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Posts posted by artharon.9276

  1. On 7/10/2021 at 11:28 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    Then what are you asking for? What exactly is your point/wish here?


    So every time you buy anything from ingame npcs (or trade any ingame currency for anything else, which is still "buying"), you're absolutely shattered because you had to spend ingame currency for ingame stuff in an mmorpg? And if you're not then that makes you a "mobile games generation person that buys the reward"?  🤔  



    My point is, for the 100th time,  "buying a reward" makes no sense. This "reward" is a disgused gemstore item. After I said this 100 times, yet you still don't get it because now you're calling me that, surely clarifies that you have no idea what mobile game trends are and how a generation got poisoned by it. 



    On 7/11/2021 at 12:13 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

    Except there is no reason for the 'gov't to destroy this business practice. It's how lots of businesses work and it's not unreasoanble for them to do so. Businesses create content, people can buy it. That's true in an MMO, it's true of many industries. The premise that it's unreasonable for a business to sell you content or access to that content is absurd, so your view of what is happening here is making you look very entitled. 


    I honestly don't get what is enraging you here. Anet created content that they charge a price for. What is so unreasonable about that? 


    Govts don't need immidiate reasons. Parents and families do, more they know and raise voice about it,  more govt will see this as an issue and do something about it. Like how lootboxes the innocent "surprise mechanics according to EA ceo" are gambling now in the Europe.

    I'm not enraged, I'm just gathering feedback and content from people's reactions.


    On 7/11/2021 at 1:08 AM, Telgum.6071 said:

    What a cringe community. Anet is trying to make money, our governments shouldn't allow it.


    I knew the WvW subforum was ridiculous but this is too much.




    Everyone here that I see, doing their best to keep their inner rage as tamed as possible. But you're the first one to quote text with a screenshot.

    Don't forget to print that.


    On 7/11/2021 at 7:03 AM, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I'm definitely not a "mobile games generation person". I started playing games in the late 70s. Yet,  I'm perfectly fine with how this game handles things, because I bring my own sensibilities to it and stick with them. You can do that. One of my gaming principles is to never pay real money for anything in-game related. Not because I'm cheap, but because I strongly feel that buying your way defeats the purpose of gaming as I've been doing for over 4 decades. I've never spent a penny on this game other than to buy the base game and its expansions.


    This reward track is the same as anything else in the game: gather resources, spend resources, receive benefit. I don't see even a hint of a problem. Any real non-"mobile games generation person" shouldn't have a problem. So what is your actual problem? Too much effort earning 200 gold?






    Mad respect. because you're not paying for microtransactions. 200g is nothing to me, admittedly, I've given 110 quids to anet once to buy a legendary for my wife. My problem is the gaming companies acting like lobbyists and washing consumers' brains with ideas like "buying a reward is ok"  thanks to the magic of marketing. When people come to me with arguments like "Anet has to make some money they are not making enough money"  I mean, their CEO's net worth is almost as much as Ubisoft's budget.


    It's hard to compare GW2 with games like m.u.d, surely how the games made and sold is different today but the market is the same. So., a question, as a person who experienced that era better than me, can you compare the video game crash of 1983 with the events going on in the gaming industry's last 15 years? Don't you think the events are somewhat similar but suppressed?


    8 hours ago, littlekenny.5901 said:

    WvW players don't get much gold but PvE players do.

    WvW players get lots of badges of honor but PvE players don't.

    Why not make a WvW reward track cost more badges of honor and less gold?



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  2. 10 hours ago, Jilora.9524 said:

    Stop obsessing over the word "reward". The reward traks are just extra stuff you get from playing certain modes to give you extra gold per hour because pvp and wvw aren't equal to gold per hour of pve. This "reward" trak is "optional" and I was the only one to give you a decent non-bully answer and you still were a miserable person replying so I'll just block you cause reading the "I'm going to play victim" but at the same time be completely rude and condescending to every single reply like somehow you are undeniably right. The "reward" in the title of the "optional trak" is not some kind of anet prey tactic to trick everyone but you. You look at the price and decide if you would like that skin or not. Simple.


    not obessed around reward "traks" 

    I'm obsessed with people blindly defend the idead of buying a reward.

