


    Wait, have you never done T4+cms fractals? Because they are exactly like raids - asking for kp, using dps meters and kicking people when they are underperforming. Fun and patient people? You can meet them in raids. Toxic people? You can meet them in fractals too, even more often than in raids. Same with strike missions. Just because you personally did not encounter them in any other content, it doesn't mean they don't exist. And just because you personally met some toxicity in raids (if you even raided and not just based your opinion on some reddit threads crying that raids are toxic and unaccessible to casuals), doesn't mean that most of raid playerbase is like that because it's not.


    Toxicity and unnaccessibility of raids is a myth, and everyone who put the smallest effort to actually try them out, so basically getting exotic gear with proper stats, good build and joined any raid training discord, can tell you this.


    Someone here earlier compared raid selling to drug dealing? It's more like a free market, you have a demand so you supply. You have people who can't be bothered to spend few hours per week actively playing and getting LI for legendary armor, but are willing to pay someone to carry them? Well then you also have people who will do that for you, for a price adequate to their experience and time needed to be spent on it. It's like, idk, some people grow carrots in their garden and some go buy them from the store. So I am not really sure how raid sellers are creating toxcity and elitism? They are not the ones kicking you from pugs when you don't pull your weight. And in case you don't know, it's not "raid" sellers, it's just sellers, as they sell every possible content in the game - dmrs, strikes, fractals, raids, story achievements, collections, skyscale material farming, wvw reward tracks....anything you can possibly imagine is sellable. People think it's only raid sellers because they usually advertise in raid lfg. But with raids gone, they will still be out there, selling other content. Noone is forced to buy so this whole hate on sellers is just hilarious.

    No, never really had any of these issues, in t4's and their cms. yeah you can find a dingus here and there, but not as often as raiding.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

    I know I'm not nor are the seller, that's why I precised buyers.
    rest is totally wrong, you cannot end elitism if you have content requiring more than auto attack in full minstrel. and gw alike most mmo has a good chunk failproof but also provide more for the player that want to improve their gameplay.
    Buy some players rather buy the success associated to hard content than improve their gameplay and that's what lead to dungeon/DRM/strike/raid/fractal/story success being sold

    Then are not aware what you are playing mate. they can end elitism by simply remove dps meters, banning any kind of 3rd party measurement addons, removing any ability to prove that you successfully completed an instance once, outlaw raid selling, quit bringing in more and more powercreep by orphaning the core classes to promote their elite specs and lastly, keeping raiding rewards at bare minimum.


    Fractals and the rest of the content don't really suffer these issues. People are fun, patient and respectful, I just love it. But when it comes to raiding... screams, stress, scoldings, fights, sarcasm, stupid meta arguments, firing people just because they failed to do x thing once or twice when the group has absolute power and ability to carry that person. These things never directed to me, but I had to witness this nonsense almost every time, dude if I wanted to have that stress, I'd go play a non casual friendly game not an easy game like gw2. 


    This is why I liked EoD offered no new raids so far and showed signs of improving strikes instead. Back to the time when the grass was greener. But they probably will, because meta nerds demand it. 


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  14. 13 minutes ago, Fangoth.4503 said:


    Are you calling buyers dog poop 😱 because at the end of the day the only reason for people to sell is that there is people that want to buy


    no you're not the reason nor the sellers are the reason. it'll be a little bit of an exaggeration but to me it's more like legalizing super addictive lethal drugs in a country (with right to advertise) just because some people are so desparete to use it.


    No, gw2 is the only game built around of ending the traditional end game elitisim. it has tons of inviting design elements to end loners. like no npc tagging, personalized and equally shared rewards, it doesn't even have a traditional group leader mechanism. these stuff are revolutionary. it's not exacly like the original guild wars too in this case, so raid selling is simply drug dealng in this most civilized mmorpg.  

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  15. the warrior's kismet dilemma, increase numbers by tiny bit, lucky hits start nearly one shotting squishy classes and if they keep as it is, it does meh damage if you're lucky enough to land your bursts, either way it's s**t. The issue is the options that core warrior has imo and they will never return back to rework the core. Since early days people were suggesting nice stuff like having an offhand weapon burst and 2nd burst for the 2h weapons to negate their issues with landing their bursts. then they nerfed having a full adrenaline bar out of combat and lost banner bundles when they should have been improved them. so keep your expectations low to stay happy.

  16. 6 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

    You apparently can not read what i said. 😛

    I never claimed whether it was okay or not. I responded to the specific claim that allowing the selling of runs was anet admitting they kittened up with raids. For that to be true they would have needed to change their stance, otherwise its just them being consistent with their prior policies.



    and I didn't directly made a counter argument to you, just elaborated the previous in general. take it as humour, not toxicity 🙂 cheers

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  17. On 7/27/2021 at 3:07 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

    Well, that seems unlikely, given that raids aren't designed to get specific especs favoured play or to give them 'a job'. 


    In the lineups, all cores and elites are supposed to have an equal chance to make themselves useful.

    That "design" has failed.




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