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Posts posted by artharon.9276

  1. I have the same issue, can't really land anything properly when I'm on the warrior. While I was expecting more performance issues after I moved from eu to na server, (but still living in the UK) ironically this happened less. That's all I can say about it. Oh and the other thing was happening to me, people were able to evade bulls charge with a simple jump if the skill was used while standing on uneven ground. Dunno if this is still a thing, probably is.

    • Confused 1
  2. The damage role of this espec is inclined to pve imo but it's my assumption, I didn't have a lot of time to test in pvp and wvw scenarios properly.  


    Speaking of pve, damage was just fine, mobility is great, that barrier type skills were totally unccessary and needs some change, but what really impressed me the most is after spending time with my shout heals build with monk/harrier gear, I can only say thanks Anet. It was spot on I had a blast for the first time ever keeping the group supported nicely.


    I disagree with people saying sit 2 minutes charging f2 skills is boring or weak. No it's not, it takes some time to get used to blinking here to there to avoid harm while charging. So I find it quite challenging, and to me that's great to have that option. I find it really interesting, please don't change that. 



    Please give some stuff we lost with banner bundles nerf back, like adding f3 bundles for support. It's ok if it's going to be weaker than others support. Or completely lacks mobilty in order to apply buffs.

    Let us sheathe the gunblade. It looks awkward after the fight is over.




    • Confused 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:


    Pretty fun build but with all respect, it's just fun. Surely it'll be a great option if someone actually works on the pvp class balance some day. Pretty close to the build that I wanted to have. a power biased condi hybrid. Rifle and sword/shield for disengaging, defence and ranged burst. Guess that won't ever happen.


    When rifle is used by the warrior, you can have that WW1 or american civil war era feeling, or whatever 1880-1910 war story you can relate. It's rare for an mmorpg to have that, what a waste. 

  4. 17 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

    But I already included it in the quoted section.
    Kit swaps would have a cool down of 7s going into them and coming out of them but could be traited with fast hands to make the swap in and out faster.

    Imo yeah, I'm with you, it'd be great to have anything different and interesting at this point, but until now warrs get nothing that would make anet to spend more than 3 months of work for it. They'll just copy paste the core story rytlock's off hand pistol and call it a day.

    • Confused 1
  5. On 8/18/2021 at 7:22 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

    New pistol support  abilities:


    Commanding Presence - Threaten your party you will shoot them if they don't obey orders. Your party gains stability, fury and might.


    Lead by Example - Shoot a member of your party as an example to the rest, to know what happens when they don't obey orders. The chosen party members dies instantly (no downed state). The rest of your party (you excluded) gain every boon for 20 seconds. (in case you can't tell this will be the elite skill, don't want war to be too OP)


    it would be really funny if they actually let you shoot your party members that don't obey you

  6. On 8/25/2021 at 7:55 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Kodama would rage quit GW2 immediately. 



    On 8/25/2021 at 7:44 PM, Smoosh.2718 said:

    Just had a thought for the name for the warrior elite spec along with a posibility:

    The 'Armourer'

    Loses access to their 2nd weapon set but gains kits with a weapon swap cooldown timer (can be traited with fast hands to lower their down time to 5s). Kits could include weapons that have never been in the game, spears, greataxes, rocket launchers, shotguns, kick/punching kit miniguns ect.

    The spec would have to have a heavy focus on supporting allies while also providing damage trait options for their kits and weapons. Support wise, imagine the warrior dropped a limited use weapon for an ally to pick up as well when they activate the weapon kit when traited. This would allow allies to pick up weapons to use in combat to fight or to to support i.e. healing/barrier/protection/regeneration/condi cleansing ect ect.


    This in turn would create a total of 45 new skills to play with.


    I doubt this is what they have gone with but would be quite interesting if they did. (This also means you spear fan boiis would also get your wish of having a spear! Or monk like attacks using kicks and punches (not like rampage, normal tuned attacks that can be used like a normal rotation on a weapon)).

    this would require some trait rework though. there are some stuff tied to our weapon swap. 

  7. 13 hours ago, Shikaru.7618 said:

    One definitely does not need to die for the other to exist. There's nothing stopping you from forming chill raid groups. Trust me, elitist raiders will avoid these groups like the plague and you won't have any problems with screaming or kicking. I don't want to play with open worlders in my groups nor will I seek out a group of open worlders to join. There's no problem here other than your own lack of initiative to open your own squad in lfg.