    Block me as you like, good for you, denial is the first step for the redemption. 

    • Sad 2
  3. 7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Who ever said you'll get a free mount skin that somehow you tricked yourself into thinking they owed you one?

    Never really asked anything to be free. And yes, you pay money for games and games reward you that's my expectation as a normal person. But I believe as a mobile games generation person buying a reward is perfectly fine by you. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    There isn't any logic to fight ... Anet can introduce new content at whatever cost they want and you can earn rewards from it. It's a standard approach to ... anything. Calling this false advertising is absurd. 


    Agreed on disagreement. Buying a reward for 200g is ok for you and it's ok, I totally understand your view, budget, probably have more time or time efficency or maybe a better group to see the pricetag cheap too. But, this is a disguised gemstore wvw pack for me. I don't remember paying extra for pvp related rewards in any other no p2w mmo. Even lotro, an agressively monetized game, has red lines when it comes to rewarding pvp. You can't buy rank 9 black horse for instance, you have to earn it. 


    No matter what, a reward isn't a reward when it's sold. It doesn't work that way. 

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    8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


    I give my respects.

    Going to all of that effort to proof me wrong.


    Btw, when the 200g are that much of a problem, i can give it.

    You are an absolute legend. No need mate thanks. It's like your favourite football club wins a world cup but then the authorities say you can only get this reward by buying it. I'm here to fight against this logic. False adverts. 😄




    1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Hi there.





    One way or another, nobody forces anyone to spend any gold. You don't think it's worth it? Then don't buy it.

    Bla bla bla? Bla bla. Ok buddy, I don't feel forced thanks though.


    2 hours ago, Jilora.9524 said:

    I actually agree. I'd rather a new thread then an old one where I'd have to read 100 comments before getting to the recent and if I didn't notice I might reply to a year old comment and that person would be like wtf. 

    When anet says duplicates it probably meant within days and weeks of each other to not clog up the forums like the ember bay JP popped up 4 times or more this week but some members are always " this topic was discussed before" "use the search feature" etc. So then you try and search and reply and get banged by others for necroing. Typically with necroing at least noone reports you just look at it and go why this dude reply to a 2 year old post but with duplicates they report you then your thread gets merged with a 2 year old post anyway defeating the purpose.

    That bothers me more because maybe not everyone was around 2 years ago and may want to discuss this topic because to them it's the first time.


    I'm sorry I forgot people can't focus and read anything these days.

    Anet really should find a way to transfer forums' content to Instagram asap. 



    2 hours ago, Jilora.9524 said:

    Btw the reason it's 200g is you get a Warclaw skin plus maybe 80g back and other rewards. Most basic mount skins will run you 400 gems so getting this for like 120g is less and totally optional. I did it and prefer this skin to the original but others might not or would actually spend more like some premium mount skins are 2000 gems and I only get those if I get lucky from a BL key.



    That's ok, I trust the calculation is perfect. And the math renders Anets innocent. 


    Let me "necro" another topic of another game. ESO's orsinium DLC. They said there will be a bear mount reward, published screenshots, talked about it, then the DLC delayed a little bit. After it's released, we found that our bear mounts are in the cash store exclusive mounts section.


    What Anet does is nothing compared to what Zenimax did, at least it's not a PR disaster but it's exact same thing.

    Designed content to reward players, then a marketing genius found a way to exploit the weaknesses of gamers so they can cut more game content that you already purchased, and sell it again to you. ka-ching. 









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  6. 23 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    There isn't any bullying here. If you don't want to pay, you don't get to unlock. That's not a problem; players get choices, heaps of them. The unlock cost is there to ensure the value of mount skins in the GS remains relevant. I'm sure your narrowminded view regards that as unreasonable ... I'm also sure how you regard Anet's business practices has no relation to what is actually happening and why. 