    Here's another dose of reality for you. Just because there's no dps meter does not change the fact that your dps/healing/boon uptime is low. You are doing sub 10k whether you measure it or not. The question is do you want to disband the entire squad because you don't know who it is, or be able to kick the problem child and re lfg to find someone who can actually do the role. People need to stop fearing objective data.


    I personally got no issues with dps or playing the role I picked to perform nor need to use a dps meter to detect who is sabotaging the content I play as a group. You underestimate a group of people live in the internet just to act like what they are not. Correct me if I'm wrong, as far as I know this game's  designed just for good vibes, nice visuals and  "oh wow did you see that" "awww so cute" moments. There's absolutely no conceptional connection between what we have in the raiding world, (kps, selling raids, benchmarking, picking the guy performing 5 percent better than another) with the rest of the game. I don't know a legit way to keep the casual majority and the virtual monarchs happy. Only solution is getting rid of everything that makes this game unfriendly to casuals.


    Gw2 should go back to its roots. From marketing to gameplay, friendly group content to itemization,  polar opposite of  world of warcraft. And I'll be glad to hear if raiding simply dies out or changes dramatically. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:

    I think this thought process is funny. 


    If you remove elitists.... nothing will change for casuals since those 2 groups dont want to interact together


    This is how anet should proceed, ditch the  benchmarker, bring in visa and mastercard.

    Funny thing is this is exactly how you said, read what you wrote. these 2 groups indeed don't want to interact, one must die for another to survive, it would be stupid to think otherwise. Don't get me wrong  I'm not calling you stupid, it's just not too smart. 

    • Confused 3
  9. 29 minutes ago, ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:

    If you ban this, people will just stop doing raids.

    You cancalculate dps on a golem based on the time it took you to kill it... with stopwatch.


    You calculate boon uptimes from recordings

    And your dps in a fight also from recording.

    You cannot ban a program that is running on your pc while gw2 is active if it doesnt interact with gw2 code. 

    And all the information is visible on the screen


    So if this happens.... "elitists" will just use these methods.


    I think you are naive.

    But I never could understand players thqt think someone should play only their way.


    If you dont want to play with elitist.... then dont. There should be alot others like you...


    And if you cannot find them, then maybe most of the players interested in raids are elitists. 

    And why should the majority play the way the minority wants


    yeah some people will quit, then will be replaced by more people playing raids. 

    • Confused 1
  10. On 8/16/2021 at 7:28 AM, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

    That would be interesting if we got the animal mask type icon. If warrior class got a pet, I'd be so amused and intrigued that I would forget what I initially wanted from the espec. I remember someone saying that we might get pirate class because of boats and I feel the same way in that. I would be so intrigued and amused about being a pirate that I would be accepting of it.


    This is entertainment at the end of the day. Winning in PVP and WvW would be have to take a backseat while I have fun with a weird and interesting espec if given one.


    yeah, a pirate concept would be nice, probably would go to thieves though. I'd be amazed if that's the icon. But I fear if they ever give us an animal icon that'd be a mule not a cool feline 😛  I mean look at the bullet icon, the one that people believe we'll get. It already looks like a vibrating toy for adults penetrating something. 

    • Haha 1
  11. idk really, I wouldn't be surprised if they give the bullet icon so my vote goes to that but,

    looking at 3 espec icons, they are already weird. guard gets a thief like icon, mesmer gets an icon that kinda fits to rangers, necro gets an icon that fits engineers better. so it could be that feline shape or I can even say it could be the rev icon which is not really far fetched at this point. we'll never know before they reveal.

  12. ofc they have passion for the warriors.


    remember this amazing wild blow anumation they presented before heart of thorns?


    here take a look image

    and don't forget the spellbreaker, a warrior with a mesmers resused animations.... I mean a warrior with a mesmer's touch. yeah right.

    if they don't make a bespoke espec for the warriors with great usefulness and beautiful animations this time, I'll scream like ramsay. 


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  13. it should be support, sb is tanky with nice debuffs zerker is smash smash with proper condi builds,


    my only concern is the weapon we'll get. imo you can't really have a meaningful support build without having access to regens and water fields,


    I think they'll give us water guns. 


    here is my espec theme's weapon design expectation



    • Haha 1

    On 8/2/2021 at 5:03 PM, rylien.3824 said:

    I just realized when digging around the Guild Wars Wiki that the Elementalist logo was similar to the Elementalist Elite Specialization ! Look !




    I don't know why, but I just thought of something, like a feeling or an intuition that an "Arcanist" is going to have. 


    check this out


    Dirge_of_Balthazar.png (128×128) (guildwars2.com)

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