    I remember facing the exact same attitude like yours before, like people called me narrow-minded beacuse I defended against p2w and illicit business practices of another game 10+ years ago, and here we are. I'll just print what you wrote here and frame it, hang it on my wall and laugh at it daily as soon as game consumers get solid protection against these brainwashing business practices by the govt. Until then, yeah selling a reward is totally fine in a game you can convert real money to in game currency. It's perfectly fine to pay £10 for a mount skin. Which is actually a reward. But you pay for it. But again it's a reward. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:



    Its ok for you to complain about this topic.


    Its NOT ok to necro post an almost 500 days old topic.


    Next time, dont be lazy and create new post.

    Guild Wars 2 Official Forums: Code of Conduct (“Forums Code of Conduct”) | GuildWars2.com

    Creating Duplicate Threads / Cross posting
    repeat an existing topic in the same forum or a different subforum; please use the “Search” feature
    repost a thread about the same topic after a thread is locked


    And where this rule is written exacly?

    Nowhere.  I "necro" whatever I want. Sorry won't participate trends culture. On the conterary, bullying poeple in forums by saying "you necro it bla bla"  is going out of rules. Stay on topic they say.

    So stay on topic shall we? Which is a reward that you pay 200 golds to obtain. 



    • Sad 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Pretty sure it's irrelevant what it's called. If you don't want it, don't unlock it. There isn't a problem here. 


    3 hours ago, Patxi.9437 said:

    If you can't make 200g in the game in its current state, then you are just by playing the game wrong. Maybe you are just too new.


    3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


    Maybe. But 498 days is a long time.



    Dear knights, no matter what you say, or try to bully me to not to remind people this topic,  "You can't call something a reward when you sell it" this stands still as a fact. Meh, talk down on me by saying "if you can't make 200g bla bla" my virtual elitist, again, apples are apples, pears are pears, and it's not a reward if you're selling it.

    • Confused 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    You should change your profile picture to a Necro Icon.


    I rarely see such Necro Post power.

    And you should change your profile pic with a fish if there's any.

    They are blessed with short memory.

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  10. I don't see how switching the engine would improve the game. I saw the ray-tracing results, tested it in VR mode. not really satisfying. and even if they ever really need to upgrade the engine, I think NCsoft and their enormous budget, which is billions of dollars, should be used for that, not donations.

    • Like 1
  11. To me the warrior's most unique thing is the battle standard elite skill. I remember finishing off multiple opponents while revivng team mates simultanously and instantly, when done right it's pretty nice, but not like mesmer's teleports and clones. I think nothing that a gw2 class can offer is more unique than those. I don't see too many Eles around doing it but I really love their conjured weapons. Banners supposed to be somewhat similar to conjured weapons, but our amazing dev team removed banner skills instead of improving them. 


    what else I can say, warrior's most unique thing is some skills are designed to kitten yourself up. like headbutt to stun yourself. or natural healing to remove your own boons. and in pvp, we have 2h hammers. deals 0 damage. and you may see the number "zero" on screen to make sure you understand you are useless. 

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  12. 5 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:


    I can't wait for them to become turret-tier, not like anyone likes AI anyways.


    Look, most of the content in that "leak" is made from suggestions made on the forum/reddit, some of them are almost copy-pasted.

    If you have time please debunk it in the reddit showing people the sources of original ideas stolen from gw2 forums. I personally, really need to see it because I have other dreams for the warrior. not just a simple healer build with staff. I want it to be like LotrO's captain. a true support class with pets  😞

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  13. 2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    I really doubt that those "leaks" are real.

    I don't think Warrior is getting a third weapon swap, or an even faster weapon swap.


    Check the previous leak out 

    What might come in Expansion 2 : Guildwars2 (reddit.com)

    both old leaks and new leaks are too normal or dare I say "boring" to be fake. 

    Previously class names, map info, and unfortunately story partially got leaked and spoiled. Nobody wants that.

    If Anet step up right now and just spoil the next elite spec for us. That'd be great and it's a healthy way to build hype.

    What if this entire leak situation is actually proceeding as how Anet wanted?  



    guardian gets sets of creative skills

    engi gets cool contructs

    ele gets shadowy clones

    so on...

    and warrior gets a boring second hand nonsense.

    that's why to me that leak make sense.

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  14. 1 minute ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    Well you got me for sure. I've seen weird stuff on the forum. Sorry for jumping the gun lmao! 


    I tried to make a Might share Zerker once and it proved quite the fruitless effort... 

    Sorry man, my fav. class got neglected by Anet for far too long, I really just hang around here, goofing and protesting. there's nothing more left that one man can do. lol


    If these end of dragon leaks and rumours are true, (unpopular opinion but most of the things the guy wrote made sense to me),  we'll be getting a nice support build soon anyway.

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  15. 48 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    kitten am I not seeing those busted Zerkers in all comps in MATs or as top DPS support options in wvw Zergs.. 


    In PvE maybe they are good. Every class can be good there. The warriors cannot be replaced in raids cause of the banners. Might? Druid. Heals? Tempest. Other offensive boons? Herald (although less popular than Renegade). CC? Nothing a necro can't do. 


    Team fighter Zerker in pvp is a genuinely plausible option. But once you run out of shouts (why not go healbreaker anyway), you are essentially food for any enemy. Outside of Berserk? Good luck getting no heals and no might from Tactics or Defense. In Berserk? Enjoy the toughness penalty and even if you spec for it, may as well for RR and switch from the role of a team fighter to solo, since you are bloated with defenses and may hit like a noodle against anyone who knows how to dodge Arc Divider and has protection. 


    Nothing op about it aside from busted primal burst dmg in specific meme builds. 


    Do share the viable support berserker for competitive though. I'd love to use it in PvP or WvW. 

    Did I really sound that serious? wth is a support zerker lol

    • Confused 1
  16. On 6/5/2021 at 5:33 AM, felix.2386 said:

    Berserker has been in a great place with strong support, power, and condition builds that are successful in all content.

    - Anet 29th April 2021.

    Berserker's support is the best this game offers. I'm sharing boons and heals like free candy and my banners? are you kidding me. They're OP asf. 

    • Confused 1
  17. 1 hour ago, lokh.2695 said:

    Of course it's not. I'm not working there nor am I a shareholder of any of the involved companies. But if you ask me, in a world where resources are limited, should ANet

    1)introduce a new minigame, a new system, a new mechanic or

    2) improve on existing feautures, I'd go for the latter. GW2 already has a lot of systems, minigames, activities, generally "things to do". I've been playing since launch, amassed over 40k AP, crafted many a legendary and did pretty stupid and minboggling things to get there and I still find things to do. Given, not as much as six years ago, but that's just natural as I, and many others I guess, clear content faster than it is released(which I'm not critizising, I'm very well aware that I am not part of the majority of players on this one). So, does this game NEED an autoplay minigame for minis? Hard no. There are other games out there that scratch that itch, so it's not like "if GW2 doesn't do it, who will?" And the game we are talking about, GW2, already has so much to do, that even the devs seem to keep having problems keeping up, so why bog it down with yet another system.


    I agree with most of the things you say. I'll be honest, I really really don't care about their limited resources. According to Google Kim taek-jin the ceo of ncsoft's net worth is 2.6 billion US dollars. Sorry I will never ever give 2 beeps abot their "limited" resources as long as they limit their resources to make one guy stupid rich.

  18. Hi, I just spoke with the resource manager of the company and said it's none of your business. 

    jk ofc I didn't.


    ESO's latest expansion's introduced a really nice companion system.  If we ever have something similarly nice like that in the future,

    I'm up for it. 






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